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Big Beef m4bteam transformation

Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Was thinking of exactly what I want my next shoulder & trap routine to be. Since I won't be doing chest on shoulder day anymore, I want to make sure I'm hammering my delts hard!

Shoulders & traps

Reverse flyes: 5 sets of 20×20, 30×15, 40×12, 50×10, 60×10
Super set with
Resitance band reverse flyes: 5 sets until failure

Leaning side delt raises: 5 sets of 30×15, 40×15, 55×10, 65×10, 65×10 drop set with 30's for 10-12reps

Dumbbell upright rows- 6 sets of 40×15, 55×12, 65×10, 75×10, 75×10, 85×8

Machine shoulder press- 5 sets of 20, 15 & than 3 more sets with whole stack for 12, 12, 12

Barbell shrugs- 4 sets of 135×25, 225×15, 315×15, 365×10
Super set with
Dumbbell shrugs: 4 sets of 100×10

Traps should be good & sore after this one. Looking forward to it!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Took a day off from the gym. Don't have much family around here, but my gf was nice enough to invite me over to spend the majority of the day with her family for Mother's Day & it was a good time. Was one of the hottest day's we've had this year & we were throwing the football outside, so I did plenty of sweating! I sweat easily & am VERY light complected, so I was soaked by time I got out of the sun today lol. Hope all of ya had a good day too.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
View attachment 18053

Finally went grocery shopping. Been needing it! About 5 lbs of beef, along with the other stuff & I will trim the fat off the pork steaks as well. They had em on sale. Also, forgot to put the low fat cottage cheese on there & I forgot to get jasmine rice at the store today. I will pick it up tomorrow. My goal is to continue to put lean muscle on & drop some of this fat. I know I need to eat more meat & drop some carbs, in order to make this happen, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I will be making meatloaf tonight, but a little heathier than the way I used to make it. I will post recipe later.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Hit some back today. I've been doing more super sets on most of my routines lately. Trying to trick my muscle & also helping me sweat & burn more.


Cardio: 10 mins incline walk, 15 mins elliptical

Machine row warm up: 1 set until failure
Super set with
Machine pulldown: 1 set until failure

Tbar row: 6 sets of 1 plate × 15, 2 plates × 12, 3 plates × 8, 4 plates × 8, 5 plates × 6, 5 plates × 6

Cable lat pulldown: 5 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8, 8
Super set with
Machine lat pulldown: 5 sets of 10, 8, 5, 5, 5

Machine rows: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8
Super set with
Underhand grip cable rows: 4 sets of 10, 8, 8, 8

I'm not sure yet, but I will most likely work chest tomorrow.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: 1/2 lb of meatloaf (post workout)

Meal 3: 1/3 lb burger on bun with no cheese

Meal 4: 1 & a half cans of tuna with 5 wheat crackers

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 5: 1/2 lb of meatloaf

The meatloaf was made with 90/10 sirloin burger & half as much sauce & crackers (wheat crackers) as I usually use. Obviously it wasn't as good as a fattier loaf, but it was still pretty damn tasty! Going to trim the fat off some pork I have & get some chicken thawed out, so it will be ready to cook tomorrow. Fat intake was a little higher than I should be taking in, but I was happy I kept the carbs as low as I did.

- - - Updated - - -

Meal 6... pisses me off with those little mistakes I make. Than again, I guess it doesn't take much lately to piss me off. Anyway...


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 9, 2018

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: 1/2 lb of meatloaf (post workout)

Meal 3: 1/3 lb burger on bun with no cheese

Meal 4: 1 & a half cans of tuna with 5 wheat crackers

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 5: 1/2 lb of meatloaf

The meatloaf was made with 90/10 sirloin burger & half as much sauce & crackers (wheat crackers) as I usually use. Obviously it wasn't as good as a fattier loaf, but it was still pretty damn tasty! Going to trim the fat off some pork I have & get some chicken thawed out, so it will be ready to cook tomorrow. Fat intake was a little higher than I should be taking in, but I was happy I kept the carbs as low as I did.

- - - Updated - - -

Meal 6... pisses me off with those little mistakes I make. Than again, I guess it doesn't take much lately to piss me off. Anyway...

Keep in mind that as you cut carbs, you need to get energy from somewhere. Fats are a great source of energy as long as they are not saturated or trans fatty acids like palm kernel oils, dairy, poultry skins, butter. Try to stick with unsaturated fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, peanut butter, and olives.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: 1/2 lb of meatloaf (post workout)

Meal 3: 1/3 lb burger on bun with no cheese

Meal 4: 1 & a half cans of tuna with 5 wheat crackers

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 5: 1/2 lb of meatloaf

The meatloaf was made with 90/10 sirloin burger & half as much sauce & crackers (wheat crackers) as I usually use. Obviously it wasn't as good as a fattier loaf, but it was still pretty damn tasty! Going to trim the fat off some pork I have & get some chicken thawed out, so it will be ready to cook tomorrow. Fat intake was a little higher than I should be taking in, but I was happy I kept the carbs as low as I did.

- - - Updated - - -

Meal 6... pisses me off with those little mistakes I make. Than again, I guess it doesn't take much lately to piss me off. Anyway...

Keep in mind that as you cut carbs, you need to get energy from somewhere. Fats are a great source of energy as long as they are not saturated or trans fatty acids like palm kernel oils, dairy, poultry skins, butter. Try to stick with unsaturated fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, peanut butter, and olives.

Alright buddy. Good to hear because I am trying to throw in different foods & I know that my fat intake will be a little higher since dropping some carbs, so I will consider some of those "good" fats. I cut back on the peanut butter a month or so ago because it is CRAZY high in fat! Think I should start eating that again in the mornings?


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 9, 2018

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: 1/2 lb of meatloaf (post workout)

Meal 3: 1/3 lb burger on bun with no cheese

Meal 4: 1 & a half cans of tuna with 5 wheat crackers

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 5: 1/2 lb of meatloaf

The meatloaf was made with 90/10 sirloin burger & half as much sauce & crackers (wheat crackers) as I usually use. Obviously it wasn't as good as a fattier loaf, but it was still pretty damn tasty! Going to trim the fat off some pork I have & get some chicken thawed out, so it will be ready to cook tomorrow. Fat intake was a little higher than I should be taking in, but I was happy I kept the carbs as low as I did.

- - - Updated - - -

Meal 6... pisses me off with those little mistakes I make. Than again, I guess it doesn't take much lately to piss me off. Anyway...

Keep in mind that as you cut carbs, you need to get energy from somewhere. Fats are a great source of energy as long as they are not saturated or trans fatty acids like palm kernel oils, dairy, poultry skins, butter. Try to stick with unsaturated fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, peanut butter, and olives.

Alright buddy. Good to hear because I am trying to throw in different foods & I know that my fat intake will be a little higher since dropping some carbs, so I will consider some of those "good" fats. I cut back on the peanut butter a month or so ago because it is CRAZY high in fat! Think I should start eating that again in the mornings?

If you use PB get something like Adams all natural no sugar added.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Just put it on my grocery list Push50.

- - - Updated - - -

Did chest today, like I had planned to. I will not be doing incline dumbbell press again. Will stick to incline barbell bench press or elevated push ups to hit my upper chest from now on. Not quite as much volume as I wanted to do, but my strength has increase again on my lifts, so I was happy about that.


Cardio: incline walk level 10 for 10 mins, 10 mins stairs high intensity

Barbell bench press: 5 sets of 135×15, 225×12, 275×5, 315×7, 315×3 I got a spot on the first set of 315 for 7 reps & I was happy to see a 2 rep increase since the last time I did it. Last set of 315 I did 3 super slow reps with no spot.

Incline dumbbell press: 2 sets of 60×15, 80×15
Switched to
Elevated push ups: 2 sets of 25

Machine pec flyes: 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8

I will tweak this routine to make it work with my shoulders issues & increase my volume. Since I'm doing chest on it's own now, I've got to switch it up & see what works best.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 9, 2018

Meal 1: whey & powdered peanut butter protein shake

Meal 2: 1/2 lb of meatloaf (post workout)

Meal 3: 1/3 lb burger on bun with no cheese

Meal 4: 1 & a half cans of tuna with 5 wheat crackers

Meal 5: whey protein shake

Meal 5: 1/2 lb of meatloaf

The meatloaf was made with 90/10 sirloin burger & half as much sauce & crackers (wheat crackers) as I usually use. Obviously it wasn't as good as a fattier loaf, but it was still pretty damn tasty! Going to trim the fat off some pork I have & get some chicken thawed out, so it will be ready to cook tomorrow. Fat intake was a little higher than I should be taking in, but I was happy I kept the carbs as low as I did.

- - - Updated - - -

Meal 6... pisses me off with those little mistakes I make. Than again, I guess it doesn't take much lately to piss me off. Anyway...

Keep in mind that as you cut carbs, you need to get energy from somewhere. Fats are a great source of energy as long as they are not saturated or trans fatty acids like palm kernel oils, dairy, poultry skins, butter. Try to stick with unsaturated fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, peanut butter, and olives.

Alright buddy. Good to hear because I am trying to throw in different foods & I know that my fat intake will be a little higher since dropping some carbs, so I will consider some of those "good" fats. I cut back on the peanut butter a month or so ago because it is CRAZY high in fat! Think I should start eating that again in the mornings?

If you use PB get something like Adams all natural no sugar added.

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Couldn't relax tonight, so I threw in some ab work...

Leg raise crunches: 4 sets of 20
Super set with
Twisting crunches: 4 sets of 20

Planks: 4 sets each set held for 1 minute

Nothing to much, but I got a good, late night pump.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
A little late updating my log, but I took today off from the gym. I usually just listen to my body & take one if it's needed. I am really enjoying the test prop tren ace combo! Kind of weird really, but I am more horny now since lowering test mg per week, raising tren & using test prop, than I have been entire cycle! I know that's maybe a little more info than you wanted, but just saying lol. My woman & I split a while & we are trying to make things better, but the women I spoke to when we split are still trying to contact me & that temptation is weighing real heavy!!! I know it sounds shitty, but I'm just being honest.

Anyway, this is my first time with test prop, besides what is in sustanon. I've got a couple questions & I know you all got much more experience than I do...

1. Would it be alright to run a long cycle using just test prop for entire cycle? If no, why not?

2. Honestly, I had another question & completely forgot lol. It'll come back to me in a bit...
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Felt damn good this morning! Energy was good, mood was good & I had a really good workout.

Cardio: 30 mins elliptical. First 20 mins 150-155 strides per min & last 10 mins 160-170 strides per min.

Standing dumbbell concentration curls: 5 sets of 25×15, 35×12, 45×10, 55×8, 65×8
Super set with
Ez bar skullcrushers: 4 sets of 60×15, 80×12, 100×12, 100×12

Machine preacher curl: 4 sets of 15, 10, 6, 5 drop set last set for 8 more reps
Super set with
Tricep pressdown machine: 3 sets of 12, 10, 10

Single arm high cable curls: 4 sets of 10, 8, 8, 8
Super set with
Single arm cable pressdown: 4 sets of 10

High cable curls with rope: 1 set until failure
Super set with
Reverse grip cable pressdown: 1 set of 10 followed by 2 more sets each arm until failure


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2015
Felt damn good this morning! Energy was good, mood was good & I had a really good workout.

Cardio: 30 mins elliptical. First 20 mins 150-155 strides per min & last 10 mins 160-170 strides per min.

Standing dumbbell concentration curls: 5 sets of 25×15, 35×12, 45×10, 55×8, 65×8
Super set with
Ez bar skullcrushers: 4 sets of 60×15, 80×12, 100×12, 100×12

Machine preacher curl: 4 sets of 15, 10, 6, 5 drop set last set for 8 more reps
Super set with
Tricep pressdown machine: 3 sets of 12, 10, 10

Single arm high cable curls: 4 sets of 10, 8, 8, 8
Super set with
Single arm cable pressdown: 4 sets of 10

High cable curls with rope: 1 set until failure
Super set with
Reverse grip cable pressdown: 1 set of 10 followed by 2 more sets each arm until failure
Looks like your cardio and workouts are improving every day brother im Impressed


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
I agree w mountain man ...u are kickin ass Beef ...great work.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Thank you Mountain-Man & Drealdeal! This contest has been real good for everybody I think. Pushing each other to get better. I know that's what I needed.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
View attachment 18138
View attachment 18139

Was in the middle of doing some abs & didn't have my sign with user name & date. No arm pump, but honestly... I kind of feel pumped all the time anymore. Full of energy late at night, so I am trying to wear myself out!


Leg raise crunches: 4 sets 80% effort
Super set with
Twisting crunches: 4 sets until failure

Ab wheel: 3 sets until failure

I had a few more sets I was going to do, but didn't get em in. Doing laundry too & all that fun stuff. Training until failure though, gave me a pretty damn good burn!

- - - Updated - - -

Btw, I think I've mentioned it before, but my forearms grow faster than the rest of my arms. That's why I don't work them. Maybe it's just non-sense in my head, but they seem to really put the pressure on me to make the rest of my arms grow!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I had probably the best leg day I've had since the start of the cycle, although I think my squat strength should be higher than it is. I would say the main reason for that is because I have been doing squats every couple weeks & not going as heavy as I should. I am 90% sure I will be doing squats every leg day now.

Cardio: 7.5 mins incline walk, 7.5 mins incline run. That incline running is kick ass! Don't like long cardio sessions on leg days.

Barbell squats: 7 sets of the bar × 20, 135 × 15, 225 × 12, 315 × 8, 365 × 5, 405 × 4, 435 × 1. I am setting a goal to be squatting 475 by the end of this contest.

Dumbbell lunges: 4 sets of 45 × 16, 55 × 16, 65 × 14, 75 × 12

Single leg seated leg extentions: 4 sets 15, 12, 12, 10

Super set with

Single leg seated leg curls: 6 sets of 15, 15, 12, 12, 10, 8 & drop set last set for 12 more reps

Standing calf raises: 1 set until failure

Single leg standing calf raises: 3 sets of 12. Do reps off a step, with slow rep speed & squeeze at the top with each rep.

Standing calf raises: 1 set until failure


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
I had probably the best leg day I've had since the start of the cycle, although I think my squat strength should be higher than it is. I would say the main reason for that is because I have been doing squats every couple weeks & not going as heavy as I should. I am 90% sure I will be doing squats every leg day now.

Cardio: 7.5 mins incline walk, 7.5 mins incline run. That incline running is kick ass! Don't like long cardio sessions on leg days.

Barbell squats: 7 sets of the bar × 20, 135 × 15, 225 × 12, 315 × 8, 365 × 5, 405 × 4, 435 × 1. I am setting a goal to be squatting 475 by the end of this contest.

Dumbbell lunges: 4 sets of 45 × 16, 55 × 16, 65 × 14, 75 × 12

Single leg seated leg extentions: 4 sets 15, 12, 12, 10

Super set with

Single leg seated leg curls: 6 sets of 15, 15, 12, 12, 10, 8 & drop set last set for 12 more reps

Standing calf raises: 1 set until failure

Single leg standing calf raises: 3 sets of 12. Do reps off a step, with slow rep speed & squeeze at the top with each rep.

Standing calf raises: 1 set until failure
Awesome bro ! I had a good day of training myself...i know I keep saying this but u are killing it bro. Keep up the good work.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I had probably the best leg day I've had since the start of the cycle, although I think my squat strength should be higher than it is. I would say the main reason for that is because I have been doing squats every couple weeks & not going as heavy as I should. I am 90% sure I will be doing squats every leg day now.

Cardio: 7.5 mins incline walk, 7.5 mins incline run. That incline running is kick ass! Don't like long cardio sessions on leg days.

Barbell squats: 7 sets of the bar × 20, 135 × 15, 225 × 12, 315 × 8, 365 × 5, 405 × 4, 435 × 1. I am setting a goal to be squatting 475 by the end of this contest.

Dumbbell lunges: 4 sets of 45 × 16, 55 × 16, 65 × 14, 75 × 12

Single leg seated leg extentions: 4 sets 15, 12, 12, 10

Super set with

Single leg seated leg curls: 6 sets of 15, 15, 12, 12, 10, 8 & drop set last set for 12 more reps

Standing calf raises: 1 set until failure

Single leg standing calf raises: 3 sets of 12. Do reps off a step, with slow rep speed & squeeze at the top with each rep.

Standing calf raises: 1 set until failure
Awesome bro ! I had a good day of training myself...i know I keep saying this but u are killing it bro. Keep up the good work.

Thanks bro. Legs have never been my strong suit, but I am putting in the effort. I would really like to read about the routine you did today. Training & good recipes is probably my favorite part of reading these logs. That & seeing the progress, which obviously your whooping some ass with that!