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- #21

Mecca V.I.P.
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looking good bro !!!
keep up the hard work![]()
thanks adam, i certainly will

looking good bro !!!
keep up the hard work![]()
mhm, first off, i was very lean at 81-82 kg, so if i weigh 92 kg now, how the hell can i have put on 15-20 kg of fat?
nr 2, i dont compete, havent competed, and probably wont for afew years. im not at the point where i see it as necessary to walk around at 7% bf all year. i want to enjoy my offseason.
nr 3, i am an all natural trainer, and im not one of those people who are naturally lean all the time. if i eat tons, i gain good and bad weight, not just good. and in order to gain muscle i have to eat. so simply put, ill be putting on fat as well. but it doesent bother me, because ive proved before that im capable of sticking with a diet and achievieing what i want with it.
i dont see what u wanted to achieve with this post, because frankly most people ive talked to have said ive stayed pretty lean while bulking up this offseason. my abs are still visible, and my waist doesent measure more than 84-85 cm, sure its not small, but its not very bad either.
i guess ure one of those people who cant stand seeing other people achieve things with their training, and have to find something to critizise. thats sad, but its fine by me because i cant take offense of this post, because quite frankly, ure wrong, and ure gonna see that the next time i diet down again![]()
well i am not in a crissis or whatever ur saying.i just asked. i dont get the ideea seriously. i am happy for you if u feel good with ur offseason it was just a question. i was talking about lean mass.i saw the pics with david turk and man he had a lot of fat and when he diet down i think he had the exactly same weight as the last competition so whats the reason if u dont pu t much lean mass. why put on 10 kilos of fat? it is only a question. no offense
Awesome man, looking solid. keep it up and keep packing on teh mass :methman:
well yea lets say i get it cuz i am natural as well but i know a few who stay pretty damn lean and gain lean mass.not much about 3 -4 kilos per year.and thats lean mass no bs.but i think it depends on the metabolism and genetics and yea if u are or not natty.i think the most important is for you too feel good in ur own skin regardless the consequences.
haha, ye i could have stayed leaner if i ate cleaner, but i like to eat pizza and icecream from time to time tooand ye its defo important that u feel well, if i feel like ive packed on too much bad weight, ill adjust my diet and cardio accordingly.
Very impressive improvements BB,
strong front double bicep pose and MM shot, just gotta fix that side chest pose then it will look even better
i Envy your lats/back
Good size quads you got there bro, very thick tear drop and sweep.
those two would have to be your main strong points.
Great bulk your've done mate![]()
good job man i think your bf is ideal for bulking, not too high but not too low. you can't be super lean if you're trying to make serious gains and i think you've done a great job putting on size. keep it up bro.
^^ Agreed, your bulk looks good. Hovering around ~10% bf is ideal in bodybuilding anyways. Your abs are still evident, so I have no clue what PiC is knit-picking about. If he didn't try to stay lean year round maybe he would make more gains.
You have added some beef to your body bro.All around bigger and i noticed your chest improvement.Legs looking big as ever.I think i would put some focus on those arms ,but your tris have also gotten bigger.Must be those heavy dips
What a great bulk you've had Bulky!you've not put too much bf on aswell, obv more than your august diet pics. Ey its not called a bulk for nufin lol. your back is thick as fuck and those legs, damn i need to start training mine harder! there your best body parts as you already know. Your chest seems to have come up aswell, heavy benches FTW. Area I would work on is arms, particularay your biceps, your triceps are great, thats the only thing i can pick on. Great job buddy
btw, hows HIT doing?
laaancehow are u bro?
anyways, thanks for the input, its always encouraging to hear good words from u broye i also think ive managed to bulk up without too much unwanted bf. sure enough, alittle is to be expected, because as u said, the offseason is for enjoyment as well
i agree with u about bringing up my bis, im not blessed like u in that areai guess i just have to keep pounding the shit out of em and hope they grow. thing with my bis is they dont have that peak to em, so i need to make em as full as possible.
HIT is working good so far, i really enjoy it, this week i incorporated intensity techniques for the first time, week before that was just 1 set to failure to get used to the all out mentality. this week ive been following up with forced reps, rest pause, drop sets, negatives, static holds etc. i love it, its fun training like that, and it takes less time as well. i really feel drained after a workout of having pushed every set to failure and beyond. just making sure my form is spot on, as i think that is more essential than ever when training with only one set per exercise. sloooow negatives, and controlled reps moving through a full range of motion on pretty much all exercises.
thanks for the support bro![]()