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Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
I'm pretty sure alcohol is legal and driving under the influence isn't. I don't think anyone in here has said make drugs legal and DUI legal, too. how will you test for being high?

As far as buying from a store as opposed to a random guy; I agree with IS. People would buy from a store because you don't have to worry about gang related violence and you would be 100% certain the drug is legit. not everyone who sells is a gang member

As far as my ice cream analogy I wasn't trying to compare ice cream to drugs, lol. I was just showing that ANYTHING can be harmful regardless if it's legal or illegal.its harmful because people have it at reach and they can use it when ever they want



Mecca V.I.P.
May 20, 2007
thats just plain ignorant. what doesnt a ak47 have to do with drugs?

and you said you have smoked weed and thats a drug so you do them. or have done em same difference.

and i didnt get introuble because im not street walking scum with a dirty record of other crimes ok? plus i was serving my country why would they put me in jail if im the one whos keeping them here giving out tickets? taking the real crimials off the streets..

Your serving your country By driving around with a ak and guns?? when most of the u.s. population would have gone to jail?? You also do drugs (roids sorry to tell you there also illegal ) or do you think your above the law cause you sever for the country. what makes a real criminal some one who breaks the law sorry to tell you bro.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
Your serving your country By driving around with a ak and guns?? when most of the u.s. population would have gone to jail?? You also do drugs (roids sorry to tell you there also illegal ) or do you think your above the law cause you sever for the country. what makes a real criminal some one who breaks the law sorry to tell you bro.

rofl. your right man your a true genius im a crimial call the cops on me.

i should do life man. your such a good citizen.

im sorry if i disrespected you good guys.

ima go smoke weed now bye.

EDIT: maybe if there were no crime the way there is over drugs and everything i wouldnt need to carry a AK47 and having a AK47 is not illegal i just built it like an idiot to be automatic.

and roids is not a illusional drug its a performance enhancers but no your smarter than me. just stop im done here.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
how will you test for being high?

Like Vic said (I think it was him) there are physical symptoms to look for. Plus, if someone is swerving all over the road you can at least take them in for a minor offense like reckless endangerment or failure to control vehicle.

not everyone who sells is a gang member

Did you read the whole sentence? And, I never said that. But, buying from a random guy who has no rules/regulations to pass you'd never be able to tell if his drug is legit. You wouldn't have to worry about this buying from a store that has to pass rules/regulations.

its harmful because people have it at reach and they can use it when ever they want

So, should be ban all things that can potentially be dangerous and that there is not an absolute need for? Okay, let's ban guns, tobacco, alcohol and sugar foods.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
and roids is not a illusional drug its a performance enhancers but no your smarter than me. just stop im done here.

It's still illegal. You flame our personal opinions on the subject matter of making drugs legal but all of a sudden your opinion on a certain drug being legal is okay?


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Weapon... it's ironic that you don't mind using steroids, when it is exactly the same people who are claiming that weed and other drugs will make us all kill each other and ruin society and blah blah blah, are the same ones who also say roid rage is a serious problem.


Ron Paul FTW
Jul 12, 2006
if its simple why dont they do it now? wait.... they are but theres still crime. therefore theres still gonna be crime over drugs.
every country in the world has crime, regardless of their laws. I'm not saying that legalizing drugs would turn America into a peaceful utopia of awesomeness.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
you know what forget it, you guys dont want to listen to another opinion your too full of yourselves to listen to anyone else, im going to workout. later.

weapon you have to give stronger evidence to prove your point is a better way of thinking than theirs is otherwise why would they change their minds bro. Just from reading the thread IS and TJ have given a much stronger argument than you have. I am leaning towards legalization on the matter b/c IS and TJ are making their argument much stronger and sensible than yours because they are offering solutions to your problems and all your doing is offering more problems. If you can offer more facts that are not your opinion you would have a much stronger argument.

God Bless


Mecca V.I.P.
May 20, 2007
The Effects of Alcohol

If you have seen someone who has had too much to drink, you've probably noticed definite changes in that person's performance and behavior. The body responds to alcohol in stages, which correspond to an increase in BAC:

1. Euphoria (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12 percent)
* They become more self-confident or daring.
* Their attention span shortens.
* They may look flushed.
* Their judgement is not as good -- they may say the first thought that comes to mind, rather than an appropriate comment for the given situation.
* They have trouble with fine movements, such as writing or signing their name.

2. Excitement (BAC = 0.09 to 0.25 percent)
* They become sleepy.
* They have trouble understanding or remembering things (even recent events).
* They do not react to situations as quickly (if they spill a drink they may just stare at it).
* Their body movements are uncoordinated.
* They begin to lose their balance easily.
* Their vision becomes blurry.
* They may have trouble sensing things (hearing, tasting, feeling, etc.).

3. Confusion (BAC = 0.18 to 0.30 percent)
* They are confused -- might not know where they are or what they are doing.
* They are dizzy and may stagger.
* They may be highly emotional -- aggressive, withdrawn or overly affectionate.
* They cannot see clearly.
* They are sleepy.
* They have slurred speech.
* They have uncoordinated movements (trouble catching an object thrown to them).
* They may not feel pain as readily as a sober person.

4. Stupor (BAC = 0.25 to 0.4 percent)
* They can barely move at all.
* They cannot respond to stimuli.
* They cannot stand or walk.
* They may vomit.
* They may lapse in and out of consciousness.

5. Coma (BAC = 0.35 to 0.50 percent)
* They are unconscious.
* Their reflexes are depressed (i.e. their pupils do not respond appropriately to changes in light).
* They feel cool (lower-than-normal body temperature).
* Their breathing is slower and more shallow.
* Their heart rate may slow.
* They may die.

6. Death (BAC more than 0.50 percent) - The person usually stops breathing and dies.

seems like Alcohol is a strong drug to me a it legal :wutyousay:

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
every country in the world has crime, regardless of their laws. I'm not saying that legalizing drugs would turn America into a peaceful utopia of awesomeness.

crime is never gonna stop here.

in all honesty, this country has too many rights that people take advantage of and they want more, legalizing drugs that impair your decision making abilities isnt gonna solve anything. because you give someone an inch and they take a mile. everyone is gonna want more, pretty soon everybody is gonna say that in order to stop killing we make killing legal because we can do it now without a problem so we wont do it as much.

amsterdam for instance, they have legal pot. think of it how ever you want its a priveledge that they dont abuse. americans think that since we are in the land of the free what ever "privledge" you have you can abuse it. like alcohol, people here dont drink to have fun they drink to get wasted and fucked up.

what makes you think that if drugs are legal people wont abuse it? do you want to be working with people while they are high? do you want your waiter to be stoned off his ass while hes serving your food giggleing like an idiot?

its a fact. this country cannot handle responsibility with a privledge like that. there will be more crime if you seriously think about it.

please read my whole post and dont nit pick at it, because its very annoying.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
weapon you have to give stronger evidence to prove your point is a better way of thinking than theirs is otherwise why would they change their minds bro. Just from reading the thread IS and TJ have given a much stronger argument than you have. I am leaning towards legalization on the matter b/c IS and TJ are making their argument much stronger and sensible than yours because they are offering solutions to your problems and all your doing is offering more problems. If you can offer more facts that are not your opinion you would have a much stronger argument.

God Bless

its common sense ben. and no one reads my post you can obviously tell by the way they respond to them.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
its common sense ben. and no one reads my post you can obviously tell by the way they respond to them.

its not common sense, nothing is common sense. You cannot give an argument based on what you assume people know. It does not matter how you feel you must prove with facts that your ideas are better than another persons ideas beyond a doubt otherwise a reader has no reason not to dismiss your thoughts or ideas b/c they are opinions based on no facts and are the cheapest form of persuasion.

At this moment IS's and TJ's argument is much stronger.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
its not common sense, nothing is common sense. You cannot give an argument based on what you assume people know. It does not matter how you feel you must prove with facts that your ideas are better than another persons ideas beyond a doubt otherwise a reader has no reason not to dismiss your thoughts or ideas b/c they are opinions based on no facts and are the cheapest form of persuasion.

At this moment IS's and TJ's argument is much stronger.

i dont think so. although i have considered their opinion but its not the way it works. americans cannot have that type of freedom. and i have made pretty good arguements its just no one wants to read it.

theres no use getting through to anyone eveyone has their way of looking at this and there aint enough proof in the world to change their minds.

for instance did you read my post before i quoted yours? no.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
crime is never gonna stop here.

in all honesty, this country has too many rights that people take advantage of and they want more, legalizing drugs that impair your decision making abilities isnt gonna solve anything.Give an argument based on facts as to why. because you give someone an inch and they take a mile.That is a general assumption based on stereotypes of the people you have experienced in your life, that does not fit everyone everyone is gonna want more, pretty soon everybody is gonna say that in order to stop killing we make killing legal because we can do it now without a problem so we wont do it as much. killing would not benefit in the same way legalizing drugs would because killing is not an act that is in most cases profitable. Most murders are based on negative emotion(anger, revenge, envy, spite) why does a drug dealer sell drugs? to make money. why does a drug user buy druigs, to get high. As a drug user if the goverment began selling steroids and guarenteed their strength would u buy from a guy at the gym or the government approved drugs. Your going to buy the government approved drugs because the quality of the drug has been tested and approved by a lab.

amsterdam for instance, they have legal pot. think of it how ever you want its a priveledge that they dont abuse. americans think that since we are in the land of the free what ever "privledge" you have you can abuse it. like alcohol, people here dont drink to have fun they drink to get wasted and fucked up.

what makes you think that if drugs are legal people wont abuse it? do you want to be working with people while they are high? do you want your waiter to be stoned off his ass while hes serving your food giggleing like an idiot?

its a fact. this country cannot handle responsibility with a privledge like that. there will be more crime if you seriously think about it.

please read my whole post and dont nit pick at it, because its very annoying.

i read your whole post and i still have arguments against it. Not everyone that gets high laughs like an idiot. Just because you say something is a fact does not make it one for example. 3+2=6 its a fact, it is very much a false statement. you cant generalize an entire population of people. Do u like it when someone says every bodybuilder uses steroids has an IQ of 90 and has a small flaccid not usable penis? Why would their be more crime if the drugs were legalized? If i know the quality of my drug is guaranteed i am using the guaranteed source to hell with joe who sells bud out of his apartment


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
i dont think so. although i have considered their opinion but its not the way it works. americans cannot have that type of freedom. and i have made pretty good arguements its just no one wants to read it.

theres no use getting through to anyone eveyone has their way of looking at this and there aint enough proof in the world to change their minds.

for instance did you read my post before i quoted yours? no.

i do not agree with your post, and yes i did read all your posts before i replied. Why did u assume i did not read them?


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
i do not agree with your post, and yes i did read all your posts before i replied. Why did u assume i did not read them?

because you quote to another one.

i give up theres no use getting through to you guys. its ok you can have your weed and coke and all that good shit. you can have all of it get high all you want. its your choice. your voice counts. and mine doesnt. you guys are americans and deserve all the freedom you want. i mean we have a black president so i guess anythings possible.

:methman: :methman: :methman: :methman:


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
Don't try to act condescending as if i didn't understand or pay attention to what you typed when i quoted you. when did i quote you and not talk about what i quoted weapon? You still have not made any argument that was not based only on your opinion as to why drugs should not be legalized. I take it your quitting though because you have no argument that is not opinion based as to why drugs should stay illegal.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
when did i quote you and not talk about what i quoted weapon? You still have not made any argument that was not based only on your opinion as to why drugs should not be legalized.

they should be legalized. i wanna smoke alot of pot and do it legally. imagine all of our military smoking pot it be so cool. seriously drugs are good we should all get high and escape from reality.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
they should be legalized. i wanna smoke alot of pot and do it legally. imagine all of our military smoking pot it be so cool. seriously drugs are good we should all get high and escape from reality.

So you want people in our military to replace the liquor they drink with marijuana? It is all about personal preference. Who is to say that every person will react the exact same way to the same drug it is not logical to make that statement. i for instance do not like to smoke weed, but i prefer to drink if i am going to do any thing. I know a gentleman who prefers to snort cocaine as a recreational and social drug instead of drinking or smoking weed, but he still takes care of his family and makes over 200,000 dollars a year working for JP Morgan, and is a very intelligent person very well read. Your afraid of what will happen if drugs get legalized because all you see drug users as are the stereotypes they have been labeled with by whomever has labeled them. Sure some people react exactly how the stereotypes say they will.

The problem with stereotypes is that they take the action of the individual out of the individual and label a community of people who do the same thing as all acting a certain way, that is just not true. I will again revert to my example of bodybuilders. Sure some guys go into the gym and act arrogant and are pricks and have selfish attitudes, so therefore all bodybuilders are arrogant selfish pricks. Do you know anyone who bodybuilds and is not a selfish person? I know a guy that smokes weed every day before work( at a restaurant) and gets drunk after work, does that stop him for working 50-60 hours a week and getting promoted to manager, certainly not. In order for a stereotype to be true you can not be able to find an exception to the stereotype, and their is an exception to every stereotype which makes stereotypes an extremely useless tool to predict the actions of any group of people. Your argument is weak and as far as I am concerned defeated because your argument is based on stereotypes which i have discredited as a legitimate way of classifying an entire group of people. Stereotypes are shallow and impersonal and cannot be used as a way to predict the personal actions of an individual.