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Big Beef m4bteam transformation

Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
No workout today. Well, I am currently doing some abs at home, but no gym time. I did go fishing though & I was completely soaked with sweat when I left! Was a nice rain & breeze, but the sun came out & it got super humid! Had a good time with my woman twice today & the second time was kind of weird because the andarine vision sides kicked in... right in the middle of it! Lol I was looking around like "uhh...". Nothing to much though. Just a little yellowish-green tint. Still see everything clearly, just a little color difference. Diet wasn't the best today, but I still plan on posting it shortly.
Gotta live brotha I'm glad to hear your day was good!!

You are absolutely right about that bro. Thanks & I hope you have a great Sunday.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
View attachment 18433

My gf likes some good Mexican as much as I do, so we took a little trip to my favorite spot. She hadn't been there before. It was awesome! I burned quite a few calories today I'm sure, but I made up with it with this meal. Tortilla wasn't fried & it was steak, so I had some good protein & it could have been a worse cheat meal. Still had that fat feeling though after eating it, so a couple hours later I worked some abs!


Leg raise crunches: 4 sets of 25

Super set with

Twisting crunches: 4 sets until failure

Ab wheel: 3 sets of 15, all angles


Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: 1/2 lb beef burger with lettuce, tomato & onion

Meal 3: birthday cake flavored protein bar ( 2nd best protein bar I have ever had!)

Meal 4: powdered peanut butter shake

Meal 5: large steak burrito with red, verde & cheese sauces

Meal 6: eggs with jalapenos & 1 piece wheat toast

Going to barbecue tomorrow. I plan on having chicken breats, lean burger & some pork. Most of the carbs I have been consuming lately, have been wheat toast, wheat tortillas & probably a few more potaotes than I should have had. Still keeping carbs lower than normal though. Feeling good lately.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2015
That is how to eat some food Brother hell yea
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I had another crap meal today, but the others were not to bad. My woman didn't have her kiddos this weekend, so we were going out quite a bit to eat & all that. Although, from tonight on through the remainder of this contest, I will be buckling down & getting strict with my diet. Win or loose, I want to finish strong. I will also be on vacation later this summer, so I would like to lean down some more for that too.


Cardio: 12 mins incline walk at 3 mph, 12 mins elliptical

Machine lat pulldown: 1 set of 15

Super set with

Machine row: 1 set of 15

Pull-ups: 3 sets of 20 with 2 sets being neutral grip & 1 set of wide overhand grip

Tbar row: 3 sets of 2 plates × 15, 3 plates × 12, 4 plates × 8

Cable lat pulldowns: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 with last set using whole stack. The other gym I go to occasionally has a cable lat pulldown that I can only do 4 or 5 with whole stack.

Machine row: 5 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8, 8 with drop set of 10 reps on last set

I had a guy in there asking me how I can do that many pull-ups at my size & I simply told him... "do lots of pull-ups!". Yeah, you can build an upper back & lats with other movements, but nothing will help you get better at pull-ups than doing as many as you can a couple times a week. Just my opinion.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
I had another crap meal today, but the others were not to bad. My woman didn't have her kiddos this weekend, so we were going out quite a bit to eat & all that. Although, from tonight on through the remainder of this contest, I will be buckling down & getting strict with my diet. Win or loose, I want to finish strong. I will also be on vacation later this summer, so I would like to lean down some more for that too.


Cardio: 12 mins incline walk at 3 mph, 12 mins elliptical

Machine lat pulldown: 1 set of 15

Super set with

Machine row: 1 set of 15

Pull-ups: 3 sets of 20 with 2 sets being neutral grip & 1 set of wide overhand grip

Tbar row: 3 sets of 2 plates × 15, 3 plates × 12, 4 plates × 8

Cable lat pulldowns: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 with last set using whole stack. The other gym I go to occasionally has a cable lat pulldown that I can only do 4 or 5 with whole stack.

Machine row: 5 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8, 8 with drop set of 10 reps on last set

I had a guy in there asking me how I can do that many pull-ups at my size & I simply told him... "do lots of pull-ups!". Yeah, you can build an upper back & lats with other movements, but nothing will help you get better at pull-ups than doing as many as you can a couple times a week. Just my opinion.
I ate shitty all weekends but today no appetite.... so ate what I could.

Woman having cramps and wore it out so prolly will be a bit on that cardio too.
Never know she wakes up.... in morning most of time is her time...

But I changed somethings and new cut blend. Could be tren stronger or anavar switch from winny.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
The diet is easy to slip up on for sure. I didn't have time to barbecue today like I planned, so I guess I'll be throwing some stuff in the oven.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

Cardio: 20 mins stair machine. Longest I've done the stairs. My wind is getting better & I might attempt a half hour on the stiars, some time soon. I don't usully do stairs on leg day, but I decided my cardio is more important than hitting my goal on squat.

Barbell squat: 8 sets of 135 × 10, 225 × 5, 275 × 5, 315 × 5, 365 × 3, 405 × 3, 405 × 1, 315 × 10 my lower back was on fire this morning. Probably from last nights back workout.

Single leg, leg press: 4 sets of 10

Seated leg extentions: 3 sets of 15, 10, 10

Seated leg curls: 5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 10, 10 drop set last set for 8 more reps

Super set with

Standing calf raise machine: 4 sets of 15, 12, 12, 10 drop set last set for 8 more reps
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Finished off the leftovers we had from going out this weekend after my workout, so there's no more garbage in my fridge now.

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter shake

Meal 2: 2 large slices of meat pizza & cottage cheese post workout

Meal 3: 1 jumbo egg, 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 small chicken breast & a few crackers

Meal 4: 1/2 lb of taco meat with one wheat tortilla & small amount of sour cream

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 1/2 burger no bun & half a serving of noodles

Started taking taurine today. Realized I was getting some back pumps today during squats. It is already helping. I don't think it's common, but I'm pretty sure it's the andarine. Lgd did the same thing. I just get back pumps often with most orals. I am pretty sure I will be working arms tomorrow. I also plan on doing a few sets of abs as soon as I post this.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 9, 2018
Finished off the leftovers we had from going out this weekend after my workout, so there's no more garbage in my fridge now.

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter shake

Meal 2: 2 large slices of meat pizza & cottage cheese post workout

Meal 3: 1 jumbo egg, 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 small chicken breast & a few crackers

Meal 4: 1/2 lb of taco meat with one wheat tortilla & small amount of sour cream

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 1/2 burger no bun & half a serving of noodles

Started taking taurine today. Realized I was getting some back pumps today during squats. It is already helping. I don't think it's common, but I'm pretty sure it's the andarine. Lgd did the same thing. I just get back pumps often with most orals. I am pretty sure I will be working arms tomorrow. I also plan on doing a few sets of abs as soon as I post this.

One started taurine as well. Absolutely right about the LGD. At about day 12-15 I noticed that I was getting low back pumps. This always concerns me because I have chronic low back pain from 16 years as a paramedic. The taurine helps but I have to take at least 1000 mg a day.

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Finished off the leftovers we had from going out this weekend after my workout, so there's no more garbage in my fridge now.

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter shake

Meal 2: 2 large slices of meat pizza & cottage cheese post workout

Meal 3: 1 jumbo egg, 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 small chicken breast & a few crackers

Meal 4: 1/2 lb of taco meat with one wheat tortilla & small amount of sour cream

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 1/2 burger no bun & half a serving of noodles

Started taking taurine today. Realized I was getting some back pumps today during squats. It is already helping. I don't think it's common, but I'm pretty sure it's the andarine. Lgd did the same thing. I just get back pumps often with most orals. I am pretty sure I will be working arms tomorrow. I also plan on doing a few sets of abs as soon as I post this.

One started taurine as well. Absolutely right about the LGD. At about day 12-15 I noticed that I was getting low back pumps. This always concerns me because I have chronic low back pain from 16 years as a paramedic. The taurine helps but I have to take at least 1000 mg a day.

Yeah, those lower back pains can really throw a wrench in your daily routine. I'm not sure how much taurine I take honestly. I take a pill or 2 plus what's in my protein. I definitely got worse back pumps with the LGD.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 9, 2018
Finished off the leftovers we had from going out this weekend after my workout, so there's no more garbage in my fridge now.

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter shake

Meal 2: 2 large slices of meat pizza & cottage cheese post workout

Meal 3: 1 jumbo egg, 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 small chicken breast & a few crackers

Meal 4: 1/2 lb of taco meat with one wheat tortilla & small amount of sour cream

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 1/2 burger no bun & half a serving of noodles

Started taking taurine today. Realized I was getting some back pumps today during squats. It is already helping. I don't think it's common, but I'm pretty sure it's the andarine. Lgd did the same thing. I just get back pumps often with most orals. I am pretty sure I will be working arms tomorrow. I also plan on doing a few sets of abs as soon as I post this.

One started taurine as well. Absolutely right about the LGD. At about day 12-15 I noticed that I was getting low back pumps. This always concerns me because I have chronic low back pain from 16 years as a paramedic. The taurine helps but I have to take at least 1000 mg a day.

Yeah, those lower back pains can really throw a wrench in your daily routine. I'm not sure how much taurine I take honestly. I take a pill or 2 plus what's in my protein. I definitely got worse back pumps with the LGD.

Yeah. When I’m out in the field working I’m constantly moving so it’s not to bad but the last 2 weeks I’ve been stuck in the office behind the desk and sitting most of the day it just kills me.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Finished off the leftovers we had from going out this weekend after my workout, so there's no more garbage in my fridge now.

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter shake

Meal 2: 2 large slices of meat pizza & cottage cheese post workout

Meal 3: 1 jumbo egg, 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 small chicken breast & a few crackers

Meal 4: 1/2 lb of taco meat with one wheat tortilla & small amount of sour cream

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 6: 1/2 burger no bun & half a serving of noodles

Started taking taurine today. Realized I was getting some back pumps today during squats. It is already helping. I don't think it's common, but I'm pretty sure it's the andarine. Lgd did the same thing. I just get back pumps often with most orals. I am pretty sure I will be working arms tomorrow. I also plan on doing a few sets of abs as soon as I post this.

One started taurine as well. Absolutely right about the LGD. At about day 12-15 I noticed that I was getting low back pumps. This always concerns me because I have chronic low back pain from 16 years as a paramedic. The taurine helps but I have to take at least 1000 mg a day.

Yeah, those lower back pains can really throw a wrench in your daily routine. I'm not sure how much taurine I take honestly. I take a pill or 2 plus what's in my protein. I definitely got worse back pumps with the LGD.

Yeah. When I’m out in the field working I’m constantly moving so it’s not to bad but the last 2 weeks I’ve been stuck in the office behind the desk and sitting most of the day it just kills me.

I looked & it looks like I am taking between 700-800 mgs of taurine. Good to hear it's helping. I hear ya about work. That's where it gets me too. That & leg day.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

- the majority of my sets for arms today, was done with a burn out kind of approach throughout my workout. Well, I felt like I needed to turn up the intensity, so I just kept going on each set, from arm to arm.

Cardio: 20 mins elliptical 160 strides per min

Standing dumbbell concentration curls: 5 sets with all sets being done twice 30 × 20 × 8, 40 × 12 × 8, 50 × 10 × 5, 60 × 6 × 3, 45 × 10 × 5

Super set with

Ez bar skullcrushers: 4 sets of 70 × 20, 80 × 15, 90 × 12, 100 × 10

Single arm preacher curl machine: 4 sets all sets done twice 10 × 5 on all sets

Super set with

Straight bar cable pressdown: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 whole stack for 12

Single arm high cable curls: 4 sets with all sets done twice 8 × 5 on all sets

Super set with

Single arm reverse grip cable pressdown: 4 sets with all sets done twice 12 × 8 on all sets
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017

- the majority of my sets for arms today, was done with a burn out kind of approach throughout my workout. Well, I felt like I needed to turn up the intensity, so I just kept going on each set, from arm to arm.

Cardio: 20 mins elliptical 160 strides per min

Standing dumbbell concentration curls: 5 sets with all sets being done twice 30 × 20 × 8, 40 × 12 × 8, 50 × 10 × 5, 60 × 6 × 3, 45 × 10 × 5

Super set with

Ez bar skullcrushers: 4 sets of 70 × 20, 80 × 15, 90 × 12, 100 × 10

Single arm preacher curl machine: 4 sets all sets done twice 10 × 5 on all sets

Super set with

Straight bar cable pressdown: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 whole stack for 12

Single arm high cable curls: 4 sets with all sets done twice 8 × 5 on all sets

Super set with

Single arm reverse grip cable pressdown: 4 sets with all sets done twice 12 × 8 on all sets
Keep doing those supersets esp a different muscle
Heart Gott a pump blood from one to other
Make it work
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

- the majority of my sets for arms today, was done with a burn out kind of approach throughout my workout. Well, I felt like I needed to turn up the intensity, so I just kept going on each set, from arm to arm.

Cardio: 20 mins elliptical 160 strides per min

Standing dumbbell concentration curls: 5 sets with all sets being done twice 30 × 20 × 8, 40 × 12 × 8, 50 × 10 × 5, 60 × 6 × 3, 45 × 10 × 5

Super set with

Ez bar skullcrushers: 4 sets of 70 × 20, 80 × 15, 90 × 12, 100 × 10

Single arm preacher curl machine: 4 sets all sets done twice 10 × 5 on all sets

Super set with

Straight bar cable pressdown: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 whole stack for 12

Single arm high cable curls: 4 sets with all sets done twice 8 × 5 on all sets

Super set with

Single arm reverse grip cable pressdown: 4 sets with all sets done twice 12 × 8 on all sets
Keep doing those supersets esp a different muscle
Heart Gott a pump blood from one to other
Make it work

I usually do with arms. I am actually going to hit the weights with much more intensity than I have been & if it shortens my workout or does less sets, I could care less. I am making each set challenging & brutal for the next couple weeks. I need to shock my muscles & train a little different. That should do the trick.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Couldn't make it to the gym, but I did get in a chest workout at home.


Standard push-ups: 1 set of 20. Warm up

Push-ups on push-up bars with heavy band: 5 sets of 15. Just wrapped heavy band around my back & did slow reps.

Elevated push-ups on push-up bars: 4 sets of 20

Single arm heavy band flyes: 3 sets of 15. Wrapped heavy band around pull-up bar. Used 2 bands, for extra resistance.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 9, 2018
Couldn't make it to the gym, but I did get in a chest workout at home.


Standard push-ups: 1 set of 20. Warm up

Push-ups on push-up bars with heavy band: 5 sets of 15. Just wrapped heavy band around my back & did slow reps.

Elevated push-ups on push-up bars: 4 sets of 20

Single arm heavy band flyes: 3 sets of 15. Wrapped heavy band around pull-up bar. Used 2 bands, for extra resistance.

Great job. Adapt and overcome.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Couldn't make it to the gym, but I did get in a chest workout at home.


Standard push-ups: 1 set of 20. Warm up

Push-ups on push-up bars with heavy band: 5 sets of 15. Just wrapped heavy band around my back & did slow reps.

Elevated push-ups on push-up bars: 4 sets of 20

Single arm heavy band flyes: 3 sets of 15. Wrapped heavy band around pull-up bar. Used 2 bands, for extra resistance.

Great job. Adapt and overcome.

Yes sir & thanks

- - - Updated - - -

As soon I get off work, I will catch up on everyones log.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I've been hitting my abs quite a bit lately at night. About eod. Going to hit them shortly actually. I feel like it's bulging out my abs though, but they're getting in pretty good shape, so I'm not stopping.

Gear update

Test prop: 200 mg eod

Andarine: 70 mg ed

Clen: 40 mcg ed (inj. kind)

Adex: .5 mg eod or less

Will start the clen tomorrow. With having 10 days left & not being as low in bf as I want to be, I figure it is time to get started on it. This clen is really good!


Multi-vitamin: ed

Taurine: ed

Pre-workout: obviously know when this go's..

Whey protein

Digestive enzymes: a couple times a day