I am god.
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- Dec 23, 2007
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Awesome ahaha
Of whom? You mum or your sister?pics?
stupid character limit.
nude pics?
Of whom? You mum or your sister?
If you're not looking to do a large gig a 20W amp may do the job (especially if they mic the amp, in which case any amp would do). I barely play my 100W Marshall anymore. Take a look at the Krank Rev Pro Jr (20 and 50W), Engl have a Gigmaster line now, Blackstar have some good stuff, and there are some boutique amps around as well (Hayden, Dirty Boy, Coyote, etc). I got the Vox Lil Night Train 2 watter above to be a rocking small travel amp. It sounds much better through a bigger cabinet. Won't do metal though, just Voxy rock sounds and Voxy cleans. My Egnater Tweaker though does it all.Stupid pants!
Looks like a nice little amp man, I'm looking at downgrading my amp setup, maybe a 50watt valve amp maybe.
Alive and kicking. I feel some good weights coming this year. I hope to actually have an improvement on my bench this year as well.Good to see you're alive still old timer!
At the moment I have a 200w solid state Randall head and a 4x12 marshal jcm cabinet haha, I really want to downgrade to a combo amp because it is a massive **** to transport! I kind of want to look around the 30-50w just so I can cover as many bases as possible when it comes to gig size, something I could still use for a smaller gig but also something with a bit of balls. I havn't heard many good things at all about Krank amps, however I was thinking hard about the engl's, also the laney and the marshal combos I've seen have been great!
140 for 2 on fronties is very impessive!
Thanks. I'm reasonably happy with my progress of late. I have a few goals to hit before I swap over to the main 3 exercises, but I hope the carry-over is enough to see me set some PBs.
I presume you're using the olympic style grip instead of crossed arms. Is there any major difference? Which one feels heavier?
Yes I'm still alive folks.
I've been busy with work, life, etc. I'm also spending more time working on my novel/s. It is about time I took writing to the next level.
Any way, my strength has stayed pretty much the same, but I'm actually training less. I'm still doing Front squats with +140kg, in fact managed a double with 145kg last week. The floor press is right at 140kg but I'm able to rep out at 120kg. My rack deadlift this evening was a 230kg pull from the shins, so it would be interesting to see what my deadlift would be with that extra couple of inches ROM.
While I'm training less I am actually still doing stuff most days. I often ride my stationary bike in the mornings before breakfast. I've been leaving a bar set up with 80kg on it to do 20 rep squats, a set of thick bar chinups and a set of dips whenever I walk past. I'll up the weight to 100kg on the squats soon. I'm actually impressed that I can squat so well cold, but then I thought that doing dips and chins cold was no different to a BW or thereabouts squat cold. So now that I'm used to this little superset I'll start pushing it a little bit more.
Oh and check out my blog. It will start to have some of my writing released on it soon.