Mecca V.I.P.
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We've actually been having some decent discussion on the topic of science/religion, so I thought I'd post a poll to see where we all stand.
I believe in my penis.
I pray for my penis.
I live by the penis.
I thought there'd be more atheists....?
i believe in God, but i don't subscribe to any man made religion.
that doesn't make sense.Man told you about god there for you believe in a man made religion.didn't christians whisper religious crap to your ear when you where a kid?thats why you believe in god,if humans didn't tell you about god then you wouldn't know what god is supposed to be,there for you wouldn't believe in him
knowing that preachers are full of shit and still buying their shit is like buying a muscletech product that is supposed to add 20 pounds of muscle!Instead of that you will end farting more that you regularly did,the thing is that you know that will happen but you are still buying that product
Nah, my commitment to God isn't a result of something told to me by man, it's what I've lived through and experienced and what has been placed in my heart that has lead me to my faith in God. Even if it where a result of man telling me that doesn't mean that it would be a man made religion. Man did tell me about a tumor that my pet bird had when I was a kid, does that mean it was a man made tumor? of course not.
Christianity is simply a relationship with God and an acceptance of Him as your Savior. My relationship with God has nothing to do with religion. In the beginning God created the heaven's, the earth and everything in it, including Adam and Eve. And there was the relationship that Adam and Eve had with God. That relationship with God was Christianity. It has been here since the beginning of time. It wasn't until sin entered the world that man started created all these spiritual beliefs such as Buddhism, Hinduism, new age and all this other crap that our society has come to know as religion. And our society tends to just throw Christianity in the mix with all these religions when it really has nothing to do it. Christianity is not a man made spiritual belief inspired by sin, it is a relationship and commitment to God that has been here since the beginning of time.
Of course if you don't believe in or fallow God you don't believe this, and I don't expect you to. The Bible says that His Word to the world is foolish, because they just don't understand. What I have been through and experience and know in my heart that has lead me to my belief and commitment to God is not really something that I can put into words and type down and think that people are going understand and as a result all of a sudden come to know God. I ain't gonna lie and act as if I know a lot about Biblical theology or scientific......stuff. Which most atheist and others who don't know God would use as the reason why I believe what I do. But no amount of science can change what I've been through and what I know in my heart to be true.
Nah, my commitment to God isn't a result of something told to me by man, it's what I've lived through and experienced and what has been placed in my heart that has lead me to my faith in God. Even if it where a result of man telling me that doesn't mean that it would be a man made religion. Man did tell me about a tumor that my pet bird had when I was a kid, does that mean it was a man made tumor? of course not.
Christianity is simply a relationship with God and an acceptance of Him as your Savior. My relationship with God has nothing to do with religion.