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2010 Arnold Classic RESULTS!!

El Freako

El Freako

Nov 12, 2006
competitions are not won pose for pose. When Kai hits that Rear Double Bi next to phil, the judges see that kai is a much larger bodybuilder. After that, no matter what pose they hit, the judges know that no matter what, kai is much larger bodybuilder as a whole

So? Size isn't everything.

If you remember in 2005 Gustavo Badell beat Ronnie Coleman in the Pose for Pose Challenge Round but Ronnie Coleman still won the olympia because he was far more dominant (not to mention his conditioning). Phil looked much better then Kai but the judges went for the bigger, wider bodybuilder. And even though Kai was soft, he was still muscular enough to have striated glutes, quads and seperated muscles.

This baffles me about your comments. If a Kai fan can even see this then why can't they agree that Phil should have won?


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
It looks like they went with the incumbent Arnold Classic Winner much like the year that Jay won his second Sandow in a controversial decision. They were very close and I had Phil for the win but then I'm a fan of his physique and the improvements he keeps bringing show after show. Kai seems to be a nice guy but I don't see him holding Phil off for much longer - his back is way too short for my liking - nowhere left to add muscle.

If Phil was so far ahead after pre-judging how on earth did he drop so far behind after the night show in the judges eyes??


Mecca Super-*****
Jun 5, 2007

This baffles me about your comments. If a Kai fan can even see this then why can't they agree that Phil should have won?

Im going in too many directions and not making much sense, sorry lol

Well, Phil did look much better by himself but kai looked much wider and had a stronger presence as a whole during comparisons. That being said, there are other bodybuilders who are also much wider and larger then kai yet they dont pack the ammount of muscle on their frame that Kai does nor do they have striations on their glutes or cross striated quads, fullness, and seperation.

Its not all about size but in the battle between those two in particular, Kai won because of his size. In the judges eyes, Kai was the better bodybuilder. Kai hits that FDB RDB. and FLS and shows the judges that he is a wider and larger bodybuilder with enough muscularity to have striated glutes and quads. Between the top 4 it seems like it was all about size since branch beat Dexter, then one might ask, "if its all about size, why didnt toney beat dexter?"... But dexter beat toney for obvious reasons but the main answer is because it all depends on the judges criteria and/or opinions during the comparisons as well as prejudging routines.

I had Phil winning and i was shocked when he didnt but i can see the reason for kai winning... In my personal opinion, the ballance of Fullness, Seperation, and Ballance was enough for phil to win but being a Kai fan, i cant help but be happy the judges made the decisions they did lol. I posted in another thread why i beleive the score cards were what they were and why Kai ended up making enough ground during the night show to give him the lead.

Some of us think Phil shouldve absolutely won and cant see why Kai won. Others couldve seen it go either eay. A few of us said Kai was without a doubt the best bodybuilder onstage. Shows how good the competition is :headbang:


Well-known member
May 16, 2007
In my humble opinion Kai winning Phil wasn't unfair judging. Phil's physique is more aesthetic and he was a bit more conditioned in this show, but Kai is definetely bigger and has (again in my opinion) more wow-factor than Phil does.. It is a matter of preferences if Kai or Phil should have won..
Also playing the "homo-erotic headstand and grapefruit"-card is getting really old.. If the guy wins best poser awards every year in the biggest shows it is not his fault that he keeps doing it and even goes further every time..
And again people raging about Kai's habit of doing the "philosophical" speeches is something i find odd.. The same people still watch the videos and even watch videos of pro bodybuilders such as Ronnie Coleman (not the smartest peanut in the turd either, is he?). If you are looking for an intelligent role model who knows his way with the words, you won't find from IFBB pro bodybuilding..


Mecca Super-*****
Jun 5, 2007
If Phil was so far ahead after pre-judging how on earth did he drop so far behind after the night show in the judges eyes??

This was my theory

I beleive he was leading because of his individual posing. He looked much better then kai by himself but i think that kai started catching up during comparisons. Although Kai was catching up, phil was still ahead based on how stellar he looked by himself.

In the finals, There was no individual scoring and it was all based on comparisons and i beleive Kai was able to catch up because of that... since phil (or any other competitor) didnt get looked at by themselves during finals. If they still counted the posing routine i beleive that Phil wouldve won since he still looked much better by himself then kai greene during the finals

This is also why i beleive Phil and Kai were close during prejudging but kai scored much better then Phil at the Finals because Phil got compared to a much larger competitor as opposed to being looked at by himself.

Im not a good writer so i dont know if it makes sense :doh:


Mar 7, 2008
If Phil was so far ahead after pre-judging how on earth did he drop so far behind after the night show in the judges eyes??

Not only that, but Kai had perfect scores in the finals, and Phil and Branch had tie scores, both with 13 points!

Again...Branch TIE with Phil, what the fuck is wrong with BB???

Check this:



Mar 7, 2008
Review of the 2010 Arnold from bb.com:

2010 Arnold Classic: Men's Finals Review

1. Kai Greene

You never know if Kai Greene will get down to the weight he needs to be for him to have his diamond-cut conditioning. It seems I hear reports before every contest that he's nearly 300 pounds a few weeks out and then he loses more than 25 pounds and shows up in fantastic shape.

Things were no different at this year's Arnold Classic. Kai showed up in tremendous shape and looked better than he did at the Olympia and he won his second Arnold Classic title.

Kai again this year displayed his crazy thigh development complete with striated vastus muscles. It looks like little ladders have been imprinted onto his legs when he flexes his quads. In the evening show, however, I thought he looked a little less sharp, still better than the Olympia, but he was still good enough to win the competition.

Kai could use more trap development. It's very noticeable in his back lat spread. Compared to the athletes in that pose he has very little development in that area. His unusual presentation went over well with the crowd once again.

Although he didn't do any bicycle kicks he did do a headstand where he crawled up the brick stage set backwards. It's sort of hard to explain. You might want to watch the replay of the webcast.

Kai was told he has great momentum going into this year's Mr. Olympia when he was congratulated by Arnold on stage.


2. Phil Heath

Phil Heath displayed an incredible physique at today's judging and at tonight's finals. His full and sweeping muscle bellies combined with amazing separation between muscle groups give him a winning combination.

Another important aspect in Phil's overall appearance is his skin tone. He doesn't have the leathery look that most of the other competitors display. It really helps to give a finishing touch to his physique.

I asked him a few minutes before the finals what he weighed and he replied he was right at about 240, which is where he wanted to be at the Olympia. It's amazing what a difference a little food poisoning did to his physique at the Olympia last fall!

Lee Haney summed it up backstage when he saw Phil he said, "He has a taper. Now that is bodybuilding!" I had Phil in first place after this afternoon's judging and I had him in first tonight, but the judges saw it differently than I did.

^ Lee Haney is wrong, Kai is bodybuilding! :bitelip:


3. Branch Warren

Maybe it's the 500 pounds of bison he eats every year or maybe it's the 405-pound military presses he does. Maybe it's in the Texas water. Whatever it might be, Branch has discovered something that makes his conditioning incredible.

I mean he had striations in his hamstrings, for crying out loud! Who has striations in their hamstrings? Some athletes hope to see a few lines in the back of their legs. Not Branch. He goes for cross-striated hamstrings.

I'd like to see more detail in Warren's back. His back is big, but it lacks the crevices and separation of Heath, Greene, Jackson, and even Rockel. If Branch can achieve that detail, he will be on his way to possibly winning an Arnold and an Olympia.

His routine was one of brute power. His music was fitting - powerful classical to start then some hard rock with a music switch. Branch energized the crowd. He made you feel like you can work just a little harder in the gym.

A sea of boos accompanied the announcement of when Branch was announced in third place. He was tighter than he was in the judging and the judges must have taken note of that because he was awarded his second Most Muscular Award.


4. Dexter Jackson

I knew the day would happen when I saw Dexter when he was not at his best and looking a little - dare I say it? - smooth. His abs looked sharp as usual, but his legs looked especially soft.

They didn't have that crisp look that he is so well known for. I thought his legs looked a little smaller and his hamstrings were not as visible either. Tonight I thought he looked a tad sharper. Not much. Just a little.


5. Toney Freeman

Toney Freeman came in smooth at the judging. Had he been sharper he might have been a place higher. The best I have seen him was the 2008 Mr. Olympia.

He also looked very good at the 2007 Iron Man. If he can bring that package to the stage again, he'll stay in the top five. Given his age, Toney might not be able to recapture that elusive conditioning he needs so badly.

The X-Man was a little sharper during the judging. The crowd liked Toney and his routine was slow and fluid. That's the style he is known for. He looked in fair shape, but he was far from his best conditioning. Fifth place actually surprised me.


6. Ronny Rockel

I was very impressed with Ronny Rockel. He was razor sharp and he has great symmetry and proportions. His side delts look like bowling balls capping his shoulder joints. He has a deep separation between his delts and arms, which is especially noticeable in his side chest pose.

I have to give credit where credit is due. In the past I have been a little harsh with Ronny's posing ability. It is very evident that Rockel has been putting in lots hours practicing his presentation.

He is much more polished and that shows he takes his role as a professional seriously. After tonight's show I had Ronny in fifth and Toney and sixth.



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 15, 2006
^^ A fair review, IMO. I mostly agrree with it.

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