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Pete's Contest Prep- OCB Midatlantic Classic



Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Hey Cork,

Thanks a lot brother! I see your from Delaware? It's good to see the tri-state area representing on these boards! NABBA shows are pretty small, not well advertised, and not run too well. They played the music from a small boombox at the last show I did, and it totally screwed up my routine. Sooo Frustrating.
Anyway, yea this OCB show looks so professionally done, I can't wait.
Have you competed in this show before? I bought last years DVD just to study the way the show is run, the level of competition, etc.
Any plans to compete this summer??


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
I have never done that show before. I did the Eastern Seaboard States last year and I was going to do it again this year (June 19th) but I F'ed up my prep badly and got too far behind. I'm holding steady at where I am now and I'm going to do the Tri Ctiy Classic on October 2nd down in Dover. Competition at the OCB shows is pretty good. I have yet to nail my conditioning to be a contender, but you should be up against some great guys considering it's a pro qualifier.

If you wanted to try and hit up more shows, the USBF is another tested federation that isn't run too badly, with a lot of shows in this area. The crowds at the USBF shows are phenomenal but the guy who coordinates the shows is a total dickhead. So I'm always on the fence if I want to compete in the USBF again.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Hey guys,

I've been pretty busy with my part time job, school, and training. Plus it was just memorial day weekend, so i was busy with doing stuff for that. This week is week 10 at my school, the week before finals, so I've been doing a lot of homework, studying, and wrapping up 2 different group presentations.

I havent been slacking on my diet or training at all, but I was not able to take pics this week. Last week, I didn't lose enough weight, so Layne increased my cardio, and decreased my carbs a fair amount.

I really feel like this needed to be done, because the last time I dieted for a show, my carbs were under 200 for almost the entire time. Granted, I dieted for about 10 weeks last time and lost a bit of muscle. This time around I'm dieting for 20, and i have more muscle on me. But still, I feel like since, Im getting close to the half way mark of the diet, I needed a more aggressive approach. I'm getting leaner, but I'm still no where near that dry grainy look which I so desperately want. Really lean will get me a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th spot. I need Dry, Ripped, Grainy, and hard for 1st. I know that.

After taking away more carbs, and increasing the cardio, my metabolism has already reacted quickly and I can see changes in my body.
Last Saturday, my weight was 215.0, This morning (Wednesday) my weight was 213.2. I'd like to get just a bit under 213 by Saturday.

I know I shouldnt put so much emphasis on my weight, but I'm pretty stoked about it right now. Last time I dieted, I started at 205 pounds. I've been dieting for almost 8 weeks, and I'm 8 pounds heavier! I'm bigger and harder then I was last time I dieted, so i know i'm on track to bringing a much better package to the stage this time around.

1st place in Novice Class
Top 3 in Open class

Also, I don't know if I've mentioned this in the thread, but on September 25th NABBA is doing a show which I'm interested in doing.
I'll have a whole month after the OCB show to prep for it. Hopefully I'm shredded for the OCB show, but in the horrible case that I'm not, the extra time for the NABBA show will help me obtain that conditioning.

Goals for NABBA show:
1st in Novice Class
Top 3 in Open Class

My mindset HAS to be about the OCB show. The NABBA show would be great to do if my body isnt too run down by that point, but all my focus has to go to the OCB show. I can't have the mentality to say, well, I can use the OCB show as a warm up, and then try my best for the NABBA show. No. That will not do. The NABBA show is just for fun. The OCB show actually matters because its my future in the natural circuit. I'm going to be a natural bber for life, and if I want to get a pro card, and see how close I am to achieving that goal, I need to put all my efforts into this show.

I'll most definitely, have pics up this Saturday or Sunday. There should be some good progress in those pics because there will be a 2 week gap between them and the past ones. Probably the difference of 3-4 pounds.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
^^ Great read. I'm glad you have things very clear in your mind.

I'll keep folowing this, mate. Good luck.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Thank you for taking the time to read it mvsf1!

I feel like I get a little long winded sometimes. It's mostly a rambling type writing session for me, but it feels like meditation to express everything that's going on in my head for the prep. This all means a lot to me, so i have to keep my head straight!


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Anything you want to write, I'll read. I really like reading the log of someone else who has such similar goals as myself. Coming in heavier is always a plus, especially if you are still on track with your conditioning.

10 weeks to go, it's a very good self evaluation of where your diet should be. Under 200g I think would be the norm for someone who will be weighing in under 190-200lbs for the contest. With Layne in your corner I hope you hit your goals.


Team Winklaar
Aug 10, 2006
great read pete. Its inspiring to know your committed to being a natty for life. much more motivating for me personally to follow your log when your so committed to staying natural as well. Natural revolution for the win.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Cork, thanks again buddy. I know what you mean, having someone with similar goals to yourself is kind of like having an online training partner! I hope some day we can compete against eachother, that would be so great. The Mecca would love that. I have 12 weeks to go right now, and like you said, I probably will be just under 200 pounds, or just a bit over 190. Time is still on my side, but yea I do trust Layne and myself to get where I need to be. Thanks for keeping along, its great to have your support.

Pickle! My Natty brother!! Us natties have to stick together. everyone here on the Mecca all have common goals of better aesthetics, musculature, power lifting, bodybuilding, etc. But you and I and all the other natties do have somewhat of a different path with no drugs involved. I'm really glad I can be a source of motivation for you. You coming to my thread and supporting me, is a huge motivation to me too! It's great to see that a bodybuilding forum can have such positive energy in it. I'm going to do the best I can in bodybuilding, for as long as I can, drugfree. And I'm going to do my best to stay part of the Mecca, and make everyone here proud. Thanks again for keeping up with me bro, pictures and another update will be coming in a few days.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Cork, thanks again buddy. I know what you mean, having someone with similar goals to yourself is kind of like having an online training partner! I hope some day we can compete against eachother, that would be so great. The Mecca would love that..

You can count on it. You'll probably whoop my ass, but it'll be fun nonetheless. Where do you live? Is a show in DE too far? There is one held in June every year that is in the Wilmington/Newark, DE area. There is also one in April that is up in Burlington. At least I think that one is April, maybe March. Both are OCB.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Whether you win, or I win, we will both push and support each other every step of the way through the Mecca!

I live in Philly, so no, Delaware isn't too far at all. I already have my shows planned this summer, the OCB midatlantic (12 weeks) in Burlington, NJ. And then a NABBA show on Sep. 25 (16 weeks) which is in elizabethtown PA I believe.

If those Shows happen again in two years I'll probably do both. I'm not going to compete next year just cause I already committed to these contests, and then I need to have a long productive off season! So yea, in two years, I'll definitely keep tabs on those two shows, I like that they're close to Philly, and the timing is within a month of eachother so I can peak for both.

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Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
8 weeks down, 12 to go!!

First off, its been two weeks since I last posted pictures, so hopefully you guys see some changes in my physique, as I do. Like I mentioned before, last saturday Layne cut some of my carbs and increased my cardio. The cut in carbs hasn't really bothered me much at all, but the increased cardio is kind of a bitch. my mind and body is adjusting to doing the extra cardio though, so I should really stop complaining.
In fact, I've learned to have gratitude towards the pain im going through. Going through some pain on the eliptical, running sprints, lifting, eating vegetables, it makes me know im chasing my dream, and getting that much closer to achieving it.
If contest prep was easy, more people would do it, and the people that did do it, would look amazing every time. I embrace these new challenges because I know if I conquer them, I will have self validation like never before.
Ever since I left the stage in the summer of '08 I've been thinking about improving, coming back bigger, stronger, harder, more ripped.
If I see my obstacles right in front of me, should I complain?
FUCK NO. I should have a smile on my face, every single morning I can wake up healthy and happy and able to accomplish my goals. I have the opportunity to become more confident, proud, self established, self identified, etc. And that makes me exuberant.
There are so many people that don't have the gifts I have in my life.
A support system, money to buy food, supplements, a coach, show supplies, a great job to make money to afford these things, a loving girlfriend, an area that hosts bodybuilding shows, friends to train with, friends to do the prep with, SO MANY things to be thankful for I can go on and on.
These aspects all make it possible for me to do what I want that makes me happy. If I don't give it everything I have in this prep, why even bother?
If I finish this prep, and say, I could have trained harder, I could have dieted stricter, I should have prioritized my time better, etc. Then I'll be left with what If's, and an emptiness, that will haunt me until the next time I compete.
Every time someone asks me about how I did, I won't feel good about my answer, no matter what I tell them. I want to finish this prep, and know that I gave it my all, no matter what the outcome.
My goal is gold, but my dream is to be self assured in myself that I know I can accomplish this enduring task of repetition, discipline, strength, endurance, and self discovery.

Attached are some pics I took about an hour ago.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
2nd set..


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
Your conditioning is improving. Your midsection looks tighter to me and if you were worried about this: your legs look as big as 2-3 weeks ago. Good job.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Yea honestly, the conditioning has been coming in very slowly, but surely, and as a result I dont think I've lost much size at all. I agree with you, when I look at the pics, the first thing I notice is my waist getting tighter. I dont think my legs have lost much size to them. I'm sure they've gotten smaller (they had to have with all the fat they lost), but I think I've retained almost all the muscle on them.

Little update;
After I made my post last night, I examined my pictures and my progression closely. I could see visible changes, but in my opinion I dont think its been rapid enough to be ripped for the show. I think at this rate I can be in good shape, but not SHREDDED.
In my opinion, I think I'll have to have a bit of my carbs depleted each week. Right now on normal days I have 200 grams of carbs, and on high days I have 290. I think if I drop 10-15 grams each week from here on out, I'll get into that shape I want to. If I do that consistently, I may have under 100 grams in a day, but I really dont care. I'll do whatever it takes. Also, when I did my diet for myself two years ago, I went under 100 grams for atleast 2 weeks or so. This might have been a little too progressive, as I think I lost a little bit of size, and made me pretty flat. But it got me in good shape.

Long story short: If I want to get shredded, I think im going to have to lower the carbs more each week.


Team Winklaar
Aug 10, 2006
hey bro, whats layne think about you dropping your carbs even more? be careful man like u said u dont want to lose muscle or look flat.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Yo Pickle, I'm not dropping my carbs, or adjusting anything unless Layne says so. I brought up how I feel to him in terms of being on time for the contest. But he knows what to do. He's worked with so many clients, I'm sure he has a good grasp on where I should be at in terms of timing to peak for the contest.
I have total trust in him, but im not going to blindly follow a trainer in that, I evaluate everything for myself as to what I'm doing.
I don't plan on hiring a trainer every time I contest diet. I just wanted to this time so I could see what a pro athlete with great credentials in clientele, would do. Having a trainer has been a learning experience for me, but it also has been relaxing because, I KNOW that I'm willing to put all my trust in him.
If I were doing my own prep right now, i might have hastily pulled some of my carbs away today, but Layne has me waiting until Tuesday to see what happens with my body until then. Which is probably the smart thing to do. It's much better to pull yours carbs a little later, rather then sooner. I rather take the fat burning process slowly and not lose any muscle, rather then trying to go fast and losing a lot of strength and muscle.
This is probably why Natural athletes diet for so long. Everything needs to be very gradual, in order not to lose any muscle.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Hey guys,

I'm about 10.5 weeks out now. I didn't update on Saturday like i usually do because I was traveling (7 hours) to cape cod. I'm currently on vacation there, and really enjoying the break from school and work. Every year I come here in the summer for week inbetween the Spring and Summer term at Drexel University.

Fat loss went well last week, but it was starting to stagnate the last few days. So Layne pulled 10 carbs out of my diet from my high carb days, and also my low carb days.

I've been training non stop for the last few months, and seeing as I'm about half way through my prep I figured this would be a good time to take a few days off from lifting. I'm still staying on my diet and cardio, and also just staying very active. But I didn't like on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or Today. It has given my body a really good rest, without sacrificing any fat loss goals. Tomorrow I will do a upper body power split, and Thursday I will do a lower body power split.

Before I left for the cape I weighed in at 211. I hope when I get home on Saturday my weight will be around 209. I took some pictureds the night before I left, but I didnt have enough time to upload them onto the journal. So by this saturday or Sunday, I will update with two sets of pictures. Should be pretty cool to have the pictures lined up next to eachother! I'm definitely seeing some changes happening, and I'm really excited for the show.

I have a few more days left of vacation, so im going to enjoy it to the fullest while keeping my goals in mind at all times. Its been tough being around my extended family when they make enormous family dinners with pasta, meatballs, etc.

However, my Dad and my uncles have been catching striped bass, and blue fish everynight, so I've been getting my fill on that!!


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
^^ Glad you are enjoying your vacation/off days and I'm looking forward for your pics!


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2008
Hey guys,

I'm back from vacation at Cape Cod! The week away from the urban scene in Philadelphia, work, classes, tests, and the gym really felt good. All of those things, I am very thankful for, but to get away from it all makes you appreciate them that much more.
I feel rested, recharged, and ready to tackle this last half of the prep!!

Some side notes:

Diet: I kept up with my diet the entire time, however did not have a scale to weigh myself, because the scale I use on a daily basis, is my girlfriend's roomate scale. So I couldn't just take it with me for a week. Hopefully when I weigh in tomorrow, I will have lost the weight I needed. Also, I TOTALLY forgot to bring my food scale!!! However, after weighing my food for the last 10 weeks, I felt very confident in eye balling all my food. About half of my food was prepackaged stuff, so I wouldn't have to use the scale even if I had it. I think I'll be fine in that aspect. Also, my dad caught fish every day, so I was chomping on striped bass, and blue fish every night! He also caught lobster, but I didn't eat any of it, because I honestly dont like it unless its drenched in butter lol.

Conditioning: I feel like I definitely look leaner in the mirror. I took some pictures last Friday night before I left, and I'll update them shortly so you all can see them. I'll take pictures tomorrow as well, so you can see the differences between the weeks.

Training: I didn't go to a gym while I was in cape cod. However, I was able to do cardio, because Im not a slave to an eliptical, tredmill, etc. lol. I did a lot of walking, jogging, climbing, rowing kayaks, etc. Doing HIIT on the kayak was awesome! I did one upper body power day on my own, doing handstand pushups, incline pushups, triangle pushups, chin ups, and pullups. This was a great workout that I was able to do on the deck of the cottage complex I was staying at. I got a great pump, and every exercise was executed really well. I'm actually sore from it! My leg sessions consisted of one legged squats (pistol squats), sissy squats, extremely slow squats (15 second reps!), glute ham raises, and calf raises (done very slowly). The pistol squats, and sissy squats were very taxing on my knees, as they popped loudly each rep. I only did about 2 sets of each. However, I did 4 sets of all the other exercises, so it worked out well. It was refreshing doing something in the comfort of a vacation cottage! I saved money for gym membership, and still got two good workouts!

Overall: I think the trip went very well. The real deciding factor will be if I lost the necessary weight (weigh in tomorrow morning) and if I look visibly leaner in the pics!

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