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Ok a bit behind in the updates, been a bit under the weather lately plus other stuff, but I'm still getting in to train. Last Thursday just done 10 at the max setting on the bike before work. Only had time to do chest on Friday, here it is.
Chest Decline Smith Press (lbs)
220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5 Spot
Super Set 3/4 reps Incline Smith Press (lbs)....................Cable Crossover (lbs a side)
176 x 10....................................................50 x 20
176 x 6......................................................50 x 15
176 x 6......................................................50 x 12
It was good, got to relax and stuff. Worked a lot though
My routine now is an upper/lower split, it's Monday upper, Tuesday lower, Wednesday off, Thurs upper, Friday lower, Saturday & Sunday off. Went in for upper today a lot of the workout was smith machine oriented, as I had no spotter. Here it is.
Upper Body Smith Machine Bench Press (lbs)
132 x 20 (Working warmup)
176 x 15
220 x 6
220 x 5
220 x 3
Went to hard on the second set
Pull Ups (lbs)
Me x 8
+22 x 5
+22 x 5
+22 x 5
Me x 6
Smith Machine Shoulder Press (lbs)
132 x 15
176 x 7
198 x 2
176 x 5
154 x 7
Reverse Grip Smith Machine Bench Press (lbs)
132 x 12
154 x 8
176 x 5
198 x 3
154 x 7
Straight Barbell Curl (lbs)
85 x 10
95 x 8
105 x 6
105 x 6 Cheat last 2 reps
85 x 10
Lower Body Smith Machine Squats (Parallel, lbs)
220 x 6 My spot left after this, and I didn't feel comfortable without a spot so dropped the weight back.
176 x 10
176 x 10
176 x 8
176 x 8
Keystone Deadlifts (lbs)
176 x 12 (Working warmup)
220 x 8
264 x 8
308 x 5
352 x 3 PB
Leg Press Calve Raises (lbs)
220 x 20
330 x 15
374 x 15
440 x 12
484 x 12
Thought it was time to bring back the log for the summer cut. Now while my log has been inactive for awhile, I've still been actively working out. I initially stopped this log because I was becoming a pillhead (ecstasy) and only working out two days a week. To cut a long story short I kicked the pills and the girl who was giving them to me, and have since gotten a much better girlfriend (I still have the old one's smoking habits though ).
I just finished a weeks break from injury (Hurt my knee at wrestling practice) but it's much better now and if I take it easy and slowly build it back up it should be fine. I'm sitting on about 98 - 100kgs currently. My training style consists of 3 - 4 sets for my first exercise and 2 sets for each exercise thereafter. I try to hit 8 - 10 sets for the big body parts and 6 - 7 for the smaller ones. My program is currently:
I have fixed my form a lot on exercises where I was partially ego lifting before, so if some weights appear lower then normal that would be why, form comes first.
Ok so its chest and cardio today, I'll be hitting it up in about an hour
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