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Thanks all you guys for your words of wisdom (I particularly like miami's idea! ) and I know you're all probably right. The only problem I have with taking much time off is the effect it has on my strength - it just disappears and takes forever to climb back. Now I know that's probably a small price to pay for not having constant back problems but it's psychologically soul destroying.
So I'm comprimising and I have knocked off deads and any movement which involves any bending - no rows, squats or anything like that. I did a sort of full-body session today because my next session won't be for nearly a week because of work. It was ok, but frustrating to be going light and that the shoulder work I got weaker on again. But here it was:
Smith Flat Bench
60kg (135lb) x 10
90kg (200lb) x 10
115kg (255lb) x 6 (pause after 5) - P.B. for reps
125kg (275lb) x 1
135kg (300lb) x 1 - P.B. Woo-hoo! First time ever. If I'm honest my bum came off the seat a touch but I'm still claiming it!!
115kg (255lb) x 3
Lat Pulldown
60kg (135lb) x 10
80kg (180lb) x 10
102.5kg (225lb) x 8
102.5kg (225lb) x 8
Smith Military
60kg (135lb) x 10
80kg (180lb) x 10 - felt hard
90kg (200lb) x 6 - expected more than this
Pec Dec
70kg (155lb) x 10
92.5kg (205lb) x 3
92.5kg (205lb) x 4 - P.B.
DB Row
35kg (77lb) x 10
45kg (100lb) x 12
45kg (100lb) x 12
Smith C/G Bench
70kg (155lb) x 10
90kg (200lb) x 4
90kg (200lb) x 4
Standing Alt DB Curl
20kg (45lb) x 10
25kg (55lb) x 8
25kg (55lb) x 8 - deliberately went lighter to stay dead straight with no bending so not to aggravate back.
Seated Leg Press
110kg (240lb) x 12
160kg (352lb) x 12
205kg (450lb) x 20
Seated Calf Press
160kg (352lb) x 15
205kg (450lb) x 10
205kg (450lb) x 10
And that was it - wrapped it up in 60 mins. Had a headache after. Was hard work and was gutted about dropping more weight off my military. Hopefully having the best part of a week off means I may be in shape enough to venture some squatting and deads but we'll see.
im glad ur listening to ur body and staying off the deads etc
now to the session, man its awesome, u got in there and u did what u could and i mean its just great work all over, the benching is fucking strong, dont sweat the military too much cuz after heavy benching ur shoulders are pretty fried, i know that from experience. pec deck, db rows and pulldowns are all awesome, great work as always my british chap
Bulky - Thanks man. Yeah I guess the shoulders probably were a little weaker from the benching. They will probably suffer for a while yet if I carry on doing a FB workout for the next few sessions. Thanks for the words man.
Rage - Yay! 300 for the first time. My chest is such a weak area I'm really glad to have hit a landmark weight for me. Hopefully next time I'll do it without lifting my arse up at all.
vik - Thanks man. I still want to be pushing it but it's not worth doing any permanent or major recurring problems. I hope I can get back into some heavy back work soon though.
knightrider - Thanks man.Yeah it's been up and down but overall I think the improvements outway the backward steps (bis seem to be a weak area these days). Good to have you posting in here again!
Turkish - Yeah I'm pretty pleased that my back hasn't restricted everything.
Glex - Yeah I did DB rows so I could use the other arm to support myself and stay really strict, with no movement other than necessary.
miami - Thanks buddy! Seems to have been forever trying to get there!
I did some yoga yesterday. With my back giving me trouble I thought I'd better do some stuff to try and ease it, and I realised just how bad my flexibility had become considering I used to do gymnastics for the school - how things change. I might make a point of doing it regular to try and keep limber and flexible and strengthen my core in a different way.
On to today - still sticking with fullbody and watching the exercises cos my back still isn't 100% but I thought I'd venture some squats, RDL's and BB rows - Here it was:
Smith Squat
110kg (240lb) x 20 - breathing squat! - P.B.Tough.
130kg (285lb) x 1
150kg (330lb) x 1 - could feel my back a little - just testing singles.
Seated Calf Raise
140kg (310lb) x 15
190kg (420lb) x 12
235kg (520lb) x 8 - P.B.
235kg (520lb) x 8
100kg (220lb) x 10
150kg (330lb) x 15 - P.B. for reps - felt pretty easy actually, but stopped to not aggravate back.
Smith Flat Bench
60kg (135lb) x 10
90kg (200lb) x 10
120kg (265lb) x 6 - P.B. (pause after 4&5)
135kg (300lb) x 1 - just to make sure it wasn't a fluke - better form this time too.
100kg (220lb) x 10 - hard!
Lat Pulldown
80kg (180lb) x 10
102.5kg (225lb) x 10
102.5kg (225lb) x 10
Smith Military
60kg (135lb) x 10
80kg (180lb) x 10 - hard.
90kg (200lb) x 3 - knew this was gonna be tough before I started after the other work.
BB B/Over Row
60kg (135lb) x 10
80kg (180lb) x 10
100kg (220lb) x 10 - played it light and cautious.
C/G Smith Bench
70kg (155lb) x 10
90kg (200lb) x 6
90kg (200lb) x 6
EZ BB Curls
40kg (90lb) x 10
60kg (135lb) x 6 - tough.
50kg (110lb) x 8
And that was it. All done in just over 60 mins which isn't too bad. Can feel my lower back a little now, so maybe more yoga later!
damn good going rocky once again ur bench is gettting fucking strong for sure, 135 kg is no joke. strong pulldowns (why not pullups?) and those ez curls are outstanding deadlifts are sick, dont understand how u can do that much weight for those reps, once again awesome work bud
Bulky - Thank buddy! Pulldowns just cos I prefer the stretch and while my back is a bit off and on I can concentrate better. Don't know why I'm able to hit those reps on deads - I normally hate high reps!
Turkish - lol as if you need MY secret!
First Set - Thanks mate!
Well I'm able to (hopefully) hit the gym 4 times this week so have gone back to my 2 way split. It wasn't great today, but here it was:
DB Incline
25kg (55lb) x 10
35kg (82lb) x 10
45kg (100lb) x 5 - same again.
40kg (90lb) x 8
BB Decline
80kg (180lb) x 10
110kg (240lb) x 4
110kg (240lb) x 4 wasn't expecting this after how well flat bench has been going.
Lying DB Pullover
45kg (100lb) x 12
Deads - still going light on back
100kg (220lb) x 10
140kg (310lb) x 7 - grip.
160kg (352lb) x 12 - P.B. for reps
T-Bar Row
90kg (200lb) x 10
125kg (275lb) x 8
125kg (275lb) x 8
W/G Pullups
x 10
x 8
x 6
x 4
x 2
x 4
x 6
x 8 - total of 48 reps.
w/25kg (55lb) x 10
w/45kg (100lb) x 10
w/60kg (135lb) x 3 - awkward - using new belt, and then the hook broke!
Tri Bar Pushdown
75kg (165lb) x 10
102.5kg (225lb) x 10
102.5kg (225lb) x 10
And that was it. Quite pleased with the deads. Arsed off about the benching - my flat bench has been going so well I don't know why it doesn't translate to the other lifts. But at least it's not a drop off in strength since coming off creatine again (even though I was only on it for about 10 days before doing my back in and stopping it again).
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