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The Biggest Loser Mecca Edition- Dridderz wins

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Jun 27, 2006
Max, the fact you asked for so much help and members went out of their way to do their best then you quit on them is insulting. You should never take anyone that is willing to help for granted. You need all the help in the world to get your rear into contest shape.

You should continue your contest prep and just do the damn show. Even though you should of never started a contest prep but now I think you should just stick to your diet and get the show over with. Last place or not, just get to the finish line. I think its the only way to regain trust in some of the members. Show them that you're willing to see things through to the end.
Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo

Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
tony is such drama queen so i don´t care, well maybe somebody has some info or some links to a good posing site or something like that. posing for me now is just trial and error every for 30-1 hour

Quit asking for help. If you need help on posing go bother Google's search engine.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
tony is such drama queen so i don´t care, well maybe somebody has some info or some links to a good posing site or something like that. posing for me now is just trial and error every for 30-1 hour
dude what are you doing posting? arent you busy working in the supreme court? i mean your a supreme court lawyer not a not the clerk at the local elementary school cleaning toilets like everyone else? hey why would you ask for advice on sueing someone if your a supreme court lawyer? especially ask on a bodybuilding forum?


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 19, 2006
Is this Max? If so you guys won't believe what he says in this thread!


I don't think thats max, max's multi account is maxmonzter and thug_life with the_ between it.

on a flip note, i´ve made mistakes and i learn from them aka multiple accounts and changing diets and not following advices, i do take some advice. i had all this bullshit coming and yeh i can´t change that but what i can change is how i look wich i can do. but the advice i take will be a good bulk after i´m shredded, i think i need 2 yrs of good bulk staying at 9%bf and working on my upper chest and shoulders. i apoligize for dissing all who have help me in the past, if anyone could give a link or something to help me be a better poser that would really help, don´t exspect anyone to help me. on dieting-i think it´s best i do that myself and with no help from mecca members

Your've made changes? where?????
you prolly still troll other forums with multi accounts.
:49: changing diets and not following advices while throwing it our faces.
you cant even change how you looki max, you dieted for what 12 weeks and nothing changed throughout your body, part from closing your mouth while hitting poses,
but the advice you will take it a good bulk after your "shredded" dude.. we can't wait another 4 years till you get shredded nor do we even care anymore on what you have to say :49:.
"You think you need 2 years of a good bulk" ??? dude people told you from dad one to take afew years off and dude a clean bulk and now ur just saying "you think you need one?" :49: :49: what a total joke.
Your saying sorry just only now for what your done? abit late don't you think plus no one cares anymore :bowroflarms:

if anyone could give a link or something to help me be a better poser that would really help, i don´t exspect anyone to help me.
Good because 98% of people here wont help you and will ignore your requests.

on dieting-i think it´s best i do that myself and with no help from mecca members
:bowroflarms: wait.... what!!!!?? , at the start you asked us for help with dieting so we helped you, and you failed on your own due to not being stricted and changing diets 3 times , when each one got hard... and now your saying... Your going to do it all yourself with dieting? :bowroflarms: :bowroflarms: whats it going to be ? the high candy low protein diet? :49: .
What a total joke.

Max, you've got some nerve asking members to help you.

x2, Your've got some Nerve to be asking us for more help "Again" :bowroflarms:

i think i can, with proper nutrition i can, i´ve been eating badly all my offseason so when i´m done with the contest i´m doing i will have a succesful offseason and staying pretty lean.

You think you can with a proper Nutrition? hello over there in wonderland!! your've tried that 3 times already and failed on your arse :bowroflarms: going for re-try # 4?? :keke:
"Your've been eating badly all your offseason" ? that include your so called "precontest diet" aswel? :jerkoff1: and the
I brush my teeth at night if i wake up and have a eat meal
<-- :bowroflarms: i lol'd so hard when i saw you wrote that .
i dont think your going to make it in time for this contest, your to far behind .
best of luck with your " Succesful offseason and staying pretty lean" its easy to say something then to actual do it :jerkoff1: :49:

i need posing advice, wich is what i will take. i´m not taking advice on dieting or nutrition

You need posing advice? ask someone else because im pretty sure no one is going to take/spare afew minutes of their time to assit you then to take it all thrown back in their faces, :ranter: .
"im not taking advice on dieting or nutrition" ? dont think anyone cares

no i´m not saying they wasted their time, maybe tony but i´ve learned the most from creator and i apply that knowledge to the prep. i don´t exspect anyone to help me with posing, i just know that i need help with it.

Why? because you couldnt see it that you wasted our time and throwing it back in our faces when time got hard and moved on to another member and then moved on to another forum :49:.
correct me if im wrong here but im pretty sure tony helped you with the palumbo diet? :dunnodude: and ur saying tony wasted his time well der he did because you threw it back in his face.
"Ive learned the most from creator" ? get the f*ck out of here, you insulting c*nt , pretty much saying what we told you/ helped you with was all worthless information to you. your 24? and you act like a 12 year old, grow some balls... oh wait..... never mind they are prolly all gone from those past cycles you have done and failed on :49:.
i don´t exspect anyone to help me with posing, i just know that i need help with it.[/
then why bothering trying to ask when you already know the answer to i, that no one is going to help?
heres abit of a friendly advice, search on youtube, watch bodybuilding videos.

tony is such drama queen so i don´t care, well maybe somebody has some info or some links to a good posing site or something like that. posing for me now is just trial and error every for 30-1 hour

"Tony is just a drama queen" ? thats rich coming from you,
IMHO, i actually like tony, he has changed heaps and as he has improved alot i see him as a good member towards this forum.

And now your asking for help again about posing for the 3rd time in this thread.... :jerkoff1:

Max You havent got respect for any members on here at all. You want help with posing, buy a book because it's a good job no one will help you.

This thread needs to be locked...

x2, agreed with what you said,
part from "this thread needs to be locked"
i disgaree, this thread should stay open, regardles of how it is, its one of the most active threads on mecca as of lately, so there isnt anypoint in closing it, nor has it gotten out of hand with out raging comments or remarks / insults, but all just stating the truth with what has happened and how each person feels on what has happened.

Max, the fact you asked for so much help and members went out of their way to do their best then you quit on them is insulting. You should never take anyone that is willing to help for granted. You need all the help in the world to get your rear into contest shape.

You should continue your contest prep and just do the damn show. Even though you should of never started a contest prep but now I think you should just stick to your diet and get the show over with. Last place or not, just get to the finish line. I think its the only way to regain trust in some of the members. Show them that you're willing to see things through to the end.

And social life. (red)
How do we know if he really is even on a correct contest diet?(blue)
Very well said pain and i agree, once your've started something see it through till its finished, or it will be a waste of time for yourself.
might be the only way to earn the trust from people here isby showing up on stage and proving them that you actually did compete and you did go on stage, regardles of where you place. theres no more in half doing shit anymore, your in it for the long run till contest day. the more you switch diets "again" the more you cheat, the more we going to take this whole thing as a joke.(yellow)

dont get me wrong max, you are a friendly person, but its like you pick up mud and throw it in our faces when things dont go right for yourself. or when time gets hard you wanna take the easy road ahead.
no such thing as an easy road when dieting for a show, you either have what it takes or you don't.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
I don't think thats max, max's multi account is maxmonzter and thug_life with the_ between it.

Your've made changes? where?????
you prolly still troll other forums with multi accounts.
:49: changing diets and not following advices while throwing it our faces.
you cant even change how you looki max, you dieted for what 12 weeks and nothing changed throughout your body, part from closing your mouth while hitting poses,
but the advice you will take it a good bulk after your "shredded" dude.. we can't wait another 4 years till you get shredded nor do we even care anymore on what you have to say :49:.
"You think you need 2 years of a good bulk" ??? dude people told you from dad one to take afew years off and dude a clean bulk and now ur just saying "you think you need one?" :49: :49: what a total joke.
Your saying sorry just only now for what your done? abit late don't you think plus no one cares anymore :bowroflarms:

Good because 98% of people here wont help you and will ignore your requests.

:bowroflarms: wait.... what!!!!?? , at the start you asked us for help with dieting so we helped you, and you failed on your own due to not being stricted and changing diets 3 times , when each one got hard... and now your saying... Your going to do it all yourself with dieting? :bowroflarms: :bowroflarms: whats it going to be ? the high candy low protein diet? :49: .
What a total joke.

x2, Your've got some Nerve to be asking us for more help "Again" :bowroflarms:

You think you can with a proper Nutrition? hello over there in wonderland!! your've tried that 3 times already and failed on your arse :bowroflarms: going for re-try # 4?? :keke:
"Your've been eating badly all your offseason" ? that include your so called "precontest diet" aswel? :jerkoff1: and the <-- :bowroflarms: i lol'd so hard when i saw you wrote that .
i dont think your going to make it in time for this contest, your to far behind .
best of luck with your " Succesful offseason and staying pretty lean" its easy to say something then to actual do it :jerkoff1: :49:

You need posing advice? ask someone else because im pretty sure no one is going to take/spare afew minutes of their time to assit you then to take it all thrown back in their faces, :ranter: .
"im not taking advice on dieting or nutrition" ? dont think anyone cares

Why? because you couldnt see it that you wasted our time and throwing it back in our faces when time got hard and moved on to another member and then moved on to another forum :49:.
correct me if im wrong here but im pretty sure tony helped you with the palumbo diet? :dunnodude: and ur saying tony wasted his time well der he did because you threw it back in his face.
"Ive learned the most from creator" ? get the f*ck out of here, you insulting c*nt , pretty much saying what we told you/ helped you with was all worthless information to you. your 24? and you act like a 12 year old, grow some balls... oh wait..... never mind they are prolly all gone from those past cycles you have done and failed on :49:.

then why bothering trying to ask when you already know the answer to i, that no one is going to help?
heres abit of a friendly advice, search on youtube, watch bodybuilding videos.

"Tony is just a drama queen" ? thats rich coming from you,
IMHO, i actually like tony, he has changed heaps and as he has improved alot i see him as a good member towards this forum.

And now your asking for help again about posing for the 3rd time in this thread.... :jerkoff1:

x2, agreed with what you said,
part from "this thread needs to be locked"
i disgaree, this thread should stay open, regardles of how it is, its one of the most active threads on mecca as of lately, so there isnt anypoint in closing it, nor has it gotten out of hand with out raging comments or remarks / insults, but all just stating the truth with what has happened and how each person feels on what has happened.

And social life. (red)
How do we know if he really is even on a correct contest diet?(blue)
Very well said pain and i agree, once your've started something see it through till its finished, or it will be a waste of time for yourself.
might be the only way to earn the trust from people here isby showing up on stage and proving them that you actually did compete and you did go on stage, regardles of where you place. theres no more in half doing shit anymore, your in it for the long run till contest day. the more you switch diets "again" the more you cheat, the more we going to take this whole thing as a joke.(yellow)

dont get me wrong max, you are a friendly person, but its like you pick up mud and throw it in our faces when things dont go right for yourself. or when time gets hard you wanna take the easy road ahead.
no such thing as an easy road when dieting for a show, you either have what it takes or you don't.

you addressed like 9 different posts here. stop beating a dead horse and lecturing max. put your money where your mouth is, if you don't care, STOP RESPONDING!!
The Creator

The Creator

Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 29, 2006
As long as your a member on this forum I've got no problem giving some advice to you. Take it or leave it, here is the the easiest/best advice I can link you to for posing. Watch all the vids.



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 19, 2006
you addressed like 9 different posts here. stop beating a dead horse and lecturing max. put your money where your mouth is, if you don't care, STOP RESPONDING!!

Okay, understandable i prolly did go overboard with the comments,

"Put your money where your mouth is" ? explain what you mean here

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Eat, lift, sleep, repeat.
Jun 18, 2007
DriDDeRz said:
x2, agreed with what you said,
part from "this thread needs to be locked"
i disgaree, this thread should stay open, regardles of how it is, its one of the most active threads on mecca as of lately, so there isnt anypoint in closing it, nor has it gotten out of hand with out raging comments or remarks / insults, but all just stating the truth with what has happened and how each person feels on what has happened.

Yeh I agree that it is one of the most active threads on mecca recently but Max is getting the attention he wants with all these comments! I think if we didnt say comments and just not speak to him, then he will get the picture and either leave or change the way he is, if that is even possible :uhoh2:


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
Max_loser said:
no i´m not saying they wasted their time, maybe tony but i´ve learned the most from creator and i apply that knowledge to the prep. i don´t exspect anyone to help me with posing, i just know that i need help with it.
You wasted my time on several occassions.

I had decided to just not comment anymore but that post raised my ire. That you expect all the guys who have wasted their time trying to be helpful to believe that you are some how anything other than a troll is unbelievable.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
I belive Max is just fucking everybody around - close him down and let us all focus on the real thing - Pure Bodybuilding with no Bull!!!
Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo

Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Max for Respected Member. :wutyousay:


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 20, 2006
In all honesty I think everyone should just ignore Max. We all have seen the type of person he is and he has shown his true colors by ignoring great advise from many great members on this site. I was really hoping that Max would do well but was really let down when I followed this thread. He has had every chance in the world to turn things around and never choose to do so. I think that all the attention everyone continues to give Max should be re directed toward others on this site who really want and need a helping hand. Ones that will take the advice of others and see them threw. There are too many great members on this site wasting there time on Max when he most certanly dosent deserve it any longer. Just my 2 cents.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
Okay, understandable i prolly did go overboard with the comments,

"Put your money where your mouth is" ? explain what you mean here

meaning a lot of you say that you don't care about max, he's a loser, lier whatever, etc.....yet you continue to post and say shit to him and lecture him as well. so you talk a good game that you don't care (not just you, several people) yet your actions speak otherwise. thus put your money where your mouth is.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 19, 2006
what actions of mine speak otherwise?
The Creator

The Creator

Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 29, 2006
In all honesty, I think the attention this thread has recieved is a bit ridiculous. Drop the drama guys and get back to posting about bodybuilding related stuff in the other threads.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 20, 2008
In all honesty, I think the attention this thread has recieved is a bit ridiculous. Drop the drama guys and get back to posting about bodybuilding related stuff in the other threads.
x2 :xyxthumbs:
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