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Bible and science contradictory?



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 14, 2006
i took this from satans site.looks like satan is cooler than that whiny jesus guy.I
wont live my life in denial there for i am joining satan,

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!

7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!

LMAO specially with number 9


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
Well, you started it by stating I had lost all credibility on this forum, because you claimed I was wrong on brain cells dying within 4 minutes without oxygen (I'm not wrong), and used this news story to prove your example. Since this was a religious thread, and I think you posted this before also in another religious thread, I assumed this was your way of showing some sort of god given miracle to save this woman. I clearly proved one physiological explanation, then you responded by assuring me she was in cardiac arrest for 15 minutes with no help, as the story was told.

I can accept the notion it is possible that laws were created by an intelligent designer, I have no way of ever proving that true or false. But that is not the issue, and based on posts you've made on the forum, this isn't all you believe. The issue is that somehow, Jesus was able to go 4,320 minutes without any heartbeat! The issue is believing that Jesus' resurrection is even humanly possible, or he was conceived to a virgin mother, or any of that other bullshit.

Believing in an intelligent designer who made laws is unlikely, but there's no way of proving it wrong.

Believing in Christianity bullshit is just pollution for the mind of society, since so much of it is easily proved impossible.

Regardless of weather or not u believe in that or in anything that u cant be slapped in the face with, your completely disrespectful too people who do believe in God. Not believing in something does not give u the right to completely down talk and disrespect the people that do. I was also being sarcastic and obviously overreacting when i replied to your post about brain cell death in terms of your credibility, how can u not be credible on the body u spent the last 4 or 6 or however many years to dedicated studying of it.

I still gotta say that u have as much faith in something with less proof than i believe in because you have no idea or theology or any insight as to how the universe began. Really all u have is current experimentation and faith that your interpretation of your current science must lead to evolution being true. You have what is learned from life, what is in the libraries and what is learned from experimentation all of which is accepted as true bc it probably is, the facts as facts with no interpretation of them are true. In reality their is ZERO, NONE, ZILCH proof of evolution of one species to another, only evolution with in species. Its a nice idea but lacks just as much hard evidance as anything else out their.

Also since we know everything about physiology and the human body then why do people die when they are given cures for things we know 100% about whats the reasoning for that? If we know everything about physiology then we know 100% of the time how to manipulate the body so disease can be overcome, yet we have millions of people dieing every year bc of diseases we cant cure.

That does not discredit science b/c i do believe we know more and more of the laws of how people work and how things around us work. Just because we know the laws doesn't mean we created them. They have been present since the beginning of time. We can see that by studying the earths geology and cycle of weather and study the starts as well. It seems like believing in science gives you the same thing that believing in religion does and that is knowledge of things. The bible gives you knowledge on life, and if you apply it it really does hold very true. Meaning if you act a certain way you attract certain things in your life. I have yet to come across a person that this does not hold true about. You cant successfully believe in the bible without believing in science bc God created all things. If you dont believe in His laws the design behind his plan.(gravity, planet rotation, seasons, the weather) Then you really cant believe in God.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Regardless of weather or not u believe in that or in anything that u cant be slapped in the face with, your completely disrespectful too people who do believe in God. Not believing in something does not give u the right to completely down talk and disrespect the people that do. I was also being sarcastic and obviously overreacting when i replied to your post about brain cell death in terms of your credibility, how can u not be credible on the body u spent the last 4 or 6 or however many years to dedicated studying of it.

I still gotta say that u have as much faith in something with less proof than i believe in because you have no idea or theology or any insight as to how the universe began. Really all u have is current experimentation and faith that your interpretation of your current science must lead to evolution being true. You have what is learned from life, what is in the libraries and what is learned from experimentation all of which is accepted as true bc it probably is, the facts as facts with no interpretation of them are true. In reality their is ZERO, NONE, ZILCH proof of evolution of one species to another, only evolution with in species. Its a nice idea but lacks just as much hard evidance as anything else out their.

Also since we know everything about physiology and the human body then why do people die when they are given cures for things we know 100% about whats the reasoning for that? If we know everything about physiology then we know 100% of the time how to manipulate the body so disease can be overcome, yet we have millions of people dieing every year bc of diseases we cant cure.

That does not discredit science b/c i do believe we know more and more of the laws of how people work and how things around us work. Just because we know the laws doesn't mean we created them. They have been present since the beginning of time. We can see that by studying the earths geology and cycle of weather and study the starts as well. It seems like believing in science gives you the same thing that believing in religion does and that is knowledge of things. The bible gives you knowledge on life, and if you apply it it really does hold very true. Meaning if you act a certain way you attract certain things in your life. I have yet to come across a person that this does not hold true about. You cant successfully believe in the bible without believing in science bc God created all things. If you dont believe in His laws the design behind his plan.(gravity, planet rotation, seasons, the weather) Then you really cant believe in God.

I see some of your points dude, sorry it got off track, and this thread is bible vs. science, so I'll keep my reply short and not discuss the whole evolution/creation stuff.

Do you/Christians believe it is possible for Jesus to have been born to a virgin mother?

Was it possible for him to resurrect after being dead for 48 hours? (also keep in mind, the cause of death by crucifixion is due to inadequate blood to the brain).

My problem isn't the believing in a god, it's the lunacy of Christianity, and along with pretty much every religion, the harm it has caused to millions of humans over the years.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
Originally posted by Ironslave
Do you/Christians believe it is possible for Jesus to have been born to a virgin mother?

Was it possible for him to resurrect after being dead for 48 hours? (also keep in mind, the cause of death by crucifixion is due to inadequate blood to the brain).

My problem isn't the believing in a god, it's the lunacy of Christianity, and along with pretty much every religion, the harm it has caused to millions of humans over the years.

well at least your being fair.

i don't have an issue with someone who doesn't find the bible to be completely true. it is impossible to argue that someone was born of a virgin mother or was resurrected after 48 hours knowing what we know today. the bible was not written by God, it was written by man, and that very fact alone makes it subject to inaccuracies. i mean shit if reporters in this day and age struggle for accuracy in reporting, i'm sure there were exagerrations and non-truths recorded during the bible's creation. my faith and belief belong to God and the rules He devised that one should live their life by, not any man made religion.


Mecca V.I.P.
May 20, 2007
Seems like quite a few people visit thesaurus.com before they try and post. that's nice.

What people can not have an actual vocabulary that is not just wat and lol :uhoh2:

Or do "big words" scare you


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2007


Ron Paul FTW
Jul 12, 2006
If heaven is real and all Christians get to go there, I certainly would not want to spend eternity with these kind of people....


I'd spend all eternity trying to kill myself.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
hey tech, how about you actually contribute to the discussion rather than constantly posting unthoughtful sensless quipets that mean nothing :xyxthumbs:

since you're on the side that is anti christianity, why don't you try to model your posts as IS has done.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
hey tech, how about you actually contribute to the discussion rather than constantly posting unthoughtful sensless quipets that mean nothing :xyxthumbs:

since you're on the side that is anti christianity, why don't you try to model your posts as IS has done.

Sometimes, pictures speak louder than words.


Ron Paul FTW
Jul 12, 2006
hey tech, how about you actually contribute to the discussion rather than constantly posting unthoughtful sensless quipets that mean nothing :xyxthumbs:

since you're on the side that is anti christianity, why don't you try to model your posts as IS has done.
these threads are inherently pointless.

the Jesus freaks vs. the hedonistic atheists

no one is going to change anyones mind. so whats the point of arguing? it's easier to mock your beliefs with silly pictures. :Badger:

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
^ lol ok. at least i see where you're coming from then. just make sure they're funny then.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
I see some of your points dude, sorry it got off track, and this thread is bible vs. science, so I'll keep my reply short and not discuss the whole evolution/creation stuff.

Do you/Christians believe it is possible for Jesus to have been born to a virgin mother?

Was it possible for him to resurrect after being dead for 48 hours? (also keep in mind, the cause of death by crucifixion is due to inadequate blood to the brain).

My problem isn't the believing in a god, it's the lunacy of Christianity, and along with pretty much every religion, the harm it has caused to millions of humans over the years.

I have answered those questions in the past yes, i do believe in those things, but i do not carry that extreme measure of faith over to other things in life if it can cause harm to someone. But the emotion of faith can work what seem to be miracles in the lives of people if they used faith in terms of their abilities in themselves. I am not hurting anyone bc of my beliefs. I dont say oh God will fix you, thats not how it is suppose to be. ie treating people as a dietician, or directly going against science in terms of myself or in terms of other people. It is peoples responsibilty to act according to social standards. If you have a problem you go to whomever professional and get the help of that professional. It even says that in the bible, it is not quite as up to date but it is something on the lines of if ther is an herb that will heal you, it is your responsibility to take the herb. That is the equivelant of saying if their is a treatment or procedure that can heal you it is your responsibility to use it.

Bc i see your point that different religions have caused great harm im going to continue and comment on your last paragraph. Anything that can do great good has the potential to do and equal amount of evil if used for evil purposes. For example: nuclear energy can be used to power an entire population, or it can be usd to destroy an entire population.

The emotion and act of sex can be used to show great love between two people or it can be used to rape someone. Their is balance to everything in life. I definately agree that people have done terrible things in the name of religion, but i also say those people did that in vein and did it because of their own selfish reasons, and then their have been lives that are comepletely selfless in the name of religion, Mother Teresa for example and Ghandi, both dedicated their lives to other people in the name of religion because of their monumental faith in the religion.

I dont want to say i hope this satifies you, but i hope this gives you a more clear picture of how strong it is to recognize that people are thinking beings and just because a person has faith in something does not mean that the individuals faith will do harm, does it have the potential to if used misguided, of course, but that would not be sensible, and so does every other good thing that is in exsistance. We as people cant ignore what we know as LAWS- a rule that the universe and nature abides by reguardless of the field. It is also foolish to say that we know everything about everying under ever single circumstance and contition because we clearly do not, and because we do not we can not tell anyone what they can and can not have faith in, but the faith must be well guided under selfless individuals so it does good rather than harm.


I am god.
Dec 23, 2007
despite the fact i dont believe in the bible and blah blah blah blah blah... i think you made a good point Ben, nice post :xyxthumbs:


Mecca V.I.P.
Jan 28, 2008
saying there needs to be a "source of energy" is sort of a new-age way of looking at things, no offense. It's very frustrating to me, being a Christian, that I can witness to anyone I want, but the truth is where you take the Bible and feel the conviction of God. I'm not talking about an emotional happening that doesn't last a weekend, I'm talking about a conviction that was brought about by sincere prayer and honesty. Thats why it's frustrating, because I can't ''prove'' to you why science is not the way to look at the creation of life. Take this into account: there are many Christian scientists.(just a thought). Also if there was a way that I could prove to you all of this, like a tangible proof, then there would be no such thing as faith. Faith is the reason that I know Jesus Christ to be true. I would love for anyone to PM me and I will try to be as helpfull as possible. Peace.BTW, Serb hit it on the mark there; good job man.
Oh and Frezzy is stating his point well and clear, and I totally agree with him. I just wish there was a way to change all of you, but there isn't. It really makes me sad and distraught that some of you will choose darkness and live eternity in hell rather than accept Jesus as the way, truth, and light. I really will get my head in the good book to persuade anyone having doubs..doubts are good, it means your going in the right direction. Good day to everyone.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
I have answered those questions in the past yes, i do believe in those things

but i do not carry that extreme measure of faith over to other things in life if it can cause harm to someone. But the emotion of faith can work what seem to be miracles in the lives of people if they used faith in terms of their abilities in themselves. I am not hurting anyone bc of my beliefs. I dont say oh God will fix you, thats not how it is suppose to be. ie treating people as a dietician, or directly going against science in terms of myself or in terms of other people. It is peoples responsibilty to act according to social standards. If you have a problem you go to whomever professional and get the help of that professional. It even says that in the bible, it is not quite as up to date but it is something on the lines of if ther is an herb that will heal you, it is your responsibility to take the herb. That is the equivelant of saying if their is a treatment or procedure that can heal you it is your responsibility to use it.

Bc i see your point that different religions have caused great harm im going to continue and comment on your last paragraph. Anything that can do great good has the potential to do and equal amount of evil if used for evil purposes. For example: nuclear energy can be used to power an entire population, or it can be usd to destroy an entire population.

The emotion and act of sex can be used to show great love between two people or it can be used to rape someone. Their is balance to everything in life. I definately agree that people have done terrible things in the name of religion, but i also say those people did that in vein and did it because of their own selfish reasons, and then their have been lives that are comepletely selfless in the name of religion, Mother Teresa for example and Ghandi, both dedicated their lives to other people in the name of religion because of their monumental faith in the religion.

I dont want to say i hope this satifies you, but i hope this gives you a more clear picture of how strong it is to recognize that people are thinking beings and just because a person has faith in something does not mean that the individuals faith will do harm, does it have the potential to if used misguided, of course, but that would not be sensible, and so does every other good thing that is in exsistance. We as people cant ignore what we know as LAWS- a rule that the universe and nature abides by reguardless of the field. It is also foolish to say that we know everything about everying under ever single circumstance and contition because we clearly do not, and because we do not we can not tell anyone what they can and can not have faith in, but the faith must be well guided under selfless individuals so it does good rather than harm.

Respect for all this, wish those with religious faith could look at religion in this light.
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Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
this has been a great thread. i think both sides see the others view point and reasoning. this is as close to an agreement as you'll see on religion :xyxthumbs:

great post btw ben
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Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
wow, just wow. You have completely misinterpreted, in spite of what this gentleman said, everything in the scriptures in correctly. I am tired of posting things over and over and over again, b/c it is clear that you don't want to or care to listen. You do care to insult people though, apparently. Know that if you have the correct viewpoint of the scriptures this gentleman's video is laughable by every point of view. He clearly has no idea or education on the theology of the bible. Stop getting information about the bible from people who do not have any right giving it. This is like Hitler telling people how to be Jewish.

By posting this video you are saying i must not have capable reasoning faculties, and i can assure you, with either my IQ or my GPA that that is completely false i reason well above average. What I can tell you is before you act really think about what it is you are trying to do when you act, and if it is negative(revenge, hate, anger, spite, greed, ,envy,ect ect) do yourself a favor and show self restraint. Your reward will be far greater than if you had actually done what you wanted to do. And i am not speaking of anything of the beyond. I am speaking of the reward/power you will receive then and their if you recognize it. It is among the greatest abilities man has to control his earthly destiny to what ever ends he chooses.
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Diet cat says no spoon 4u
Sep 27, 2006
Ben, if you need to be taught how to think about the bible in order to 'get it', that should clue you in to something.

I know how you're "supposed" to interpret the bible. But the fact remains that what turned me against christianity is reading the bible itself. That video is a gross oversimplification of the fallacies and inconsistencies that are in the bible, and hopefully the makers of the video know it. I grimaced a little bit at the word 'proof' in the title as well, but they're still basically right.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
Ben, if you need to be taught how to think about the bible in order to 'get it', that should clue you in to something.

I know how you're "supposed" to interpret the bible. But the fact remains that what turned me against christianity is reading the bible itself. That video is a gross oversimplification of the fallacies and inconsistencies that are in the bible, and hopefully the makers of the video know it. I grimaced a little bit at the word 'proof' in the title as well, but they're still basically right.

It would cue me into an understanding that the bible is complicated and that you can take almost nothing at it's face value.

I have to disagree with you. Reading something and coming to understand it in the manner in which it was meant to be understood is the entire point. How can you correctly uptake any life philosophy without completely embracing yourself in it and fully understanding it in the manner in which it was written.

You can not, b/c you would then lack understanding of what it is that is truly being conveyed to you.

You can no more understand the bible without understanding theology and philosophy than you can understand engineering with out mathematics.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Ben, can you stop jumping at the chance to list your IQ in every religious thread. Being able to know which shape should come next based on a group of patters is meaningless for everything in life. I think pretty much everybody is basically in the same range when it comes to natural "intelligence." Some people are great in one area, and suck in others. In my first year of college I was reading Masters level physiology, yet I failed calculus. I attribute both of these at least 90% due to interest, and not some genetic born intelligence. One subject I loved reading about, the other was something out of Abu Gharib.

I do think you're a bright guy, besides with issues that would go against your faith (ie, the virgin Mary, Jesus' resurrection, you mentioned once a woman got communion which magically turned into blood, and she conveniently happened to have a video camera on to catch this event) but every time someone points out the blatant discrepancies in the bible, it's always our fault how we interpret it. Very annoying.

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