Elvira turns me on
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I say he wasn't but someone reminded him that he must.. so he is. LOL
January 24, 2011
The FLEX Pro Pound-4-Pound Challenge just got very interesting...
IFBB Pro Derik Farnsworth stepped up to call out all of his critics and put up his own cash for anyone that can beat him in the squat and deadlift. As we should have guessed, all of Derik's critics had more bark than bite and no one entered the challenge. No one until now!
IFBB Pro Jose Raymond decided to bring some east coast muscle out west and battle Farnsworth for the money and the pride. Raymond won two IFBB 202 contests in 2010 and grabbed fourth place at the 2010 Olympia 202 Showdown. He's also proven himself with the iron and is no stranger to a strength challenge. Here is what Jose had to say when he entered: "I've known Derik for almost 15 years, we have both beaten each other many times on stage. It will be an honor to do battle with him in another arena, a rubber match of sorts."
What started out as a challenge to a bunch of faceless critics has become a true battle of strength between two great athletes and friends. Farnsworth is excited to take on Jose and had this to say: "Jose is a fellow Massachusetts bro I've had the pleasure of doing battle with in our amateur yrs. I know his intensity and drive all too well.. this is going to be battle!!!"
The Pound 4 Pound Challenge is still open to anyone who has stepped on an NPC or IFBB stage in the last two years. Now you have two pros to take on and double the bragging rights to take home. See below for how to enter!
Competitors will weigh in on site. Weights will be rounded to the nearest zero.
? 173 pounds = 170 pounds
? 227 pounds = 230 pounds
Competitors will have ONE opportunity to perform each lift:
? Squat ? 2x BW
? Deadlift ? 2x BW
? Only FULL reps will be counted (which will be determined by an on-site judge)
? Belt, wraps and straps are all permitted, but no squat suits or deadlifting suits!
All IFBB Pro League athletes and NPC athletes who have competed on ANY level in 2009 or 2010.
Send an e-mail to pound4pound@flexmagazine.com that contains the following information:
Date of Birth
IFBB or NPC SHOWS YOU COMPETED IN 2010 (we must be able to verify this)
ENTER NOW! The deadline is February 5!
January 19, 2011
Dealing with the Aches and Pains
Its 33 days from the FLEX Pro and I’m sitting at around 290lbs and it’s time to start to bring it down. I definitely am well within striking distance to come in bigger and badder than 2010.
Hany just upped my cardio to twice a day and started me on some thermogenics (which I never normally use). I started pushing the pace of the cardio a bit to see if we can bring it in a bit faster and ensure optimal condition for the show.
The one thing that I definitely took for granted and miss a lot this prep is my osteopath and good friend Alvin Brown. With all this hard training and not many days off, my body is starting to get tight achy. Having Alvin in my corner every year to this point has allowed me to train more or less pain free and with an optimal range of motion. As much as I knew how important and valuable this aspect of my prep was, you never really appreciate it fully until you no longer have it. The little aches and pains add up! It hasn’t impeded my training yet whatsoever, but it definitely seems to take just a little bit longer to get in the groove of the workout. Alvin is a deep tissue specialist and knows how to get my body firing on all cylinders. He works with some great pros like Jay, Ronnie, Bob Weatherill and Paul Dillet when Paul made his comeback in 2007. Alvin is the man!
I’ve been doing everything I can nutritionally to reduce the chronic inflammation obviously associated with the repeated beating we put ourselves through as pro bodybuilders. Now, the lack of nutrients and recover time starts to catch up so you need to ensure you have all these puzzle pieces to get the most out of your body.
Three things I have tried this year are some amazing products introduced to me over the last couple years: Wobenzyme, Curcumin and a topical cream called Accelerade by Zanagen. They are definitely helping to reduce the inflammation caused by training and allow me to get in there day after day and continue to grow into the show.
Loving life, killing the weights!
January 24, 2011
My Support System
It’s Sunday, about four weeks out from the show and what am I going through? Well after missing out on Christmas and New Years I was okay, but today is the AFC and NFC championships....I’m not doing so good. I always love celebrating Christmas with friends and my girlfriend but nothing beats NFL playoff time. There is just so much hype and so much enthusiasm from everyone at the gym, the grocery store, it doesn't matter. I walk through the gym and people there are talking about whose going to beat who, I'm waiting in line at the grocery store and the guy in front of me has a cart full of sausages, chips, salsa and wings! It seems like everyone, everywhere is in football mode and it’s my favorite time of year!
So I have two choices: Do I ignore all the people at the gym and the grocery store, asking me about the games and be a grumpy ass bodybuilder or do I suck it up and decide that just because I can't eat and let loose doesn't mean I have to miss out on the fun? This has definitely been the hardest prep I have gone through in all my years of bodybuilding. Not in terms of how hard the diet is, more in terms of social outings. The time of year from November thru March seems to be the busiest with holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and all the football, not to mention Valentine’s Day. All of these are a pass when the task at hand is getting shredded. They all take a backseat normally and I would just stay home and not go anywhere. This year is different, I have decided to do the second of the two options and try and take part as much as possible. I shoot the **** with the guy at the grocery store instead of being grumpy about it, I sit around and talk about the games at the gym and decide that just because I can't eat pizza and wings doesn't mean I can't enjoy life. It’s hard to be part of things but having a great support system of friends around you always makes it easier.
The support system is not important because they're going to sit around and eat fish and broccoli with me but for the fact that they aren't going to bug me about it. They all know my main focus right now is bringing my best to this show and making sure I give it the best I got. People always talk about training partners and how great they are because they show up all the time, but I guess I'm just that much luckier. At four weeks out not only do my partners show up, but they pick me up when I'm slacking. If I think I'm too tired to pose that night after training I might not say anything I might just start heading for the door, my partners will stop me and say, “Hey are we posing tonight or what?” They don't only support me but they make me accountable, almost like they aren't going through all this **** with me just so I can slack and not go the extra mile.
So at the end of the day when you see the guys at the top, it’s usually someone or maybe more than one person who keeps them going in one way or another. It’s the girlfriend that listens to your bull**** day in and day out, or she keeps your head up when you’re feeling down. It’s the guy that comes with you to do cardio in the morning even though he's in the middle of the offseason and not only does he show up but even makes sure you do abs and stretch after. It’s the other partner that comes with you to the gym and when you say, “four sets is enough here,” he says, “I don't think five would hurt.” The trainer that calls you every single day, sometimes twice to ask what your weight is and make sure your still on track or the physiotherapist that beats the hell out of you week in and week out just so you can keep training injury free. Last but not ever least are the fans that send me numerous emails, FB messages or PM me on forums about how much they are rooting for me!
All these people are part of the team and all of these people are in this with me. Sure I'm the one that has to miss out on the eating and parties and whatever else but at the end of the day they are all invested somehow in what I am doing. For that reason alone, I will not fail to do the things I am supposed to do that make me the best I can be. I owe it to the people that believe in me to bring the best I can possibly bring to the stage.
Okay, I gotta go, the Steelers are about to shutdown Rex Ryan and the Jets..... (so I think anyway). Oh, if you’re wondering why the one guy in the pic is wearing a pair of coveralls, it’s because he lost a bet.lol.
Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad 'Hoss' Abiad
January 28, 2011
It’s almost like it happened all of a sudden; one day I was fine and then the brutal hunger set in. Up to now, I would eat every 2.5hrs sometimes every 2hrs because it didn't really matter. In the last couple days it has become 2hrs on the dot like clockwork; to be honest I am counting the minutes sometimes or am trying to find things to keep me busy so I don't have to think about being hungry. I am really close to being ready and am super excited to hit the stage, I really believe this will be my best package yet and it should allow me to stand with anyone on that stage.
The hunger is funny though, it’s kind of like I'm not even really hungry for crap (although I would like it) but just hungry in general. Last night I woke up starving at about 4am, walked over to the cupboard, opened it and just stared at the peanut butter. I don't know why I was staring at it, I knew deep down inside there was no way I was going to cheat but I just kept looking at it…lol. It started to drive me nuts so I opened the fridge, chugged some water and sat down at the computer. Couldn't sleep and was starving so what does someone do when all they can think about is food? I did what anyone would do, I started downloading movies and music. Don't ask me how that helped but I did it long enough that around 5:30am I was able to crash again for a couple hours. That oatmeal meal in the morning has to be one of the best things ever, its amazing how when your starving something like oatmeal can be an absolute treat.
The show is only about 25 days away now and it seems like everyone is really bringing their best to this show. I've talked to Evan and he seems like he's on track and excited; I've seen some pics of Dennis and Ben White and am really impressed by them as well; I hear Pak-Man is really turning up the heat now also; and of course Dexter is the Blade so he's for sure going to be on. There are a lot of competitors and I think when you sacrifice throughout the holidays and miss so many events in a row you really want to make it worth it. I mean think about it, if you miss, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and most football parties the last thing on earth you would want is to show up off.
Not only that, everyone coming into this show wants to get into the ASC or if they’re already in wants to get the momentum jump. It’s also the first show of the season and everyone is watching. I'm a fan just like all of you and after having a few months off without any shows I am excited to get the season started and watch how it unfolds! Its going to be a great show and I appreciate all the emails and messages from all of you wishing me the best. For those of you who are going to be there rooting for me, I am going to do my best to put on a great show for everyone!
Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad 'Hoss' Abiad
This is gonna be a hard top 6 to predict but let's see:
1. Dexter Jackson
2. Evan Centopani
3. Fouad Abiad
4. Ben White
5. Dennis Wolf
6. Ben Pakulski