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What kinda diet and training would you guys suggest?
(former ecto btw)
(former ecto btw)
What kinda diet and training would you guys suggest?
(former ecto btw)
this question's been asked so many times by so many people myself included. I started bodybuilding at 16 in 1986 so I've been at this for a long ass time I started competing when I was 19 in 1990 when I was 17 or 18 to 2001 when I competed in the USA and that was the last show I did because I took that into a career that was just too demanding to compete also. but I kept training and I kept using drugs. I've been through so many phases of trying to do it different ways between shows I've gotten super bloated and super not I wouldn't say super fat but let my fat get high with the blow so I could handle heavy weight thinking that would put muscle on me and once I die it down I'll be bigger that didn't work very well I got bigger but no bigger than usual and I look like total shit for about 9 months out of that year. I guess about 5 years ago I figured out that you don't have to get out of shape to improve and bodybuilding you can look good all the time I realize that people and mostly bodybuilders competitive bodybuilders use getting bigger, getting stronger, needing to get heavier in the off-season as an excuse to eat like a pig and get fat and bloated. it does nothing positive for anybody yeah you'll get stronger from the water and the fat you'll be moving a lot of weight but it's not going to do anything for your to enhance your bodybuilding careerWhat kinda diet and training would you guys suggest?
(former ecto btw)
I know where you're coming from man and if that works for you it's great but you can't give a blanket statement like that because everybody is so different what works for you a ton of cardio can destroy someone else's body. say myself who has a high metabolism if I started doing an hour of cardio a day I would eat into the muscle so badly. same thing if I lowered my carbohydrates under about 350 to 400 I couldn't put on any muscle you said high protein low carbs I tried to keep my protein fairly high but I also have to keep my cars fairly high everyone has to figure out what is best for them not for their body not for a professional they read about not for anybody else for themselves and it's a matter of trial and error. usually know something about yourself if you have a fast metabolism if you don't and you can start there if you're the type that holds a lot of body fat then you have to do with this guy is describing you have to keep your protein on the high side your carbs very controlled I would add my fats on the high side too good fats and you have to do a lot of cardio. but if you're the ectomorph or even messamorph type none of this is necessary and actually can be detrimental. cardio on the off-season is a very tricky thing it's good to do if you need it and it's also good for your cardiovascular system which is why I think I should be doing it but I don't. I'm just afraid if I add it in it's going to cut into muscle I have such trouble putting on muscle as it is. but what I'm trying to get through is that what you just stated is great for you and that's awesome you figured yourself out that's what you have to do but everybody's so different that if somebody else took what works for you and did it for them it could be a total disasterHigh protein,low Carb and very low fat. And a whole lot of cardio.
I am using the MuscleMecca Bodybuilding Mobile App!
great postthis question's been asked so many times by so many people myself included. I started bodybuilding at 16 in 1986 so I've been at this for a long ass time I started competing when I was 19 in 1990 when I was 17 or 18 to 2001 when I competed in the USA and that was the last show I did because I took that into a career that was just too demanding to compete also. but I kept training and I kept using drugs. I've been through so many phases of trying to do it different ways between shows I've gotten super bloated and super not I wouldn't say super fat but let my fat get high with the blow so I could handle heavy weight thinking that would put muscle on me and once I die it down I'll be bigger that didn't work very well I got bigger but no bigger than usual and I look like total shit for about 9 months out of that year. I guess about 5 years ago I figured out that you don't have to get out of shape to improve and bodybuilding you can look good all the time I realize that people and mostly bodybuilders competitive bodybuilders use getting bigger, getting stronger, needing to get heavier in the off-season as an excuse to eat like a pig and get fat and bloated. it does nothing positive for anybody yeah you'll get stronger from the water and the fat you'll be moving a lot of weight but it's not going to do anything for your to enhance your bodybuilding career
if you want to stay lean which I do now I'm always between 6 and 8% body fat at all times. you just have to control the way you eat it has nothing to do with any drugs you take you have to clean all the time and that's not easy for some people it's easy for me because I've been doing this so long so I kind of forget how hard it could be for somebody new to this or newer to this. I mean I'll explain to you what I eat each day I mean when I wake up I have oatmeal with banana raisins and a big scoop of protein powder then my second meal is usually protein powder with a carb complex carbohydrate powder that I usually mix is 50 g of protein in about 60 70 G of carbs. then I go to the gym after the gym I have another shake pretty much the same as the last one hour after that I'll eat and I usually eat about 6 oz of chicken or so chicken breast with a good amount of pasta or rice and some vegetables. and I'll pretty much repeat that meal 3 hours later for my 5th meal and if I'm still up and need a sixth meal it'll usually be another protein drink. I pretty much eat the same way and that way every day. I don't do any cardio and I'm always lean I'll post the picture if I could find one that would show how I look in the offseason. just to show you that it is possible to continue to improve and not be a fat bloated pig. this is what I wondered about for so many years I wondered if it was necessary to put on an extra 40 lb in the off-season like you had to gain the strength necessary to build muscle but you know what after all these years I guarantee you it's not. you're not going to gain the weight from the drugs that you used to you're not going to gain 20-30 lbs if you start taking testosterone and dbol. because when you gain 20-30 lbs 20 25 of it is water that you're not going to hold if you're eating clean. that's another thing about eating right these drugs certain drugs get such a bad name such as Dianabol, and Anadrol ECT. people believe by just taking these drugs turns you into a fat bloated pumpkin head looking guy like you're going to burst. that is a total fallacy just taking these drugs it does not do that to you you have to take these drugs and add to it a horrible diet a diet high in sodium a diet too high in calories no matter what kind of food you eat even if it's clean food if you're eating a thousand calories over what you need in carbohydrates you're going to get bloated and you're not going to look very good. I've used it both Anadrol and de-ball up to 4 weeks out of a contest and been shredded I use it with a lot of my cycles and I'm always hard I'm always lean I've never held water from it except when I was younger and I used to eat too much. and it's not answering conversion like these geniuses like to say that if you take an AI it'll eliminate the water you hold from drugs like those because it'll stop estrogen conversion that's bullshit. the amount of water you hold because of estrogen conversion is so little really that it's not noticeable and it's not the estrogen-caused water retention that makes you look like a pumpkinhead about to burst it's the water retention caused by your horrible diet mixed with certain drugs. I'll tell you this though you could go ahead and take Winstrol and a bunch of other what they call cutting drugs I don't believe in a cutting drug and a bulking drug but you could and if you eat horribly and too much you're going to get fat are you going to look like shit steroids are not a miracle drug you have to have three phases of bodybuilding down to a science to make your best gains you have to know how to use the drugs, you have to know how to eat for your own body and you have to know how to train for your own body. anyway yes, it is possible it's all different for everybody so I can't give you you know several carbs or proteins you would have to eat cuz like you said you're an ectomorph so you probably have high metabolism as I do you could probably eat quite a bit it probably wouldn't be hard for you to stay hard all year you just have to figure out how many carbs and how many proteins you could take in without starting to put on body fat. the best thing to do is figure out the number of calories you need to keep your weight the same and if you're trying to gain weight just add about 500 to it that's it that way you'll gain slowly you don't want to do anything quickly in bodybuilding it's a marathon, not a Sprint. that's why it is unintelligent to try to gain 40 lbs in a cycle or 20 even if it's all water weight it's not muscle you cannot gain with any drug 20 lbs of muscle in 8 weeks. so I found once I started eating right all the time my cycle is no longer jumped up in weight if I was 170 when I started or 180 I would jump up to like 186 maybe be 190 by the end but it was no major 20 25 lb jumps anymore. but I look so much better and the muscle and weight you do put on you keep it's not like when you lose you gain 20 lb and it's water and you stop the drug for a while and you lose that 20 pounds and you end up with 5 lb anyway. really in a 12-week cycle if you could gain between 5 and 10 lbs of muscle pure muscle that's incredible that's an awesome run. 10 lbs are ridiculous in 12 weeks of muscle 5 lbs is what I expect usually to gain in the 12-week cycle. and if you think about it everything's got to be done slowly as I said so if you do let's say three blasts a year and you gain 5 lbs from each one that's 15 lbs a year. someone starting to say if they're skinny even that's 140 lb they put on 15 lb of muscle and now they're 155 lb the next year they put on a hot 15 lb of muscle another 170 lb and they're starting to look like a whole lot better. as you get bigger the amount of muscle you put on becomes harder and it slows down so say in the next year the guy puts on 10 lb of muscle so now he's at 180 but lean and say he's like my height which is about five-six or so 180 5 6 with 7% body fat and you look pretty damn impressive. all right I'll post whatever pictures I can find to try to show you what I maintain in the off-season
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