Mecca V.I.P.
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Karl Marx knows whats up.
With all do respect, he believes the government should steal all of our guns, he's pro-Iraq war, he's for stealing from the rich and delevering it to the middle class, and he believes drugs should be illegal.They should view it as a privilege that the government steals their money from them and puts it to something they have no idea what? . You are seriously expressing communist views. I'm not calling you a communist directly, because I know you'll take it as an insult and deny it... but literally, you are advocating communism.
With all do respect, he believes the government should steal all of our guns, he's pro-Iraq war, he's for stealing from the rich and delevering it to the middle class, and he believes drugs should be illegal.
Sounds somewhat like communism to me.
huh? did i miss something? is this a radical view to you? i've seen the ron paul clip where he argues for the legalization of drugs, but that is not in his agenda nor is it anywhere realistic to think something like that would be beneficial for society. sure you take money from gangs and terrorist groups, but you unleash an even greater evil in the process. sure anyone who REALLY wants to find some heroin is gonna get it, but when you make it readily available to the public you are opening a huge pandora's box.
Right.. because I'm sure people will all of a sudden jump on it. How would basically crippling all gangs, terrorist groups, and saving taxpayers billions of dollars not be beneficial for society?
Anyway, weren't you the one advocating population control? Why not legalize opiates so people can OD on them? have to realize being the intelligent person that you are (and i am not saying this sarcastically i do consider you intelligent) that as much as you think bulkboy is radical or extereme in his views.... you are exactly the same...but in the other direction. really you cannot take any view(s) from any party and implement them to the extreme and expect them to work all the time. this is what your line of thought tends to be.....ALL THE TIME! you leave NO room for grey area, ever. and this line of thought you use as a conservative is no different than someone like Obama with his exteremly liberal views. each party has something unique to offer in terms of their policy and the best policies are the ones that can take a little from both and come up with something fair. this is what i believe this tax plan is doing.
.In the United States, regular users of opiates at the end of the century numbered somewhere between 200,000 and 1 million, out of a population of 76 million, leading to a general recognition that excessive opiate use was peculiarly American. The majority of these users were white, middle- or upper-class women, with an average age of forty. For them, opiates served the same function that alcohol, Valium, and other tranquilizers serve for housewives today. Although opium use was not socially respectable, it received less opprobrium than the use of alcohol, which was especially frowned upon for women... ...Indeed, both opium and morphine were widely recommended cures for alcoholism...
(and stop BSing, fortune aka luck plays a LARGE roll of it A LOT of the time, you make it out to sound like everyone is Andrew Carniegie and built their wealth through hard work, not true), but sometimes life isn't fair.
Right now our economy is sorely in need of a boost. and since the MAJORITY of america's population would benefit from this, it would almost undoubtledly stimulate purchases and the economy as a whole. you find this to be unfair to the upper class... and you're right. they should be held to the same standards as their less fortunate counterparts in an ideal world it's not fair that the poorer sector of our society has to suffer from our current policies and see their already modest income raped through the inflation of the dollar and gas prices, and it's not fair that someone earning $300,000 a year is going to have to pay more taxes, but that is the best decision for this country right now to at least try to get it back on the right direction economically speaking.
Nobody here ever said Bulkboy's views are "extreme" or "radical." In fact, a good majority of this country expect the government to do too much. Many people want bigger government, not realizing they'd be better off with less government.that as much as you think bulkboy is radical or extereme in his views.... you are exactly the same...but in the other direction.
Nobody here ever said Bulkboy's views are "extreme" or "radical." In fact, a good majority of this country expect the government to do too much. Many people want bigger government, not realizing they'd be better off with less government.
As for the legalization of drugs discussion, I think you should just do a search. It's been discussed several times on this forum.
Originally posted by Ironslave
So, bases on the only really relevant historical example, just because it is legal doesn't mean that its use will just skyrocket.
Show me where I ever even hinted at such a thing...
Oh? So your solution is to give more power and control to those people responsible for inflation and loss of purchasing power of the dollar?
Anyways, you're wrong.
pure speculation. i'm not saying usage will "skyrocket", but it almost undoubtedly will go up. i understand this too is speculation, but you can't site one source and have that be the be all end all in your assumption (key word: assumption) that use won't rise. i know and i don't mean to take the thread off topic with the legality of drugs issue. but in your previous post you clearly are attempting to delegitamize bulkboy by listing his beliefs in a manor that is intended to make his views seem ludicrous. no? (don't say no, you know it's true).
Originally posted by Braaq
I am supposed to be a free human being, so I should be able to do whatever it is I want to myself. If I want to take drugs I should be able to without government telling me that I can't.
I think making things illegal glorifies it and just makes the problem worse.
Why would I be using that particular view to make Bulkboy sound ludacris when at least 75% of this country would agree with the war on drugs? It's just another view that adds on to a similarity of communism.
All this "radicalizing," "delegitamizing," "ludicrousy," etc. that you're claiming I used against Bulkboy is bullshit. All I said was his views look awfully similar to socialism on the brink of communism.
Have to say I see both sides to be correct in some ways. We have recently had this same argument in Australia over tax thresholds for families.
"Well off" people can afford a higher level of tax, but not relative to their income. So %tax rates are great as long as incremental levels are adjusted to standard distributions of pay/income rates.
"Lower income" people are never really taxed at the same rate as their richer counterparts. The more wealthy you become the more likely you are to be paying large portions of direct and indirect taxes as part of your income/investment dealings. You also have to be carefull as the wealthy also have more options about how and where they pay taxes due to their mobility and accountants. If you start taxing wealthy people for being wealthy then (as Pegasus already noted) you are not only discouraging people from contributing to the wealth of a country but you also will see them move to countries with better conditions for them. have to realize being the intelligent person that you are (and i am not saying this sarcastically i do consider you intelligent) that as much as you think bulkboy is radical or extereme in his views.... you are exactly the same...but in the other direction. really you cannot take any view(s) from any party and implement them to the extreme and expect them to work all the time. this is what your line of thought tends to be.....ALL THE TIME! you leave NO room for grey area, ever. and this line of thought you use as a conservative is no different than someone like Obama with his exteremly liberal views. each party has something unique to offer in terms of their policy and the best policies are the ones that can take a little from both and come up with something fair. this is what i believe this tax plan is doing.
Right now our economy is sorely in need of a boost. and since the MAJORITY of america's population would benefit from this, it would almost undoubtledly stimulate purchases and the economy as a whole. you find this to be unfair to the upper class... and you're right. they should be held to the same standards as their less fortunate counterparts in an ideal world (and stop BSing, fortune aka luck plays a LARGE roll of it A LOT of the time, you make it out to sound like everyone is Andrew Carniegie and built their wealth through hard work, not true), but sometimes life isn't fair. it's not fair that the poorer sector of our society has to suffer from our current policies and see their already modest income raped through the inflation of the dollar and gas prices, and it's not fair that someone earning $300,000 a year is going to have to pay more taxes, but that is the best decision for this country right now to at least try to get it back on the right direction economically speaking.
answer me this, do you think a flat tax (something IMO that would be a great idea) is communist or punishing those that earn more? why is everyone being taxed say 15% unfair (i'm assuming you're going to call it unfair based on your posts in this thread).
seriously....please. all your posts use diction that make it very apparent that you think the government would be taking "hard earned money" or money that they earned through their labors and not some luck. seriously, if you don't think you're coming off this way then change your tone when discussing how this will be a "punishment".
what??? are you saying the middle class is responsible for these things? because that is what it sounds like.
your inability to understand other peoples' take on the matter is astounding.
awesome post bro! could not agree more
im at work right now and cant write a long reply, but i wanna say to those here calling me a communist, that ure inability to see things in a broader perspective is astounding. its not black and white, its not either communism or complete capitalism, there is a middle path, which i prefer rather than ur free market utopia(which btw will never happend) but keep labeing me a commie, keep making a fool out of yourselves, its fine by me.
and IS, i cant believe u accuse duality of being the troublemaker here, in every debate u are the one resorting to cheap shots, and u are the one who are unable to see other peoples opinions.