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Big Beef m4bteam transformation



Well-known member
Mar 31, 2015
Your a machine is that baked fish and chicken together? Wow don't know if I could do it not. A big fish fan I force it down as it is I dont know if I could mix it with another protien u da man, showing real dedication


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
Been a shit day fellas, but I'm here & ready to catch up with my log. Split up with my gf that I've been with for years & on Valentines Day, so it sucked. Anyway, had therapy today & did quite a bit, so I didn't lift, but I hit some cardio & abs. My new diet is going pretty good as well, but still got some kinks to work out.

Meal 1: egg sandwich & milk

Meal 2: sliced steak wrap

Meal 3: chicken breast

Meal 4: tacos (post workout, hit cardio hard)

Meal 5: other half of steak wrap

Meal 6: will be tilapia & half a chicken breast

I know it sounds crazy, but I could see a difference in the way I looked after just one night & day of cutting back on my carb intake! Looked & felt good, but was still up a pound & a half to put me 233.5. I learned a long time ago not to worry about that scale though. I'm pretty confident it's a positive gain. Appreciate the help from Thudgens & the rest of you all with my diet. I think that's the motivation I needed. Going to hit arms tomorrow as hard as they've been hit in months!

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, prayers to those families in Florida. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing kids be harmed & especially killed. It's fu^#*"@ horrible! They need to set in place a barbaric torture for people that kill kids. Been a long day fellas... sorry for the rant
Brother it's the system not the individual. Yes he is the one that did it and I would put 2 in his chest at noon on national television. How far was this kid pushed and bullied by the school elite and the slew of adults that didn't do a fucking thing to help him. It's been going on since the beginning of civilization. It's bullying pushed to the breaking point. If everyone would just show a little kindness and do the right thing from day to day alot of this would stop. Discipline is the missing component. From top to bottom no one is accountable for shit. My point is some one new this was going to happen. Or they new there was a chance this kid could blow.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Been a shit day fellas, but I'm here & ready to catch up with my log. Split up with my gf that I've been with for years & on Valentines Day, so it sucked. Anyway, had therapy today & did quite a bit, so I didn't lift, but I hit some cardio & abs. My new diet is going pretty good as well, but still got some kinks to work out.

Meal 1: egg sandwich & milk

Meal 2: sliced steak wrap

Meal 3: chicken breast

Meal 4: tacos (post workout, hit cardio hard)

Meal 5: other half of steak wrap

Meal 6: will be tilapia & half a chicken breast

I know it sounds crazy, but I could see a difference in the way I looked after just one night & day of cutting back on my carb intake! Looked & felt good, but was still up a pound & a half to put me 233.5. I learned a long time ago not to worry about that scale though. I'm pretty confident it's a positive gain. Appreciate the help from Thudgens & the rest of you all with my diet. I think that's the motivation I needed. Going to hit arms tomorrow as hard as they've been hit in months!

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, prayers to those families in Florida. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing kids be harmed & especially killed. It's fu^#*"@ horrible! They need to set in place a barbaric torture for people that kill kids. Been a long day fellas... sorry for the rant
Brother it's the system not the individual. Yes he is the one that did it and I would put 2 in his chest at noon on national television. How far was this kid pushed and bullied by the school elite and the slew of adults that didn't do a fucking thing to help him. It's been going on since the beginning of civilization. It's bullying pushed to the breaking point. If everyone would just show a little kindness and do the right thing from day to day alot of this would stop. Discipline is the missing component. From top to bottom no one is accountable for shit. My point is some one new this was going to happen. Or they new there was a chance this kid could blow.

I agree with you that there needs to be more kindness & less bullying, but I also believe people are responsible for their own actions. I didn't have a peachy child hood, as many others didn't & I'm not shooting up schools. I also agree with you that someone or multiple people knew this & should have done something!

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, I am picking up sweet potatoes today & should have one of em post workout. Might look up some recipes to make some kind of dish for the next few days for post workout


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
Been a shit day fellas, but I'm here & ready to catch up with my log. Split up with my gf that I've been with for years & on Valentines Day, so it sucked. Anyway, had therapy today & did quite a bit, so I didn't lift, but I hit some cardio & abs. My new diet is going pretty good as well, but still got some kinks to work out.

Meal 1: egg sandwich & milk

Meal 2: sliced steak wrap

Meal 3: chicken breast

Meal 4: tacos (post workout, hit cardio hard)

Meal 5: other half of steak wrap

Meal 6: will be tilapia & half a chicken breast

I know it sounds crazy, but I could see a difference in the way I looked after just one night & day of cutting back on my carb intake! Looked & felt good, but was still up a pound & a half to put me 233.5. I learned a long time ago not to worry about that scale though. I'm pretty confident it's a positive gain. Appreciate the help from Thudgens & the rest of you all with my diet. I think that's the motivation I needed. Going to hit arms tomorrow as hard as they've been hit in months!

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, prayers to those families in Florida. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing kids be harmed & especially killed. It's fu^#*"@ horrible! They need to set in place a barbaric torture for people that kill kids. Been a long day fellas... sorry for the rant
Brother it's the system not the individual. Yes he is the one that did it and I would put 2 in his chest at noon on national television. How far was this kid pushed and bullied by the school elite and the slew of adults that didn't do a fucking thing to help him. It's been going on since the beginning of civilization. It's bullying pushed to the breaking point. If everyone would just show a little kindness and do the right thing from day to day alot of this would stop. Discipline is the missing component. From top to bottom no one is accountable for shit. My point is some one new this was going to happen. Or they new there was a chance this kid could blow.

I agree with you that there needs to be more kindness & less bullying, but I also believe people are responsible for their own actions. I didn't have a peachy child hood, as many others didn't & I'm not shooting up schools. I also agree with you that someone or multiple people knew this & should have done something!

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, I am picking up sweet potatoes today & should have one of em post workout. Might look up some recipes to make some kind of dish for the next few days for post workout
Great deal brother
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Grabbed the biggest ones I could find! Probably save this big boy for tomorrow's post workout. Was arm day today...

Biceps & triceps

Cardio: 5 mins elliptical, 8 mins run/walk

Dumbbell concentration curls: 4 sets of 25, 20, 15, 12 drop set last set

Straight bar pressdowns: 4 sets of 22, 20, 17, 12 drop set last set

Rope curls: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 drop set last set

Rope pressdowns: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 drop set last set

Machine preacher curls: 3 sets of 20, 15, 15 drop set last set

Machine pressdown: 3 sets of 20, 15, 15 drop set last set
Last edited by a moderator:
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Meal 1: wheat toast, peanut butter & 1 1/2 cups of milk

Meal 2: large cheeseburger (postworkout)

Meal 3: protein shake

Meal 4: fish fillets & rice

Meal 5: chicken breast with hot sauce
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Meal 1: wheat toast, peanut butter & 1 1/2 cups of milk

Meal 2: large cheeseburger (postworkout)

Meal 3: protein shake

Meal 4: fish fillets & rice

Meal 5: chicken breast with hot sauce
Keep pushing brother. I been busy with life it's been rough
Havent had time to post lately
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Meal 1: wheat toast, peanut butter & 1 1/2 cups of milk

Meal 2: large cheeseburger (postworkout)

Meal 3: protein shake

Meal 4: fish fillets & rice

Meal 5: chicken breast with hot sauce
Keep pushing brother. I been busy with life it's been rough
Havent had time to post lately

It's all good bro & thanks. I'll check your log out in the morning


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 9, 2018
Big Beef = Big Competition
Il be following your progress bro

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Decided to make it a cardio & leg day. Was supposed to be my first shoulder & chest day, but I am going to have to push that back another day or two.

Cardio: 10 mins run/walk

Warm up: 1 set each of body weight squats & lunges til failure

Dumbbell lunges: 45's til failure, 55's til failure, 65's × 2 til failure ss (super set) with body weight squats til failure

Single leg extentions: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 drop set last set

Single leg curls: 4 sets of 25, 20, 15, 12

Standing single leg calf raises: 3 sets til failure, altenate back & forth between legs until complete exhaustion on last set
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Decided to leave the deca out until my next cycle. I'm trying to be as smart as I can with my gains & just add a little something else each cycle or raise the dose. This time will be my first time with dbol & next time it will be with deca. One thing I am considering though, is running both drol & dbol in this cycle, but taking a 2 week break between each of course, at least. Still debating it. Feel free to chime in with advice or I will decide something by the end of the week
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Decided to leave the deca out until my next cycle. I'm trying to be as smart as I can with my gains & just add a little something else each cycle or raise the dose. This time will be my first time with dbol & next time it will be with deca. One thing I am considering though, is running both drol & dbol in this cycle, but taking a 2 week break between each of course, at least. Still debating it. Feel free to chime in with advice or I will decide something by the end of the week
The way to run both is together.
25mg of adrol and 25mg dbol together give syntergesic results over 50mg of either alone for example.

I WOULD NOT run two bulking orals at 2 different times during one cycle.

In this cycle for u my advice is is u use both together for 4 weeks or 1 or other for 4 weeks only I would use only for muscle fullness while depleted from low cals and carbs.

A recomended cycle for u for this transformation would be to just run moderate
test 500-750 a week
Maybe with mast e to keep bloat at bay

Then during cut phase last 8 weeks
Test prop 35-50 ED
Tren ace 50-75 ED
T3/t4 50mcg of both straight thru or just t3
Anavar 50-75mg last 6 weeks
Proviron 75mg ED last 6 weeks

This is most cost effective recomendatuon
And with first phase to keep anabolic mast there to keep bloat off and androgen binding to fat cells. Lose fat retain muscle.

Last phase to retain muscle and make that transformation that will give u a good physic to maintain and those bulkers can work on next cycle with low bf.

If u do this right i see u getting down to 12% and from there u never go above 15% again and be able to get into the single digets in this same year or spring of 2019.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Solid plan man. I will go ahead & drop the drol for now & stick with the dbol. Gtg on proviron, when I'm ready for it. It should either start tomorrow or Monday


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Decided to leave the deca out until my next cycle. I'm trying to be as smart as I can with my gains & just add a little something else each cycle or raise the dose. This time will be my first time with dbol & next time it will be with deca. One thing I am considering though, is running both drol & dbol in this cycle, but taking a 2 week break between each of course, at least. Still debating it. Feel free to chime in with advice or I will decide something by the end of the week
The way to run both is together.
25mg of adrol and 25mg dbol together give syntergesic results over 50mg of either alone for example.

I WOULD NOT run two bulking orals at 2 different times during one cycle.

In this cycle for u my advice is is u use both together for 4 weeks or 1 or other for 4 weeks only I would use only for muscle fullness while depleted from low cals and carbs.

A recomended cycle for u for this transformation would be to just run moderate
test 500-750 a week
Maybe with mast e to keep bloat at bay

Then during cut phase last 8 weeks
Test prop 35-50 ED
Tren ace 50-75 ED
T3/t4 50mcg of both straight thru or just t3
Anavar 50-75mg last 6 weeks
Proviron 75mg ED last 6 weeks

This is most cost effective recomendatuon
And with first phase to keep anabolic mast there to keep bloat off and androgen binding to fat cells. Lose fat retain muscle.

Last phase to retain muscle and make that transformation that will give u a good physic to maintain and those bulkers can work on next cycle with low bf.

If u do this right i see u getting down to 12% and from there u never go above 15% again and be able to get into the single digets in this same year or spring of 2019.
I like it .
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Today was a big day for me. I have been waiting to be able to work chest again & today was the first day I got push ups since surgery! Did much more too, but the push ups were definitely the highlight

Cardio, back, chest & abs

Cardio: 3 mins bike, 3 mins stairs & 5 mins treadmill

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 20

Crunch machine: 3 sets of 20

Lat pulldown: 4 sets of 25, 20, 15, 12 ds last set

Mid row: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 ds last set

Low cable row: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12

Barbell shrugs: 3 sets of 20

Push ups: 3 sets 15, 20, 25 (increasing reps each set to test how my shoulder would feel)

Side dumbbell raise: 2 sets of 20, 15 (definitely still sensitive to these!)

Well, there it is. Was very happy with the results of today's routine. I will now add an extra day & split up my routine, since I will start doing chest & shoulders now. Will also start the gear tomorrow or Monday. I've been patiently waiting for this moment & I'm gonna kill it now that it's here!


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Today was a big day for me. I have been waiting to be able to work chest again & today was the first day I got push ups since surgery! Did much more too, but the push ups were definitely the highlight

Cardio, back, chest & abs

Cardio: 3 mins bike, 3 mins stairs & 5 mins treadmill

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 20

Crunch machine: 3 sets of 20

Lat pulldown: 4 sets of 25, 20, 15, 12 ds last set

Mid row: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12 ds last set

Low cable row: 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, 12

Barbell shrugs: 3 sets of 20

Push ups: 3 sets 15, 20, 25 (increasing reps each set to test how my shoulder would feel)

Side dumbbell raise: 2 sets of 20, 15 (definitely still sensitive to these!)

Well, there it is. Was very happy with the results of today's routine. I will now add an extra day & split up my routine, since I will start doing chest & shoulders now. Will also start the gear tomorrow or Monday. I've been patiently waiting for this moment & I'm gonna kill it now that it's here!
Kicking ass i see!here is to many more days like 2day
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Thanks buddy... really! Pretty excited about it. I figure if my routines are progressing like they are now, eveything should be rocking by time the gear kicks in! Still got some healing to do, but working through what I can & it feels awesome
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Yesterday was definitely a cheat day for me. Yet to get my diet perfected, so I shouldn't have days where I'm eating like that all day, but I had some birthday parties to go to for kids & stuff like that. Ate what I could get my hands on

Meal 1: peanut butter & milk

Meal 2: chicken strips

Meal 3: 2 cheeseburgers

Meal 4: 2 quesadilla's

Meal 5: protein shake

Meal 6: meatloaf
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Today was an off day. Going to hit arms tomorrow

Training split from now on

Day 1: biceps, triceps & abs

Day 2: legs

Day 3: back & abs

Day 4: chest, shoulders & traps

I will throw in rest days as needed. Cardio will be done at least 2 of the 4 workout days a week. Got the pins, oils & orals all ready for tomorrow :twisted: