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Official comment on Arnold Classic Africa - Amateur and Pro Bodybuilding:
I know there is allot of confusion about the Arnold Classic Africa after the split between IFBB International and NPC/Pro League. After numerous meetings, it is decided and agreed by Arnold partnership that it is best that Arnold Classic Africa, is and will stay with IFBB International and IFBB Elite Pro League. No, Arnold Classic Africa is not a NPC event, and is not a qualifier for Pro League cards. Arnold Classic Africa will be a qualifier for the IFBB Elite Pro cards. To compete at the Arnold Classic Africa you still have to qualify by competing at the IFBB Sanctioned events as advertised, if you selected, you will receive a official invitation to compete at the Arnold Classic Africa 2018. So please if you got any questions and queries about Arnold Classic Africa, contact our team 012 653 2960 or send me a mail at Our last four Arnold Classic Africa qualifying events for 2017,you will see posters attached!
or get more information on and . This is exiting times, and i am convinced that we going to see great things happen in the near future!
Bodybuilding Industry News: As announced yesterday by Tony Doherty, the Arnold Sports Festival in Australia will remain an IFBB Pro League sanctioned event, with additional Pro League qualifying events set to be held throughout Australia. -- We anticipate this trend will continue in most regions of the world as promoters and competitors look to align themselves with the best business opportunities, the top athletes, and the highest profile events in the industry, including the Olympia.
The Arnold Amateur is proud to announce that it will affiliate with the National Physique Committee in 2018 and that all overall winners will receive pro cards to compete in the IFBB Pro League.
The Arnold Amateur will be OPEN TO ALL COMPETITORS around the world with no qualifications necessary. All NPC rules and regulations will be in place. New in 2018 is Classic Physique. More information and registration applications at
Arnold Sports Festival NPC News Online Official Gaspari Nutrition® Mike Davies Fitness Universe #winandyouarein #ASF2018
A new Era is upon the Bodybuilding Industry in Canada! Welcome the Canadian Physique Association which will provide our Canadian Athletes more opportunity to earn IFBB Pro Cards! Mr. Ron Hache will be guiding us with this transition which will follow the same rules and regulations as the NPC in the USA. #changeisgood #ifbbproleague #CPA #NPC #Bodybuilding #figure #fitness #physique #bikini
Here is the poster with IFBB Pro Elite divisions for the Arnold Classic Africa 2018! And see a 1 MILLION RAND pay out in prize money!
see more information on webpage
The one guy that has had my back from our first meeting is Jim Manion. He backed me to be the promoter for @arnoldclassicau when others tried to stop me. He gave me the opportunity to be the interviewer for NPC News Online backstage at the @mrolympiallc and @arnoldsports He encouraged me to be a pro judge all over the world. He called me when my life was upside down, taught me to be patient and dignified when I was under attack. Recognised my street smarts when we had problems across the world. Thank you Jim for believing in me.
IFBB PHYSIQUE AMERICA - the ONLY US Bodybuilding Federation Affiliated with the IFBB International
Here is the list of IFBB 2018 shows that athletes will be able to qualify and be sent to with all EXPENSES PAID. The first event we will be sending athletes to is the Arnold Classic South America, which will be held in San Paulo, Brazil, April 20-22
April 20-22 Arnold Classic Brazil San Paulo, Brazil
May 18-20 Arnold Classic Africa Johannesburg, South Africa
June 1-3 Mr. America Baltimore, MD
July 13-15 Diamond Cup Canada Montreal, Canada
Sept. 21-23 Arnold Classic Europe Barcelona, Spain
Sept. 28-30 North American Championships Tijuana, Mexico
Oct. 26-28 Women’s World Amateurs Poland
Nov. 2-4 Diamond Cup Italy Rome, Italy
Nov. 9-11 Men’s World Amateurs Marbella, Spain
Nov 16-18 Diamond Cup Mexico Cancun, Mexico
In addition, in 2019 the IFBB will be part of the Pan Am Games in Lima, Peru. This is a monumental step in the process to Olympic Recognition. IFBB Physique America will be sending a team to Peru which will represent the United States.
Anunciamos oficialmente el primer Show IFBB PRO en nuestro país para el próximo año:
8-9-10 JUNIO
Expo Fitness Weekend - IFA ALICANTE 2018
9-10 JUNIO Mr. Olympia Amateur Spain - Alicante 2018
Veronica Gallego Classic Pro - Alicante 2018
Llevamos trabajando para poder hacer un evento así dos años. Y por fin, hemos podido tener la oportunidad de hacer realidad el sueño de poder dar a nuestros atletas y familias españolas, la posibilidad de poder a nuestros pros con los mejores del mundo.
Dos eventos unidos, el Amateur, donde podrán competir, por primera vez, todos los atletas del mundo amateur sin prohibiciones ni dobles licencias y de cualquier federación o asociación que tengan.
De ella, saldrán 21 atletas nuevos profesionales. Todo un hito en nuestro país.
Al día siguiente, los nuevos profesionales, podrán estrenarse en el primer Veronica Gallego Classic Pro, en las 5 categorías que en ella habrán con 20000$ de premios en metálico.
Será, la primera vez que 5 categorías, que puntúan para el Mr. Olympia de Las Vegas, verlas juntas en nuestro país.
Y todo ello en un marco incomparable, la IFA (Instituto Ferial Alicantino) albergara el mayor espectaculo de la temporada con una feria internacional del Fitness.
EXPO FITNESS WEEKEND -Alicante 2018, una feria internacional moderna que estará albergando los distintos eventos del Fisicoculturismo y Fitness, con otros deporte de la fuerza, como el Power y la lucha.
En breve estará todo en nuestra web para que tengáis puntual todas las noticias y avances del espectaculo.
We officially announced the first IFBB PRO Show in our country for next year:
8-9-10 JUNE
Expo Fitness Weekend - IFA ALICANTE 2018
9-10 JUNE Mr. Olympia Amateur Spain - Alicante 2018
Veronica Gallego Classic Pro - Alicante 2018
We have been working to make an event like this for two years. And finally, we have had the opportunity to realize the dream of being able to give our Spanish athletes and families the possibility of being able to power our pros with the best in the world.
Two events together, the Amateur, where all the athletes of the amateur world can compete, for the first time, without prohibitions or double licenses and of any federation or association they have.
From it, 21 new professional athletes will come out. A milestone in our country.
The next day, the new professionals will be able to premiere at the first Veronica Gallego Classic Pro, in the 5 categories that will have $ 20000 in prize money.
It will be, the first time that 5 categories, that score for the Mr. Olympia of Las Vegas, to see them together in our country.
And all this in an incomparable setting, the IFA (Instituto Ferial Alicantino) will host the biggest show of the season with an international fitness fair.
EXPO FITNESS WEEKEND -Alicante 2018, a modern international fair that will host the different events of Bodybuilding and Fitness, with other sport of strength, such as Power and fight.
Soon everything will be on our website so that you have all the news and developments of the show on time.
Only three months ago, IFBB started to manage again the PRO LEVEL since 2005. With a new concept, a new era comes to help the sport of bodybuilding and fitness. IFBB ELITE PRO is here to stay!!
More than 100.000 dollars in prizes in only 3 contests in 2017. With a different philosophy, the old school bodies again in the winner places in bodybuilding. With the new concepts in competition like Bikini, Wellness or Classics Bodybuilding and Men´s Physique. This mixture is part of the success in these first times in IFBB ELITE PRO.
For the next year everything is growing… Already a reality in 2017, in 2018 IFBB ELITE PRO will be amazing!!
Over 100 competitions in several sport divisions. 5 continents, Over 1.000.000 Dollars in prizes!! Let see the new season 2018 with a lot of news in the sport!
Because our duty is to work for our sport! Because we are the defenders of the Ben Weider Legacy!! Because we are IFBB!!!
Zero tolerance:
As per IFBB Directives, any athlete exhibiting any stomach distension, evident gynecomastia & site enhancement injections will be automatically disqualified and put into last place by our judges!!!!
Symmetry, proportion and aesthetics along with enough muscle will give a balanced healthy look.
The sport will be better and the health of the athletes is the IFBB priority.
Chanan Siglock, former Bikini Pro, accepts top Texas position.
In an historic move, IFBB Physique America has named Chanan Siglock, former IFBB Pro Bikini competitor to be their first Chairperson for the State of Texas. Besides being a competitor, Chanan is also a gym owner and a personal trainer.
“It was a logical choice having a woman in the top executive position for such a large state since two thirds of the sport is now female” proclaimed IFBB Physique America CEO, Wayne S. DeMilia. “We are taking the sport out of the Dark Ages and elevating it to the Modern World.” Chanan has quickly organized Promoters in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Houston and El Paso proving that she is not only a competitor but also an astute business executive.
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