I am god.
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i was gonna post replies in that thread.... then i realised i was banned
Why? You have absolutely no reason as to why you shouldn't be on it.
does need to end like that dude, dont act like your 10, when someone confronts you face it like a man, dont just say "ok i wont post any pics for the next 8 weeks" cause thats not what we are saying, c'mon man act your age.
i don´t see the point posting another set of pics when i get the same responses, aka your chest is weak and you should quit and stupid shit like that
take a stroll into my pre contest log and browse around max, you will notice i recieved comments such like;
"You need more upper chest"
"You seem to look really flat"
"You need more back width and mass"
i didnt take any of it to the heart but used it as fuel to keep dieting hard and to use it for when i tart bulking up again
thats what bodybuilding is max, people are going to diss you here and there with your body parts and only way to fix it, is to work on those weak body parts and show the improvements
i know that dieting is all about it´s my second week of pure dieting and cardio everyday. i´ve half ass it b4 but i know i can do it and i´m doing it and i say it again i won´t post pics for the next 8 weeks, but creator gets em every week so just ask him if you wanna know how i look!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think since max is already commited to this show then he should do it. He can use this experience with dieting to figure out what works for him and what dosn't to help him improve for a future show that he has a shot in. He most likely knows that he doesn't have much of a shot of winning his weight class but this will give him experience. He will learn so much about competing on stage too. After this show he can bulk up get real big not compete for a couple years then be able to come into a show with already know what works for him and he won't have to experiment which could set him back time; he will already know what works and he will be able to contend for the show. Good luck in your future max.