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God caused Katrina because of sin



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
Luke 1:30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

this actually sounds like consent to me.. how can you rape the willing?
Oh, the angel came down and started talking and knocked her up by the holy spirit, that's right.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
Oh, the angel came down and started talking and knocked her up by the holy spirit, that's right.

there is no answer they are going to give that will satisfy you or the others on here. it is a matter of faith. nothing more nothing less. stop trying to make them admit there religion is wrong.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
believe me when i say this, im not trying to convince you that "Christianity" is what you need to convert to, in fact thats never been my purpose or reason for my belief, im just simply trying to answer any questions that one might have about the faith itself.. im not here to push anything on anyone, in fact, one of my best friends is Jehovah's witness and i love him to death, but as far as our beliefs go, we respect each other and move on.. thats how it should be in this case, but from what im seeing so far.. its the "non believers" that are getting more offended then anything.. I truly understand your views and why this seems so unbelievable, but this is why faith is what it is... one can only be revealed this truth through God's Grace, nothing else will ever let you see beyond your own doubt and ego.. i say this because i was once in your shoes as well, i can associate with unbelievers more then you realize.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
believe me when i say this, im not trying to convince you that "Christianity" is what you need to convert to, in fact thats never been my purpose or reason for my belief, im just simply trying to answer any questions that one might have about the faith itself.. im not here to push anything on anyone, in fact, one of my best friends is Jehovah's witness and i love him to death, but as far as our beliefs go, we respect each other and move on.. thats how it should be in this case, but from what im seeing so far.. its the "non believers" that are getting more offended then anything.. I truly understand your views and why this seems so unbelievable, but this is why faith is what it is... one can only be revealed this truth through God's Grace, nothing else will ever let you see beyond your own doubt and ego.. i say this because i was once in your shoes as well, i can associate with unbelievers more then you realize.

yet another tremendous and fair post. nicely said.

btw it would be interesting to know what it was that made you come to God. did you just resist it because science contradicts it or did you hit rock bottom and then come to Jesus? idk just curious.....


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
yet another tremendous and fair post. nicely said.

btw it would be interesting to know what it was that made you come to God. did you just resist it because science contradicts it or did you hit rock bottom and then come to Jesus? idk just curious.....

this is something i have saved on my computer, i consider it a decent version of my testimony.

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
i was 23 yrs old.. i found myself in a constant circle.. nothing went right in my life.. i was deep into drugs.. deep into lots of stuff that just brought me downhill... one nite i found myself in a motel doing lots of drugs with 2 others.. for some reason i decided to get a piece of paper and write down stuff ive always wondered about.. i questioned my life.. why life is like this.. why im here

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
and so on.. the next day, (lived with parents) i woke up and looked at myself in the mirror and i realised im either gonna end my life right now or something needs to happen.. my mother always spoke about this God and read this thing called a bible.. i thought she was really weird, i would always laugh at her for it..

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
but that day i felt like i needed something.. something had to happen.. my dad asked me to go to the store to get him smokes.. so i did.. when i got into the car, a creed song came on 'whats this life for" i think and it made me all emotional because i had the same questions

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
not even as i turned the corner of the road.. i almost started to slow down and cry.. i said this cant be life.. i said "God if your real, i need to know"

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
at that moment.. i felt like all my pain.. my worries.. my doubts.. my sickness just left me

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
i look outside of my car and i seen the clouds become more vibrant.. the birds began to sing louder.. its like i felt like a baby again.. ive never felt that and havent ever since

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
i began to cry.. tears of joy.. i wasnt sad.. i was happy

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
i came home and i told my mom.. she began to cry.. she Hugged me and so on.. then i was introduced to the bible

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
and from that day.. truth has been revealed to through the Gospels

мαяko- Jesus Freak.. says:
sept 15, 2004


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2007
I have a question... Serb, catholics usually say "hahaha but man, you are not supposed to take the bible seriously" when they get asked about Adam and Eve or other subjects. But when you ask them about something else they are sure to quote the bible as 100% solid evidence. How can you quote ONE book ? One book is not evidence of anything Serb... I can write a book talking about a SPACE MONSTER WHO IS RULER OF THE UNIVERSE. And if anyone asks me anything, I could just quote shit from my book... but that does not make it true.

What the fuck ?

Also Serb, do you believe in Adam and Eve ? What are your thoughts on the Old and New testament... if there is one God, how come there are two testaments ? What are your thoughts on how the church has "changed" their views on everything with passing years. Going from "EARTH IS CENTER OF UNIVERSE, DONT BELIEVE US ? DIEEEEEEE" to "It is not the center of the univer"

Even now, the church just said that it cannot confirm or denie the existance of other intelligent beings in the universe... DUN DUN DUN ?

But wait... if there is a God, we are supposed to be the only intelligent creatures. I don`t understand... is the church band aiding themselves before the wound ?

How does this not make you scared ? The church seems to lie, forfit and say whatever it has to say in order to look like an actual institution. And not a money consuming industry.



Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
I have a question... Serb, catholics usually say "hahaha but man, you are not supposed to take the bible seriously" when they get asked about Adam and Eve or other subjects. But when you ask them about something else they are sure to quote the bible as 100% solid evidence. How can you quote ONE book ? One book is not evidence of anything Serb... I can write a book talking about a SPACE MONSTER WHO IS RULER OF THE UNIVERSE. And if anyone asks me anything, I could just quote shit from my book... but that does not make it true.

What the fuck ?

the bible is actual meant to be taken as a historical book written by many different authors, written to many different churches and believers, with that said, the teachings of the bible are also to be taken literally to us today as well.. the bible is not just another book, the stories behind is can be proven by science, archeology and many other books that claim the bible to be exactly what it is.. to believe that the bible is totally inspired by God takes faith, lets get real! as humans we only have one nature, thats is fallen..

Also Serb, do you believe in Adam and Eve ? What are your thoughts on the Old and New testament... if there is one God, how come there are two testaments ? What are your thoughts on how the church has "changed" their views on everything with passing years. Going from "EARTH IS CENTER OF UNIVERSE, DONT BELIEVE US ? DIEEEEEEE" to "It is not the center of the univer"

Even now, the church just said that it cannot confirm or denie the existance of other intelligent beings in the universe... DUN DUN DUN ?

Yes Adam and Even were actually real beings, the old testament was simply that, the old testament (Torah) it was given to the jews to live by, but the old testament could not accomplish what God had in store for man kind.. because man could not follow Gods law there had to be another way, so then we have the new testament, where Jesus was the only one to accomplish everything the Old testament required, thus made him perfect, no other being could do this, with that said, Jesus was not only human, but also fully divine.. the Old testament was written only to prove how sinful we are as humans, the new testament is the completion of the old..

by church you mean Catholic? first off, im not catholic, and i know where you are going with this, i dont follow anything that Vatican has to state or claim, they are a bunch of self righteous fools in my book!! sorry if this offends anyone, but they seek salvation through works, TOTALLY against the bible.. they are out to get Glory for themselves, not GOD!

But wait... if there is a God, we are supposed to be the only intelligent creatures. I don`t understand... is the church band aiding themselves before the wound ?

How does this not make you scared ? The church seems to lie, forfit and say whatever it has to say in order to look like an actual institution. And not a money consuming industry.


im assuming you are talking about the Catholic church once again, if anything this question needs to be geared towards Ben because I myself only believe in the bible, and i myself believe if God created any other living being im sure he would make us aware of it.. this is total heresy!!


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2007
the bible is actual meant to be taken as a historical book written by many different authors, written to many different churches and believers, with that said, the teachings of the bible are also to be taken literally to us today as well.. the bible is not just another book, the stories behind is can be proven by science, archeology and many other books that claim the bible to be exactly what it is.. to believe that the bible is totally inspired by God takes faith, lets get real! as humans we only have one nature, thats is fallen..

Historical book ? The stories behind it can be proven with science ?

So Noahs ark was true ? Are you serious ? So the world was created in seven days ? So evolution is not real ?

Yes Adam and Even were actually real beings, the old testament was simply that, the old testament (Torah) it was given to the jews to live by, but the old testament could not accomplish what God had in store for man kind.. because man could not follow Gods law there had to be another way, so then we have the new testament, where Jesus was the only one to accomplish everything the Old testament required, thus made him perfect, no other being could do this, with that said, Jesus was not only human, but also fully divine.. the Old testament was written only to prove how sinful we are as humans, the new testament is the completion of the old..

Prove me that Adam and Eve existed, with actual proof of course. Not just what a book said. So the new testament is like v2.0 ? Cool.

He took quite some time, Jesus I mean, to upgrade that software dude. So many people died thanks to the Old Testament... I`d be really pissed if Microsoft Vista killed people and Bill Gates took several years of vacation to fix that "minor" problem. Your god seems to not care about people :3

(I`m referencing how brutal the Testament v1.0 is "kill her, kill him, kill them, etc")

by church you mean Catholic? first off, im not catholic, and i know where you are going with this, i dont follow anything that Vatican has to state or claim, they are a bunch of self righteous fools in my book!! sorry if this offends anyone, but they seek salvation through works, TOTALLY against the bible.. they are out to get Glory for themselves, not GOD!

So what are you ? Also man... never did the idea that there are SO many gods and religions out there make your faith crumble a little ? I mean, if there was only one true God, why there are so many religions out there ?

Also, what are your thoughts on Scientology ?

im assuming you are talking about the Catholic church once again, if anything this question needs to be geared towards Ben because I myself only believe in the bible, and i myself believe if God created any other living being im sure he would make us aware of it.. this is total heresy!!

So... what do you think about the original sin ? Aliens are not born with it, so does that make them superior ? Even god like ?

Also, your opinion on gay people ?

Well, this argument seems to be going well :3
(Much thanks to you for agreeing to it !! I hope it can remain happy and rainbow-ish xD)


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 13, 2006
^ dude, go to a apologetics site if you want all these answers.. im not going to sit here and answer all this stuff.. sorry man.. some of these questions are just absurd.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 16, 2006
Also, what are your thoughts on Scientology ?

Elron Hubbard was a science fiction writer..... :gaygay: why do people take his scripture seriously when he has written many fictional novels

oh and i heard he was a kiddy fiddler too:tiphat:

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Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2007
Oh ok Serb... I just thought you considering the bible a valid source of information something quite funny :3

I could have asked what was your opinion on needles and it would have been appropiate, since you know... you take the bible seriously xD

Oh and Adan and Eve ? Commooooooooooon...


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2007
Elron Hubbard was a science fiction writer..... :gaygay: why do people take his scripture seriously when he has written many fictional novels

oh and i heard he was a kiddy fiddler too:tiphat:

This is exactly why I asked :3

If Serb said something along the lines off: "How can you believe that shit?"

I could have asked the same back... Believes are believes... they are backed up by nothing more than faith. NOTHING more than faith. There are no facts, no evidence, no nothing. To believe, one must forfeit some things.


Mecca V.I.P.
Sep 9, 2007
This world would be a better place without religion. Prove me wrong. Anyone.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
This world would be a better place without religion. Prove me wrong. Anyone.

Religion helps some people strive to be better people (ie, Serb and Ben).

But on a larger scale, you're correct.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 11, 2006
This world would be a better place without religion. Prove me wrong. Anyone.

This world would be a better place without extremists, or people who try to force others into something they do not want to be in any aspect of life, sexuality, spirituality, and livelyhood.That is a better statement. Prove me wrong, anyone.


Thank you for your complement ironslave i appreciate it.


Mecca V.I.P.
Jun 12, 2007
i was expecting to at least chuckle at this despite my disagreeance with it. but this wasn't even clever. just really juvenile.

/open thread

:49: It was pretty funny bro


Mecca V.I.P.
Jul 12, 2006
This world would be a better place without extremists, or people who try to force others into something they do not want to be in any aspect of life, sexuality, spirituality, and livelyhood.

Isn't a religious "extremist" someone who actually follows the religion doctrine absolutely? Many many acts of violence come from people who are just "obeying" what is written in scripture.

For example, Muhammad Ali calls Islam a religion of peace, his faith a huge part of why he refused to fight in Vietnam. Yet, there are paragrams like the one below which call for attacking people who are Christians, for example.

Surah 9:29 Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low

Both follow the same book, yet one is anti-violence, the other is pro violence. Who is the extremist?

edit: and this is my problem with religions. It is undeniable that in many scriptures (even the Christian bible) that there are several passages that not only condone violence, but encourage it. Throughout history, infinite times more people have been killed or been a victim of violence justified by religion, than any violence religion may have prevented.

That, and the fact that it's just an example of people following something like sheep. Religion is a cult, and that's a fact. Don't believe me? Websters defines a "cult" as :

"5 a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad"

If Christianity isn't a cult, nothing is. Come on people, an angel descended from the sky and got Mary pregnant? Jesus was a human who was dead for like 3 days, and then somehow came back to life? Oh come on. Just think about the absurdity of these statements. I don't mind thinking an intelligent designer exists somewhere, but blindly following these typical Christian notions are just pathetic.


Mecca V.I.P.
Feb 14, 2008
:49: It was pretty funny bro

no....it wasn't. nothing it said was even remotely clever. i actually like jesus jokes and whatnot if they are witty. if you found this funny may i recommend epic movie or meet the spartans, you should find them hilarious!