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Big Beef m4bteam transformation



Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2018
Just set your mind to cutting bro and make it your number one priority. Get on the treadmill or whatever you use for cardio 1st thing in the morning on empty stomach or post workout both times your glycogen levels will be low and your body will use stored fat as primary fuel source and over time slowly cut calories every 2 weeks mostly from fat and carbs out of your diet. You will start to see results which will motivate your even more to keep pushing it. Use t3 and clen as fat burning drugs, test, tren and winstrol is an amazing combo when cutting as well! Best of luck my man and keep up the hard work you are on the right track if you need anything im here to help brotha ??
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
It might take a while, but I'll get my bf% down. Plenty of time left on this transformation, so I plan on getting down before the end

You got this brother. You have a plan and you know where you’re going. Just stay on track and follow the plan.

Thank ya sir & that is exactly what I plan on doing. I'm sticking to it
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Just set your mind to cutting bro and make it your number one priority. Get on the treadmill or whatever you use for cardio 1st thing in the morning on empty stomach or post workout both times your glycogen levels will be low and your body will use stored fat as primary fuel source and over time slowly cut calories every 2 weeks mostly from fat and carbs out of your diet. You will start to see results which will motivate your even more to keep pushing it. Use t3 and clen as fat burning drugs, test, tren and winstrol is an amazing combo when cutting as well! Best of luck my man and keep up the hard work you are on the right track if you need anything im here to help brotha ??

Thank you for the words of encouragement my friend. I actually think I might try doing cardio at the end of my workout for a while. With all the time I've spent in the gym, I've never tried that. My focus has always been on lifting, so I figure doing it at the end will be a good idea & just keep going until I have nothing left to give! Right now, my cycle is very basic... especially compared to most of you guys! I am actually getting ready to add a couple things very soon, which I plan on giving you all an update shortly
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Couldn't make it to the gym today, so I did a routine at home. Doesn't bother me much becuase I like my home routines. Focused on cardio, shoulders, chest & abs.

Cardio & abs: run in place as long as I can super set with crunches for 20 reps. Did 3 sets of this with 30 seconds rest between sets. Pretty good cardio session for me!

- entire lifting routine done with 1 min rest between all sets & between exercises as well

Side delt dumbbell raises: 5 sets of 15, 12, 12, 12, 10 drop set last set

Push ups on push up bars: 7 sets total, 5 sets of regular for 20 reps & 2 sets of elevated to hit upper chest for 25
- if you all haven't done push ups in a while... try this! With 30 sec rest between sets, the pump is crazy good!

Rear delt raises: 4 sets of 20, 20, 15, 15

- - - Updated - - -

Meant 1 min rest between sets on push ups! Like the rest of routine
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Gear update

Weeks 1-3: dbol 20mg, sus 500-600mg
Weeks 4-5: dbol 20mg, sus 750mg
Weeks 5-12: sus 750mg, MK677 25mg (may start lower), t3 50mcg
Weeks 12-16: MK677 25mg, ostarine 25mg, clomid 50mg, nolva 20mg

I will throw in clen for at least a couple weeks, some time after week 6 & no later than week 10. Also, I will have npp to throw in, but not sure if I am going to do that yet. If I get my bf% where I want it, than I might. Otherwise, it'll be in my next run for sure!


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Ostarine and mk677 is a great combo. I actually made decent gains from that combo brotha.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 9, 2018
I’ve never ran ostarine but I really liked the mk677. When I run it I sleep great , as you can see in my first split pictures on my thread body changes were awesome and for me just the general feeling of well-being was great. Of course there was a lot more than just the mk677 that went into it.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Ostarine and mk677 is a great combo. I actually made decent gains from that combo brotha.

This will be my first time with MK677 & I am pretty excitied about it. Ran ostarine before a couple times & I like it
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I’ve never ran ostarine but I really liked the mk677. When I run it I sleep great , as you can see in my first split pictures on my thread body changes were awesome and for me just the general feeling of well-being was great. Of course there was a lot more than just the mk677 that went into it.

I am looking forward to that feeling of well-being & the improved quality of sleep as well. Never slept to good & will be glad to enjoy that too. Sounds like MK677 is just an all around good stacking sup. Kind of how ostarine is. A lot of people get a joint soothing, healing effect to it. I know I do. Good to run post cycle imo. I figure between adding more cardio, t3 & MK677 to my current cycle, should be good for burning some fat


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2015
With cardio I just have to suck it up myself put my ear buds in strap myself to the equipment and just force it ,after 20 min I'm gtg for 60 min or more if needed just gotta get past that 15-20 hump and push on
Dbol makes me super hungry for some add reason, but most guys lose there appite
That's a good mindset. I'm getting myself there now. I will be doing my workout shortly & there will definitely be cardio included

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, does anyone get a loss of appetite with dbol? Not doing anything I haven't done before, except the dbol & my appetite is about half as good as what it usually is for over a week now. I'm usually a really big eater... obviously lol
Most guys lose there appetite with dbol for some reason I'm the opposite I can't stop eating while on dbol

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Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
With cardio I just have to suck it up myself put my ear buds in strap myself to the equipment and just force it ,after 20 min I'm gtg for 60 min or more if needed just gotta get past that 15-20 hump and push on
Dbol makes me super hungry for some add reason, but most guys lose there appite
That's a good mindset. I'm getting myself there now. I will be doing my workout shortly & there will definitely be cardio included

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, does anyone get a loss of appetite with dbol? Not doing anything I haven't done before, except the dbol & my appetite is about half as good as what it usually is for over a week now. I'm usually a really big eater... obviously lol
Most guys lose there appetite with dbol for some reason I'm the opposite I can't stop eating while on dbol

Yeah, I am seeing that now that I am researching loss of appetite on dbol. Don't remember reading that before though
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
With cardio I just have to suck it up myself put my ear buds in strap myself to the equipment and just force it ,after 20 min I'm gtg for 60 min or more if needed just gotta get past that 15-20 hump and push on
Dbol makes me super hungry for some add reason, but most guys lose there appite
That's a good mindset. I'm getting myself there now. I will be doing my workout shortly & there will definitely be cardio included

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, does anyone get a loss of appetite with dbol? Not doing anything I haven't done before, except the dbol & my appetite is about half as good as what it usually is for over a week now. I'm usually a really big eater... obviously lol
Most guys lose there appetite with dbol for some reason I'm the opposite I can't stop eating while on dbol

Yeah, I am seeing that now that I am researching loss of appetite on dbol. Don't remember reading that before though
Dbol doesn't hurt my appetite at all!!! Not one bit!!!

Dbol doesn't even bother my liver.
But I don't dose above 50mg and most of time only 25mg

Another thing is an injectable steroid like dbol or winny is still 17aa methyl altered
In the 17th position they are methylated to make liver resistant!!

But it's important to know that Winny, Anadrol, and dbol injectable or oral are identical no difference at all.
Like testosterone and
methyl testosterone (oral) for example!!!

I have had the worst case of liver and cholestasis from injectable winny 12 years ago. That I have been shy or 17aa roids especially winny ever since!!!

Dbol should not affect appetite at all.
Dbol is methylated Boldenone (Eq)
So u do have a choice with using injectable non 17aa methyl version.

Testosterone is to methyl testosterone
As Eq is to DBol!!!

Unless u are high in dosage of dbol like 75mg up to 100mg a day u shouldn't had appetite issues!!!

But some people don't have the stomach for hormones oral or vitamins.

Dbol affects AST and ALT liver enzymes because of it breakdown into
All steroids do this some to more degree than others especially methyl ones.

BUT Anavar is 17aa methyl and modesty affects liver function and not all all in me. I come back in range or 1 point over liver enzymes on blood work and I use Anavar almost all the time and only stop 4 weeks prior to bloodwork.
But some of us have better liver function than others!!!
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Here is an article I found years ago.

Hey guys thought this would be a good read... ripped it from another site... all references are included...

A Closer Look at Steroid Liver Toxicity, Part 1
by M. Fischer
Pop quiz time! True or false?

1) 17-alpha alkylated steroids are harder for the liver to metabolize, so it has to work harder to break them down.
2) All 17- alpha alkylated steroids are liver toxic.
3) Non 17-alpha alkylated steroids are not liver toxic.

It may surprise you to know all of the above are false . Read on to learn why.

It's a well known fact that 17-alpha alkylated steroids are liver toxic. Just how toxic depends on who you listen to. The media and many physicians think they are deadly, whereas many online ‘bros' think they are practically harmless. There seems to be a lot of confusion on the subject, even by those who are well read on the subject of steroids. The truth is that it depends heavily on the individual using the steroid, as well as the actual steroid being used; and the dose and the duration of use. Hopefully we can dispel some rumors and gain an understanding of how these substances are toxic, and how to reduce or prevent toxicity as well!

Toxic Effects
What are the known toxic effects of oral steroids? By far the most common toxicity seen is intrahepatic cholestasis. In general, cholestasis is any condition where bile flow is stopped, and with oral anabolics it occurs within the liver. Normally, bile is released into the small intestine and where its main function is to aid the in the absorption of fats and fatlike substances. This stoppage prevents bile salts from being released into the bile duct, causing a buildup within the hepatocyte. This buildup can be toxic to the hepatocytes over time. Jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes, is related to cholestasis. This occurs because bilirubin (a product of red blood cell breakdown), is normally eliminated through the bile. During cholestasis, this builds up and produces a yellowish color in the skin and eyes, and is a tell tale sign that something bad is happening. Jaundice is a rare thing to see except in newborn babies, and a healthcare professional should be sought out if you notice these symptoms. The type of cholestasis normally seen from oral steroid use is clinically categorized as ‘bland cholestasis' because there is no inflammation accompanying the cholestasis. This type of cholestasis is fully reversible upon cessation of the offending agent.

In addition to cholestasis, other reported toxic effects are peliosis hepatis and hepatic adenoma. Peliosis hepatis is the presence of blood-filled cavities in the liver. This is a rare occurrence, and the theory is that peliosis hepatis results because of liver blood outflow obstruction at the junction of sinusoids and centrilobular veins. What causes this? It is believed to be related to cholestasis, which causes growth (swelling) of the hepatocytes. In AAS users the obstruction may be due to the prolapse of hyperplasic hepatocytes into the hepatic venule wall. This is good news because this means if cholestasis can be prevented, so can peliosis hepatis.

Hepatic adenoma is mentioned several times in the literature as a possible effect of oral steroid use. The prevalence of this is extremely rare and seems to only occur after months or years of continuous use. It is very likely associated with prolonged cholestasis as well. In my opinion, it should not be a concern unless someone in your family has got this from an oral steroid (including birth control pills), and the real focus of safety should be on preventing cholestasis.

Liver Anatomy and Function
The liver has numerous important functions in the body, but its relevant functions for this article include drug metabolism and excretion, and secretion of bile salts and bicarbonate for digestion.

When orally ingested testosterone is absorbed in the small intestine it is transported to the liver via the portal vein. Here it is nearly 100% metabolized to a 17-keto steroid by the enzyme 17-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase. This reaction is very rapid and only when high amounts of testosterone are ingested does the enzyme system get saturated, allowing some testosterone to get by unchanged. Other reactions are possible such as reduction of the ketone group on the 3 carbon, but these are not as important to toxicity of the steroid.

With 17-alpha alkylated steroids, this conversion from a 17-hydroxy to a 17-keto steroid is prevented. This is key, and if you remember anything from this article, remember the next few sentences. The main difference between 17-aa's and regular steroids is that one retains a free 17 hydroxyl group and one does not, when going through the liver. The reason that 17-aa are toxic is because the free hydroxyl is able to be conjugated with glucuronic acid, forming a D ring 17-glucuronide. It is not the 17-aa steroid that is liver toxic but rather its 17-glucuronide metabolite. So it's not that these steroids are harder to metabolize, but rather the way they are metabolized causes them to be toxic.

This fact goes for androgens as well as estrogens, 17-alpha alkylated and non 17-alpha alkylated steroids. Let me clarify that last part, normal steroids would be liver toxic if they did not get metabolized to the 17-keto steroid, so it may be more correct to say they are potentially toxic, but are not in normal use. An intravenous infusion of estradiol-17- glucuronide, testosterone-17-glucuronide or dihydrotestosterone-17-glucuronide would cause cholestasis just as oral methyltestosterone or ethinylestradiol does.

So what about the supposedly liver friendly oxandrolone? The following excerpt summarizes why it is liver friendly:

Unlike other orally administered C17alpha-alkylated AASs, the novel chemical configuration of oxandrolone confers a resistance to liver metabolism as well as marked anabolic activity. In addition, oxandrolone appears not to exhibit the serious hepatotoxic effects (jaundice, cholestatic hepatitis, peliosis hepatis, hyperplasias and neoplasms) attributed to the C17alpha-alkylated AASs.

I submit that its resistance to metabolism (17-glucuronidation) is the reason for its lack of toxicity.

So we now know 17-glucuronides are to blame for liver toxicity. Now let's examine how they cause cholestasis. Bile flow is regulated in two ways; bile salt independent flow, and bile salt dependent flow.

Bile salt independent flow is a passive process controlled mainly by the osmotic factors glutathione and bicarbonate. The exact mechanisms are not known, but it is known that biliary glutathione levels decrease significantly soon after a toxic steroid is administered. The total hepatic glutathione increases, which seems to indicate that glutathione transport to the bile duct becomes impaired. Bicarbonate transport to the bile is similarly impaired, but it is not due to impaired transporters, rather the gradient becomes diminished by some type of bicarbonate reuptake. These processes occur rapidly and are the first toxicities observed.

Bile salt dependent flow is an active process that is controlled by numerous membrane bound transporters. Specifically ATP bind cassette (ABC) transporters transport the bile salts from the blood into the hepatocyte (basolateral), and then from the hepatocyte to the bile (canilicular). The pumping of bile salts into the bile is the main force that drives bile flow, which is what we want for normal functioning. Although both basolateral and canilicular transporters are probably involved in hormone induced cholestasis, the most examined is the canilicular bile salt export pump (BSEP). Oral steroid glucuronides are known to interact with the promoter region of the gene for this transporter and to repress its expression. Besides repression of the gene, other factors may decrease the BSEP function as well. The transport of the BSEP from its point of synthesis to the canilicular membrane can be impaired in cholestasis, providing functional transporters in the wrong place within the cell.

Finally there is the genetic component. There is a great deal of genetic variation in ABC transporters among the population. Certain people are at a higher risk for developing cholestasis than others, and in the near future it will be possible for you to determine what genetic polymorphisms you have in your hepatic transporters. This should be very valuable information for anyone who is planning on taking a potentially liver toxic drug, whatever it may be. In the meantime, the best method for determining if you are at risk for cholestatic problems is to look to your family. Cholestatic conditions to be mindful of are cholestasis of pregnancy, progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis, benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis, and Dubin-Johnson syndrome. Having close relatives which any of these conditions possibly puts you at a greater risk of having toxicity issues with oral AAS.

In this article, we have explored the specifics how oral steroids cause liver dysfunction that can lead to toxicity. In part 2 of this article, we will look at methods to prevent or eliminate the major toxicities associated with using oral AAS.

J Clin Gastroenterol 39, Supp. 2, April 2005

Toxicol Lett. 1994 Dec;74(3):221-33.

Drugs. 2004;64(7):725-50.

Histopathology. 1977 Jul;1(4):225-46.

Drug Metab Rev. 1983;14(5):1005-19.

J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1981 Jul;218(1):63-73.

Int J Sports Med (1981 May):2(2):101-5
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Great article. Lot of info. I have yet to try anavar, but I plan on it one day

- - - Updated - - -

Supposed to be an off day, but did cardio anyway. Took a day off the lifting though. Did 30 mins today. Going to keep pushing & get more. Want to do at least 30 mims ed

Cardio: 30 mins total- 15 mins run/walk, 10 mins elliptical & 5 mins on the bike
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Btw, won a bet today! Dude at the gym didn't think I could get 10 GOOD one arm push ups & I got it. Was actually a little sore from the push ups I did yesterday, but I couldn't help myself. Just did em with my right arm. I think I could have got more. Might throw some one arm push ups in here & there from now on
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Great article. Lot of info. I have yet to try anavar, but I plan on it one day
I am not trying to argue with anyone, but I will tell my tale to help.
Injectable Dbol and it's methylated part does indeed go thru liver and it does affect it.
All steroids enter blood go thru liver etc etc...
The claim that people claim is am inject like dbol is not as bad as oral... not enough difference to matter!! If that were the case inject dbol would behave as Boldenone!! But it's doesn't it behaves like dbol with slower absorption making 1 pin a day enough!
Except oral acid stomach route some of it is lost before making to liver so inject is more like 100% absorbed and oral my guess is 70%
Also the activity of inject dbol methyl part goes thru liver and creates the same toxic part!!
The claim is it avoids first pass thru liver but that doesn't make enough difference to matter!!

So we covered toxicity and why inject or oral because inject remains same it only changes once it gets to liver with all roids.
dbol is methyl EQ modified and is much stronger than EQ. It remains Methyl and breaks down into same toxicity whether inject or oral, but to a small degree less, supposedly!!

I have heard of guys having stomach issues from dbol but not many!!

Dbol is called breakfast of champions because it stimulates appetite and gives a good sense of well being in most users.

U may be one if those who don't agree with dbol, but honestly I do not believe u are having any liver problems besides raised enzymes that or normal while on dbol and return to normal quickly after stopping dbol!!
Dbol is not known to cause issues with bile except over long term high use!!

Reason roids or some suppress appetite is thru slowed bile. Our stomach with fill with bile and it will not drain and reflux or full feeling with occur with bloating gas!!
Most responsible are Anadrol which activates estro and progest even though there is no conversion and winny does same.
Another is tren. Tren slows bile not thru liver function but thru same progest activity!! This is reason woman get reflux (bile refux) and acids have less room and make way up, along with bloating and gas at the highly progest stage if there mentral cycle!!
I am sharing knowledge I learned over the past 20 years and research on issues.
Not being a jerk, just sharing what I learned and researched to find the truth!!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Gotcha bro & thanks for adding in. I didn't think 30mg dbol would be to much for my liver, but I'm not experienced with most orals either. Reason I've been easing into all this. Just getting a feel for it all & is why my 3rd cycle now is still very mild compared to most guys & what they run. Trying to treat it like a marathon!
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Gotcha bro & thanks for adding in. I didn't think 30mg dbol would be to much for my liver, but I'm not experienced with most orals either. Reason I've been easing into all this. Just getting a feel for it all & is why my 3rd cycle now is still very mild compared to most guys & what they run. Trying to treat it like a marathon!
Some guys I have heard have stomach issue with dbol but not common!!

This with bloodwork 4-6 weeks later over a bunch of years is what I do.

Dbol 50mg a day or less. 50mg a day I am normal in 4 weeks and dbol doesn't harm my lipids bad enough. My liver function fine and lipids 4 weeks after that dose for 4 weeks.

Superdrol at 10mg 2x a day, 20mg total.
U am fine I use 20mg for 3-4 weeks even with only a month to recover before TRT bloods. LDL is down to around 25.
HDL fine!
But I do alot of high intensity training, which makes blood flow and heart pump. Great for lipids.

Anavar good for STREGTH not gains but great in cutting. I have used prolly 8 months this past year and all is good!!

Halotestin I used 15mg-20mg and did bloods 3 weeks later not on purpose had issue. AST was 1 point over was on tren a and all the works!! Plus Anavar.

I don't dose any of them high except anavar 75-100mg.

I am using Anadrol for first time only 50mg.

I know that Winny oral or inject is one of harshest

In this order worst to easiest!!!
Cheek Drops
This is my option.

Important to know article may have mentioned I don't know? Trestalone is 7aa methyl
And this modification flattens out toxicity thru inject vs oral trest.

Another thing is there are unmethylated roids and prohormones like the precursor to Dienolone. It worked as good as tren for me. This was toxic and lipids took beating.
Not the worst but for an unmethyl prolly came in before dbol on liver harm.
Then there was prohormone to tren itself unmethyl, Tvar or trenavar Phf made it original and it worked at 60mg 2x a day!!!
It was banned fast and liver function impaired. I still have 2 grams of it. Good stuff needed 3 grams for good run!!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Lot of info. I'll try & remember as much as I can. I had lowered the dosage of the dbol for a couple days & appetite was back & stomach was all good. I am trying something new today. I will bump it back up, take the whole daily dose & just take all at once. That way it's not hitting my stomach all day & just all at once after breafast
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I felt like a beast today at the gym! I'd say it's probably a mix of getting into shape & the test starting to kick in a little stronger. Either way, I felt great & my aggression was pretty intense. Loved it


Cardo: 15 mins run/walk (did more at the end)

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 25

Dumbbell concentration curls: 5 sets of 20, 15, 12, 8, 8 drop set last set

Single arm preacher curls super set with single arm cable curls: 5 sets of each pc 12 reps & cc 10 reps all sets. Great pump off these!

Dumbbell skull crushers: 5 sets of 15, 12, 12, 12, 12 drop set last set

Ez bar pressdown super set with rope pressdowns: 5 sets each with ez bar at 20, 15, 12, 10, 10 & rp at 10 every set

Cardio: 10 mins elliptical

Including the super sets, I did 15 sets for biceps & 15 sets for triceps. I think that is a good range, so I will probably keep it there & just add more weight. My arms were so pumped! I will write this routine down & definitely do it again. Keeping the cardio coming as well