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Hey everybody, here's Kai L. Greene and his recent guest pose at the Rhode Island!



Well-known member
Nov 11, 2006
Holy shit ppl give the guy some respect that he deserves. Wtf is with all this gayness and crap..? This is bodybuilding, people that don't know anything about it call it a gay sport because of oiled up men posing in tiny posing trunks... And here you are, bodybuilders, talking about gay and shit instead of backing up our sport. And come one ppl with your comments about Kai like he should not get heavier, he should hit a certain pose in a different way, he should do this, he should do that... That's frigging hilarious. He's one of the best pro bodybuilders in the world for Christ's sake and I'm pretty sure he knows a a lot more than any of us whatever it is that he should do. And regarding his posing routines, I personally love them, I actually consider him to be the best poser of all bodybuilders at the moment. Besides, he's all original, you can't really compare him to anyone else, where as most of the other pros today tend to kinda copy the styles of former pros. He really does stand out with his posing and originality and that's what I like about him, and of course of his crazy physique too. What upsets me the most is that.. for example some kid posts his pics ups after a year or 2 of training, looking just a little more muscular than an average person and everybody starts complementing on how good he looks and telling him to keep it up and this and that.. and then when pics/vids/whatever is posted of an IFBB pro people start criticizing him, talking garbage and saying all this shit... I can only imagine how this person feels when he goes on the boards and sees all this garbage written up about him, when he put his body heart and soul into this sport and went through hell to get to where he is now, and this is what he gets??? F...ing disgusts me! No wonder this sport is not moving forward... Please stop talking shit about Kai and his routines, as someone already said this here- if you don't like them- don't watch them. Simple as that.


Well-known member
May 13, 2009
Holy shit ppl give the guy some respect that he deserves. Wtf is with all this gayness and crap..? This is bodybuilding, people that don't know anything about it call it a gay sport because of oiled up men posing in tiny posing trunks... And here you are, bodybuilders, talking about gay and shit instead of backing up our sport. And come one ppl with your comments about Kai like he should not get heavier, he should hit a certain pose in a different way, he should do this, he should do that... That's frigging hilarious. He's one of the best pro bodybuilders in the world for Christ's sake and I'm pretty sure he knows a a lot more than any of us whatever it is that he should do. And regarding his posing routines, I personally love them, I actually consider him to be the best poser of all bodybuilders at the moment. Besides, he's all original, you can't really compare him to anyone else, where as most of the other pros today tend to kinda copy the styles of former pros. He really does stand out with his posing and originality and that's what I like about him, and of course of his crazy physique too. What upsets me the most is that.. for example some kid posts his pics ups after a year or 2 of training, looking just a little more muscular than an average person and everybody starts complementing on how good he looks and telling him to keep it up and this and that.. and then when pics/vids/whatever is posted of an IFBB pro people start criticizing him, talking garbage and saying all this shit... I can only imagine how this person feels when he goes on the boards and sees all this garbage written up about him, when he put his body heart and soul into this sport and went through hell to get to where he is now, and this is what he gets??? F...ing disgusts me! No wonder this sport is not moving forward... Please stop talking shit about Kai and his routines, as someone already said this here- if you don't like them- don't watch them. Simple as that.

That is SO true! :thumbsup2:


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
What upsets me the most is that.. for example some kid posts his pics ups after a year or 2 of training, looking just a little more muscular than an average person and everybody starts complementing on how good he looks and telling him to keep it up and this and that

LOL, this is so true mate, you make me laugh hard, LOL.

.. and then when pics/vids/whatever is posted of an IFBB pro people start criticizing him, talking garbage and saying all this shit... I can only imagine how this person feels when he goes on the boards and sees all this garbage written up about him, when he put his body heart and soul into this sport and went through hell to get to where he is now, and this is what he gets???

Again, plain truth, but you make me laugh again, LOL.

Don't get me wrong, I agree 100% with your post, you are absolutely right, but your tone is hilarious IMHO. :thumbsup2:


Mecca Super-*****
Jun 5, 2007
His posing shouldnt matter anymore since they only count the prejudging and comparisons.

His back lat spread is only average. It actually makes his waist look huge and as though he has a very short torso. This is due to the way he arches his back and pushes his arse out. Plus he looks to lack detail in his back, which is something he seems to have addressed somewhat since '09.

I wonder if it has to do with his back injury. Mike Camp was talking about a weakness he has in his spine because he constantly has his ass sticking out and his back arched. Maybe he adjusted his posture a bit.

I think he needs to bring up his teres major and traps to make that pose look better.


Eat, lift, sleep, repeat.
Jun 18, 2007
His posing shouldnt matter anymore since they only count the prejudging and comparisons.

I wonder if it has to do with his back injury. Mike Camp was talking about a weakness he has in his spine because he constantly has his ass sticking out and his back arched. Maybe he adjusted his posture a bit.

I think he needs to bring up his teres major and traps to make that pose look better.

I doubt it's injury induced.

Despite his huge arse sticking out, I think Kai may have excessive lordosis in the lumbar.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
1. Validation is an important communicative staple.
2. It's one's right.

Which was exactly my point. The converse position holds true; objecting to something is also one's right and an important communicative staple. How can we deny opinions other than our own as though that is acceptable?

Any discourse requires us to think about our beliefs or values. By actually encountering other well reasoned values and beliefs you are forced to delve deeper into your understanding of a subject and possibly learn, grow and change, ultimately becoming a better person.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Holy shit ppl give the guy some respect that he deserves. Wtf is with all this gayness and crap..? This is bodybuilding, people that don't know anything about it call it a gay sport because of oiled up men posing in tiny posing trunks... And here you are, bodybuilders, talking about gay and shit instead of backing up our sport. And come one ppl with your comments about Kai like he should not get heavier, he should hit a certain pose in a different way, he should do this, he should do that... That's frigging hilarious. He's one of the best pro bodybuilders in the world for Christ's sake and I'm pretty sure he knows a a lot more than any of us whatever it is that he should do. And regarding his posing routines, I personally love them, I actually consider him to be the best poser of all bodybuilders at the moment. Besides, he's all original, you can't really compare him to anyone else, where as most of the other pros today tend to kinda copy the styles of former pros. He really does stand out with his posing and originality and that's what I like about him, and of course of his crazy physique too.
So fans of the sport are not allowed to be fans of the sport?? Kinda takes the fun out of being a fan doesn't it!?

What upsets me the most is that.. for example some kid posts his pics ups after a year or 2 of training, looking just a little more muscular than an average person and everybody starts complementing on how good he looks and telling him to keep it up and this and that.. and then when pics/vids/whatever is posted of an IFBB pro people start criticizing him, talking garbage and saying all this shit... I can only imagine how this person feels when he goes on the boards and sees all this garbage written up about him, when he put his body heart and soul into this sport and went through hell to get to where he is now, and this is what he gets??? F...ing disgusts me! No wonder this sport is not moving forward... Please stop talking shit about Kai and his routines, as someone already said this here- if you don't like them- don't watch them. Simple as that.
I think it is perfectly reasonable to judge a guy that has just started training with the same level of critique and benchmarks as that of a professional with decades of training. I think that is perfectly logical and fair :bitelip:

I think it is pathetic that these newbies can't dunk a basketball, can't run the 100m in 9.58sec, aren't walking around at 3% bodyfat carrying 140kg of muscle, aren't the president of Microsoft and aren't sleeping with all the Playboy bunnies.


Mecca V.I.P.
Dec 23, 2006

...yup that waist is huge....:bitelip:


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 15, 2008
... for example some kid posts his pics ups after a year or 2 of training, looking just a little more muscular than an average person and everybody starts complementing on how good he looks and telling him to keep it up and this and that.. and then when pics/vids/whatever is posted of an IFBB pro people start criticizing him, talking garbage and saying all this shit...

Too generalized a statement!
If that upcoming BBer (femal or male) had suggestive/slutty antics like Kai's... I'm sure he would get a stick from the same people that criticise Kai!

...when he put his body heart and soul into this sport and went through hell to get to where he is now, and this is what he gets???

Pretty bogus point you make here!
Fat cheques is what he gets for winning and placing high in BB contests and from product endorsements! And also he doesnt do the guest posing just out of the goodness of his heart and free for the entertainment of his adoring fans!
what...he is somehow/somesort of "mother of BBers"... "I brought you into this world, I cooked and cleaned after you for so long and this is the thanks I get"!!!!
He is pro making tons of money and thats what he gets!

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Mar 8, 2008
Pretty bogus point you make here!
Fat cheques is what he gets for winning and placing high in BB contests and from product endorsements! And also he doesnt do the guest posing just out of the goodness of his heart and free for the entertainment of his adoring fans!
what...he is somehow/somesort of "mother of BBers"... "I brought you into this world, I cooked and cleaned after you for so long and this is the thanks I get"!!!!
He is pro making tons of money and thats what he gets!

You kind of miss the point, no surprise there.:bitelip:

How about you go live in the streets for your childhood and go through whatever hell Kai has been through, pursue a sport that you've always dreamed about wanting to be successful in, slowly become successful in it, and when you've finally become successful, you have people disrespecting you and criticizing every aspect of yourself, and not just your physique.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 15, 2008
You kind of miss the point, no surprise there.:bitelip:

How about you go live in the streets for your childhood and go through whatever hell Kai has been through, pursue a sport that you've always dreamed about wanting to be successful in, slowly become successful in it, and when you've finally become successful, you have people disrespecting you and criticizing every aspect of yourself, and not just your physique.

He worked hard and thats paying off now in the shape of high placings and money that comes with it... he acts slutty and thats "paying off" in the shape of criticism .... in both the cases he is getting what he worked/works for!


Mecca Super-*****
Jun 5, 2007
He worked hard and thats paying off now in the shape of high placings and money that comes with it... he acts slutty and thats "paying off" in the shape of criticism .... in both the cases he is getting what he worked/works for!

idk where you live but in the USA, a man being slutty is hardly a problem unless he is a politician or tiger woods..


Active member
Sep 19, 2009
I don't really see why this matters....
Kai does what it takes, by doing this he has an advantage as far as publicity is concerned and people who talk about how they don't like his posing give him more publicity. Think of someone who is only marginally interested in bodybuilding. To them, Kai Greene is an unrecognizable character because he doesn't look or behave like any other bodybuilder. He presents high marketing value because of these things, and he certainly has the physique to back it up. I wouldn't be surprised if he is given the Olympia.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2008
I get what all of you mean when you say he's bringing something new and entertaining to the sport. And I can see how some would say Kai's posing is an art. But, really, with the posing the way it is, he's trying to bring art/something entertaining/whatever into a medium that doesn't really accept it. Kai's posing may be awesome to watch, but the bottom line is he's not effectively displaying his physique in a sport that demands it.

Personally, I wouldn't mind his "stripper style" posing if he held each pose for a few seconds longer rather than move from pose to pose in an attention-deficit sort of way.


Chaos reigns.
Jul 11, 2006
Which was exactly my point. The converse position holds true; objecting to something is also one's right and an important communicative staple.
I know, as I'm kind of a film critic and don't write as such merely because I like the sound of my own voice or, rather, the sound of my voice in my head as I read my reviews aloud.
How can we deny opinions other than our own as though that is acceptable?
I didn't think his post was requesting a subversion of the way we discuss bodybuilders online; more of a disgruntlement in how monotonous the criticisms of Kai had been. In other words, I don't disagree with you in theory, but don't think his post was egregious enough that it warranted a counter-reply.
Any discourse requires us to think about our beliefs or values. By actually encountering other well reasoned values and beliefs you are forced to delve deeper into your understanding of a subject and possibly learn, grow and change, ultimately becoming a better person.
Though some moral standards apply in regard to this conversation, I think you're being a bit sanctimonious here. That, and I don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with you on the issue of Kai and his routines. Do I think he's a great poser? No, but mainly because he doesn't hold his poses long enough and not because of his headstands and hip gyrations. I don't understand where the line is being drawn between professional/unprofessional, appropriate/inappropriate, or moral/amoral, especially when considering his social location and education (or lack thereof) in relation to his success and productivity nowadays. Everything seems a bit arbitrary. A little overt sexuality never hurt anyone. I wouldn't mind everyone being a bit more tolerant about this.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
I know, as I'm kind of a film critic and don't write as such merely because I like the sound of my own voice or, rather, the sound of my voice in my head as I read my reviews aloud.

I didn't think his post was requesting a subversion of the way we discuss bodybuilders online; more of a disgruntlement in how monotonous the criticisms of Kai had been. In other words, I don't disagree with you in theory, but don't think his post was egregious enough that it warranted a counter-reply.
Yes I agree that it is likely that the monotany was the source of the post. But it is also an empty statement, even hipocritical. If the same question can be asked of the questioning post then some bastard is likely to be a jerk about it, I was trying to play the devil's advocate as well as allow for a better explanation or statement.

Though some moral standards apply in regard to this conversation, I think you're being a bit sanctimonious here. That, and I don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with you on the issue of Kai and his routines. Do I think he's a great poser? No, but mainly because he doesn't hold his poses long enough and not because of his headstands and hip gyrations. I don't understand where the line is being drawn between professional/unprofessional, appropriate/inappropriate, or moral/amoral, especially when considering his social location and education (or lack thereof) in relation to his success and productivity nowadays. Everything seems a bit arbitrary. A little overt sexuality never hurt anyone. I wouldn't mind everyone being a bit more tolerant about this.

Sanctimonious? Possibly. But also note my comments on both sides of this argument, I'm not as partisan as my posts are being treated (oh how easy to address one part of a post and not the rest).

I agree with your last two sentences, but the reality of the mainstream is a disparaging dicotomy of decency. Arbitary is exactly why BBers continue to battle for acceptance. The world hates pedos yet embraces 14yr old models, we hate liars and yet elect politicians to run our world, we love sex and yet nudity on TV is censored. It is in this world that BBing is on the fringes battling for acceptance. Tell me that we'll get into the Olympics and be accepted with Kai, tell me that the morning chat shows will do their background research on Kai and not ask and thus paint all BBers as ex-strippers.

I actually didn't think much of Kai's video, it was a bit of fun at a guest posing, bit entertaining, the audience liked it but thought it was a bit out there (or not what they were expecting, one of the two). He still doesn't hit his poses and display his physique and this sort of routine is not for competition (although this is a moot point now). Kai is working hard on his weaknesses and has grown on me a lot in the past 12 months. But whenever I see him wiggle I am immediately reminded of Papi's post :omgwtf:

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