Mecca V.I.P.
- Joined
- Apr 7, 2007
- Messages
- 10,151
- Points
- 38
Nice Miami! presses looking heavy!!
stretching and elbow warmup stuff
Standing EZ-Bar Skullcrushers: 135 / 135 / 135 / 155 (10/10/10/8 reps)
Y-Bar Pushdowns: 120 / 140 / 160 / 160 (10/10/9/8 reps)
Close Grip Benchp: 135 / 165 / 225 (10/10/6 reps)
Cable forearm curls superset with forearm ext.: 6x8 reps with 50lbs
Hammer Strength Crunches: 4x25 200lbs
Standing Calf Lifting: 6x10 with 395lbs (the whole stack) and nice squeeze at top
Question, How do you do the standing skull crushers?
Nice workout miami! Those crunches are nuts. 100 reps with that weight is sick.
Question, How do you do the standing skull crushers?
Overhead tri BB extensions maybe?
inc. legpresses: 450 / 640 / 900 / 990 (12/10/10/10 reps)
Squats: 135 / 225 / 225 / 315 / 315 (10/10/10/8/8 reps)
Squeeze Leg Extentions: 90 / 125 / 180 / 195 (10/10/8/8 reps with 3sec. squeeze)
One Legged Leg Curls: 80 / 90 / 120 (10/10/8 reps with nice squeeze on top and slow motion)
Seated BB Military Press: 135 / 135 / 155 / 175 (10/10/8/6 reps)
Cable Side Raises: 30 / 30 / 40 (15/10/10 reps, very short break between sets and hold on top)
EZ Bar Cable Upright Rows: 120 / 160 /190 WS (10/10/8 reps)
Hanging Rev. Crunches: 3x20
Hammer Strength Crunches: 2x30 with 200lbs
stiffed leg deads: 135 / 225 / 315 / 405 (10/10/10/6 reps had some issues with my pumped up legs and my balls.. everytime i came up i squeezed them which gave me big ass pain.. :wutyousay: )
bent over rows underhand grip: 225 / 225 / 275 (10/8/6 reps)
Lat Pulldowns with closegrip v-bar: 100 / 125 / 150 / 200 (10/10/10/7 reps, did nice squeezes at each rep)
T-Bar Rows: 3x8 reps with 6x45lbs plates
EZ-Bar Cable Curls: 90 / 120 / 160 (10/10/6 reps)
DB Heath Curls: 40 / 40 / 50 (10/10/6 reps)
Preacher Hammer Curls: 30 / 40 (10/8 reps)
One Arm Cable Curls: 2x10 reps with 40lbs and 5sec squeeze at top of each rep.
Hammer Strength Iso Crunches: 2x25 with 200lbs and slow motion
DB Incline Shrugs: 75 / 100 / 120 (10 reps each set)
Standing DB Shrugs: 80 / 100 / 150 (10 reps each set)
Seated DB Shrugs: 3x10 reps with 120lbs db's
rotator cuff work and stretching
benchpress: 135 / 135 / 225 / 245 (12/12/3/6 reps)
inc. db benchp: 65 / 65 / 80 / 85 / 100 (10/10/7/6/4 reps)
Peck Deck Fly's: 135 / 135 / 185 (10/10/8 reps)
Standing Ez Bar Extensions : 85 / 125 / 145 / 145 (10/9/7/8 reps)
Y-Bar Extensions: 110 / 150 / 170 / 190WS (10/10/10/10 reps)
Hammer Strength Crunches: 4x25 200lbs
DB Shrugs: 75 / 110 / 130 (12 reps warmup)
BB Shrugs off Floor: 225 / 315 / 405 / 455 (10 reps each set)
Seated Calf Raises: 6x10 reps with 6x45lbs plates
inc. legpresses: 450 / 640 / 900 / 1080 (12/10/10/8 reps)
Front Squats: 225 / 225 / 315 / 315 (10/10/10/8 reps)
Squeeze Leg Extentions: 90 / 180 (8/8 reps with 3sec. squeeze)
Rev. Peck Deck Fly's : 75 / 135 / 135 (10/8/8 reps)
Seated Hammer Strength Behind Neck Military Press: 110 / 140 / 160 / 160 (10/10/6/6 reps)
Cable Side Raises: 30 / 40 / 40 (15/10/10 reps, short break between sets and hold on top)
EZ Bar Cable Upright Rows: 120 / 160 /190 WS (10/10/8 reps)
Hammer Strength Crunches: 3x30 with 200lbs
deads off the floor: 135 / 225 / 315 / 405 / 505 (8/8/8/7/ 2 reps)
bent over rows underhand grip: 225 / 225 / 275 (10/8/5 reps)
Lat Pulldowns with closegrip v-bar: 100 / 125 / 150 / 200 (12/12/10/6 reps, did nice squeezes at each rep)
Hammer Strength Iso Rows One Arm: 3x8 with 5x45lbs plates P.B.
EZ-Bar Cable Curls: 120 / 160 / 160 (10 / 8 / 5 reps)
DB Preacher Hammer Curls: 40 / 40 / 40 (10/9/9 reps with squeeze at each rep. )
Hammer Strength Iso Crunches: 4x25 with 200lbs
DB Incline Shrugs: 75 / 100 / 120 (10 reps each set)
BB Shrugs off Flo' : 225 / 315 / 455 (10 reps each set)