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Fucking shit! My right shoulder is sore and I have no freakin' idea why and that bothers me. But let's see what happens, hopefully it'll heal up quickly.
And because of that I had to go quite light today at the gym when I did chest and shoulders. But let's see what happens.
I've been training and all but haven't just updated my log. Anyway, here's the back session I did today. My shoulder is pretty much ok. Thank god it healed up this quickly.
Pulldown: 5x10. Just wanted to test if my shoulder really is ok. It pretty much is.
Low row: 6x100, 6x120, 6x130, 6x140 kg
Supported t-bar row: 3x10x60 kg
Hammer front pulldown: 2x10x80 kg. Didn't want to risk anything with my shoulder so I did this with super good form and just squeezed with my lats. Felt good.
Good workout session bro!
nothing extreme with the right amount of exercises for each muscle group/part @ 3 sets just for the pump, nothing better then a nice bicep pump
good overal workout bro, gotta be happy with yourself
Happy birthday bro good ol' 25 makes me look young , im only 21
Yesterday I did some arms, nothing special in that session. Just tried to get a good pump and really feel it in the target muscle. I also did some calves, hopefully those bastards will grow someday.
Today I did some back. It was a fast and intense session.
Front pulldown: 5x10 for warmup.
Hammer front pulldown: 12x80, 8x110 kg. Felt great because I already had that little pump going on due to those pulldowns.
Low row medium grip: 10x85, 2x10x95 kg. No heavy weights just strict form.
Lying DB row: 2x10x30 kg
Face-pull: 3x10
At the end I did 5x10 for biceps in scott-bench and 3x10 for triceps without rest between sets (single arm extensions with rope Flex Wheeler style). Just for the pump. ;-)
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