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The Life Of 3 time Olympia Frank Zane

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
The world of bodybuilding is not a child's playing field, it's a real-time business and bodybuilders don't take that for granted. Frank Zane didn't.

From vigorous exercise to nutrition consciousness to taking multiple supplements that help them get their desired physique.

In the bodybuilding industry, having an incredible body physique is a great advantage.

Several legends and professionals have dedicated their lives to bodybuilding, and when you meet them, their physique speaks volumes about who they are.

C'mon, a lot of them do make a living out of it. So today, in this article, we'll discuss the life of Frank Zane, one of the greatest bodybuilders of the modern era.

Wait a minute, does the name Frank Zane ring a bell? I know you're eager to learn more about this great man, his early life, how he started with bodybuilding, and how much Frank Zane Is worth.

This article is packed with loads of rich information about Frank because he has made a name for himself in the Industry.

If you're a fan of bodybuilding celebrities, come with me as we learn about this genius but even if you're not, hop right in and let's get going!

Frank Zane's Early Life​

Frank Zane was raised in a rough coal mining community in Pennsylvania. When he was younger, he was a meek, quiet kid who frequently got hurt while trying to put an end to the fights that his younger brother had started.

When Frank was 14 years old, he first learned about bodybuilding when he entered his high school mathematics class and saw a muscle-building journal in the garbage.

He read through the magazine and soon began training at the YMCA workout room in Wilkes-Barre.

Additionally, he bought a 30-pound pair of dumbbells and started working out at home. His father was so upset with him for spending time training when he ought to have been doing housework.

He was advised to "build up himself by cutting the grasses." Frank was even more motivated to excel as a result, and he engaged in weight training for three years in high school, with two breaks of four months each for football season.

He increased his weight from 130 pounds at the age of 14 to 160 pounds at the age of 17, and he felt wonderful because he could see the outcomes of his activities.

Frank worked hard in the gym and drank so much milk while working as an archery teacher at a Boy Scout camp in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains during his junior and senior years of high school.

On weekends, Frank would ride 20 miles home, carrying 55 pounds of weights so he could exercise even though his equipment was all at the camp. He ensured that he never missed a workout in this way.

When his parents learned how committed he was, their views on bodybuilding started to change. Frank's mother supported him greatly in his training.

Frank received a graduate assistant scholarship to Wilkes College and also a BS in secondary education in 1964 after graduating first in his high school class, winning his first two awards for wonderful academic performance.

He kept up with his training and started competing in bodybuilding physique contests throughout this time. Frank weighed 185 pounds and had almost two dozen trophies by this point.

Frank Zane's Bodybuilding Career​

Frank Zane took home the prestigious Mr. Olympia title three times from 1977 to 1979. However, he did also triumph in the Mr. World, Mr. America, and Mr. Universe competitions.

He was well renowned for having a very tiny waist and an attractive physique that perfectly embodied the traditional physique style.

During his tenure as Mr. Olympia, he also competed at a bodyweight under 190 pounds.

Zane was one of the selected few contestants to upset Arnold Schwarzenegger, the legendary seven-time Mr. Olympia champion.

When they competed in the 1968 Mr. Universe in which Zane acknowledged that Arnold Schwarzenegger was overweight and appeared like a cake.

Being defeated by a considerably smaller Zane didn't make Schwarzenegger particularly thrilled. However, they trained together from early 69 when he entered California to the 70s.

Zane entered the sport to develop a very outstanding resume, and the 1980 Olympia was the near end of his career.

Because of the 1980 competition, he abstained from the 1981 Olympia, but he returned to compete in 1982 and finished in second place.

His final competition, the 1983 Olympia, saw him finish fourth after sustaining a second injury that necessitated shoulder surgery.

After the 1983 Mr. at The Olympia contest, he announced his retirement.

Frank Zane

Listed Frank Zane's Accomplishments​

  • In 1961 Mr. Pennsylvania took the 17th position
  • 1962 Mr. Keystone (Winner)
  • In 1963 Mr. Keystone he to the 2nd place
  • 1965 Mr. Sunshine State became the Winner
  • 1965 IFBB Mr. Universe (1st & Medium Height category)
  • 1966 IFBB Mr. America (1st, Medium)
  • 1967 IFBB Mr. America (1st, Medium)
1967 IFBB Mr. Universe (3rd, Tall)
  • 1968 IFBB Mr. America (Winner)
  • 1968 IFBB Mr. Universe (Winner)
  • 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe (Winner)
  • 1971 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe (1st, Short)
  • 1972 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe (Winner)
  • In 1972 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Under 200 lbs, he got the 4th place)
  • 1974 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Under 200 lbs, 2nd place)
  • In 1975 IFBB Mr. Olympia (the Under 200 lbs, 4th place

Frank Zane's Bodybuilding Training​

Frank Zane performed a variety of workouts and training based on his current aim.

Although some exercises required a higher training volume, to be competitive, he needed to grow more bulk, which heavier training with a lower volume helped him achieve. Here are a few of Zane's workout routines below:

A part of his weekly workout routine was to engage in full body training three times weekly which was on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and he rests on the remaining days of the week from full body workouts.

If you want to get everything about his workouts we suggest you check out his book, Zane's Body Training Manual. The book is beginner friendly so you will find it helpful even if you're a beginner.

List Of Frank Zane's Full Body Exercises​

For a full body workout, Frank Jane said he usually carries out the routines below and they helped him achieve his great physique:

  • Front pull down up to 12 reps
  • Front squat 10 reps
  • Bend-over row 12 reps
  • Barbell curls 12 reps
  • Lunges 10 reps
  • Dumbell pull over 14 reps
  • Overhead dumbbell press 15 reps
  • Front pull over 15 reps
  • Gripper/forearms 12 reps
  • 30-degree incline press 14 reps

Here are a few types of training he engages in daily for his abs:

  • Seated twist 20 to 30 reps
  • Leg raise 10 to 30 reps
  • Crunches 10 to 30 reps

Frank Zane Training Tips​

Frank Zane, a great bodybuilding icon, has divulged his pearls of knowledge on how to develop excellent fitness and a lean, perfectly proportioned figure.

Some of his coaching philosophies are listed below:

Use A Range Of Motion That Is Suitable For You

Whether it is full or part of the body, whichever focuses and targets the specific body part you're working on effectively, concentrate on it to get your desired results.

Instead Of Concentrating On The Number Of Reps, Pay Attention To the Quality Of Your Sets

Never you work to failures but accomplishment. Aim to complete the final rep of a set with proper form before stopping and taking no more than 90 seconds to rest before the next set.

Ensure You Feel The Sensation Of Feedback

Frank Zane maintains that rather than paying attention to your breathing or the number of reps you were able to do during each weight set, you should instead learn to experience the input your body provides.

Take More Pictures Of Yourself Frequently

This is because rather than looking in the mirror, those pictures might help you track your development and evaluate your appearance more objectively. He used this technique and It worked out so well for him

Be Consistent
Zane believes that consistency does the magic and will always advise beginners to be consistent with their workouts and lifestyle goals.

Celebrate Your Wins
Frank Zane will always say, celebrate your wins no matter how small. Always track your wins and also know where you need improvement.

Frank Zane Nutrition and Diet Lifestyle​

There won't be a perfect physique without being mindful of your nutrition and diet lifestyle. Zane's nutrition and lifestyle are not complicated. Here is what he has to say;

During an interview, Frank Zane said he only eats whenever he's hungry. He also said he doesn't force himself to eat when he's not hungry and through that, he found out that he burned more fats and achieved a better result.

He said he controlled his carbohydrate consumption and consumed 1 g of protein for every pound of body weight daily.

Also, Zane maintained his fat intake to a minimal rate and ate a lot of healthful oils, which accounted for 5g of carbs per pound of body weight each day. He consumed between 2,000–3,000 calories daily.

Zane eats 3 poached or soft-boiled eggs, 8 ounces of calf liver, and baked yam. Additionally, he consumed a lot of vitamins and amino acids, supplements which earned him the nickname "The Chemist".

When Zane tried to bulk up or cut, he discovered that it did not work for him, and the few times he tried it, it was an epic failure.

He discovered that the best approach to monitor his development was to take thousands of images. He was a strong believer in taking things slowly but steadily, without drama or haste.

Frank Zane's Accident & Injuries During His career​

Zane had won the Olympia three times in a row from 1977 to 1979, and he intended to try for the fourth time.

However, eight weeks before the competition, he had a near-fatal accident in which he slipped near a pool's edge and lost a lot of blood.

He also lost 15 lbs (7 kg) of muscle as a result, yet he continued to compete. Although he finished third, however that year he couldn't win another trophy since Arnold Schwarzenegger won his seventh Mr. Olympia championship.

In 1983, Zane had a shoulder injury while riding on a bicycle before the 1983 Olympia. Even though it was his final competition, he persisted in the tournament and finished in fourth place.

Zane's Net Worth​

Frank Zane is one of the wealthiest and most influential bodybuilders according to a survey from the business insider, phobia, and Wikipedia. His net worth is said to be around $1.5 million. The great bodybuilder has done well so far.

Wrapping Up​

Lastly, Frank Zane's workout included a lot of mindfulness, visualization, and encouraging self-talk in addition to his plan and consistency.

This may have had a significant impact on Zane's capacity to learn and be present when exercising. He printed his name in the sands of time through his hard work and dedication.

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