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Unveiling the Side Effects of Steroids for Bodybuilding

  • Thread starter MuscleMecca Crew
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MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
In the world of bodybuilding, having a perfectly sculpted, muscular physique is what many athletes strive for. Because of this, many take advantage of whatever can make their muscle mass grow the fastest. However, not all of them are good for the body. It is usual for individuals to experience steroids for bodybuilding side effects, mainly if used for a long time.

The most commonly used steroids by bodybuilders are anabolic steroids. This is synthetic testosterone; individuals should only use it with a physician's prescription. Physicians prescribe anabolic steroids to treat different illnesses. Using it for bodybuilding is illegal and may impose health risks.

Types of Steroids​

People can take steroids in different ways. Some come in the form of oral supplements, while others are also injected or applied as a topical cream. However, the bodybuilding industry bans all of these if used for performance enhancement. Here are some of the types of steroids that athletes commonly use.

Human Growth Hormone​

Human growth hormones, or HGH, are injectable steroids that individuals use to treat growth hormone deficiencies. People should not take it orally since the digestive system will only break it down, which the body will not absorb.

If used by bodybuilders, it can increase strength and muscle mass while cutting down on body fat rapidly. It can increase muscle mass within weeks, especially with androgens. However, bodybuilders cannot use it for muscular improvement since they may be banned from the industry when they test positive.


Dianabol, or D-Bol, is one of the most famous steroids taken orally and used for bodybuilding. It has been in the industry for over 40 years. When used regularly, it may increase muscle protein production and tremendous strength.

Developed in 1955, it has gained popularity among many bodybuilders, especially those who join competitions. But in 1990, it was banned by the FDA because of many adverse side effects. It remains banned today, but there are alternatives on the market that provide the same impact.


Anadrol is another powerful steroid used in the bodybuilding industry. It can quickly gain up to 30 pounds of lean muscle mass after a month of regular intake. Because it can elevate testosterone levels higher than the normal range, bodybuilders have more than enough strength to work out.

However, physicians only prescribe this for the treatment of anemia. Since bodybuilders are healthy individuals, they are at risk if they abuse Anadrol. There are also alternatives for Anadrol, that contain all-natural ingredients and do not cause severe side effects.


Unlike regular steroids, Equipoise does not increase muscle mass quickly. Instead, it provides steady and quality muscle gain and strength improvement. It may also affect the appetite, which is essential for gaining strength.

It is taken by injection once every three or four weeks. Though it is FDA-approved, humans should not use this drug. It is usually injected into horses to improve their performance. However, many bodybuilders still try to use it even if it’s illegal because of its positive effects on bodybuilding.

Side Effects of Steroids​

Using too much of anything is dangerous. Though steroids are illegal in bodybuilding competitions, many are still overusing them. It can quickly provide positive results to physical aesthetics, but it can also break your health internally and in the long term.

Risks in Internal Organs​

Steroids have a connection to a disease called hepatotoxicity, which can result in damage to the liver. Using steroids for an extended period may cause liver cancer, jaundice, and even liver failure.

Steroids can disrupt the delicate balance of lipids in the body, leading to unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels. It can lead to a rise in bad cholesterol (LDL) while simultaneously reducing good cholesterol (HDL), both of which can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disorders such as heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, it may increase one's blood pressure, which places extra stress on the cardiovascular system.

The kidneys are a vital organ when it comes to removing waste products from the blood. It can have a detrimental influence on the GFR, lowering the kidneys' ability to filter waste products effectively. Because of this impairment, toxins and waste products can accumulate in the body, raising the risk of kidney injury.

Psychological Changes​

Steroids can cause significant mood swings, leading to sudden shifts in emotions. It is because steroids affect the central nervous system and disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in mood, emotion, and behavior.

Steroid use can cause heightened feelings of confidence and self-esteem, yet, steroids also cause symptoms of depression in some people. It usually happens during the withdrawal phase. It can exacerbate worries about one's body image, leading to excessive fixation with one's looks and unreasonable expectations.

However, not everyone experiences psychological changes brought on by steroid misuse. The severity of its effects may vary on how frequently a person used them in the past. Sometimes, you can only see the consequences when the user stops having steroids. The good thing is they can still resolve psychological changes. But their mind and body may take a long time to recover.

Physical Changes​

Because steroids alter hormone production, they may cause an increase in acne, especially on the face and back. It increases sebum production, which clogs the pores and results in breakouts.

Another side effect of excessive use of steroids is hair loss. The majority of bodybuilders have shaved heads. It is evident in males since it converts testosterone to a hormone responsible for hair loss. Males may also experience shrinkage of testicles and decreased sperm count.

Causes of Side Effects​

The primary cause of side effects is hormonal changes. Because it is synthetic testosterone, having high levels of it can lead to many side effects, such as mood swings and reproductive performance.

Steroids alter how your body produces hormones. Because it is synthetic, the changes may have a higher effect on your body, which may cause mood swings. It may also activate your androgen receptors, weakening your reproductive performance.

Aside from internal changes, it can also create changes in your physical body. It may slow your hair growth–no wonder most bodybuilders have shaved heads. As for women, it may deepen the voice and create a semi-muscular build.

Mitigating the Risks of Steroid Use​

You need to ensure that your body needs anabolic steroids to avoid their adverse effects on your body. Your physician may advise and prescribe the correct type of steroid and its dosage according to your health condition.

Let them know if you are planning to use it only for bodybuilding. They can provide you with alternatives that are not risky to your health.

If you can take steroids, ensure you regularly check your blood pressure since one of its side effects is weakening heart function. Listen to your body if you feel something strange. Make sure to see a physician immediately if you experience nausea or vomiting.

If you can, determine your liver’s performance by having periodic blood tests. Since your liver absorbs oral steroids, it may also harm your liver. It may damage your liver without you noticing it.

Alternatives to Steroids​

When you build muscles, you should focus on being healthier rather than breaking your health. However, many bodybuilders, especially those who join a competition, often overlook their health. Sometimes, they become more focused on getting their muscular physique perfect. Avoiding steroids is a significant leap in keeping your body healthy even if you continue to build your muscles.

Proper Nutrition​

The food you eat will determine the amount of fat you need to burn. It will also tell you how much energy you have for your next workout.

To ensure that your body can undergo intense workouts, have a good amount of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats in your diet. Not only is it essential to provide the energy, but consuming the right foods will also help you keep focused and ensure timely muscle recovery.

Muscle Supplements​

Protein powders, creatine, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are all safe, all-natural solutions for increasing muscle repair, performance, and overall health.

It is a safer and legal choice compared to anabolic steroids. Before manufacturers release them to the market, the FDA guarantees their safety and effectiveness through rigorous testing and monitoring.

You can drink them with breakfast to spike your protein levels quickly before working out. Some bodybuilders prepare protein shakes for their hydration during workout sessions. Adding these muscle supplements to your fitness journey can help you achieve your goals without experiencing adverse side effects in the future.

Variation of Exercises​

Do a well-structured resistance exercise routine that targets different muscle groups. Consistency and overloading the muscles are both vital when it comes to building muscle. Include many muscle groups at once with complex exercises.

These exercises work for several different muscle groups at the same time, which improves total strength while also maximizing efficiency. You may achieve extraordinary results and establish a solid and muscular physique if you have the correct mentality, are dedicated to your training, and take an overall approach.


Steroids for bodybuilding may give you an excellent physique. But you don’t know that it has already started to cause internal damage to your health. More natural alternatives still provide the same effect on your shape. Bodybuilding should improve your body and not cause extensive harm, which will be your long-term problem.
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Joe Pietaro

Joe Pietaro

Joe Pietaro Contributer
May 30, 2014
Regular blood work is vital for your health if using gear.