Mecca V.I.P.
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Hey guys, I am dancing the atheist dance... FUCK YEAH.
I`m doing that while I masturbate, swear, cum on pictures of Jesus and Mary, lie, eat out of boredom, watch satellite TV I am stealing from my neighbor and while my neighbors daughter and wife suck on my nipples.
Yes, I can multi-task like a God.
I think it's high time to close this thread.
NeoSoviet said:Yeah... I`m kinda pissed because I got in an argument about religion today, and I let my friend trash talk me while I stood silent because I did not want to offend him.
Hey guys, I am dancing the atheist dance... FUCK YEAH.
I`m doing that while I masturbate, swear, cum on pictures of Jesus and Mary, lie, eat out of boredom, watch satellite TV I am stealing from my neighbor and while my neighbors daughter and wife suck on my nipples.
Yes, I can multi-task like a "god".
Yeah... I`m kinda pissed because I got in an argument about religion today, and I let my friend trash talk me while I stood silent because I did not want to offend him.
you also know my stance on catholicism and the many heresies they are associated with.. am i saying that all catholics are wrong? by no means! but for the most part, its just a big cult if you ask me.. its just tradition, nothing more. its sad, yet very true.
can i ask what your discussion was about? and how it went?
no need to say sorry btw.
The discussion went like this:
Me: "Hey, what`s that silver cross you have in your neck? Is that for killing vampires?"
Him: "HA fucking HA, you know what, I hate how you mock religion"
Me: "Dude, sorry... It was a joke, I completely respe..."
Him: "NO. etc etc etc"
And that`s even when he bashes me every second for not having faith or a believe, that I am shallow, etc...
And his are not even jokes, he means it. Meh...
High_Five, Tech, myself, and several others on this forum grew up into religious families. We were taken to church every Sunday growing up. Bigben, you really think reading more scriptures on top of that is going to change my beliefs? I used to believe in God, but then I realized the true purpose of religion.
No i think that an understanding of the scriptures and where they came from would make a faith easier to accept. U keep assuming their is a hidden agenda to "religion" but the individual makes a decision to act individually or as a part of a community. The crazy extremists that most people feel all religious are like, and mabye they are in other parts of the world, but my understanding is nothing like any extremist that is frequented on the nightly news. Me being a Christian is a personal choice. I am a better me because of it. bc i have raised my own moral standards. In turn i help a lot more often than just stand by and watch and worry only about myself.
No human made artifacts or scriptures will ever change my beliefs into blindly following one sole religion.i agree it must be a decision based on enough information that makes you feel as though your making the correct decision either way. Blindly following something is a foolish decision. What kind of merit does the belief hold if you just blindly follow something becaus eu were told too? none.
now if someone believes in something that is based off of legitimate documents, and time lines that are in accordance with prophecies and more writings of the time the prophecies are coming true and history backing every thing, and only few things are left up to faith its self then it is a much easier to have faith because their is very real legitimacy behind it.
So one can have confirmation of time lines and events which makes everything more legitimate. Makes it more of a "well if you choose to ignore this then i can choose to ignore other ancient history as well" kind of thing. The documents the bible is made out of are legitimate, if u doubt that then doubt 2+2=4 as well. Legitimate= they were written in the periods they say they were, in accordance the people i the bible DID exsits and important people have been documented outside of these texts which further proves their exsistance, and their actions. I dont care if you dont believe but dont knock someone that has facts behind their beliefs. dont look at them like they believe in some fairy tale because that would just be wrong, your information is incorrect if that is how u feel I believe, bc it is definately not.
too be honest, I don't think I ever actually believed in god. Religion class was boring and never made any sense. Religion class always contradicted every other thing we were taught. Jesus performed miracles (magic tricks), he rose from the dead (like a zombie), his mother was a virgin (wat? lol.). So eventually after hearing the same bullshit every year, religion class turned into the class where I'd perfect my paper football skills.High_Five, Tech, myself, and several others on this forum grew up into religious families. We were taken to church every Sunday growing up. Bigben, you really think reading more scriptures on top of that is going to change my beliefs? I used to believe in God, but then I realized the true purpose of religion.
No human made artifacts or scriptures will ever change my beliefs into blindly following one sole religion.
too be honest, I don't think I ever actually believed in god. Religion class was boring and never made any sense. Religion class always contradicted every other thing we were taught. Jesus performed miracles (magic tricks), he rose from the dead (like a zombie), his mother was a virgin (wat? lol.). So eventually after hearing the same bullshit every year, religion class turned into the class where I'd perfect my paper football skills.
and for the record, the paper pages in the Bible make great spitballs......and it's pretty good rolling paper.![]()
disrespecful posts during an internet argument? outrageous!i don't even know why big ben and serb try to argue their side. it's obvious these people do not care even remotely what they have to say and are just disrespecful in the process.
disrespecful posts during an internet argument? outrageous!
lol. that is a little funny.
but ben and serb have been nothing but informative and understanding in their posts. obviously not a two way street in this thread.
It depends on what you term "informative", BigBen gives his answers based off of his views on his faith but they still never answer anything.
I can only anwser things i have an understanding of. I do not have anwsers to questions that only have evidance of events that have just said to take place. FOr example i do not know how Mary became preganant other than th epower of the Holy Spirit. I can fully understand why people have a problem believing that. It takes strong faith in a cause to believe that happened. Thats the answer i give bc it is my understanding of it. It is in fact a mystery in our faith of how exactly action per action the event occured. As far as my answers to the bible contratdicting itself, every "contradiction" is a snip or tid bit of an entire chapter or passage in the bible. It is someone taking parts of the bible and twisting them so they appear to contradict themselves, but when taken in full context they in fact do not contradict anything. Its like what the media does to the presidential candidates to make one look better than the other they post half of the story.
And Serb copy and pastes crap that some loon wrote on the internetActualy serb posts theology, based on logical views. They are in fact very legitimate theological views on the bible. and people are taking seriously. If you take it as informative, that is fine and I can respect that. But that is just how I take those "informative" posts. BUT, I will say that Serb and BigBen are very respectful throughout the whole debate and never get overly defensive or insulting when their views are attacked/questioned. So that is a good trait both have on their side.Thank you
I still think that in order to really understand the view point me and serb take you need to study the bible. You can not take a complex piece of literature for its face value and think that is it. You must have an understanding of how something is to be translated/understood/read. First I would suggest reading the information that makes the texts/books of the bible legitimate historical documents so you understand the importance and actual odds of the prophecies about Jesus coming true. I took a class about the historical bible at the local Jr college, it was taken from a historians point of view faith was not even brought into the pcture we just discussed the history of how the bible came to be, it is very important knowledge to have and makes reading the bible a much more enlightening experience. Study the view points you are suppose to take when reading certain parts. So then understand theology behind how and what the things in the bible mean. Then i would welcome you to a discussion because i think you would be much more understanding of some of the posts i write, and some o fthe things serb pastes.
But braaq i will never say that some parts of Christianity do not take faith because they do.
For fuck sakes people, how the hell did mary have a kid without getting creampied? So lets just say, Mary got pregnant by god, without her consent, doesn't that make god a rapist??