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Bodybuilder Victor Martinez Unfairly Targeted by Steroid Witch Hunt

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
As if bodybuilding is not strenuous enough, bodybuilders face a series of hardships in this unique career. One of the common burdensome issues is using steroids, as some are associated with this. Victor Martinez has been a professional bodybuilder and has made a mark in bodybuilding. Having participated in several sports, from football to baseball, Martinez has had noticeable skills. This bodybuilder weighs between 255 and 265 lbs. The arms measure 52cm, the chest 150cm; the waist 86 cm, the calves 48cm, and the thighs 76cm. Martinez's vast physique has enabled him to become a bodybuilder others look up to. This article gives insight into what Victor Martinez has endured in his career and personal life. So, let's get right into it.

Victor Martinez Steroid Cycle​

Victor Martinez is best known for coming second to Jay Cutler in Mr. Olympia in 2009 and is a professional bodybuilder. Martinez started as a footballer, and during this time, he got an interest in weights as he aspired to be like the wrestling personnel on T.V. Upon completing his high school education, he focused on bodybuilding and attained a robust and vast physique. In 1993, he competed in his first show and took the number one position in the teenage part. After this, he disappeared from the bodybuilding scene after failing in a show that took part in 1994 but fortunately made a comeback in 1997. This comeback was noticeable as he ended up winning two NPC contests locally. There have been a lot of speculations on Victor Martinez and steroids, as in 2004, he was in trouble for being involved in a saga of steroid selling. This did not sit well with most of his fans in the USA, and the speculated cycle dose he used can be;
  • HGH 10-12IU's daily
  • Deca Durabolin 800mg per week
  • Primobolan 1000mg per week
  • Sustanon 1250mg every week
  • Insulin 8IU's pre-largest meals of the day
  • Winstrol 100mg daily
  • Masteron Enanthate 1000mg every week
This was the steroid cycle that most bodybuilders were on in the 2000s, and it only makes sense that Martinez would also be on this cycle.

Martinez's Road to Citizenship​

Like many people chasing their dreams in the United States of America, immigration is always a big issue. This only affects those not born in the U.S., and Victor Martinez is no different. The struggle was real for Martinez, as obtaining his citizenship has been an obscure journey. In 2000, Martinez got a pro status after winning the NPC championships. The Night of Champions, now known as New York Pro, was held in 2003, and Martinez became a winner. Unfortunately for Martinez, after this victory, he did a 90-day jail sentence for selling anabolic steroids. This did not slow him down as when he resumed his professional bodybuilding career when he got out in 2004. Upon returning to the public eye, Martinez participated in the Strength Show and won.
It was impressive how he won this after spending time in jail. This sure was a dedicated man who knew what he was after. In the same year, he also participated in Mr. Olympia, a contest where he ranked 9th. This did not hold him back as in 2007, Martinez took home a prestigious win in Arnold Classic, and half a year later, he won second place on Mr. Olympia. Jay Cutler ranked first in this championship, and fans were unhappy about it. Most of Victor Martinez's fans went on to say that Cutler did not deserve the win; rather, Martinez did. Through all these difficulties, Martinez was not a U.S. citizen and attained citizenship years after arriving in the U.S.

His Next Legal Hurdle​

The charge against him for selling steroids affected his U.S. citizenship application tremendously, as the case took three years to complete. There are controversies surrounding this case as, initially, Martinez was not a dealer. After much consideration, Victor was advised by his lawyer to take a deal where he pleaded guilty to a charge that did not carry the such heaviness and was sentenced to three months in prison. This conviction would later take a toll on his citizenship, as seen in 2011 when immigration officers at an airport raided him. This happened when he came from Europe after winning the Arnold Classic, and his resident card was no longer used. This led to Martinez getting detained in jail up to his trial in April 2012.
Martinez was in jail from November 7 to the court date of April 7, 2012. During these tough times, Martinez received immense support from other bodybuilders and fans, and one outstanding supporter was Arnold Schwarzenegger, California's Governor. Arnold played a crucial role in ensuring that Martinez stayed in the U.S. as he wrote to the judge to consider him a pillar of society. Given that Martinez had been on U.S. soil for years and even had four kids, the judge saw it fit that let him stay in the U.S., and he was soon released after this verdict. Every person that follows Victor Martinez's career and life can adequately state that he has had such a rollercoaster.

Pro Bodybuilder Victor Martinez Is Now a U.S. Citizen​

Dreams are indeed valid, as seen from the career and life of Victor Martinez. This man has beaten all odds to get to where he is now. Being from the Dominican Republic, Martinez has had a fair taste of what immigration police are like. With his conviction on his record, it became tough for Martinez to get citizenship. During his detainment, Martinez shed weight by losing 70 lbs, but this was nowhere near what more he lost. Martinez was away from his kids and lost his house and restaurant, things he had put his hard-earned money to.
On December 11, Martinez had the liberty of getting his U.S. citizenship official papers, which was huge on his board of achievements. Upon getting his citizenship, Martinez got the opportunity to post it on his Instagram page, where his 612,000 followers were witnesses to this huge milestone. Now Martinez is a free spirit and can live with no fear of being ambushed by immigration officers. Living in the United States without feeling limited as you move through life with a new sense of achievement is satisfying.

Unfairly Targeted by Steroid Witch Hunt Again​

Over the years, most people in bodybuilding have been using steroids to boost their appearance. Although this is true on some occasions, some are misjudged and receive a lot of hate from fans and others. The hysteria on this is a lot, and people need to change their mindset about this as not all bodybuilders rely on steroids, just a few fish in the water that spoils the reputation of other bodybuilders. One bodybuilder to face backlash was Victor Martinez, who in 2009 and 2007 was wrongly accused of selling steroids. In 2007, A District Attorney of Albany County, David Soares, Martinez was accused of being involved in dealing steroids. The attorney named him a conspirator, which was unethical, especially because it was wrong. It was unconstitutional of him to do this, and sad that the attorney never apologized for this inaccurate report.
In 2009, something similar happened, and this arose as a result of a Sportswriter Christian Red giving away the wrong information. This inadequate and incompetent writer stated that Victor Martinez was the owner of the Gurabo Supplement Store. The information being far from the truth caused a stir as Daniel Ferreira Martinez's attorney contacted the writer to correct this issue. Given the past glitch where Martinez was jailed for the accusation of selling steroids, Martinez was again in the limelight for being involved in steroid selling again. Although this raised some questions about Martinez and whether it was true he was involved in selling steroids; this is not a story that caught flames. After the involvement of his lawyer, the story was corrected by the writer responsible for it. The confusion arose when Martinez's posters were used to support a supplement store he endorsed. It was only a promotion kind of thing that Christian Red misled and concluded the worst.

Victor Martinez


As a public figure, it always seems like everybody is in your business, and this is correct. What differs is why the people are interested in you, as some want to crush you and others are genuinely interested n you. As seen from this article, Victor Martinez has had both, as he had no way of presiding over some situations in his life. Through all the triumphs and tribulations, Martinez still achieved higher heights in his bodybuilding professional career and is now a citizen of the United States. There are speculations on his retirement as many think he has had major accomplishments in his career, and it is time for him to rest. However, there is no public evidence that he is retired and still plays his role as a promoter and ambassador. If there is one thing Martinez has not stopped doing is going to the gym and keeping up with the same physique.
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