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nice session hypo. and i agree with bulkboy on the front raises. unless its a lagging body part it's unnecessary to do them IMO. keep up the good work bro
THanks guys, i gotta migrane now and feel like complete shit for some reason
been sneezing like crazy..
Rage - it helps out, the A&F shirt thats over the other 2 is a thick shirt, then under it is a Underarmour sleevless, then last is a muscle tee, i took off the Underarmour shirt
and people kept starring at me, lol. they stopped their workout and were like ":carduindisguise"
THanks BB - I do them to help with my bicep peak, but i might cut them out ... i didnt really know chest presses,bench etc worked the delts that much, lol thanks
the rest of you - thanks, Pghi no e-orgy for you , Tkd im not taking havoc, i start my cycle august 5th, right now im taking Juggernaut (N.O. Xplode) type thing. and kre-alkalyn. thanks too man, Trying to do more back.
Thanks Iron, . Thanks Lance, that row machine is pretty awesome, the handles are small, get a good grip on it, unlike some other machines, i'll try to keep this up
with the heavy-ness lol
calve presses seated machine stack
95lbs one legged and 2 sets (first was 80 i believe) one legged 8-10reps each leg
both legs 170+? i believe, 8-10reps.. 2sets
Calve presses on leg sled
one legged 110lbs 8-10 per leg
150+ 8+ per leg
200+ lbs 6-8
(all one legged)
one handed tricep pressdowns
20lbs per arm 8-10reps 2 sets
(good horseshoe helper )
abs -
kneeling ab rope crunches
1st set 100lbs 10-15reps
2nd set 140-150lbs 10+reps
then oblique twists 2 set 110lbs 10+reps
and 2 more kneeling rope crunch sets (same as first)
hanging leg raises 2 sets of 8
also did 2 sets of 4 with 55lb db flies for the hell of it
and tried this chest workout where you use a straight BB for one handed
flat presses, (The straight bb for bb curls)
got 50lbs per arm with 10reps then 55lbs for 8 per arm (good for balancing and strengthening the forearm)
did some other chest stuff no biggie,
a friend who works at the gym told me about the one armed straight bb curl presses
Lion - well you sit down, nice padded seat, and padding for the bum
and theres handles on both sides, that look like a T, to grab, and you pushdown, thing is theres no belt so if you weigh like 175ish like me, and do over 100lbs your own BW, you get lifted upwards, lol i have to criss-cross my feet under the seat to stay down. thanks alot too bro !
tkD - thanks man, Not even near as good as Levrones, but thanks
Lance - thanks bro, i thought it was a whole ab workout, lol,
thanks for the compliment man, !
Creator - thanks !!, yea im trying to do less volume and intensify my lifts weight wise.
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