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Predictions for 2015 Mr. Olympia

  • Thread starter MuscleMecca Crew
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MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
2015 Mr. Olympia

The Mr. Olympia competition is arriving once again this month and there will be many different people from all over the world coming to compete and watch once again. With so many competitors, there will be a lot of predictions as to who will take the title this year. Will it be the reigning champ or someone new? There are twenty-eight contenders this year so there will be a lot of people to watch out for. The great thing about the Mr. Olympia contest is that you can have die-hard favorites, or you can have someone completely new come in undercover and take it all.

The Mr. Olympia competition has been around since 1965 and past holders of the title are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno. Their wins in the competition helped set off their acting careers, and look at where both of them are now; iconic in more than one world. The contest was created by Joe Weider because he wanted to enable the Mr. Universe winners to continue competing and earn money at something that they loved to do. The prize money is up to $250,000. Mr. Olympia is part of a weekend-long event that also hosts Ms. Olympia, Fitness Olympia, and Figure Olympia.
After last year’s contest, there has been a lot of talk about who will take the title this year. Several names are being thrown into the ring and people are always going to have favorites. The most important question to ask though, opinions aside, is who is the most deserving man to take the title? With so many men having qualified for the finals in the contest, you have to see who is going to make it out on top. Without further ado, let’s look at some of the predictions for this year’s contest.
The biggest name that is being thrown around is the reigning champ from last year, and the years prior until 2011 American, Phil Heath. For the last four competitions, Heath has come up again competitors that just cannot seem to compare to him. It will be interesting to see if any of them this year can hold a candle to one of the biggest names in bodybuilding. He defeated another man on our list, Kai Greene, and he is looking to take the title from him again. Sources say, he has a good shot at it.

Young and still gaining aground, Justin Compton is looking to make some splashes at this year’s competition. He is only 26 and already is making a name for himself in many other shows leading up to the big one. He is also American and looking to take the title for himself this year. He has over 100 pounds of muscle and has been in the bodybuilding game since he was 18 years old. Though he is young, he is certainly starting to make some noise.

Yet another American, Kai Greene, is making some waves in the world of bodybuilding in terms of Mr. Olympia's predictions. He lost out last year to Heath but has been coming back strong in many other competitions throughout the year. There has been some controversy over how he and Heath acted in the finals last year, but both have tried to turn their public lives around and focus on the competition.

One last prediction that is making some waves is Big Ramy, or his given name, Mamdouh Elssbiay. Out of Egypt, this behemoth of a man is looking to give Heath a run for his money this year. Arguably, he has a lot of definitions, and some would say even more so than Heath, but he has had to come a long way in the past year to get where he needs to be. Could he take the title this year, or will he have to wait a few more years?

Between these men, they all hold many competition titles between them, and over a year, a lot of things can change. Some people can gain a lot more muscle and some are looking to define more. Whatever it is that they want, they get a whole year to practice, and that is exactly what these men have done.

It will be interesting to see just how hard Phil Heath has to work to hang on to his current title of Mr. Olympia. He has held the title since 2011 and while he may not be ready to give it up yet, there is a lot of hot competition on his heels. It will all be decided later this month when they meet to finally see just who will be the lucky guy named Mr. Olympia 2015. Stay tuned and stay alert as the whole bodybuilding world is on the edges of its seats.

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