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The Old days of bodybuilding



Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2006

Dorian Yates
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Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2006

Dennis Newman
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Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 10, 2014
Steve Jones, founder of a huge nutrition company back in the old days of bodybuilding! Steve started training at age 12!
SmartSelectImage 2018 03 30 13 22 04


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
What potential and then leukemia sucked I remember that all happening.

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2016
Golden era..

Arnold ? Rick Wayne? Columbo ? Draper ? I can’t remember guy on Frank Zane’s right? Help me out lo
Nice post
Chuck Collras


Wow I don’t think I knew that and I studied everyone lol . Remember in 70s and 80s all the muscle magazine had ads for pretty much these tiny pamphlets from every single pro . Like I had all Larry Scott’s ,Columbo, Ferrignos ,platz , Gironda ,bill pearl and his book , Boyer coe I still use his leg shoe probably why my calves so good . Now I study the Xrep collection as many studies in 2000s first time ever were exclusive bodybuilding. Cuz years all shit we study was either hearsay or general physical education. Like even most personal training classes etc based on phys ed or powerlifting . Still good . However bodybuilding always discredited though ahead of the times . Only recently did several studies prove Arthur Jones theories on how to perform reps or on hyperplasia. Decades it was thought and still is that only heavy weights build big body . When science shows heavy grows by increasing fiber size but longer duration of tension done in particular fashion splits fibers making more muscles . People get stuck on one thing. When our bodies thrive on homeostasis ( adapting to change ) therefore changing after certain period is vital to grow . Just because something works actively means change it before it stops then later go back to it and keep rotating methods . Even our cycles you need to do different compounds every once in awhile . Your body adjusts to diet training anything. To be an imbecile is to do the same thing . Look at the metabolism- it’s not long term great to do low carb or low fat . You do both you rotate. Contest diets rotate macros are most successful. Variety IS the spice of all success . How many people at your gym have looked the same forever ? Not me ! bros and whoes ! 25 years ago I met this natty amateur BB he won the Mr mass he started me on rotating carbs high protein and on low carb days use healthy fats and one day you carb loaded . That was beginning of me always being ripped cuz I just look at puffy water logged guys with disdain , I don’t care how big if you are smooth then your just fat . Now we got hgh and insulin makes life even easier . Maybe when I was young at 25 I was biggest most ripped I had shredded erectors and fibers on my tris without AAS . Now I’m bigger fuller . Age and aas actually make staying shredded harder . So ignorant people call me cheater . It’s like hey I’m 52 and never in your life have you looked like this . Times change . Seeing all the older B.B. pre hgh and insulin really inspires me . Arnold truly was master of his craft - Sergio Oliva - maybe not freaky like cutler but to each his own . I love metal others like country lol though I do like songs from every genre lol . I live breathe train bodybuilding fir my health and to boost my bujutsu training . I am not a fan of today’s bodybuilders . Though I do have my faves still . Since Ronnie Coleman I have not been a fan of the Olympia champs . Arnold , Haney and Coleman that’s where it ended for me. Seeing current pix of lee labrada that’s incredible he gives me insight


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2017
Golden era..

Arnold ? Rick Wayne? Columbo ? Draper ? I can’t remember guy on Frank Zane’s right? Help me out lo
Nice post
Chuck Collras


Wow I don’t think I knew that and I studied everyone lol . Remember in 70s and 80s all the muscle magazine had ads for pretty much these tiny pamphlets from every single pro . Like I had all Larry Scott’s ,Columbo, Ferrignos ,platz , Gironda ,bill pearl and his book , Boyer coe I still use his leg shoe probably why my calves so good . Now I study the Xrep collection as many studies in 2000s first time ever were exclusive bodybuilding. Cuz years all shit we study was either hearsay or general physical education. Like even most personal training classes etc based on phys ed or powerlifting . Still good . However bodybuilding always discredited though ahead of the times . Only recently did several studies prove Arthur Jones theories on how to perform reps or on hyperplasia. Decades it was thought and still is that only heavy weights build big body . When science shows heavy grows by increasing fiber size but longer duration of tension done in particular fashion splits fibers making more muscles . People get stuck on one thing. When our bodies thrive on homeostasis ( adapting to change ) therefore changing after certain period is vital to grow . Just because something works actively means change it before it stops then later go back to it and keep rotating methods . Even our cycles you need to do different compounds every once in awhile . Your body adjusts to diet training anything. To be an imbecile is to do the same thing . Look at the metabolism- it’s not long term great to do low carb or low fat . You do both you rotate. Contest diets rotate macros are most successful. Variety IS the spice of all success . How many people at your gym have looked the same forever ? Not me ! bros and whoes ! 25 years ago I met this natty amateur BB he won the Mr mass he started me on rotating carbs high protein and on low carb days use healthy fats and one day you carb loaded . That was beginning of me always being ripped cuz I just look at puffy water logged guys with disdain , I don’t care how big if you are smooth then your just fat . Now we got hgh and insulin makes life even easier . Maybe when I was young at 25 I was biggest most ripped I had shredded erectors and fibers on my tris without AAS . Now I’m bigger fuller . Age and aas actually make staying shredded harder . So ignorant people call me cheater . It’s like hey I’m 52 and never in your life have you looked like this . Times change . Seeing all the older B.B. pre hgh and insulin really inspires me . Arnold truly was master of his craft - Sergio Oliva - maybe not freaky like cutler but to each his own . I love metal others like country lol though I do like songs from every genre lol . I live breathe train bodybuilding fir my health and to boost my bujutsu training . I am not a fan of today’s bodybuilders . Though I do have my faves still . Since Ronnie Coleman I have not been a fan of the Olympia champs . Arnold , Haney and Coleman that’s where it ended for me. Seeing current pix of lee labrada that’s incredible he gives me insight
Very well said brutha


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2016
Golden era..

Arnold ? Rick Wayne? Columbo ? Draper ? I can’t remember guy on Frank Zane’s right? Help me out lo
Nice post
Chuck Collras


Wow I don’t think I knew that and I studied everyone lol . Remember in 70s and 80s all the muscle magazine had ads for pretty much these tiny pamphlets from every single pro . Like I had all Larry Scott’s ,Columbo, Ferrignos ,platz , Gironda ,bill pearl and his book , Boyer coe I still use his leg shoe probably why my calves so good . Now I study the Xrep collection as many studies in 2000s first time ever were exclusive bodybuilding. Cuz years all shit we study was either hearsay or general physical education. Like even most personal training classes etc based on phys ed or powerlifting . Still good . However bodybuilding always discredited though ahead of the times . Only recently did several studies prove Arthur Jones theories on how to perform reps or on hyperplasia. Decades it was thought and still is that only heavy weights build big body . When science shows heavy grows by increasing fiber size but longer duration of tension done in particular fashion splits fibers making more muscles . People get stuck on one thing. When our bodies thrive on homeostasis ( adapting to change ) therefore changing after certain period is vital to grow . Just because something works actively means change it before it stops then later go back to it and keep rotating methods . Even our cycles you need to do different compounds every once in awhile . Your body adjusts to diet training anything. To be an imbecile is to do the same thing . Look at the metabolism- it’s not long term great to do low carb or low fat . You do both you rotate. Contest diets rotate macros are most successful. Variety IS the spice of all success . How many people at your gym have looked the same forever ? Not me ! bros and whoes ! 25 years ago I met this natty amateur BB he won the Mr mass he started me on rotating carbs high protein and on low carb days use healthy fats and one day you carb loaded . That was beginning of me always being ripped cuz I just look at puffy water logged guys with disdain , I don’t care how big if you are smooth then your just fat . Now we got hgh and insulin makes life even easier . Maybe when I was young at 25 I was biggest most ripped I had shredded erectors and fibers on my tris without AAS . Now I’m bigger fuller . Age and aas actually make staying shredded harder . So ignorant people call me cheater . It’s like hey I’m 52 and never in your life have you looked like this . Times change . Seeing all the older B.B. pre hgh and insulin really inspires me . Arnold truly was master of his craft - Sergio Oliva - maybe not freaky like cutler but to each his own . I love metal others like country lol though I do like songs from every genre lol . I live breathe train bodybuilding fir my health and to boost my bujutsu training . I am not a fan of today’s bodybuilders . Though I do have my faves still . Since Ronnie Coleman I have not been a fan of the Olympia champs . Arnold , Haney and Coleman that’s where it ended for me. Seeing current pix of lee labrada that’s incredible he gives me insight
Very well said brutha

Great freakin Thread!!!! All you are my inspiration as many times I forget why I still do this ! Maybe midlife crisis ? I don’t know I feel like my life is coming to an end at 51 so it’s like why am I here ? In my classes I teach I too will at times go join a workshop with great master in China or Japan or i Indonesia or Thailand or Philippines or in other states and my students at times pay my way as they feel or they know lol that I’ll remember and the workshop becomes better for them. Though lately I can’t accept money as I look around and like everyone like 17-28 years old why the fuck am I here . Then everyone once in while reminds me . With memories or I see some 70-90 year old doing jumping kicks off a basketball board lol. I see Hatsumi in 90s still loving life training writing books and I’ve been fortunate to meet him. I forget that in actual fighting systems not sports the best masters are in their 50s it’s not like ufc or nfl or nba etc . Though growing up anyone hear of Gordie Howe? Professional hockey through his 50s . On bruins Zdeno Chára 41 still going . How do most of you continue to motivate yourselves after 30-40 years of training ? I used to say getting from my bed to my car was hardest part of my workout . But it’s deeper then that . It’s how you feel about life . Bodybuilding,hgh AAS to me is about living . We discipline ourselves and use chems not cuz we are shallow minded cheaters no way . We just transcend the menial , seek the unobtainable every moment . It’s one thing that binds is all . No I don’t have kids or wife . Never will . It’s just not in the cards - but I envy and respect the hell out of you all that do ! Like first I barely care for me , though past year I been on suspended leave due to merely helping a female inmate get Medicaid and shelter as it’s against some odd policy of the dept of correction which technically I don’t work for hence reason for being sent home year ago and still no decision. Is that reason to be depressed ? Nah , we are warriors all of you ! Every one of you here seeking to better some part of them selves are above regular guys . How does one ever make enough to own house ? I’ll never know . Age 52 just got studio to save $2000 month from the shithole I was living . Ya know only thing one thing I hate is those with money to survive saying money can’t buy happiness . Cuz that’s bullshit ! Basic human requirements roof over head and food . Both cost shitloads of cash. I tip my hat bow to all of you who provide not only fir you but for kids family etc . I took in homeless person but due to expenses and fact she don’t contribute I now after year have to kick her out . She ain’t on lease , she don’t work has no IDs no education lived on streeets since age 15, when her parents used to whore her out to support heroine habit . She’s clean now year I feel I did my job . Like I have cancer (treatable ) tons medical bills and I’m too busy taking her to clinic the social welfare office etc . Yet some how I’m the bad guy . Sorry for another on going tangeon but my point is reading and following all you guys welcoming the new comers is my inspiration my light . So I thank you guys and please forgive my torture of leghnthy posts lmao . Just seeing all the bodybuilding from 80s reminds me of good . Like in 80s the Celtics lakers rivalry! Good shit !! God damn great shit ! Ha
MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
Glad you like it! One of my favorites too and it is a really popular topic here!

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