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Big Beef m4bteam transformation

Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Haven't worked out yet. Not sure what I will work later or if I will at all. Went swimming today for most the day. Good exercise, but I got burnt like an sob! If I don't do an all out workout later, I might at least do a short ab routine.
U got work in swimming.
It's best for losing bf!!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Haven't worked out yet. Not sure what I will work later or if I will at all. Went swimming today for most the day. Good exercise, but I got burnt like an sob! If I don't do an all out workout later, I might at least do a short ab routine.
U got work in swimming.
It's best for losing bf!!

True. Not much makes ya feel more drained than swimming. Especially in the heat. I got some pretty severe hamstring cramps after swimming for a while, so I've been downing quite a bit water this evening. Got a bit dehydrated. I've noticed over the years, it's harder to notice dehydration when your surrounded by water. At least it seems that way.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Took a little kratum tonight, so I could get some energy together for some house cleaning. Felt lazy since I didn't hit the weights today, so I threw in a few sets of abs.

Abs- 1 min rest between all sets

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 20

Super set with

Twisting crunches: 3 sets until failure

Planks: 4 sets holding for 45 secs each set
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Had a good shoulders & traps day this evening. Threw in some seated barbell press today. Been quite a while since I've done any of those. Didn't want to go super heavy first day doing them, so I did very slow reps with great form. Not that sloppy shit you see so many guys doing, where they arch their lower back, puff out there chest & end up doing incline bench! Spent a lot of time playing outside today with woman & little ones, so I've done a lot of sweating this weekend. Needing it.

Shoulders & traps

Cardio: 15 mins incline walk level 10 at 3 mph, 12 mins elliptical at 160-190 strides per min & 5 min jog at 5 mph. Kept intensity pretty high.

Reverse dumbbell flyes: 5 sets of 20 × 15, 30 × 12, 40 × 10, 50 × 8, 50 × 8

Single arm reverse dumbbell flyes: 3 sets of 40 × 12, 50 × 10, 60 × 8

Leaning side delt raises: 5 sets of 35 × 12, 45 × 10, 55 × 8, 55 × 8, 45 × 12

Seated barbell shoulder press: 5 sets of 95 × 15, 115 × 12, 135 × 10, 155 × 8, 185 × 5. Will most likely go heavier the next time I do this routine. Maybe 225 lbs.

Barbell shrugs: 3 sets of 225 × 15, 315 × 12, 365 × 8

Super set with

Machine shoulder press: 3 sets of 10

I don't know if I've ever done those single arm reverse dumbbell flyes, but I really like em. Not as much pressure on my lower back because I had a hold of an incline bench with the non working hand. Allowed me to go heavier, while still using good form.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I went to a different gym today & couldn't get enough. They had some different equipment, so I felt the need to try out a bunch of stuff. Their benches sucked though! Other than that, they had a bunch of plate loaded machines & it was pretty awesome. Back was the main focus, but I threw in some biceps too & a few sets of bench.


Cardio: 10 mins stair machine. Half the time was running up them... brutal! Should have done more though.

Cable lat pulldown: 2 back to back warm up sets of 15 & 8

Plate loaded machine pulldown: 5 sets of 2 plates × 15, 4 plates × 15, 6 plates × 12, 8 plates × 6, 8 plates × 6

Plate loaded machine mid-row: 4 sets of 2 plates × 15, 4 plates × 12, 6 plates × 8, 6 plates × 8

Flat barbell bench press: 4 sets of 135 × 15, 225 × 12, 275 × 8, 315 × 5 this bench had hooks that were permanently set way to high & a very slim pad to lay on. Didn't push it to hard on bench.

Pull ups: 3 sets of 15

Plate loaded preacher curl machine: 2 plates × 15, 4 plates × 12, 6 plates × 7, 6 plates × 6 loved this machine! Felt super smooth.

Machine lat pulldown: 3 sets of 10, 8, 8

Super set with

Machine row: 3 sets of 10

Single arm preacher curl machine: 1 giant set back & fourth until failure of 10, 7, 5, 5
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I need to prepare some food today & I got a little gung ho at the gym yesterday, so I will be taking a day off from the gym to let this shoulder rest. I will however get some cardio in & definitely some abs just here at home.


MuscleMecca Sponsors
Dec 12, 2016
Nice bro listen to your body!
I need to prepare some food today & I got a little gung ho at the gym yesterday, so I will be taking a day off from the gym to let this shoulder rest. I will however get some cardio in & definitely some abs just here at home.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Nice bro listen to your body!
I need to prepare some food today & I got a little gung ho at the gym yesterday, so I will be taking a day off from the gym to let this shoulder rest. I will however get some cardio in & definitely some abs just here at home.

Thanks bud & I definitely agree!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Gear update

Test prop: 650 mg a week

MK677: 25 mg at night

Andarine: 60 mg a day

Adex: .5 mg when needed

Added otc sups

Trans4orm: 4 caps a day

I bumped the andarine up 10 mg. I will likely leave it there for a week, before or if I decide to bump it up again. As you can see, I also added Trans4orm, which is just an otc fat burner. I recommended it to a guy one time because I thought the ingredients looked good & he really liked it. I am giving it a shot now & I will say that is slightly curbing my appetite.

Just did short hit routine. Wasn't a real brutal one, but it got me sweating pretty good & I also got a good ab pump.

Cardio & abs

Cardio: 3 sets of 2 mins of high knees, butt kicks & jumping jacks

Super set with

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 15

Super set with

Twisting crunches: 3 sets until failure

Planks: 3 sets holding for 1 min each set

- kept intensity high throughout, taking as little rest as needed & stacked cardio with first 2 exercises to really get a sweat going. Btw, never pinned biceps, but I did over 2 ml's yesterday before back... definitely got some pip! Just a little pain. No big deal. Now I know though lol.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Nice bro listen to your body!
I need to prepare some food today & I got a little gung ho at the gym yesterday, so I will be taking a day off from the gym to let this shoulder rest. I will however get some cardio in & definitely some abs just here at home.

Thanks bud & I definitely agree!
I have did most of this deal since Feb 1, with 4 days training per wk only.
Sometimes 3 days combining.
On really high intensity days that I pushed 2 days then needed day rest.

I think I did 2 days off a day then 2 days off 2 days each week.
Rest very important and recovery.

But @BigBeef, I sh8t u not on this.
My bad shoulder, I healed it by only doing incline bench machine with place loaded type per side. So seperate so not binding against joint stabilization.
I did only that for months for chest high rep 3x wk cause it's all I can do for chest besides light Pec Deck.
Shoulder presses only with machine or Smith those were ok
And light side and front raises
And other body parts of course were fine but Biceps I had to use dual single grip or db's put pressure on joint!!!
Anyway I did that for 14 weeks then for another 12 weeks only Smith bench no free bench. Today I can do free bench but u will not see me flipping db's to shoulder press or bench, not heavy ones anyway.
Stabilizing shoulder joint flipping heavy db's onto position is hard on joint soft tissue asking for a tear in healing tear!!

I did that and hgh 3-5iu a day has healed me like ever before and I say hgh cause other type soft tissue injuries have all healed.
I am 42 though I know my maxes and I am not gonna go higher, no more personal record weights.
Instead i set new records for myself on pushing while load is ligher but muscle not rested!!
This is actually how I started HIIT training.
It was only way to fatigue muscle without going heavy while healing!!
Sorry for my long post wrote it driving!! Lol

MuscleMecca Crew

Mecca Staff
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Gear update

Test prop: 650 mg a week

MK677: 25 mg at night

Andarine: 60 mg a day

Adex: .5 mg when needed

Added otc sups

Trans4orm: 4 caps a day

I bumped the andarine up 10 mg. I will likely leave it there for a week, before or if I decide to bump it up again. As you can see, I also added Trans4orm, which is just an otc fat burner. I recommended it to a guy one time because I thought the ingredients looked good & he really liked it. I am giving it a shot now & I will say that is slightly curbing my appetite.

Just did short hit routine. Wasn't a real brutal one, but it got me sweating pretty good & I also got a good ab pump.

Cardio & abs

Cardio: 3 sets of 2 mins of high knees, butt kicks & jumping jacks

Super set with

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 15

Super set with

Twisting crunches: 3 sets until failure

Planks: 3 sets holding for 1 min each set

- kept intensity high throughout, taking as little rest as needed & stacked cardio with first 2 exercises to really get a sweat going. Btw, never pinned biceps, but I did over 2 ml's yesterday before back... definitely got some pip! Just a little pain. No big deal. Now I know though lol.
Dropped Tren???
Try oral trest I told u about it will give u a big and recomp look. Tren like!

But really Superdrol is an oral that works good for that too.
But oral Trest at around 30mg a day does really good according to trusted folks I know using it!!
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Gear update

Test prop: 650 mg a week

MK677: 25 mg at night

Andarine: 60 mg a day

Adex: .5 mg when needed

Added otc sups

Trans4orm: 4 caps a day

I bumped the andarine up 10 mg. I will likely leave it there for a week, before or if I decide to bump it up again. As you can see, I also added Trans4orm, which is just an otc fat burner. I recommended it to a guy one time because I thought the ingredients looked good & he really liked it. I am giving it a shot now & I will say that is slightly curbing my appetite.

Just did short hit routine. Wasn't a real brutal one, but it got me sweating pretty good & I also got a good ab pump.

Cardio & abs

Cardio: 3 sets of 2 mins of high knees, butt kicks & jumping jacks

Super set with

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 15

Super set with

Twisting crunches: 3 sets until failure

Planks: 3 sets holding for 1 min each set

- kept intensity high throughout, taking as little rest as needed & stacked cardio with first 2 exercises to really get a sweat going. Btw, never pinned biceps, but I did over 2 ml's yesterday before back... definitely got some pip! Just a little pain. No big deal. Now I know though lol.
Dropped Tren???
Try oral trest I told u about it will give u a big and recomp look. Tren like!

But really Superdrol is an oral that works good for that too.
But oral Trest at around 30mg a day does really good according to trusted folks I know using it!!

Yeah. Was getting some sides, but not to bad. Just wanted to do something else for the final weeks of this contest. One day, I will try superdrol, but not getting anything at the moment. Thanks for the advice though.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Gear update

Test prop: 650 mg a week

MK677: 25 mg at night

Andarine: 60 mg a day

Adex: .5 mg when needed

Added otc sups

Trans4orm: 4 caps a day

I bumped the andarine up 10 mg. I will likely leave it there for a week, before or if I decide to bump it up again. As you can see, I also added Trans4orm, which is just an otc fat burner. I recommended it to a guy one time because I thought the ingredients looked good & he really liked it. I am giving it a shot now & I will say that is slightly curbing my appetite.

Just did short hit routine. Wasn't a real brutal one, but it got me sweating pretty good & I also got a good ab pump.

Cardio & abs

Cardio: 3 sets of 2 mins of high knees, butt kicks & jumping jacks

Super set with

Leg raise crunches: 3 sets of 15

Super set with

Twisting crunches: 3 sets until failure

Planks: 3 sets holding for 1 min each set

- kept intensity high throughout, taking as little rest as needed & stacked cardio with first 2 exercises to really get a sweat going. Btw, never pinned biceps, but I did over 2 ml's yesterday before back... definitely got some pip! Just a little pain. No big deal. Now I know though lol.
Dropped Tren???
Try oral trest I told u about it will give u a big and recomp look. Tren like!

But really Superdrol is an oral that works good for that too.
But oral Trest at around 30mg a day does really good according to trusted folks I know using it!!

Yeah. Was getting some sides, but not to bad. Just wanted to do something else for the final weeks of this contest. One day, I will try superdrol, but not getting anything at the moment. Thanks for the advice though.
The oral trest with link I gave u in email is CHEAP and g2g.
Less toxic than Superdrol and only sides or E2 possibly but using Aromasin 25mg eod does job and safe with your test prop dose alone
Or adex at 0.5mg 3x wk or eod will take care of e2 safe as week for this short course
The oral trest ace works fast and gives a recomp affect
I absolutely love trest ace injectable at around 15mg to 20mg a day I had no bad sides. It was like more test but it doesn't bind to any proteins so it's mostly all free testosterone benifits
Aromatase easily controlled at that dose.

For whatever reason the oral comes in 30mg per cap
A few guys I know got same leaning affect as the inject trest ace but they didn't notice the increased libido and woods.
One guy gets dangling disappointment and used mostly for that.
He got recomp tren look Lower bf at 30mg a day
But he just switched to inject at 18mg a day. The inject has longer half life
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Keep in mind higher androgenic the roid the more fat burning recomp affect u will get.
I myself will use trest ace low dosed on next cut.
In my lean bulk cycle I could have started cutting diet and gotten it done and deca and test c were both at 600 with 50mg of Anadrol a day among mast and proviron crew.
It's the androgenic part of trest that needs to be taken advantage of Keeping it low and the e2 harnessed with AI
I had no issue at all with my 3 vial 50mg/ml run

Fell in love with stuff
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Keep in mind higher androgenic the roid the more fat burning recomp affect u will get.
I myself will use trest ace low dosed on next cut.
In my lean bulk cycle I could have started cutting diet and gotten it done and deca and test c were both at 600 with 50mg of Anadrol a day among mast and proviron crew.
It's the androgenic part of trest that needs to be taken advantage of Keeping it low and the e2 harnessed with AI
I had no issue at all with my 3 vial 50mg/ml run

Fell in love with stuff

Trest isn't on my wish list, but I will look into it & do some research, since you say it is that good. I don't have a lot of cycles under my belt, so there is still much I want to try. I think because of what I've learned in this cycle, that my next cycle will be a very efficient one. I add something new or take it up a notch each time. I will also continue to get better with my diet. My work ethic in the gym never stops! Cycle or not. Something I will do different next cycle as well, will be setting a realistic goal & sticking to it... no matter what! This contest is what I needed. Win or loose, it's been great learning from all of ya.
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
I had about an hour this morning to get my leg workout in, but it turned into a pretty good workout. If I'm running short on time, I try to make up for it with intensity.


Cardio: 10 mins elliptical 165 strides per min.

Dumbbell lunges: body weight × 20, 45 × 20, 65 × 16, 75 × 16, 85 × 14

- next I did a tri set

Body weight squats: 4 sets of 20

Super set with

Leg extentions: 4 sets of 15, 15, 12, 10 drop set for another 8 reps

Super set with

Seated leg curls: 5 sets of 15, 15, 12, 12, 10

Single leg calf raises: 4 sets of 15

Standing calf raises (both legs): 2 sets of 30

Not as heavy this legs day, but I finished with a hell of a pump. Finally got a good nights sleep last night! Needed it & was the reason I was running behind. I feel good today.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Keep in mind higher androgenic the roid the more fat burning recomp affect u will get.
I myself will use trest ace low dosed on next cut.
In my lean bulk cycle I could have started cutting diet and gotten it done and deca and test c were both at 600 with 50mg of Anadrol a day among mast and proviron crew.
It's the androgenic part of trest that needs to be taken advantage of Keeping it low and the e2 harnessed with AI
I had no issue at all with my 3 vial 50mg/ml run

Fell in love with stuff

Trest isn't on my wish list, but I will look into it & do some research, since you say it is that good. I don't have a lot of cycles under my belt, so there is still much I want to try. I think because of what I've learned in this cycle, that my next cycle will be a very efficient one. I add something new or take it up a notch each time. I will also continue to get better with my diet. My work ethic in the gym never stops! Cycle or not. Something I will do different next cycle as well, will be setting a realistic goal & sticking to it... no matter what! This contest is what I needed. Win or loose, it's been great learning from all of ya.
Brother u are a true warrior!
U push u recovering from surgery and u got mentality now to be a bodybuilder instead of big lifter.
It happened with me same way.
I always bulked and cut sort of and back in day my cuts came from running all night in clubs using coke and speed but worked and used gear
At 29 I gave up that old life and learned to be heathlier.

When i diet and train 100% I can cut on anything around 2500mg gear wk combined.
Right now my level is 85% due to kids and lack of time.
But I still push 150% just can give time I used to
Also routine is whacked!!!

But u keep it up
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Thanks bro. My mentality with my lifting & lifestyle is changing, but still needs much work. I have the knowledge to make it happen, but still working on applying it & putting it all together. I got this shit though. Not making excuses. I'll push harder & harder, until I get it right & meet my goals.
Muscle mechanic

Muscle mechanic

Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 16, 2017
Thanks bro. My mentality with my lifting & lifestyle is changing, but still needs much work. I have the knowledge to make it happen, but still working on applying it & putting it all together. I got this shit though. Not making excuses. I'll push harder & harder, until I get it right & meet my goals.
I always told u with your frame seeing u at 10% u will look huge
Big Beef

Big Beef

Mecca V.I.P.
Apr 8, 2017
Thanks bro. My mentality with my lifting & lifestyle is changing, but still needs much work. I have the knowledge to make it happen, but still working on applying it & putting it all together. I got this shit though. Not making excuses. I'll push harder & harder, until I get it right & meet my goals.
I always told u with your frame seeing u at 10% u will look huge

I will definitely be looking to lean more in the future! Will be a big goal of mine in months to come.