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Hey everybody, here's Kai L. Greene and his recent guest pose at the Rhode Island!



Chaos reigns.
Jul 11, 2006
Yes I agree that it is likely that the monotany was the source of the post. But it is also an empty statement, even hipocritical. If the same question can be asked of the questioning post then some bastard is likely to be a jerk about it, I was trying to play the devil's advocate as well as allow for a better explanation or statement.
While I agree with your points - that the statement was somewhat hypocritical and, moreover, empty - I just didn't see the point in responding to him. Looking back though, I don't really see why I took issue with that in the first place, as I often play devil's advocate in such situations. I guess I just see playing "logic police," if you will, as an increasingly futile endeavor, which is probably more to do with my ever-growing apathy than anything else. In summation, my bad?
Sanctimonious? Possibly. But also note my comments on both sides of this argument, I'm not as partisan as my posts are being treated (oh how easy to address one part of a post and not the rest).
Well, I do get the point of your post and agree that voicing criticism is as much one's right as voicing agreement is - perhaps even more so - but, at the same time, I didn't see it as being really facilitative to any real change -- just more bickering, more cyclical conversations, and more headaches for everyone.
I agree with your last two sentences, but the reality of the mainstream is a disparaging dicotomy of decency.
I'm digging the alliteration here, good point notwithstanding.
Arbitary is exactly why BBers continue to battle for acceptance. The world hates pedos yet embraces 14yr old models, we hate liars and yet elect politicians to run our world, we love sex and yet nudity on TV is censored. It is in this world that BBing is on the fringes battling for acceptance. Tell me that we'll get into the Olympics and be accepted with Kai, tell me that the morning chat shows will do their background research on Kai and not ask and thus paint all BBers as ex-strippers.
I agree with most of this, but if we fail to accept things within our sport then what chance do we have of being accepted on a larger scale? Why impose morality when there's no evidence that the public will be more accepting of this anyway? I feel that we should continue to embrace ideas of self-expression insofar as they don't reach levels of vulgarity. I don't see Kai's posing as "slutty" or "gay" - the latter of which is a cruel use of the word, as it not only posits homosexuality as in some ways wrong but it also lumps sexually suggestive behavior unfairly into the gay camp - but as something indicative of his roots, what he's gone through to get where he is, and the culture he grew up in. Hell, we've had several people in this thread suggest that he's disgracing or ruining the sport, when, in fact, he's merely expressing himself as he's been conditioned to do. To have this kind of dissidence within the confines of our fans is far more tragic than not gaining public acceptance. I don't expect the mainstream to become enamored, or even accepting, of the sport anytime soon -- I do expect that of its fans though.
I actually didn't think much of Kai's video, it was a bit of fun at a guest posing, bit entertaining, the audience liked it but thought it was a bit out there (or not what they were expecting, one of the two). He still doesn't hit his poses and display his physique and this sort of routine is not for competition (although this is a moot point now). Kai is working hard on his weaknesses and has grown on me a lot in the past 12 months. But whenever I see him wiggle I am immediately reminded of Papi's post :omgwtf:
Heh, fair enough.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
While I agree with your points - that the statement was somewhat hypocritical and, moreover, empty - I just didn't see the point in responding to him. Looking back though, I don't really see why I took issue with that in the first place, as I often play devil's advocate in such situations. I guess I just see playing "logic police," if you will, as an increasingly futile endeavor, which is probably more to do with my ever-growing apathy than anything else. In summation, my bad?
I know exactly what you mean.

Well, I do get the point of your post and agree that voicing criticism is as much one's right as voicing agreement is - perhaps even more so - but, at the same time, I didn't see it as being really facilitative to any real change -- just more bickering, more cyclical conversations, and more headaches for everyone.
But it is also what makes a forum interesting. I agree though that there is a fine line to be trodden in this regard, and I need new glasses.

I'm digging the alliteration here, good point notwithstanding.
I was thinking you'd be one of the few to notice/enjoy it.
I agree with most of this, but if we fail to accept things within our sport then what chance do we have of being accepted on a larger scale? Why impose morality when there's no evidence that the public will be more accepting of this anyway? I feel that we should continue to embrace ideas of self-expression insofar as they don't reach levels of vulgarity. I don't see Kai's posing as "slutty" or "gay" - the latter of which is a cruel use of the word, as it not only posits homosexuality as in some ways wrong but it also lumps sexually suggestive behavior unfairly into the gay camp - but as something indicative of his roots, what he's gone through to get where he is, and the culture he grew up in. Hell, we've had several people in this thread suggest that he's disgracing or ruining the sport, when, in fact, he's merely expressing himself as he's been conditioned to do. To have this kind of dissidence within the confines of our fans is far more tragic than not gaining public acceptance. I don't expect the mainstream to become enamored, or even accepting, of the sport anytime soon -- I do expect that of its fans though.

Actually that is a very good point. We are and are likely to continue to be rejected or maligned by the mainstream regardless of our image as a sport. The mainstream already has an image of gym enthusiasts (to the point were I had a work collegue suggest that I could take steriods) and they won't be changing it any time soon without another Arnie. I suppose to that extent we are our own culture and should instead be looking for recognition and acceptance 'warts and all'.

To this end we probably should have a ground-swell movement to counter the current trend in fitness culture. We should be taking back the gyms, petitioning senators/congressmen/politicians to make sure they keep their hands off our supplements, we should be destroying the fitness infomercials and mainstream health advice; this is our world not theirs.

*Insert Braveheart rallying cry here*


Sep 22, 2006
Dont be such a haters...kai is this years MR O!


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Guy cut the gay and stripper bullshit and show some respect. 2 times AC Champion in a row right there.

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