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From Contests to Champions: Reviewing 2023's Bodybuilding Landmarks



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
2023 was a pivotal year for bodybuilding, marked by exciting developments, fierce competition, and a continued push for inclusivity and diversity. This year promises to be a transformative year in bodybuilding, from international competitions that showcase the pinnacle of physical prowess to emerging athletes redefining the standards of excellence. This article aims to recap the significant competitions, standout athletes, and evolving trends.

Major Competitions and Events​

The biggest bodybuilding extravaganza lived up to its hype, with the legendary Derek Lunsford successfully snatching the title from the 2022 title holder Hadi Choopan, who came in second. Lunsford's signature blend of size, symmetry, and conditioning proved too much for a stacked field that included Samson Dauda, Brandon Curry, and Andrew Jacked. This victory further cemented Lunsford's place in bodybuilding history, solidifying him as one of the sport's all-time greats.

Derek Lunsford

Hadi Choopan
Hadi Choopan

The "Granddaddy of Bodybuilding" witnessed a change of guard in the Classic Physique division. Samson Dauda has proven to belong to the podium, showcasing his incredible aesthetic and stage presence. His combination of muscle density, conditioning, and captivating stage presence impressed the judges and fans.

Throughout the year, numerous NPC and IFBB Pro Qualifiers provided platforms for aspiring athletes to showcase their talent and compete for the coveted pro card, opening doors to the professional bodybuilding scene.

Notable Athletes of 2023​

Derek Lunsford: To Bodybuilder to Watch​

Derek Lunsford is not just a bodybuilder; he's a rising star in the sport, constantly breaking boundaries and rewriting history. His dedication, talent, and infectious positivity have made him a fan favorite and one of the most exciting athletes.

In 2023, Lunsford achieved the seemingly impossible: winning the Mr. Olympia and the 212 Mr. Olympia. His journey to the top began in his hometown of Petersburg, Indiana. Inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger, he started weightlifting at 15 and quickly developed a passion for the sport. After excelling in high school and college athletics, he turned professional in 2017 and began his quest for bodybuilding glory.

Derek Lunsford

Samson Dauda: The Formidable Presence​

Dauda is a testament to the fusion of raw power and sculpted aesthetics. Born to Nigerian parents, he marked his journey to becoming a celebrated bodybuilder with discipline, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to his craft.

His name is in the record books for his exceptional strength and muscular development feats. Known for his awe-inspiring deadlift and squat performances, he has set new standards in powerlifting within the bodybuilding community. His ability to push the boundaries of what the human body can achieve has earned him acclaim from fans and fellow athletes.

Samson Dauda

Andrea Shaw: The Queen of Muscle and Inspiration​

Andrea Shaw is not just a bodybuilder; she's a force of nature, shattering stereotypes and paving the way for future generations of female athletes. In 2023, Shaw secured her fourth consecutive Ms. Olympia title, a feat unmatched in recent history. It cemented her dominance in the women's bodybuilding world and made her one of the most decorated champions in the sport.

Before conquering the Olympia stage, Shaw established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the Ms. Rising Phoenix division, winning four titles between 2016 and 2019. This early success laid the foundation for her rise to the top of the bodybuilding world.

Andrea Shaw

Trends and Innovations​

Moving beyond traditional isolation exercises, bodybuilders are increasingly incorporating functional movements that mimic real-life activities. This training method improves overall fitness and athleticism and reduces the risk of injury.

Nutritional strategies in bodybuilding took a nuanced turn in 2023, with a greater focus on personalized and sustainable approaches. The "flexible dieting" or "If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM)" trend gained traction, allowing athletes to achieve their nutritional goals without rigid food restrictions. Plant-based diets also saw increased adoption, with many bodybuilders exploring vegan and vegetarian lifestyles to meet their protein and nutrient needs.

Technological advancements continued to shape the landscape of bodybuilding training, providing athletes with tools to enhance performance, track progress, and optimize recovery. Wearable fitness technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, became integral in monitoring heart rate, sleep patterns, and workout intensity.

Regulatory Changes and Health​

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) updated its prohibited list, adding new substances and tightening regulations on existing ones. It aimed to crack down on emerging doping trends and ensure a level playing field for athletes.

Several federations, including the IFBB Pro League, implemented stricter out-of-competition testing. It aimed to catch athletes who attempt to evade detection during competition periods. Randomized testing throughout the year served as a strong deterrent against doping practices.

Recognizing the psychological pressures athletes face, organizations like the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) partnered with bodybuilding federations to promote mental health awareness and provide resources for athletes struggling with anxiety, depression, or body image issues.

Nutritional Strategies and Training Techniques​

The ketogenic diet maintained its popularity in 2023, with bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts continuing to explore its potential benefits. Emphasizing low-carbohydrate, high-fat intake, the Keto diet aims to induce a state of ketosis, where the body burns fat for fuel. However, the sustainability and individual response to the Keto approach remained subjects of ongoing discussion within the fitness community.

Whey protein remained a staple, providing convenient post-workout protein supplementation. However, the emphasis shifted towards viewing supplements as tools within a healthy diet, not replacements for whole foods. Creatine, BCAAs, and pre-workout formulas also saw continued use, but with a focus on quality and evidence-based choices.

HIIT remained a dominant training technique, offering time-efficient workouts with significant cardiovascular and metabolic benefits. Bodybuilders incorporated HIIT sessions into their routines for effective fat loss, improved conditioning, and enhanced calorie expenditure.
Periodization continued to be a cornerstone in structuring training programs. Bodybuilders embraced manipulating training variables such as intensity, volume, and frequency over distinct phases to optimize performance and minimize the risk of plateaus.

Economic and Cultural Impact​

The demand for fitness-related products and services, including supplements, apparel, training programs, and gym memberships, contributed to a robust economic landscape. Wellness tourism, encompassing fitness retreats and destination fitness events, gained prominence in 2023. Bodybuilding enthusiasts sought immersive experiences that combined travel, fitness, and community engagement.

The cultural perception of bodybuilding continued to evolve, aligning with the broader positive body image movement. Media outlets and influencers increasingly celebrated diverse body types, promoting inclusivity and breaking away from traditional stereotypes.

Bodybuilding continued to serve as a source of empowerment and inspiration for individuals worldwide. Athletes and fitness influencers shared their stories of transformation, resilience, and self-discovery, resonating with audiences seeking motivation for their fitness journeys.

Personal Stories and Community​

From Curaçao to the Olympia stage, Roelly Winklaar's story is a testament to the alchemy of relentless work ethic and unflinching belief. Nicknamed "The Dutch Nightmare" for his imposing physique and unwavering focus, Roelly's journey came from the grit of countless early mornings, the burn of endless sets, and the steadfast conviction that dreams, honed with sweat and sacrifice, can conquer any stage.

Twice denied the coveted Mr. Olympia title by a hair's breadth, Roelly never faltered. Each year, he returned, sculpted by determination, his physique a masterpiece of dedication, his eyes blazing with the quiet fire of a warrior who refuses to yield. His story is not just about muscle and medals; it's about the unyielding spirit that whispers, "Rise again, my friend, for the crown awaits the one who never quits."

Beyond the digital realm, local fitness communities flourished, organizing events, meet-ups, and training sessions. Veteran lifters offer guidance and mentorship to newcomers, sharing their knowledge and helping them navigate the often-daunting world of training and diet.

Future Outlook and Predictions​

As we look beyond 2023, the evolution of training methods in bodybuilding is likely to persist. Integrating technology, personalized programming, and emphasizing functional training may become even more prominent. Athletes and coaches will continue to explore innovative ways to optimize performance, enhance recovery, and prioritize overall health.

Keep your eyes peeled for Akim Williams, Andrea Shaw's potential successor, and rising stars like Men's Physique sensation Brandon Hendrickson—their talent and dedication point towards potential championship titles in the coming years.

The fight for inclusivity will continue, with more athletes from diverse backgrounds and body types gracing the competition stage. Expect more excellent representation of LGBTQ+ athletes, individuals with disabilities, and athletes from underrepresented countries.


The year 2023 showcased a competitive scene marked by prestigious competitions, rising stars, and a globalized platform for athletes to showcase their prowess. Innovations in training methods, diverse dietary approaches, and technology integration underscored a commitment to optimizing performance while prioritizing individual needs and sustainability.

Bodybuilding is poised to undergo further evolution in training methods, inclusivity, and sustainability, driven by technological advancements and a growing global community. More bodybuilding fans expect mental health, wellness, and a comprehensive approach to health to play an increasingly central role, reflecting a broader societal shift towards holistic well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions​

How did health and safety regulations in bodybuilding change in 2023?

Collaboration with registered dietitians and sports nutritionists led to the development of evidence-based nutritional guidelines for bodybuilders, promoting sustainable, performance-enhancing eating habits. Implementing proper training techniques and incorporating injury prevention exercises became a priority.

How did bodybuilding culture and community evolve in 2023?

Current trends challenged traditional notions of beauty, focusing more on celebrating health, athleticism, and individual body types rather than just sculpted physiques. Online forums, social media groups, and local gyms provided vital networks of support, encouragement, and information for athletes of all levels, fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging.

What were the key challenges and triumphs for bodybuilders in 2023?

Overcoming unrealistic expectations and societal pressures regarding body image continued to be a struggle for many athletes. Pressure, anxiety, and depression remained prevalent issues for many bodybuilders, requiring awareness and support. Despite this, increased awareness and support systems empowered athletes to prioritize their mental well-being alongside physical training.

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