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Big Beef m4bteam transformation



MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Oh sorry missed that part
Weight: 232 lbs

I went into the gym this evening & just decided to say fuck this shoulder! I wanted to hit my chest & shoulders hard & that's what I did. Tired of babying it, so I got after it. Feeling awesome now & I will spend this evening preparing food. Didn't do much cardio today, but I've been burning like crazy all weekend, so I am not worried about it at all.

Chest, shoulders & traps

Cardio: 20 mins walking at 3 mph level 10 incline, 2 mins running at 5 mph on level 10 incline.

Dumbbell reverse flyes: 5 sets of 15×15, 25×12, 35×10, 45×10, 45×10

Leaning side delt cable raises: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10

Dumbbell side delt raise: 3 sets of 35×12, 45×10, 45×10

Incline barbell bench press: 5 sets of 135×15, 185×12, 225×8, 255×7, 275×4. No spot on 275 or I would have shot for 5 reps.

Finished with a tri set, for 4 sets

Barbell shrugs: 4 sets of 135×20, 225×12, 315×10, 365×8

Push ups on push up bars: 4 sets of 15

Cable flyes: 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8

As I mentioned, last 3 exercises all done together. 1 to 1.5 mins rest break after each set. My bum shoulder might pay for it for a few days, but it was worth it! I feel great tonight!!!

- - - Updated - - -

Felt like I could have done more, but figured it was time to stop. Almost threw in some machine chest press too. Maybe next time.
Nice session bro, I don't know if I mention before but I had some shoulder issues in past ,I used tb500 and bpc 157 for about a month and I dont have the issue anymore I also used it for my knees w success,kinda can be a bit expensive . Also if just for temporary relief deca helps but you could cause more damage in long run.

Thank you very much bro for that info. I actually plan on purchasing some tb500 in the future, just to heal a little bit of everything & some wear & tear I've got over the years. Problem is, I had that surgery & the dr messed up, so now the only way to correct what he didn't fix, is to have surgery again. I need to get a second opinion & plan on getting it in the next month or 2, but if it is what this dr & a therapist I know & trust say they think it is... the only way to correct it is surgery. This other dr I am going to see is out of town & supposed to be one of the best shoulder surgeons in the state. I hate talking about my shoulder like I do! Makes me feel like a pussy & messes with my pride, which I know sounds stupid. Just haven't done chest & shoulders like I used to, but I think I am going to start hitting them like that again anyways. At least until the end of this transformation contest. I'll crush it until it falls off!
I have adjusted chest and shoulders from last time I had what felt like paralyzing pain for 3 months and would happen often for long periods.
A dr... I was a pitcher and college scholar ship and when down back then.
Needed surgery never had it.
But I adjusted and told u about peps before your surgery but your were not receptive.
Tb was one i mentioned in that thread

It's a shoulder impingement fellas. After shots, surgery, several opinions (going to get another) & over a decade of dealing with it... it's not that I am doubting what you all are advising at all & I appreciate it very much, but I have some shit that is trapped & pinched in there & I don't see how taking tb500 with bpc157 is going to fix that, but I will reconsider trying it though. I love the feedback. Look it up if you get time & maybe you'll understand what I am saying.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
It's all good Drealdeal & I didn't mention it before. I sometimes am funny about putting certain details, but that's something that happens to many lifters, so I'm not worried. Mechanic did mention it before & I will always look at my options before jumping into surgery, but I have to take into consideration what I have going on & if investing $ in a bunch of peps is going to do me any good. I'm sure you understand. I still want to try tb500 though because that is not the only issue I have going on. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention!
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Weight: 232 lbs

I went into the gym this evening & just decided to say fuck this shoulder! I wanted to hit my chest & shoulders hard & that's what I did. Tired of babying it, so I got after it. Feeling awesome now & I will spend this evening preparing food. Didn't do much cardio today, but I've been burning like crazy all weekend, so I am not worried about it at all.

Chest, shoulders & traps

Cardio: 20 mins walking at 3 mph level 10 incline, 2 mins running at 5 mph on level 10 incline.

Dumbbell reverse flyes: 5 sets of 15×15, 25×12, 35×10, 45×10, 45×10

Leaning side delt cable raises: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10

Dumbbell side delt raise: 3 sets of 35×12, 45×10, 45×10

Incline barbell bench press: 5 sets of 135×15, 185×12, 225×8, 255×7, 275×4. No spot on 275 or I would have shot for 5 reps.

Finished with a tri set, for 4 sets

Barbell shrugs: 4 sets of 135×20, 225×12, 315×10, 365×8

Push ups on push up bars: 4 sets of 15

Cable flyes: 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8

As I mentioned, last 3 exercises all done together. 1 to 1.5 mins rest break after each set. My bum shoulder might pay for it for a few days, but it was worth it! I feel great tonight!!!

- - - Updated - - -

Felt like I could have done more, but figured it was time to stop. Almost threw in some machine chest press too. Maybe next time.
Nice session bro, I don't know if I mention before but I had some shoulder issues in past ,I used tb500 and bpc 157 for about a month and I dont have the issue anymore I also used it for my knees w success,kinda can be a bit expensive . Also if just for temporary relief deca helps but you could cause more damage in long run.

Thank you very much bro for that info. I actually plan on purchasing some tb500 in the future, just to heal a little bit of everything & some wear & tear I've got over the years. Problem is, I had that surgery & the dr messed up, so now the only way to correct what he didn't fix, is to have surgery again. I need to get a second opinion & plan on getting it in the next month or 2, but if it is what this dr & a therapist I know & trust say they think it is... the only way to correct it is surgery. This other dr I am going to see is out of town & supposed to be one of the best shoulder surgeons in the state. I hate talking about my shoulder like I do! Makes me feel like a pussy & messes with my pride, which I know sounds stupid. Just haven't done chest & shoulders like I used to, but I think I am going to start hitting them like that again anyways. At least until the end of this transformation contest. I'll crush it until it falls off!
I have adjusted chest and shoulders from last time I had what felt like paralyzing pain for 3 months and would happen often for long periods.
A dr... I was a pitcher and college scholar ship and when down back then.
Needed surgery never had it.
But I adjusted and told u about peps before your surgery but your were not receptive.
Tb was one i mentioned in that thread

It's a shoulder impingement fellas. After shots, surgery, several opinions (going to get another) & over a decade of dealing with it... it's not that I am doubting what you all are advising at all & I appreciate it very much, but I have some shit that is trapped & pinched in there & I don't see how taking tb500 with bpc157 is going to fix that, but I will reconsider trying it though. I love the feedback. Look it up if you get time & maybe you'll understand what I am saying.
That is what I have.
And if I get any inflammation or even move wrong and it grabbes that is it for 3 months
Only bench is loaded plate incline machine Cybex I think.
And can't curl db or heavy pressure pulling down. Ouch!!
It's hurts into tricep when I curl. And no flexing that bicep during these periods.

I adjusted workouts but first Only did light chest on that one machine.

I NO longer use Dbs on presses of any sort getting into position kills stabilization of joint!!!

Beef I am with u bro.
Reaching into the cabinet or backseat a big mistake if done wrong.
Gotta pull into position and pop with pain!!
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
It's all good Drealdeal & I didn't mention it before. I sometimes am funny about putting certain details, but that's something that happens to many lifters, so I'm not worried. Mechanic did mention it before & I will always look at my options before jumping into surgery, but I have to take into consideration what I have going on & if investing $ in a bunch of peps is going to do me any good. I'm sure you understand. I still want to try tb500 though because that is not the only issue I have going on. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention!
My problem is I know too many who have surgery that don't lift and are good
And too many that do and they either got to take very very long time off or it don't work!!
3 years for soft tissue repairing to strengthen to full capacity!! Too long for me!!

Try Graston technique
It's worked with hgh and peps and changing workouts.
Also it was cheap.
Insurance covered and another time it was like $50 2x month
I never challenge that joint to put pressure on stabilizing heavy weight.

To too have suffered for 20 years off and on.
And working as mechanic killed me in these times to do job.
My edema and carpal tunnel with tendon elbow pain all from damage to nerves reason i do no carpal tunnel surgery!!!
It wouldn't help.
Shoulder ok. But edema in right hand gets painfull.
I self treat with prednisone I order when I got to stop it.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
It's all good Drealdeal & I didn't mention it before. I sometimes am funny about putting certain details, but that's something that happens to many lifters, so I'm not worried. Mechanic did mention it before & I will always look at my options before jumping into surgery, but I have to take into consideration what I have going on & if investing $ in a bunch of peps is going to do me any good. I'm sure you understand. I still want to try tb500 though because that is not the only issue I have going on. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention!
My problem is I know too many who have surgery that don't lift and are good
And too many that do and they either got to take very very long time off or it don't work!!
3 years for soft tissue repairing to strengthen to full capacity!! Too long for me!!

Try Graston technique
It's worked with hgh and peps and changing workouts.
Also it was cheap.
Insurance covered and another time it was like $50 2x month
I never challenge that joint to put pressure on stabilizing heavy weight.

To too have suffered for 20 years off and on.
And working as mechanic killed me in these times to do job.
My edema and carpal tunnel with tendon elbow pain all from damage to nerves reason i do no carpal tunnel surgery!!!
It wouldn't help.
Shoulder ok. But edema in right hand gets painfull.
I self treat with prednisone I order when I got to stop it.

Injuries are a bitch, but I know we all have em. I am to a point of desperation, where I just want the damn thing fixed, so I can move on with my lifting & bodybuilding & not be held back by it anymore. It's kind of the age thing too, I think. In my 30's & I want to be able to utilize this time to my full potential. I'm still getting after it in the gym though & I am going to hit it even harder these next few weeks. I'll get some recovery time after this cycle though. Not real familiar with edema, but I picked up a little from what you said & I hope you get some relief with that, if it's still happening.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Only had a couple hours this morning before work to get legs in, so I hurried to the gym & it ended up being a good leg workout. Only did 5 mins of cardio to warm my knees up. I will be doing much more cardio tomorrow or Wednesday when I work my back & abs.

Barbell squats: 5 sets of 135×15, 185×12, 225×8, 315×8, 365×8

Single leg, leg press: 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 10

Seated leg curls: 4 sets of 20, 15, 10, 10

Super set with

Seated leg extentions: 4 sets of 12, 12, 10, 10

Standing calf raise: 2 sets of 25

Single leg standing calf raise: 4 sets of 14

Not as heavy & low rep on legs, as other muscles, lately. Trying to really condition them & get em pumped. Felt really good today.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
It's all good Drealdeal & I didn't mention it before. I sometimes am funny about putting certain details, but that's something that happens to many lifters, so I'm not worried. Mechanic did mention it before & I will always look at my options before jumping into surgery, but I have to take into consideration what I have going on & if investing $ in a bunch of peps is going to do me any good. I'm sure you understand. I still want to try tb500 though because that is not the only issue I have going on. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention!
My problem is I know too many who have surgery that don't lift and are good
And too many that do and they either got to take very very long time off or it don't work!!
3 years for soft tissue repairing to strengthen to full capacity!! Too long for me!!

Try Graston technique
It's worked with hgh and peps and changing workouts.
Also it was cheap.
Insurance covered and another time it was like $50 2x month
I never challenge that joint to put pressure on stabilizing heavy weight.

To too have suffered for 20 years off and on.
And working as mechanic killed me in these times to do job.
My edema and carpal tunnel with tendon elbow pain all from damage to nerves reason i do no carpal tunnel surgery!!!
It wouldn't help.
Shoulder ok. But edema in right hand gets painfull.
I self treat with prednisone I order when I got to stop it.

Injuries are a bitch, but I know we all have em. I am to a point of desperation, where I just want the damn thing fixed, so I can move on with my lifting & bodybuilding & not be held back by it anymore. It's kind of the age thing too, I think. In my 30's & I want to be able to utilize this time to my full potential. I'm still getting after it in the gym though & I am going to hit it even harder these next few weeks. I'll get some recovery time after this cycle though. Not real familiar with edema, but I picked up a little from what you said & I hope you get some relief with that, if it's still happening.
U self treat with prednisone at 15mg a day low dose for 7 days and it clears
I do same with shoulder.
Or medrol (methyprednisone)

Drs won't give as or when I need so I know a few spots that I order!!!

I also adjust water retention in body and for whatever reason losing it helps big time but seems like it would be opposite.

Edema is leakage of fluids water from vessal constriction like where my joint is swollen. In the case of shoulder, tennis golfer elbow or carpal tunnel it settled in hand at night and it swollen bad with throbbing numbing pain.
I got to wake up start moving to circulate blood and then water clears hand and relieve given. Problem is I gotta get enough rest and it's hard.
Sleeping with head at foot of bed with arms hanging off on floor help. Lol!!
Desperate to get rest. It is misery when it starts.
Drs told me it's disc in neck, shoulder, elbow, and mechanic over developed wrist all contributing so one fix only does???
For hands and shoulder is same.
Damage over 25 years old with scar tissue tags that grow off soft tissue but nerve pain from neck also is big contributor to shoulder pain into arm and hand with inflammation to any area nerve travels to.

Bulging disc in neck and Lower back. According to Dr i would need surgery or be hauled off in ambulance in 2 years max.
That was 14 years ago!!!

Drs... lol!!!
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Only had a couple hours this morning before work to get legs in, so I hurried to the gym & it ended up being a good leg workout. Only did 5 mins of cardio to warm my knees up. I will be doing much more cardio tomorrow or Wednesday when I work my back & abs.

Barbell squats: 5 sets of 135×15, 185×12, 225×8, 315×8, 365×8

Single leg, leg press: 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 10

Seated leg curls: 4 sets of 20, 15, 10, 10

Super set with

Seated leg extentions: 4 sets of 12, 12, 10, 10

Standing calf raise: 2 sets of 25

Single leg standing calf raise: 4 sets of 14

Not as heavy & low rep on legs, as other muscles, lately. Trying to really condition them & get em pumped. Felt really good today.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Only had a couple hours this morning before work to get legs in, so I hurried to the gym & it ended up being a good leg workout. Only did 5 mins of cardio to warm my knees up. I will be doing much more cardio tomorrow or Wednesday when I work my back & abs.

Barbell squats: 5 sets of 135×15, 185×12, 225×8, 315×8, 365×8

Single leg, leg press: 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 10

Seated leg curls: 4 sets of 20, 15, 10, 10

Super set with

Seated leg extentions: 4 sets of 12, 12, 10, 10

Standing calf raise: 2 sets of 25

Single leg standing calf raise: 4 sets of 14

Not as heavy & low rep on legs, as other muscles, lately. Trying to really condition them & get em pumped. Felt really good today.

Thanks bro
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: beef & ham sub with hot peppers (post workout)

Meal 3: 1 whole jumbo egg, 1 cup of egg whites with morel mushrooms & 1 piece of wheat with jam

Meal 4: garlic pepper turkey sandwich with light mayo on wheat

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 6 oz's lean beef & 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese

I am preparing food tonight. Will cook the last of my chicken, but I will pick more up in the next day or 2. Also cooking lean beef, eggs & large bowl of rice to last me over next 3 days. Still putting effort into perfect the plan for my diet. Need to get better about making time to prepare foods. From now on, I will start planning ahead, instead of just cooking when I got time.

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: beef & ham sub with hot peppers (post workout)

Meal 3: 1 whole jumbo egg, 1 cup of egg whites with morel mushrooms & 1 piece of wheat with jam

Meal 4: garlic pepper turkey sandwich with light mayo on wheat

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 6 oz's lean beef & 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese

I am preparing food tonight. Will cook the last of my chicken, but I will pick more up in the next day or 2. Also cooking lean beef, eggs & large bowl of rice to last me over next 3 days. Still putting effort into perfect the plan for my diet. Need to get better about making time to prepare foods. From now on, I will start planning ahead, instead of just cooking when I got time.
I cook serveral pounds of ground meat at time
I brown a bunch for wheat tortillas
I make burgers
I grill chicken on George Forman a big one at same time with burgers.

On beef or pork roast or loin I brown night before and put in crock pot slow cooker.

Also I buy ribs beef and pork totally lean I put in slow cooker with bbq sauce.

Rice is carb of choice I cook white rice and reheat next day. I store in zip lock in fridge and reheat in micro wave so it's just every 2 days for rice. I also use Jasmine and Brown rice and do same exact thing.
I cook all rice on stove or in rice cooker.
I buy all rice raw without hauls (milled only)
In bags. NO BOX BAG COOK TYPE. No uncle ken's etc

Sweet potatoes I use steeming zip lock bags for micro wave

Eggs I beat and throw in micro wave in safe bowl. 4 minutes 5 eggs cooked flipping stir between no dirty pot.
My fast way!! Lol

Veggies only fresh or frozen!!! Cans I avoid at all cost!!

Salad fresh of course!
Fruits fresh.

My list
-5 lbs ground meat per week (family included)
-boneless skinless chicken breast
-pork loin
-beef roast round, rump, sirloin tip, or chuck
Meats covered
-I get rice in 3lb bags at a time of each type
Re-up as needed keep in containers for cleaness
-sweet potatoes 4-6 large a week
-Oatmeal instant in flavored packs I add nothing just water 2 boxes
-Eggs 2x24ct.
-7or 9 grain honey wheat bread
-Wheat carb smart tortillas
-Fruits oranges, banana's, watermelon, cantaloupe
-Alot of broccoli and green, orange, and purple vegguesveggies

This is quick example of what I need.
Cottage cheese yogurt too. Fat free if possible.
I avoid cheeses, any boxed frozen processed foods, fast food, Trans fats, saturated fats and carbs after 3pm on cut.

Also fasting from 8pm to after Work out except for protien and water first thing in morning.
So 8pm-around 7am. Fast period for cut!!

These are things I do and have habit of knowing how much i need and what from over the years.

I am just starting Cut diet now
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: beef & ham sub with hot peppers (post workout)

Meal 3: 1 whole jumbo egg, 1 cup of egg whites with morel mushrooms & 1 piece of wheat with jam

Meal 4: garlic pepper turkey sandwich with light mayo on wheat

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 6 oz's lean beef & 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese

I am preparing food tonight. Will cook the last of my chicken, but I will pick more up in the next day or 2. Also cooking lean beef, eggs & large bowl of rice to last me over next 3 days. Still putting effort into perfect the plan for my diet. Need to get better about making time to prepare foods. From now on, I will start planning ahead, instead of just cooking when I got time.
I cook serveral pounds of ground meat at time
I brown a bunch for wheat tortillas
I make burgers
I grill chicken on George Forman a big one at same time with burgers.

On beef or pork roast or loin I brown night before and put in crock pot slow cooker.

Also I buy ribs beef and pork totally lean I put in slow cooker with bbq sauce.

Rice is carb of choice I cook white rice and reheat next day. I store in zip lock in fridge and reheat in micro wave so it's just every 2 days for rice. I also use Jasmine and Brown rice and do same exact thing.
I cook all rice on stove or in rice cooker.
I buy all rice raw without hauls (milled only)
In bags. NO BOX BAG COOK TYPE. No uncle ken's etc

Sweet potatoes I use steeming zip lock bags for micro wave

Eggs I beat and throw in micro wave in safe bowl. 4 minutes 5 eggs cooked flipping stir between no dirty pot.
My fast way!! Lol

Veggies only fresh or frozen!!! Cans I avoid at all cost!!

Salad fresh of course!
Fruits fresh.

My list
-5 lbs ground meat per week (family included)
-boneless skinless chicken breast
-pork loin
-beef roast round, rump, sirloin tip, or chuck
Meats covered
-I get rice in 3lb bags at a time of each type
Re-up as needed keep in containers for cleaness
-sweet potatoes 4-6 large a week
-Oatmeal instant in flavored packs I add nothing just water 2 boxes
-Eggs 2x24ct.
-7or 9 grain honey wheat bread
-Wheat carb smart tortillas
-Fruits oranges, banana's, watermelon, cantaloupe
-Alot of broccoli and green, orange, and purple vegguesveggies

This is quick example of what I need.
Cottage cheese yogurt too. Fat free if possible.
I avoid cheeses, any boxed frozen processed foods, fast food, Trans fats, saturated fats and carbs after 3pm on cut.

Also fasting from 8pm to after Work out except for protien and water first thing in morning.
So 8pm-around 7am. Fast period for cut!!

These are things I do and have habit of knowing how much i need and what from over the years.

I am just starting Cut diet now

I really enjoy reading about food ideas as I am a big eater! I am going to update my log with my workout real quick & read over your post later. I will tell ya what I think. Gotta hurry to work.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Back & abs

Cardio: 25 mins elliptical, fairly high intensity

Cable lat pulldown: 2 sets of 20, 15 just warming up for pull ups

Pull ups: 5 sets of 12

Dumbbell row: 4 sets of 75×12, 100×10, 120×10, 120×10

Lat pulldown machine: 4 sets of 10

Row machine: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8

Strength is getting to the point where I am going to have to change my routine, if I am throwing in heavy weight/low rep. Dumbbells only go so heavy, pull ups are not as challenging & all pulldown equipment hitting for several reps maxed out. I think I will start doing more single arm movements, to increase resistance & will also do more tbar row & barbell row. Felt great again today.

- - - Updated - - -

Forgot the abs...

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 25

Twisting crunches: 3 sets of 25
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: beef & ham sub with hot peppers (post workout)

Meal 3: 1 whole jumbo egg, 1 cup of egg whites with morel mushrooms & 1 piece of wheat with jam

Meal 4: garlic pepper turkey sandwich with light mayo on wheat

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 6 oz's lean beef & 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese

I am preparing food tonight. Will cook the last of my chicken, but I will pick more up in the next day or 2. Also cooking lean beef, eggs & large bowl of rice to last me over next 3 days. Still putting effort into perfect the plan for my diet. Need to get better about making time to prepare foods. From now on, I will start planning ahead, instead of just cooking when I got time.
I cook serveral pounds of ground meat at time
I brown a bunch for wheat tortillas
I make burgers
I grill chicken on George Forman a big one at same time with burgers.

On beef or pork roast or loin I brown night before and put in crock pot slow cooker.

Also I buy ribs beef and pork totally lean I put in slow cooker with bbq sauce.

Rice is carb of choice I cook white rice and reheat next day. I store in zip lock in fridge and reheat in micro wave so it's just every 2 days for rice. I also use Jasmine and Brown rice and do same exact thing.
I cook all rice on stove or in rice cooker.
I buy all rice raw without hauls (milled only)
In bags. NO BOX BAG COOK TYPE. No uncle ken's etc

Sweet potatoes I use steeming zip lock bags for micro wave

Eggs I beat and throw in micro wave in safe bowl. 4 minutes 5 eggs cooked flipping stir between no dirty pot.
My fast way!! Lol

Veggies only fresh or frozen!!! Cans I avoid at all cost!!

Salad fresh of course!
Fruits fresh.

My list
-5 lbs ground meat per week (family included)
-boneless skinless chicken breast
-pork loin
-beef roast round, rump, sirloin tip, or chuck
Meats covered
-I get rice in 3lb bags at a time of each type
Re-up as needed keep in containers for cleaness
-sweet potatoes 4-6 large a week
-Oatmeal instant in flavored packs I add nothing just water 2 boxes
-Eggs 2x24ct.
-7or 9 grain honey wheat bread
-Wheat carb smart tortillas
-Fruits oranges, banana's, watermelon, cantaloupe
-Alot of broccoli and green, orange, and purple vegguesveggies

This is quick example of what I need.
Cottage cheese yogurt too. Fat free if possible.
I avoid cheeses, any boxed frozen processed foods, fast food, Trans fats, saturated fats and carbs after 3pm on cut.

Also fasting from 8pm to after Work out except for protien and water first thing in morning.
So 8pm-around 7am. Fast period for cut!!

These are things I do and have habit of knowing how much i need and what from over the years.

I am just starting Cut diet now

Getting a more organized list for groceries, is where I need to start. Like you have there. Why not box rice? Just curious because I have some. Meats, cheeses & potatoes are the foods I want more than anything! I mean, I can have meats, but I know it's better to stay away from cheese & potatoes.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: beef & ham sub with hot peppers (post workout)

Meal 3: 1 whole jumbo egg, 1 cup of egg whites with morel mushrooms & 1 piece of wheat with jam

Meal 4: garlic pepper turkey sandwich with light mayo on wheat

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 6 oz's lean beef & 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese

I am preparing food tonight. Will cook the last of my chicken, but I will pick more up in the next day or 2. Also cooking lean beef, eggs & large bowl of rice to last me over next 3 days. Still putting effort into perfect the plan for my diet. Need to get better about making time to prepare foods. From now on, I will start planning ahead, instead of just cooking when I got time.
I cook serveral pounds of ground meat at time
I brown a bunch for wheat tortillas
I make burgers
I grill chicken on George Forman a big one at same time with burgers.

On beef or pork roast or loin I brown night before and put in crock pot slow cooker.

Also I buy ribs beef and pork totally lean I put in slow cooker with bbq sauce.

Rice is carb of choice I cook white rice and reheat next day. I store in zip lock in fridge and reheat in micro wave so it's just every 2 days for rice. I also use Jasmine and Brown rice and do same exact thing.
I cook all rice on stove or in rice cooker.
I buy all rice raw without hauls (milled only)
In bags. NO BOX BAG COOK TYPE. No uncle ken's etc

Sweet potatoes I use steeming zip lock bags for micro wave

Eggs I beat and throw in micro wave in safe bowl. 4 minutes 5 eggs cooked flipping stir between no dirty pot.
My fast way!! Lol

Veggies only fresh or frozen!!! Cans I avoid at all cost!!

Salad fresh of course!
Fruits fresh.

My list
-5 lbs ground meat per week (family included)
-boneless skinless chicken breast
-pork loin
-beef roast round, rump, sirloin tip, or chuck
Meats covered
-I get rice in 3lb bags at a time of each type
Re-up as needed keep in containers for cleaness
-sweet potatoes 4-6 large a week
-Oatmeal instant in flavored packs I add nothing just water 2 boxes
-Eggs 2x24ct.
-7or 9 grain honey wheat bread
-Wheat carb smart tortillas
-Fruits oranges, banana's, watermelon, cantaloupe
-Alot of broccoli and green, orange, and purple vegguesveggies

This is quick example of what I need.
Cottage cheese yogurt too. Fat free if possible.
I avoid cheeses, any boxed frozen processed foods, fast food, Trans fats, saturated fats and carbs after 3pm on cut.

Also fasting from 8pm to after Work out except for protien and water first thing in morning.
So 8pm-around 7am. Fast period for cut!!

These are things I do and have habit of knowing how much i need and what from over the years.

I am just starting Cut diet now

Getting a more organized list for groceries, is where I need to start. Like you have there. Why not box rice? Just curious because I have some. Meats, cheeses & potatoes are the foods I want more than anything! I mean, I can have meats, but I know it's better to stay away from cheese & potatoes.
They are preserved! The boxes.
I only use the raw bags. Cut as much processing to preserve out.
Nutrition often higher that way and less intestinal sluggishness.
I live in rice country and it's all straight from mills. The box pack stuff available but everyone here avoids it.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: beef & ham sub with hot peppers (post workout)

Meal 3: 1 whole jumbo egg, 1 cup of egg whites with morel mushrooms & 1 piece of wheat with jam

Meal 4: garlic pepper turkey sandwich with light mayo on wheat

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 6 oz's lean beef & 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese

I am preparing food tonight. Will cook the last of my chicken, but I will pick more up in the next day or 2. Also cooking lean beef, eggs & large bowl of rice to last me over next 3 days. Still putting effort into perfect the plan for my diet. Need to get better about making time to prepare foods. From now on, I will start planning ahead, instead of just cooking when I got time.
I cook serveral pounds of ground meat at time
I brown a bunch for wheat tortillas
I make burgers
I grill chicken on George Forman a big one at same time with burgers.

On beef or pork roast or loin I brown night before and put in crock pot slow cooker.

Also I buy ribs beef and pork totally lean I put in slow cooker with bbq sauce.

Rice is carb of choice I cook white rice and reheat next day. I store in zip lock in fridge and reheat in micro wave so it's just every 2 days for rice. I also use Jasmine and Brown rice and do same exact thing.
I cook all rice on stove or in rice cooker.
I buy all rice raw without hauls (milled only)
In bags. NO BOX BAG COOK TYPE. No uncle ken's etc

Sweet potatoes I use steeming zip lock bags for micro wave

Eggs I beat and throw in micro wave in safe bowl. 4 minutes 5 eggs cooked flipping stir between no dirty pot.
My fast way!! Lol

Veggies only fresh or frozen!!! Cans I avoid at all cost!!

Salad fresh of course!
Fruits fresh.

My list
-5 lbs ground meat per week (family included)
-boneless skinless chicken breast
-pork loin
-beef roast round, rump, sirloin tip, or chuck
Meats covered
-I get rice in 3lb bags at a time of each type
Re-up as needed keep in containers for cleaness
-sweet potatoes 4-6 large a week
-Oatmeal instant in flavored packs I add nothing just water 2 boxes
-Eggs 2x24ct.
-7or 9 grain honey wheat bread
-Wheat carb smart tortillas
-Fruits oranges, banana's, watermelon, cantaloupe
-Alot of broccoli and green, orange, and purple vegguesveggies

This is quick example of what I need.
Cottage cheese yogurt too. Fat free if possible.
I avoid cheeses, any boxed frozen processed foods, fast food, Trans fats, saturated fats and carbs after 3pm on cut.

Also fasting from 8pm to after Work out except for protien and water first thing in morning.
So 8pm-around 7am. Fast period for cut!!

These are things I do and have habit of knowing how much i need and what from over the years.

I am just starting Cut diet now

Getting a more organized list for groceries, is where I need to start. Like you have there. Why not box rice? Just curious because I have some. Meats, cheeses & potatoes are the foods I want more than anything! I mean, I can have meats, but I know it's better to stay away from cheese & potatoes.
Eat sweet potatoes, brown rice, Jaznin rice.
Avoid white.
Use those and oatmeal and cream of wheat for carbs.
Keep even wheat whole bread to min.
Eat cottage cheese low fat or free and same with yogurt.
I avoid all other cheese but feta, cheese makes intestines sluggish and just is too fattening!!!
Eat fruit before 3pm only
But I will make grocery list for myself only for week and post it up
Wife gets most for me with rest andcsge cooks most too. Even on diet.
She does diet too.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Fiber bars a good snack too.
And I eat shredded wheat at night for fiber and drink fiber 2tbs wuth 2tbs mineral oil
Also I use digestive enzymes with 3 meals a,day.
Keeps things flowing and never want anything in there longer than 24 hours.
I eat beats and or corn to be sure it's comes next morning.
If not fiber and may be a colon flush nec
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: beef & ham sub with hot peppers (post workout)

Meal 3: 1 whole jumbo egg, 1 cup of egg whites with morel mushrooms & 1 piece of wheat with jam

Meal 4: garlic pepper turkey sandwich with light mayo on wheat

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 6 oz's lean beef & 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese

I am preparing food tonight. Will cook the last of my chicken, but I will pick more up in the next day or 2. Also cooking lean beef, eggs & large bowl of rice to last me over next 3 days. Still putting effort into perfect the plan for my diet. Need to get better about making time to prepare foods. From now on, I will start planning ahead, instead of just cooking when I got time.
I cook serveral pounds of ground meat at time
I brown a bunch for wheat tortillas
I make burgers
I grill chicken on George Forman a big one at same time with burgers.

On beef or pork roast or loin I brown night before and put in crock pot slow cooker.

Also I buy ribs beef and pork totally lean I put in slow cooker with bbq sauce.

Rice is carb of choice I cook white rice and reheat next day. I store in zip lock in fridge and reheat in micro wave so it's just every 2 days for rice. I also use Jasmine and Brown rice and do same exact thing.
I cook all rice on stove or in rice cooker.
I buy all rice raw without hauls (milled only)
In bags. NO BOX BAG COOK TYPE. No uncle ken's etc

Sweet potatoes I use steeming zip lock bags for micro wave

Eggs I beat and throw in micro wave in safe bowl. 4 minutes 5 eggs cooked flipping stir between no dirty pot.
My fast way!! Lol

Veggies only fresh or frozen!!! Cans I avoid at all cost!!

Salad fresh of course!
Fruits fresh.

My list
-5 lbs ground meat per week (family included)
-boneless skinless chicken breast
-pork loin
-beef roast round, rump, sirloin tip, or chuck
Meats covered
-I get rice in 3lb bags at a time of each type
Re-up as needed keep in containers for cleaness
-sweet potatoes 4-6 large a week
-Oatmeal instant in flavored packs I add nothing just water 2 boxes
-Eggs 2x24ct.
-7or 9 grain honey wheat bread
-Wheat carb smart tortillas
-Fruits oranges, banana's, watermelon, cantaloupe
-Alot of broccoli and green, orange, and purple vegguesveggies

This is quick example of what I need.
Cottage cheese yogurt too. Fat free if possible.
I avoid cheeses, any boxed frozen processed foods, fast food, Trans fats, saturated fats and carbs after 3pm on cut.

Also fasting from 8pm to after Work out except for protien and water first thing in morning.
So 8pm-around 7am. Fast period for cut!!

These are things I do and have habit of knowing how much i need and what from over the years.

I am just starting Cut diet now

Getting a more organized list for groceries, is where I need to start. Like you have there. Why not box rice? Just curious because I have some. Meats, cheeses & potatoes are the foods I want more than anything! I mean, I can have meats, but I know it's better to stay away from cheese & potatoes.
They are preserved! The boxes.
I only use the raw bags. Cut as much processing to preserve out.
Nutrition often higher that way and less intestinal sluggishness.
I live in rice country and it's all straight from mills. The box pack stuff available but everyone here avoids it.

Alright. I will remember to avoid the instant stuff & pick up a bag of the better kind.

- - - Updated - - -

Fiber bars a good snack too.
And I eat shredded wheat at night for fiber and drink fiber 2tbs wuth 2tbs mineral oil
Also I use digestive enzymes with 3 meals a,day.
Keeps things flowing and never want anything in there longer than 24 hours.
I eat beats and or corn to be sure it's comes next morning.
If not fiber and may be a colon flush nec

I have digestive enzymes, but I am bad about forgetting to take them. I think I am going to get a pill organizer. Needing one.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
View attachment 17966
View attachment 17967
View attachment 17968

Weight: 232 lbs

I'm pretty hard on myself about progress & I should be because I still have a long way to go, but I am starting to get where I want to be. Just the start! Much more work. Appear to be dropping fat slowly, while also slowly putting muscle on. I will say though, that I have noticed more in the last week, than I have any other week since the start of this cycle. Workouts & strength are looking & feeling great, so I need to double my efforts on this diet, to really bring it together! Thanks for any & all advice that's been given to me. Only plan is to work harder from here on out!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
No workout today. Going to cook some more meals & head to the store to stock back up on meats. I will be in the gym Thursday to get a good arms & cardio session.

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, the pics I posted last night are no pump. Almost all my pics are with no pump. I will get some eventually with a pump.