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Big Beef m4bteam transformation

Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Bumped up the clean to 60 mcg today. Still felt great, but not to overwhelming, so I will bump up to 80 mcg tomorrow. My favorite muscle/area to work is my back & I was happy as shit today when I got the ok to start doing lat pull downs again!!! Hopefully only a matter of time before I start doing pull ups again. Obviously, I had to go light, but I got a really nice pump. Did more today than I have since I started going to the gym again. Today's routine...

Cardio- 4 mins bike, 2 mins stairs & 4 mins run & walk
Lat pull downs- 3 sets til failure
Body weight squats- 2 sets til failure
Body weight lunges- 2 sets til failure
Leg press- 3 sets of 15, 8, 5
Cable rows- 3 sets til failure
Standing calf raises- 3 sets til failure
Leg raise crunches- 3 sets til failure
Wall push ups- 2 sets til failure

Threw in some wall push ups at the end of the workout, so I could get at least a little bit of a pump in my chest & shoulders. They actually felt really good. Been a while since I have had a chance to push myself like that & I loved it! I was doing my sets with very little rest to make it more intense & will probably continue to do so, until I can start adding more weight


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2018
Sounds like you are dong great brother. Keep up the good work.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Sounds like you are dong great brother. Keep up the good work.

Thanks bro. I'm putting in the effort for sure. The workouts will get more intense in the next couple weeks

- - - Updated - - -

Alright you all.. I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I want to get all my ducks in a row & I know you all like to educate the guys that don't know, so I got some questions on dbol. I'm probably the only one who participates on this thread that hasn't tried dbol yet, so I want your alls input...

I've done much research on dbol & learned much about it, but it seems like there is definitely a big difference in some guys personal preference on how often to take it & when to take it. I've seen lots of guys say they take it just pre workout & others take it every day in divided doses. Than again, I guess most of the guys taking it are probably working out 6 days a week, so it is probably staying strong in their system. Is it that beneficial to take it all at once & not divide it up throughout the day? How much does it affect the results if you don't take it everyday?
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Right on Mechanic. I will keep all that in mind. When you talk about the benefits of the gear... it really makes me wanna get started on it! I may end up waiting only one week. I did much more today & will probably post my routine shortly

- - - Updated - - -

View attachment 16465

My PureGear from m4b!!! Hoping in 2 weeks I'll be running these. I will post doses & when my pinning schedule will be, when I get these started.

Playing a little catch up on my meals & workout routine for Monday...

Igf1-lr3- 40 mcg
Clen/yohimbine- 45 mcg
Ostarine- 35 mg

The protien shakes, appetite yohimbine does it to me, as I said.

Good workout.

When injured I have done lighter more reps supersets and 2-3 x a week on muscles instead of my normal 1 x wk.

On gear time off good, but I am not sh8tting about starving deprive period of carbs.
U do this u will grow.
Same thing Yates would do after competing he would go to gym right away hit reg gear rather than cutting and carb up and push weights instead of resting like rest of competitors.
He grew bigger everytime.

They call it a priming for growth period!!!
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Sounds like you are dong great brother. Keep up the good work.

Thanks bro. I'm putting in the effort for sure. The workouts will get more intense in the next couple weeks

- - - Updated - - -

Alright you all.. I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I want to get all my ducks in a row & I know you all like to educate the guys that don't know, so I got some questions on dbol. I'm probably the only one who participates on this thread that hasn't tried dbol yet, so I want your alls input...

I've done much research on dbol & learned much about it, but it seems like there is definitely a big difference in some guys personal preference on how often to take it & when to take it. I've seen lots of guys say they take it just pre workout & others take it every day in divided doses. Than again, I guess most of the guys taking it are probably working out 6 days a week, so it is probably staying strong in their system. Is it that beneficial to take it all at once & not divide it up throughout the day? How much does it affect the results if you don't take it everyday?
Dbol I take divided always one dose pre workout
And I take only pre workout.

On dbol on non workout day take at reg time.

On dht non aromatase I only use pre-workout and none on off day because no uneven estro aromatase

But Proviron which lowers estro I take daily always

Back to dbol. If i use over 40mg I get way too big, blown the hell up and not comfortable pants tight bad, and people asking questions. That is me though.

But if I use 25-40 only pre workout I get pump no trouble with bloating and forget 2nd dose alot so pre workout only but goof dbol I only use 25mg.

I have done a cut with 20 mg pink thia's with phentermine Sust and eq and was all ripped up.

So for me I don't aromatase much if test dose isn't over 750mg with dbol 25mg
But if I have deca involved or Eq even 25mg bloats me too much.

So I use around 25mg but not much these days. I don't like bulkers.
And pre workout even low dose helps the workout and still gives nitrogen retention.

On off day I take reg dose with dbol.

No benifit from off day skipping, that will cause estro imbalances!!!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Good stuff bro & that is what I wondered about skipping doses. So many guys do it, so I was curious. I know with oils (even long esters) pinning is spaced out throughout the week to keep blood levels optimal, so I wondered if that was the case with dbol too
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Good stuff bro & that is what I wondered about skipping doses. So many guys do it, so I was curious. I know with oils (even long esters) pinning is spaced out throughout the week to keep blood levels optimal, so I wondered if that was the case with dbol too
I would start with 15 pre workout and 10 later
Work up to 30
If going good 40
Good dbol dose awsome for me at even 20mg 30mg at most.

Best to use during kick start before long esters are aromatasing too.

Just go by feel and mirror.
U will notice week 1.

I usually gain 8 lbs in week one even if dosed at 20 or 30 a day.
But it's water then Rest of time after under control gains are less but cleaner.

Use Adex or Aromasin
Adex .5 eod if u get bloat bad
Aromasin 12.5-25 mg eod if u get bloat
Lower once under control.
But it depends on u!
How u respond. Eat clean lots if potassium
Dried apricots, Greek yogurt, sweet potatoes, banana, coconut water.
Drink alot of water watch sodium.
It will help alot!!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Good stuff bro & that is what I wondered about skipping doses. So many guys do it, so I was curious. I know with oils (even long esters) pinning is spaced out throughout the week to keep blood levels optimal, so I wondered if that was the case with dbol too
I would start with 15 pre workout and 10 later
Work up to 30
If going good 40
Good dbol dose awsome for me at even 20mg 30mg at most.

Best to use during kick start before long esters are aromatasing too.

Just go by feel and mirror.
U will notice week 1.

I usually gain 8 lbs in week one even if dosed at 20 or 30 a day.
But it's water then Rest of time after under control gains are less but cleaner.

Use Adex or Aromasin
Adex .5 eod if u get bloat bad
Aromasin 12.5-25 mg eod if u get bloat
Lower once under control.
But it depends on u!
How u respond. Eat clean lots if potassium
Dried apricots, Greek yogurt, sweet potatoes, banana, coconut water.
Drink alot of water watch sodium.
It will help alot!!

Ok. I will start at 20 mg than. Was going to do 30 mg through, but I will start at 20 mg & see what it does. At this point, I am putting weight on fairly easy, so it is probably smart to start slow anyway, just to prevent some of that bloat
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Good stuff bro & that is what I wondered about skipping doses. So many guys do it, so I was curious. I know with oils (even long esters) pinning is spaced out throughout the week to keep blood levels optimal, so I wondered if that was the case with dbol too
I would start with 15 pre workout and 10 later
Work up to 30
If going good 40
Good dbol dose awsome for me at even 20mg 30mg at most.

Best to use during kick start before long esters are aromatasing too.

Just go by feel and mirror.
U will notice week 1.

I usually gain 8 lbs in week one even if dosed at 20 or 30 a day.
But it's water then Rest of time after under control gains are less but cleaner.

Use Adex or Aromasin
Adex .5 eod if u get bloat bad
Aromasin 12.5-25 mg eod if u get bloat
Lower once under control.
But it depends on u!
How u respond. Eat clean lots if potassium
Dried apricots, Greek yogurt, sweet potatoes, banana, coconut water.
Drink alot of water watch sodium.
It will help alot!!

Ok. I will start at 20 mg than. Was going to do 30 mg through, but I will start at 20 mg & see what it does. At this point, I am putting weight on fairly easy, so it is probably smart to start slow anyway, just to prevent some of that bloat
Good call.
U can get feet wet slow and learn tolerance if u ever wanna bulk on them.

I like them 20mg when I am low in bf and maintaining it easy diet on point.

They really give muscle fullness and flare then!!

Good luck beef u will like them and even dosed on low end 20mg gives excellent results
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I'm sure I will enjoy them buddy. Can't hardly wait

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
Watched a interview with Ahmeen Ali. Yesterday. If you don't know who he is. He is the mad scientist. He is on rx muscle all the time. He is claiming now that the heart issues bodybuilders are having has alot to do with taking these drugs pwo. His thought is we take these drugs then hit the gym we have set our heart up to grow. He says take your drugs pwo at least at this time their is no load on the heart.thiughts to ponder in my opinion this guy is one of the best gurus in the buisness. If not the best.


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Watched a interview with Ahmeen Ali. Yesterday. If you don't know who he is. He is the mad scientist. He is on rx muscle all the time. He is claiming now that the heart issues bodybuilders are having has alot to do with taking these drugs pwo. His thought is we take these drugs then hit the gym we have set our heart up to grow. He says take your drugs pwo at least at this time their is no load on the heart.thiughts to ponder in my opinion this guy is one of the best gurus in the buisness. If not the best.
I like that guy. I watch his stuff too


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
Watched a interview with Ahmeen Ali. Yesterday. If you don't know who he is. He is the mad scientist. He is on rx muscle all the time. He is claiming now that the heart issues bodybuilders are having has alot to do with taking these drugs pwo. His thought is we take these drugs then hit the gym we have set our heart up to grow. He says take your drugs pwo at least at this time their is no load on the heart.thiughts to ponder in my opinion this guy is one of the best gurus in the buisness. If not the best.
I like that guy. I watch his stuff too
He is a freaking genius man. And he has a ability to s explain things in a way that even this hillbilly can understand it.


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Watched a interview with Ahmeen Ali. Yesterday. If you don't know who he is. He is the mad scientist. He is on rx muscle all the time. He is claiming now that the heart issues bodybuilders are having has alot to do with taking these drugs pwo. His thought is we take these drugs then hit the gym we have set our heart up to grow. He says take your drugs pwo at least at this time their is no load on the heart.thiughts to ponder in my opinion this guy is one of the best gurus in the buisness. If not the best.
I like that guy. I watch his stuff too
He is a freaking genius man. And he has a ability to s explain things in a way that even this hillbilly can understand it.
Have u seen the new one about Craig Titus? Also Enhanced Athlete brought him out of "hiding "so to speak. He was responsible for the MasMonstrrs of the 90s die to him bringing Hgh into the game.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
Watched a interview with Ahmeen Ali. Yesterday. If you don't know who he is. He is the mad scientist. He is on rx muscle all the time. He is claiming now that the heart issues bodybuilders are having has alot to do with taking these drugs pwo. His thought is we take these drugs then hit the gym we have set our heart up to grow. He says take your drugs pwo at least at this time their is no load on the heart.thiughts to ponder in my opinion this guy is one of the best gurus in the buisness. If not the best.
I like that guy. I watch his stuff too
He is a freaking genius man. And he has a ability to s explain things in a way that even this hillbilly can understand it.
Have u seen the new one about Craig Titus? Also Enhanced Athlete brought him out of "hiding "so to speak. He was responsible for the MasMonstrrs of the 90s die to him bringing Hgh into the game.
I did brother. What do you think of his thoughts on the gh doses. I found it to be very interesting. That he says anything beyond 3.5 iu is. Worthless for muscle hyperplasia. That all side effects come from over 3.5 iu.


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Watched a interview with Ahmeen Ali. Yesterday. If you don't know who he is. He is the mad scientist. He is on rx muscle all the time. He is claiming now that the heart issues bodybuilders are having has alot to do with taking these drugs pwo. His thought is we take these drugs then hit the gym we have set our heart up to grow. He says take your drugs pwo at least at this time their is no load on the heart.thiughts to ponder in my opinion this guy is one of the best gurus in the buisness. If not the best.
I like that guy. I watch his stuff too
He is a freaking genius man. And he has a ability to s explain things in a way that even this hillbilly can understand it.
Have u seen the new one about Craig Titus? Also Enhanced Athlete brought him out of "hiding "so to speak. He was responsible for the MasMonstrrs of the 90s die to him bringing Hgh into the game.
I did brother. What do you think of his thoughts on the gh doses. I found it to be very interesting. That he says anything beyond 3.5 iu is. Worthless for muscle hyperplasia. That all side effects come from over 3.5 iu.
Well I was thinking he was referring to the gh he was getting via U.S. government, but he meant all Hgh. I personally been using 5iu for the better part of 3 years almost daily . Only sides I noticed are good ones aside from the initial CTS numbness.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 2, 2017
That was going to be my next question how do you think the gh we get today even compares to that they had.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
This is all very interesting & I will have to read some more of this guys stuff. His theory on dbol seems to make sense. I will probably stick to the divided doses
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I felt pretty lethargic yesterday evening. Probably the igf kicking my butt. I think I will switch to taking it in the evening & try that for a while. Not sure if it'll make a big difference, but I'm gonna give it a try anyway