Mecca V.I.P.
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How can one person hold so much ingnorance? this is unbelievable.
I basically got the answer I thought I would. I find it funny when someone makes such bad points that I don't even have to attack them specifically to get across just how ridiculous they are.How can one person hold so much ingnorance? this is unbelievable.
Legalizing weed would shut down drug dealers becasue everyone would be buying their government approved drugs b/c the quality would be gaurenteed. think of my example of steroids. Who would you rather buy steroids from a street dealer or a pharmacist.ignorance is legalizing weed to help reduce crime and everything.
sorry line i cant a PHD in a bunch of shit ok, so you use big words to obviously throw me off track.
yes im ignorant but i listen to you guys, more than what i can say for you.
YOU are ridiculous, you have your head far up your ass.
ever since this so called debate ive been disrespected called names etc. you guys are still wrong now go talk some more shit i dont care, tell me how ridiculous i am, i may not be a college grad but i have common sense and know how the world works.
its just not fucking possible you want legal drugs its not.
its like a twilight zone in this fucking forum where only the mods and admins are right and you got kiss ass VIP memebers to agree with you to get on your good side.
Get the public hooked? You guys really are like an anti drug propaganda. You consider alcohol a social problem?
Yes I can, because it's nonsense. Tell me how the economic costs of legalizing drugs will be more than what they currently are now, with the "war on drugs"? Come on Bulkboy, this is just laughable.
The war on drugs costs $40 billion dollars each year (1). This isn't even counting the fact that the average state (yes, times this by 50) spends a whopping $6.25 billion dollars per year to imprison drug related criminals!
Besides the one you live in, in what fantasy world is it even remotely possible that legalizing marijuana, or even drugs at all for that matter, would result in higher economic costs.
ye, get the public hooked. consumption will go up if its legalized, i dont think anyone can actually deny this.
the point is that today, it exists a barrier against drugs, its generally viewed as ok to get shit wasted, however not so okay to inject a shot of heroine.
if u legalize heroine, suddenly people wont view it as that bad anymore, and consumption will go up along with prices going down. some people sure enough, will be able to restrain themselves, other wont, and to me getting more of these people is just not of any interest.
im not against alchohol, its here to stay, i enjoy it myself and so does many others. im just saying that had it been introduced today it would probably come under more regulation, considering the amount of people who have developed severe problems with it, all the kids who suffer because their parents get wasted. i just think alcohol is enough, we dont need to legalize more and harder drugs.
the societal costs totally would be higher, i really think so. think of it this way:
how many more overdoses would there be?
how many more people hurt or killed in traffic?
how much more violent crime?
how many more kids suffering because of abusive parents which then again the government has to take care off?
how many more people not being able to get a job or not pursuing a higher career because of problems with drugs?
and last but not least, how much more of a strain on the social service and health sector would there be? ie more people requiring health services, more people dependant on welfare etc etc...
all in all i would think that adds up to alot greater economic strain on society as a whole then the war on drugs currently being waged today.