Mecca V.I.P.
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His back is crying for deadlifts.
Quick translation. Sorry for my bad english
Patrick Tuor as a response to Dennis Wolf's statement on bsnonline.net :
I don't wanna fight, and I admitted that I made a mistake.
But the fact that Dennis tries to drag me through the mire and says that I didn't know what to do after the prejudging is not correct and is very hard on me !
But I won't say anything else …. that's better for everyone.
Well, there's one more thing to say.... for the people who think one has to pay much for a trainer.....
I payed everything myself !(flights... got no wage for months.... hotel....).
I lived with Dennis and they cooked for me. He had nothing more to pay for.
I just think it's sad that 99 % went right. and just because that one afternoon I'm presented as incapable.
That's all I wanted to say.
Patrick Tuor.
Dennis Wolf's response on that:
Dear Patrick,
Actually I didn't want to write something … but it's too much.
You apologize to the people here on the board . but what about me ????
You didn't apologize to me !
On sunday after the competition I thanked you and explained that everything went right except a few days before the competition. I also asked you why you weren't there for me on friday to make sure that my shape is ok.
You didn't have a explanation for that. I ask myself : Is that your way to prepare an athlete ?
To the second statement:
Martina introduced you to me in Katar and you wanted to prepare me for a show. You didn't want money for it. You said it is your dream to work with a professional. And if anything goes wrong you'd take the responsibility for it. These were your words !!!!
You've been at my place in vegas and my wife cooked for you ! Did you ever ask yourself for how much money you eated ??? Aside from all the other things that cost money !
According the hotel costs:
You only had to pay the costs for 2 nights in New York, 2 nights in Pittsburgh and 1 night in Utah.
But what about the week in Long Island??? I payed for it !
When my trainer is in the audience and shows me a „thumbs up“ to say that I look good but actually I look like shit ….. than I feel pranked !
Then you come to me and say „we need to eat something“ . and I ask „what should I eat? „. you say „120 grams of rice and a banana“ …... I ask myself – how should THAT make me fuller ?
Then I say that I don't have any bananas with me. Then you say „that's ok“.
My toenails curve up ! [LOL …. can you say that in English ?]
Then you ask me if I should eat a hamburger......!!!!!!!!
I almost went crazy after that !!!!!!!!!
After that conversation it was clear that this person I'm talking to has no clue after all !
Every good trainer would come back to with the athlet to the hotel to try to make the best of it.
But you stayed at the competition to watch the female bodybuilders !
At the evening I received a short message but I had to call you 3 times to finally have a conversation with you.
But the by far worst thing is that you didn't say thank you to my wife for all the cooking !
But you took all that for granted right ?
Patricks response:
Hello Dennis,
well, everything you say sounds pretty good . But you explain everything the way you want it to be !!!
You payed for Long Island??? Yeah you did.... but you forget that I had to sleep on a couch in the kitchen while you had huge room with two king size beds !!!!
And I cooked for you the whole week !
And Pittsburgh …. when we arrived at night …. and you just booked a room for yourself ? And I had to drive all the way to the other side of the city !!!!
Oh escuse me ! You offered me to sleep on your floor.
Your wife cooked for me, yes. And I did say thank you every time. But we are talking about the woman who didn't even talk to me ! just like I'm a nobody ! And after the prejudging she even said that you shouldn't listen to me. And after that I really should come with you to the hotel ??
If you want.... we can discuss more. the people sure will like it !
I did everything I could ! But you are the big DENNIS WOLF and I'm just a small trainer.
I did apologize in public !!! But that's not good enough for you... you have to display me as incompetent.
Dennis's response :
Ah, so you want to continue ! I have many more things to say !
In Pittsburgh they always book a room for a guestposer. I tried to get another room but it didn't work. So you didn't want to sleep on my floor. Is that my problem ?
And the couch on Long Island was not good enough for you ---- for free !?!!
Why didn't you just book a room ?
Because it would have cost 1000 $ ? And the 100 $ for buying bananas and ricecakes were also too much. I offered you to pay for it.... but you said no, it's ok.
My wife doesn't have to talk to you ! You were with us to do your job . not to be our friend !
And once again – where's the apology ??!?!?
You did not do what you could have. Otherwise you would have been with me on friday to check my shape !
I hope, since you are such a smart guy, that you don't continue to write anything about all that in public.
You've got my telephone number. You can call me to discuss all that and cry !
Over and out...
wolf is a cry baby..
I wonder who will be the next to blame if he fails come Olympia time? Maybe his wife, cus she won't cook the 'asparaguz' good enough lol.
Dennis needs to shut his damn mouth already and do the talking with his physique, im really sick of his constant complaining and blaming gurus when in reality this mother fucker cheats on every diet hes on.. Plus hes all hype, the man will never have a good enough back to do any damage at the O.. some of you think deadlifts will change that.. well your wrong.. Dennis has reached his genetic potential for growth.. that lower back will never change enough, his lats are simply too high..
Dennis needs to shut his damn mouth already and do the talking with his physique, im really sick of his constant complaining and blaming gurus when in reality this mother fucker cheats on every diet hes on.. Plus hes all hype, the man will never have a good enough back to do any damage at the O.. some of you think deadlifts will change that.. well your wrong.. Dennis has reached his genetic potential for growth.. that lower back will never change enough, his lats are simply too high..
First of all most of you don't seem to know dick about anatomy. Insertion of latissimus dorsi muscle is in the humerus. It's the origin that is in the back. Dennis Wolf's latissimus dorsi differs from other pro's in term's of the origin. His thoracolumbar fascia is much higher than for example Kai's or Phil's. There also seems to be no origin on the posterior crest of the illium, where as kai and phil do. Here are few photos so you all can see it.
No amount of dead lifts or hard work can change that.
First of all most of you don't seem to know dick about anatomy. Insertion of latissimus dorsi muscle is in the humerus. It's the origin that is in the back. Dennis Wolf's latissimus dorsi differs from other pro's in term's of the origin. His thoracolumbar fascia is much higher than for example Kai's or Phil's. There also seems to be no origin on the posterior crest of the illium, where as kai and phil do. Here are few photos so you all can see it.
No amount of dead lifts or hard work can change that.
But you are ignoring the lack of development Wolf has at his lat origins. He instead has good development directly under his scaps, which is primarily his teres major and infraspinatus. Origins not reaching the illium crest is not uncommon, but it doesn't mean that it isn't still originating from the thoracolumbar fascia (in fact your pics suggest it is). Also given that anatomy, the lats are a primary lumbar and dorsal spine stabiliser (and can have a role in extension and lateral flexion), so they would in fact benefit from deadlifts.
Yet you were justifying him not doing exercises to improve this area. I don't see the difference.I was not commenting on his lat development.
Yes, I was merely stating the anatomy of the lats in order to show that he can still have improved lat development, possibly with the addition of deadlifts.I was not even saying that the lat origins not reaching the illium are not uncommon.
Lats always originate from the thoracolumbar fascia. If they wouldn't, they would be flapping freely in the air![]()
Primary probably is the wrong term. Basically all the back muscles have a key role in spine stabilisation. This study looked at 12 muscles: rectus abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum, longissimus thoracis, lumbar erector spinae (+ 5 others, I can't see the full list without logging into the database at work).Latissumus dorsi isn't a primary lumbar/dorsal stabiliser. I don't know where do you get that information. The current knowledge is that small muscles like rotator mucles are multifidus muscles the primary stabilisers of the spine. In fact the largest muscle mass on the lumbar spine area is from the multifidus muscle.
The point being that the lats are an important spinal stabliser and as such will be improved by deadlifts. Regardless of his lack of illium origin he still has crap lat development and needs to fix this.Clinical Biomechanics
Volume 17, Issue 2, February 2002, Pages 99-105
Relative contribution of trunk muscles to the stability of the lumbar spine during isometric exertions
Jacek Cholewicki, and James J. VanVliet IV
Objective. To compare the relative contribution of various trunk muscles to the stability of the lumbar spine.
Design. Quantification of spine stability with a biomechanical model.
Background. Modern low back rehabilitation techniques focus on muscles that stabilize the lumbar spine. However, the relative contribution of various trunk muscles to spine stability is currently unknown.
Methods. Eight male subjects performed isometric exertions in trunk flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation, and isometric exertions under vertical trunk loading and in a lifting hold. Each isometric trial was repeated three times at 20%, 40%, and 60% of the maximum trunk flexion force or with a load of 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60% of body weight for the latter two exertions. Surface EMG data from 12 major trunk muscles were used in the biomechanical model to estimate stability of the lumbar spine. A simulation of each trial was performed repeatedly with one of the 10 major trunk muscle groups removed from the model.
Results. Relative contribution of each muscle to spine stability was significantly affected by the combination of loading magnitude and direction (3-way interaction). None of the removed muscles reduced spine stability by more than 30%.
Conclusions. A single muscle cannot be identified as the most important for the stability of the lumbar spine. Rather, spine stability depends on the relative activation of all trunk muscles and other loading variables.
This study will improve our understanding of individual trunk muscles' contribution to overall stability of the lumbar spine.
Agreed, but there are plenty of BBers with better lat development than Wolf who also don't have lat origins like Kai.I was saying that no amount of deadlifts are going to change the origins of his lats.
Yet you were justifying him not doing exercises to improve this area. I don't see the difference.
Yes, I was merely stating the anatomy of the lats in order to show that he can still have improved lat development, possibly with the addition of deadlifts.
Primary probably is the wrong term. Basically all the back muscles have a key role in spine stabilisation. This study looked at 12 muscles: rectus abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum, longissimus thoracis, lumbar erector spinae (+ 5 others, I can't see the full list without logging into the database at work).
The point being that the lats are an important spinal stabliser and as such will be improved by deadlifts. Regardless of his lack of illium origin he still has crap lat development and needs to fix this.
Agreed, but there are plenty of BBers with better lat development than Wolf who also don't have lat origins like Kai.
So I get your point that his genetics for a freaky back are crap. But that was not my argument. My argument was that he hasn't really developed his back effectively. My introduction of anatomy was to show to people that what they think of as lats is often inaccurate.