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Big Beef m4bteam transformation

Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Thanks buddy. I'll probably just do this one cycle this year & than try to get some natural gains after that. If I do that, I might make this cycle a little longer than I originally planned
Once your on I don't believe your system is ever the same. At this point do it right man its not a sprint it a marathon. The faster the gains come it seems the faster they disappear. That's expierience talking for sure right there.

I love that saying "it's a sprint, not a marathon" & is so true with this! Your advice is much appreciated bro & experience is priceless. I hadn't done anything at 21, but did a couple cycles that were very mild beginner cycles last year. I seemed to recover pretty well off the first, but the second one was rough! I ran some tren ace towards the end of it & I liked to never get my nuts back on that one! Scared the shit out of me, but they ended up coming back. Don't seem quite as big as before. Been nervous about running tren since. Just being honest


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
Thanks buddy. I'll probably just do this one cycle this year & than try to get some natural gains after that. If I do that, I might make this cycle a little longer than I originally planned
Once your on I don't believe your system is ever the same. At this point do it right man its not a sprint it a marathon. The faster the gains come it seems the faster they disappear. That's expierience talking for sure right there.

I love that saying "it's a sprint, not a marathon" & is so true with this! Your advice is much appreciated bro & experience is priceless. I hadn't done anything at 21, but did a couple cycles that were very mild beginner cycles last year. I seemed to recover pretty well off the first, but the second one was rough! I ran some tren ace towards the end of it & I liked to never get my nuts back on that one! Scared the shit out of me, but they ended up coming back. Don't seem quite as big as before. Been nervous about running tren since. Just being honest
Tren is an advanced compound man honestly tren isn't necessary at all unless you do plan on getting on stage or a particular strength event it's very hard on your body. Test eq and npp can make you pretty Damn big.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I couldn't agree more with ya. Only had to run it once to realize that. Stuff is strong! Honestly, I wish I hadn't run it. I feel like that would be something better for maybe one day when I get on trt.

While we're talking, I got a question... I have 2 cycles of tren & 1 cycle of deca. Probably going to hold onto the tren for a while, but what do you think about deca? I hear that is really rough on the system too, but is npp a much better option? Will it be as effective? Can't afford anything at the moment, but I have always wanted to try deca & I am wondering if I should hold onto it too


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
I couldn't agree more with ya. Only had to run it once to realize that. Stuff is strong! Honestly, I wish I hadn't run it. I feel like that would be something better for maybe one day when I get on trt.

While we're talking, I got a question... I have 2 cycles of tren & 1 cycle of deca. Probably going to hold onto the tren for a while, but what do you think about deca? I hear that is really rough on the system too, but is npp a much better option? Will it be as effective? Can't afford anything at the moment, but I have always wanted to try deca & I am wondering if I should hold onto it too
I used to run deca alot with no issues but not so much these days but I have no issues with npp at all. Personally I think npp is the best thing since sliced bread I like everything about it. Especially how good I feel when I'm on it.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I couldn't agree more with ya. Only had to run it once to realize that. Stuff is strong! Honestly, I wish I hadn't run it. I feel like that would be something better for maybe one day when I get on trt.

While we're talking, I got a question... I have 2 cycles of tren & 1 cycle of deca. Probably going to hold onto the tren for a while, but what do you think about deca? I hear that is really rough on the system too, but is npp a much better option? Will it be as effective? Can't afford anything at the moment, but I have always wanted to try deca & I am wondering if I should hold onto it too
I used to run deca alot with no issues but not so much these days but I have no issues with npp at all. Personally I think npp is the best thing since sliced bread I like everything about it. Especially how good I feel when I'm on it.

I wish I had it instead of deca. It is definitely on my list, when I get my $ back up. You say you used to run deca a lot... did you recover alright than & do you think that's something I should worry about? What do you like about npp? Btw, I had some energizing kratom tonight, so I'm kind of a chattet box lol


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
I couldn't agree more with ya. Only had to run it once to realize that. Stuff is strong! Honestly, I wish I hadn't run it. I feel like that would be something better for maybe one day when I get on trt.

While we're talking, I got a question... I have 2 cycles of tren & 1 cycle of deca. Probably going to hold onto the tren for a while, but what do you think about deca? I hear that is really rough on the system too, but is npp a much better option? Will it be as effective? Can't afford anything at the moment, but I have always wanted to try deca & I am wondering if I should hold onto it too
I used to run deca alot with no issues but not so much these days but I have no issues with npp at all. Personally I think npp is the best thing since sliced bread I like everything about it. Especially how good I feel when I'm on it.

I wish I had it instead of deca. It is definitely on my list, when I get my $ back up. You say you used to run deca a lot... did you recover alright than & do you think that's something I should worry about? What do you like about npp? Btw, I had some energizing kratom tonight, so I'm kind of a chattet box lol
I think npp has all of the benefits of Deca at about 85-90%. The strength gains are alot drier like i said man how good I feel on it has as much to do with it as anything. And I'm sure that stems from the lubrication to the joints so the aches and pains are a little less than normal then add A little gh and and even a littler igf. It's all good. Now closer to showtime I will alternate tren e and the npp from week to week. When the fun starts I actually enjoy the diet. Eating all the freakin time is alot harder for me than dieting.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
That makes sense. Kind of seems like a love/hate thing with most guys, when it comes to deca


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
That makes sense. Kind of seems like a love/hate thing with most guys, when it comes to deca
Deca makes me break out on my back super bad. But I love the size it gives.

.so I'm am npp guy myself
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
That makes sense. Kind of seems like a love/hate thing with most guys, when it comes to deca
Deca makes me break out on my back super bad. But I love the size it gives.

.so I'm am npp guy myself

I have yet to do some of the big mass gainers like deca & drol, so I should be able to get lots of gains on some of these for first time. Been patiently waiting! How did you recover from the deca? Are you on trt?


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
That makes sense. Kind of seems like a love/hate thing with most guys, when it comes to deca
Deca makes me break out on my back super bad. But I love the size it gives.

.so I'm am npp guy myself

I have yet to do some of the big mass gainers like deca & drol, so I should be able to get lots of gains on some of these for first time. Been patiently waiting! How did you recover from the deca? Are you on trt?
Here's the best thing if things go south your looking at a week I know a little less it's out where deca would haunt you.

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Mecca Staff


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
That makes sense. Kind of seems like a love/hate thing with most guys, when it comes to deca
Deca makes me break out on my back super bad. But I love the size it gives.

.so I'm am npp guy myself

I have yet to do some of the big mass gainers like deca & drol, so I should be able to get lots of gains on some of these for first time. Been patiently waiting! How did you recover from the deca? Are you on trt?
Yeah I'm using self prescribe trt lol
And yeah I mean as long as diet is in check those compounds will blow u up but u need to pay attention to your blood pressure from can rally boost it up,but they are great compounds for mass and a tenth as well.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
You mean npp? Yeah, I heard guys say the main reason they go with npp is because of the lingering affect of deca. I am willing to risk some sides, when that day comes, but I want my boys to grow back! Lol I pretty much have 2 choices for the moment... either just run dbol with sus or run dbol, sus & add deca. That's a very popular bulking cycle & I want to run it, but wondering if I should wait

- - - Updated - - -

That makes sense. Kind of seems like a love/hate thing with most guys, when it comes to deca
Deca makes me break out on my back super bad. But I love the size it gives.

.so I'm am npp guy myself

I have yet to do some of the big mass gainers like deca & drol, so I should be able to get lots of gains on some of these for first time. Been patiently waiting! How did you recover from the deca? Are you on trt?
Yeah I'm using self prescribe trt lol
And yeah I mean as long as diet is in check those compounds will blow u up but u need to pay attention to your blood pressure from can rally boost it up,but they are great compounds for mass and a tenth as well.

I keep my bp in check, but I have been careful. I need to research more on doses. I see guys running any where from 300-400 mg. I wonder how well 200 mg would work

- - - Updated - - -

I've actually got enough to run about 500 mg for 10 weeks, but obviously I wouldn't go that high for first time
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Forgot to add my meals for the day...

Meal 1- egg sandwich on wheat toast with 1 1/2 cups of milk
Meal 2- tacos
Meal 3- chicken chunks with sweet & sour with rice
Meal 4- pork loin (is actually very lean)
Meal 5- new york strip with pasta

Still needs work, but improving. Been resting well lately, which I'm not used to becuase I don't sleep well & my body is responding very well to it. So well, that I am going to have to step up my effort on my diet becuase weight is coming on fast. If I was leaner, now would be an awesome time for an all out bulk!
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Forgot to add my meals for the day...

Meal 1- egg sandwich on wheat toast with 1 1/2 cups of milk
Meal 2- tacos
Meal 3- chicken chunks with sweet & sour with rice
Meal 4- pork loin (is actually very lean)
Meal 5- new york strip with pasta

Still needs work, but improving. Been resting well lately, which I'm not used to becuase I don't sleep well & my body is responding very well to it. So well, that I am going to have to step up my effort on my diet becuase weight is coming on fast. If I was leaner, now would be an awesome time for an all out bulk!
Yes pork loin lean cook a bunch slice for sandwiches
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Forgot to add my meals for the day...

Meal 1- egg sandwich on wheat toast with 1 1/2 cups of milk
Meal 2- tacos
Meal 3- chicken chunks with sweet & sour with rice
Meal 4- pork loin (is actually very lean)
Meal 5- new york strip with pasta

Still needs work, but improving. Been resting well lately, which I'm not used to becuase I don't sleep well & my body is responding very well to it. So well, that I am going to have to step up my effort on my diet becuase weight is coming on fast. If I was leaner, now would be an awesome time for an all out bulk!
Yes pork loin lean cook a bunch slice for sandwiches

Some people are seem to be under the impression that all pork is bad for em, but pork loin is some good stuff. I eat it fairly often
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I must have hit some muscle fibers that weren't getting much work at the gym becuase I am feeling it today! Funny how that works, but it makes sense. I think I will start throwing in at least 1 home routine in a week for at least a few weeks. I like the results I get from doing that

Igf-1 lr3- 40 mcg

Helios (clen/yohimbine)- 3/4 ml

Ostarine- 35 mg

Only had a couple meals today so far & haven't trained yet, so I will update that later on in the day. I'd say I'm only a few days away from doing push ups & am very ready to be able to do those again! Very close to doing pull ups again as well. Few more days til I throw the gear in. I will check my body weight later on too


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2015
Lean pork is great for bulking or CUTTING it's All the sides people eat with pork that gives it a bad name imho
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Lean pork is great for bulking or CUTTING it's All the sides people eat with pork that gives it a bad name imho

That is true. Them sides add up. Loin is so much more lean than bacon, ham, pork rinds, etc...
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I feel good tonight fellas... real good! I just got back from the gym. I added more mins to my cardio & more weight to my lifts on arms, so it was a really good day...

Body weight- 232 lbs

Cardio- 3 mins bike work, 2 mins stairs & 10 mins run/walk. All back to back
Leg raise crunches- 3 sets til failure
Dumbbell concentration curls- 4 sets of 25, 20, 17, 15
Single arm rope extentions- 4 sets of 25, 20, 17, 15
Preacher curl machine- 3 sets of 20, 15, 15
Tricep extention machine- 3 sets of 25, 20, 15
Single arm cable curls- 3 sets of 15, 12, 10
Straight bar tricep extentions- 3 sets of 22, 20, 15
Barbell shrugs- 3 sets til failure (real light!)

Added at least 5 lbs to single arm movements with same rep range & 10 lbs when using both arms. Post surgery shoulder is well ahead of schedule! Thinking it will be mid week this coming week, when I add the gear. Still taking about 1 min rest between sets, so I've been sweating like crazy too! Tomorrow will be an off day, but I will probably be attempting some push ups Tuesday
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Alright, so I've been doing a lot of thinking & I am considering tweaking my cycle a little bit or maybe a lot. Mentioned this last night, but I had to check to see exactly what I could run & how long I could run it, before I got your alls opinions. This what I got...

Current plan: 5 weeks of dbol & 12 weeks of sus, possible peptides added in pct for remainder of contest

Possible add in's: adrol two 6 week cycles of 50 mg, winny enough for 6 weeks at 50 mg a day & deca enough for up to 500 mg about 10 weeks

I listed it like that, so you all would know how much I can play around with. Obviously, I would never do that much drol or deca becuase I have never tried either of those in the first place. I have 2 different kinds of drol & one is ppi, so that is m4b stuff & that means I would still be able to log one of their orals. Planned on the dbol becuase it is PureGear like the oils, but I don't think it would hurt to change if I needed to. As I have said before, I have never tried dbol either. This will be my 3rd cycle. Do you all think I should keep my current plan or take it up a notch?? My goal is simple... muscle!!! I am working on leaning now & will continue that during pct