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Mak: Thanks, I think my pullups have come a long way since you left and came back.
Vegeta: Thanks
Lionheart: Thanks, still workin' on the pullups though.
Miami: Thanks brother
18 January 2008
I felt a little sick but went in for a session anyway.
Smith Squats Kept them very light
135 lbs x 12
185 lbs x 10
185 lbs x 10
One-Legged Leg Press
250 lbs x 10
250 lbs x 10
250 lbs x 10 Wasn't feeling it.
Prone Leg Curls
90 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10
DB Shoulder Press
60 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 8
Bent Over DB Laterals
30 lbs x 10
30 lbs x 10
30 lbs x 10
30 lbs x 10
Hammer Strength Shrug Machine
270 lbs x 10
360 lbs x 10
450 lbs x 10
450 lbs x 10...drop 360 lbs x 10...drop 270 lbs x 10...drop 180 lbs x 10
I felt really drained, I think because of the mild sickness (see leg press). I was going to do some cardio but I was bored the second I hoped on the stationary bike, the treadmills here (Monroeville gym) suck, and I didn't want to make my sickness worse by running out in the cold, especially since I don't have any warm workout clothes. I had some turkey broth when I came home, and that made me feel a little better
Thanks Rocko...seemed to help At least I got back to the gym today.
22 January 2008
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 6
BW x 6
Then sets every 30 seconds to get a total of 50 (20 more).
One-arm DB Rows
100 lbs x 10
100 lbs x 10
100 lbs x 10
100 lbs x 10
Just wanted to try 'em out. Took it easy.
135 lbs x 12
185 lbs x 10
225 lbs x 8
Cable Rope High Row
90 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10
Alternating DB Curls
30 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 8
40 lbs x 6...drop 30 lbs x 6...drop 25 lbs x 6
Running: 30 minutes total
3 minute warmup
10 minute run, just under 8 min/mi pace
12 minutes of interval running...1 minute hard followed by 1 minute recovery pace (slow jog)
5 minute cool down
We'll find out tomorrow if the deads were a mistake or not. Feels fine right now, though
Braaq: Thank ya. Felt a little weak on the presses, especially the hammer strength machine, but I did alternating presses on the machine so maybe that contributed to the feeling.
PT was workout-worthy this morning:
Running: 32 minutes
Indian run the whole time at a decent pace.
awesome workout GLEX
arms and back strength are astonishingly increasing
those 40-45lb db alt curls soon 50-55 with reps galore
awesome DB rows too man, seems like we got another monster on our hands here!
keep killing the weights bro!
it seems I've missed some of your sessions. It's never fun training while you're sick ay, but props to ya for going but knowing your limits. Good sessions all round
Hypo: curls seem to have come a long way
Mak: It's ok baby, I missed some of yours, too
Lionheart: Thanks, although I was a little angry I didn't get that tenth rep on the last set
The Noob of the Day: Glex
So, I learned how to snowboard yesterday. The only instruction I got was:
Glex- How do you do that forward leaning thing?
Friend- You just gotta be up on your toes instead of your heels.
I was fine slowing down by backing up onto my heels, but getting up on my toes was odd, so I was trying to practice it. I was just coming off a steep part and getting ready to slow down before I hit the lift area, so I decided to see if I could do it at that speed. Turns out, I couldn't.
I got up on my toes and was slowing down a little, but I knew I'd have to switch in order to stop. So I started bringing my front foot around again, when I accidently went back up onto my heels with the back of the board still facing down the slope. Oops.
The next .18 seconds consisted of most of my momentum being transferred into my tailbone as it slammed into the packed snow. The remaining momentum took the back of my head and slammed it into the snow.
So now I think I have a very, very mild concussion (I've had a headache since then, but it's going away). Thankfully I've got a thick Polish skull so I'll be alright. I definitely gave myself whiplash, though. When I was lying down to sleep this morning after PT, any time I wanted to adjust myself I had to grab the back of my head to assist with lifting it up so it wouldn't hurt! My knees and ass are sore, too.
This should make my shoulders session a treat today. Not looking forward to shrugs at all
Oh, and I ran for 35:30 today at PT. The first 15 minutes was a tough Indian run.
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