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Big Beef m4bteam transformation



MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Today was an off day. Going to hit arms tomorrow

Training split from now on

Day 1: biceps, triceps & abs

Day 2: legs

Day 3: back & abs

Day 4: chest, shoulders & traps

I will throw in rest days as needed. Cardio will be done at least 2 of the 4 workout days a week. Got the pins, oils & orals all ready for tomorrow :twisted:
Nice plan of action. Can't wait to see the results.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Today was an off day. Going to hit arms tomorrow

Training split from now on

Day 1: biceps, triceps & abs

Day 2: legs

Day 3: back & abs

Day 4: chest, shoulders & traps

I will throw in rest days as needed. Cardio will be done at least 2 of the 4 workout days a week. Got the pins, oils & orals all ready for tomorrow :twisted:
Nice plan of action. Can't wait to see the results.

Thanks buddy
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Yesterday was definitely a cheat day for me. Yet to get my diet perfected, so I shouldn't have days where I'm eating like that all day, but I had some birthday parties to go to for kids & stuff like that. Ate what I could get my hands on

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: chicken strips

Meal 3: 2 cheeseburgers

Meal 4: 2 quesadilla's

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: meatloaf
Brother I haven't including the little Debbie cakes I eat in middle if night this past week.
Where would I start, i guess all night got up and ate junk everytime I woke up sweating from tren!!!
I am stopping it though, and fruit by the foot roll ups!!! Those bad boys, my kids bring them to me everything they get them one!!! Lol
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Yesterday was definitely a cheat day for me. Yet to get my diet perfected, so I shouldn't have days where I'm eating like that all day, but I had some birthday parties to go to for kids & stuff like that. Ate what I could get my hands on

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: chicken strips

Meal 3: 2 cheeseburgers

Meal 4: 2 quesadilla's

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: meatloaf
Brother I haven't including the little Debbie cakes I eat in middle if night this past week.
Where would I start, i guess all night got up and ate junk everytime I woke up sweating from tren!!!
I am stopping it though, and fruit by the foot roll ups!!! Those bad boys, my kids bring them to me everything they get them one!!! Lol

I haven't had a fruit by the foot in years!!! I remember they were pretty damn good lol
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Yesterday was definitely a cheat day for me. Yet to get my diet perfected, so I shouldn't have days where I'm eating like that all day, but I had some birthday parties to go to for kids & stuff like that. Ate what I could get my hands on

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: chicken strips

Meal 3: 2 cheeseburgers

Meal 4: 2 quesadilla's

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: meatloaf
Brother I haven't including the little Debbie cakes I eat in middle if night this past week.
Where would I start, i guess all night got up and ate junk everytime I woke up sweating from tren!!!
I am stopping it though, and fruit by the foot roll ups!!! Those bad boys, my kids bring them to me everything they get them one!!! Lol

I haven't had a fruit by the foot in years!!! I remember they were pretty damn good lol
If u would see the snacks at this house.
My problem is i eat them in middle of night
And sometimes hardly remember almost like sleep walking.
Get up take a leak and that is when I do it.
Was doing good But this week I cheated.

Beef I am looking scronny at places need some lean bulk.
Waiting to get my longer esters and Anadrol may be what I need to give me fullness!!!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Your sleep eating :)

- - - Updated - - -

I hope you fill out those scronny places you speak of. That anadrol might really help ya out
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Started the gear! Had a really busy day or I would have already updated my log. All gear for now will be PureGear from m4b

Gear: dbol at 20 mgs ed & sustanon 500 mg a week

First time with dbol, so I am starting out at 20 mg & will more than likely bump it up to 30 mg, in a couple weeks or so.

Other sups: multi vitamin, glucosamine, taurine & will now start throwing in some milk thistle at night

Today's routine was arms & abs

Cardio: 7 mins run/walk, 2 mins stairs

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 20

Crunch machine: 3 sets of 20

Dumbbell concentration curls: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 ds last set til failure

Rope curls: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 ds last set til failure

Preacher curl machine: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 ds last set til failure

Straight bar pressdowns: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 ds last set til failure

Single arm rope pressdowns: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 rotate arms until complete exaustion on last set

Pressdown machine: 4 sets of 20, 20, 15, 12 ds last set til failure

Workouts still progressing. Was doing concentration curls with 30's for 10 with my healing arm, so I currently adding 5 lbs every workout. Anxious to see what the gear will do for me! Will try to get my diet updated in a bit
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Was still feeling some motivation tonight, so I got creative. I haven't drawn in yeeeeeaaars! I hope this Beef looks like that beef, when this contest is done!!!
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Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Meals for the day

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: stuffed chicken breast

Meal 3: beef sliders

Meal 4: meat pizza (post workout)

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: 2 chicken thighs & salad

I am used to taking in a large amount of complex carbohydrates, so I am very happy that I managed to keep them out of 4 of my 6 meals today. A couple meals weren't the leanest, but far better than my diet was before the contest! It's crazy how much better I feel & how much more energy I have when I cut my carbs back like that. That extra energy & good feeling I get, will be the kind of motivation I need to get even more strict on my diet in the weeks to come
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Weight for the day: 234 lb. 2 lb gain in last 2 days, probably coming from slight water gains from test & dbol. I always add a few pounds almost immediately when taking test

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: tuna mac

Meal 3: chicken, corn & a biscuit

Meal 4: lean beef & 2 tortillas with cheese (post workout)

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: chicken breast with rice

Still wanting to take the suggestion I got of cutting down carbs, but still struggling to get that all lined out. I've cut back, but need to cut back more. I eat more protein when I do & feel more energetic

Today was leg day

Cardio: 5 mins elliptical, 6 mins run/walk

Dumbbell lunges: 4 sets all sets until failure & ds last set

Hack squats: 3 sets of 12

Leg extentions: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 ds last set

Leg curls: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10

Standing calf raise machine: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12

Will most likely drop hack squats & start in on barbell squats, next leg day. Shoulder didn't feel right in the barbell squat position before, but I think I am ready now. I should have some new pics at latest by the beginning of next week

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2018
I always go by feel bro if something aint feeling right that day ill do something that does that way you never get hurt because of being stubborn or stuck in your ways plus change is good to shock the muscles into growth. Keep up the good work big boy!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I always go by feel bro if something aint feeling right that day ill do something that does that way you never get hurt because of being stubborn or stuck in your ways plus change is good to shock the muscles into growth. Keep up the good work big boy!

Thanks bro. Actually, it's from shoulder surgery I had a couple months ago. Yeah, I know... seems a little early for a cycle lol. Recovery has been WAY good though compared to most in that situation, so I am very thankful! I agree with a 100% too. Listen to your body! The compliments are appreciated bro


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
Meals for the day

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: stuffed chicken breast

Meal 3: beef sliders

Meal 4: meat pizza (post workout)

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: 2 chicken thighs & salad

I am used to taking in a large amount of complex carbohydrates, so I am very happy that I managed to keep them out of 4 of my 6 meals today. A couple meals weren't the leanest, but far better than my diet was before the contest! It's crazy how much better I feel & how much more energy I have when I cut my carbs back like that. That extra energy & good feeling I get, will be the kind of motivation I need to get even more strict on my diet in the weeks to come
Looking good brother keep it up man in a couple of weeks you won't even muss those carbs.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I hope your right bro cuz I feel like I sure am gonna miss em!!! Lmao
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Weight for the day: 234 lb. 2 lb gain in last 2 days, probably coming from slight water gains from test & dbol. I always add a few pounds almost immediately when taking test

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: tuna mac

Meal 3: chicken, corn & a biscuit

Meal 4: lean beef & 2 tortillas with cheese (post workout)

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: chicken breast with rice

Still wanting to take the suggestion I got of cutting down carbs, but still struggling to get that all lined out. I've cut back, but need to cut back more. I eat more protein when I do & feel more energetic

Today was leg day

Cardio: 5 mins elliptical, 6 mins run/walk

Dumbbell lunges: 4 sets all sets until failure & ds last set

Hack squats: 3 sets of 12

Leg extentions: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 ds last set

Leg curls: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10

Standing calf raise machine: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12

Will most likely drop hack squats & start in on barbell squats, next leg day. Shoulder didn't feel right in the barbell squat position before, but I think I am ready now. I should have some new pics at latest by the beginning of next week
Meal 1
No more peanut butter!!!
Egg whites 4 to 1 whole 5 in morning
With 1 wheat toast
Meal 2
Cottage cheese or yogurt some granola
Meal 3
8 oz chicken breast 1 bowl salad balsamic vinegeret
Meal 4
If u workout in afternoon
Protein shake white baby potatoes
Meal 5
Your last post workout
1/2 cup brown rice or sweet potato
With 8oz lean meat

This would all work better if u worked out in morning with only protien then use carbs after workout and stop then before 3pm

Just a quick example I don't know your maintance cals to give more specific diet.

Push50 is on a great diet atm!!!
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Weight for the day: 234 lb. 2 lb gain in last 2 days, probably coming from slight water gains from test & dbol. I always add a few pounds almost immediately when taking test

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: tuna mac

Meal 3: chicken, corn & a biscuit

Meal 4: lean beef & 2 tortillas with cheese (post workout)

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: chicken breast with rice

Still wanting to take the suggestion I got of cutting down carbs, but still struggling to get that all lined out. I've cut back, but need to cut back more. I eat more protein when I do & feel more energetic

Today was leg day

Cardio: 5 mins elliptical, 6 mins run/walk

Dumbbell lunges: 4 sets all sets until failure & ds last set

Hack squats: 3 sets of 12

Leg extentions: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 ds last set

Leg curls: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10

Standing calf raise machine: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12

Will most likely drop hack squats & start in on barbell squats, next leg day. Shoulder didn't feel right in the barbell squat position before, but I think I am ready now. I should have some new pics at latest by the beginning of next week
Meal 1
No more peanut butter!!!
Egg whites 4 to 1 whole 5 in morning
With 1 wheat toast
Meal 2
Cottage cheese or yogurt some granola
Meal 3
8 oz chicken breast 1 bowl salad balsamic vinegeret
Meal 4
If u workout in afternoon
Protein shake white baby potatoes
Meal 5
Your last post workout
1/2 cup brown rice or sweet potato
With 8oz lean meat

This would all work better if u worked out in morning with only protien then use carbs after workout and stop then before 3pm

Just a quick example I don't know your maintance cals to give more specific diet.

Push50 is on a great diet atm!!!
Also leave starchy food like corn alone.
Eat protiens but I would cut fats too like peanut butter.
If u gonna keto u gotta stop all carbs till a fast 10lbs drops off imo!
U want green veggies orange and purple.

Eat eggs whites, lean meats, sweet potatoes, brown rice and veggies Alot of broccoli
Try to keep cals at 2500
I keep higher because metabolism high and on t3/t4.

Consider t3 to get thru and be able to eat more.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Weight for the day: 234 lb. 2 lb gain in last 2 days, probably coming from slight water gains from test & dbol. I always add a few pounds almost immediately when taking test

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: tuna mac

Meal 3: chicken, corn & a biscuit

Meal 4: lean beef & 2 tortillas with cheese (post workout)

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: chicken breast with rice

Still wanting to take the suggestion I got of cutting down carbs, but still struggling to get that all lined out. I've cut back, but need to cut back more. I eat more protein when I do & feel more energetic

Today was leg day

Cardio: 5 mins elliptical, 6 mins run/walk

Dumbbell lunges: 4 sets all sets until failure & ds last set

Hack squats: 3 sets of 12

Leg extentions: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 ds last set

Leg curls: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10

Standing calf raise machine: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12

Will most likely drop hack squats & start in on barbell squats, next leg day. Shoulder didn't feel right in the barbell squat position before, but I think I am ready now. I should have some new pics at latest by the beginning of next week
Meal 1
No more peanut butter!!!
Egg whites 4 to 1 whole 5 in morning
With 1 wheat toast
Meal 2
Cottage cheese or yogurt some granola
Meal 3
8 oz chicken breast 1 bowl salad balsamic vinegeret
Meal 4
If u workout in afternoon
Protein shake white baby potatoes
Meal 5
Your last post workout
1/2 cup brown rice or sweet potato
With 8oz lean meat

This would all work better if u worked out in morning with only protien then use carbs after workout and stop then before 3pm

Just a quick example I don't know your maintance cals to give more specific diet.

Push50 is on a great diet atm!!!

Yeah, lot of fat in peanut butter. I have a powdered peanut butter with no fat that I will switch to, when I am in a hurry. I will try to get eggs prepared ahead of time & start that tomorrow.

I plan to start working out in mornings, when I get on my regular schedule with work. Hasn't been lately. I like the idea of stopping carbs late afternoon. I am up later than most though, until like 1 or 2 am, so I might stop carbs around 6 or 7.

I need to buy some veggies. I've always just ate meats, cheeses & complex carbs. Never real had a sweet tooth & very seldom ate fruits & veggies. I'll get some recipe ideas & pick some up
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Weight for the day: 234 lb. 2 lb gain in last 2 days, probably coming from slight water gains from test & dbol. I always add a few pounds almost immediately when taking test

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: tuna mac

Meal 3: chicken, corn & a biscuit

Meal 4: lean beef & 2 tortillas with cheese (post workout)

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: chicken breast with rice

Still wanting to take the suggestion I got of cutting down carbs, but still struggling to get that all lined out. I've cut back, but need to cut back more. I eat more protein when I do & feel more energetic

Today was leg day

Cardio: 5 mins elliptical, 6 mins run/walk

Dumbbell lunges: 4 sets all sets until failure & ds last set

Hack squats: 3 sets of 12

Leg extentions: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10 ds last set

Leg curls: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10

Standing calf raise machine: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12

Will most likely drop hack squats & start in on barbell squats, next leg day. Shoulder didn't feel right in the barbell squat position before, but I think I am ready now. I should have some new pics at latest by the beginning of next week
Meal 1
No more peanut butter!!!
Egg whites 4 to 1 whole 5 in morning
With 1 wheat toast
Meal 2
Cottage cheese or yogurt some granola
Meal 3
8 oz chicken breast 1 bowl salad balsamic vinegeret
Meal 4
If u workout in afternoon
Protein shake white baby potatoes
Meal 5
Your last post workout
1/2 cup brown rice or sweet potato
With 8oz lean meat

This would all work better if u worked out in morning with only protien then use carbs after workout and stop then before 3pm

Just a quick example I don't know your maintance cals to give more specific diet.

Push50 is on a great diet atm!!!

Yeah, lot of fat in peanut butter. I have a powdered peanut butter with no fat that I will switch to, when I am in a hurry. I will try to get eggs prepared ahead of time & start that tomorrow.

I plan to start working out in mornings, when I get on my regular schedule with work. Hasn't been lately. I like the idea of stopping carbs late afternoon. I am up later than most though, until like 1 or 2 am, so I might stop carbs around 6 or 7.

I need to buy some veggies. I've always just ate meats, cheeses & complex carbs. Never real had a sweet tooth & very seldom ate fruits & veggies. I'll get some recipe ideas & pick some up
I went to superWalmart and stocked up on salad, broccoli just steam in bags but buy fresh in cooler,
The eggs in hurry throw in bowl in micro wave I do it all the time.
I am trying to do it too brother.
My stomach bloating acid reflux is back off and on. Gotta get rid of fats and oils
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Funny you mention that because I am getting some pretty bad acid reflux the last 2 days. I think it's the dbol. Started yesterday & read quite a few reviews of other guys having this issue with dbol & other orals. Maybe not that, but I kind of think it is
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Funny you mention that because I am getting some pretty bad acid reflux the last 2 days. I think it's the dbol. Started yesterday & read quite a few reviews of other guys having this issue with dbol & other orals. Maybe not that, but I kind of think it is
Yes alot of orals including tren inject, interupt bile flow from liver.
It's slows acids or overflows them.
Bile reflux and acid reflux a company each other.
Best thing is to eat easy digestive foods
Take digest enzymes probiotics and avoid fats.
I am trying now so I can stop the prevacid.