I am god.
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Inglourious Basterds - I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Best laugh I've had for a long time.
Your lucky your so pretty :bball:Watchmen is easily a better film than Snatch.
Your lucky your so pretty :bball:
Keep in mind that I've only seen the director's cut of Watchmen, which is considered the superior version.
Hated it. Hated.Eagle Eye
Fun piece of cinema popcorn trash. Shia was much better in this, and it was a better film overall, than that piece of Indy trash. Of course that doesn't say much.
Well, yeah. That it stole heavily from my favorite film of all time didn't help.^^ I can see why. But I was in the mood for a lump of popcorn trash, which is exactly what this is.
Well, yeah. That it stole heavily from my favorite film of all time didn't help.
Well, yeah. Lots was stolen from. The whole super-innovative "I know what's best for man" computer was pretty cringe worthy though.There was more than just the 2001 - A Space Odessy rip offs too. Just about any of those "protect our privacy" films was stolen heavily from too. You can understand since that was a central theme, but to specifically steal scenes was a bit rich.
Well, yeah. Lots was stolen from. The whole super-innovative "I know what's best for man" computer was pretty cringe worthy though.
Kung Fu Hustle
Never get tired of this farcical martial arts flick. Part satire, part chop-socky, part madness and cartoon. ALL GOOD.
Imma take the piss out of line. here is my 5 minute review of the last movie i saw... *(yes a kids movie lol) Suprise butt sex?
Up a movie about losing your inhibition,realising and making new dreams and unlocking the inner adventurer. The film begins with a short animation unrelated
to this delightful movie, (which pixar is famous for) which still manages to set the theme well and relax you for the laughter that is to follow. The jokes, not hard to comprehend with a childlike simplicity and a generation crossing charm, delve into your heart to unlock your own inner child and set the appropiate mood for the film to follow.
The film itself, does what it sets out to do, with an odd couple pairing coming together to eventually get the most out of
each other, confronting themes that are common in this genre with not so common great effect, with plenty of laughs along the way.
Elderly Carl, after the untimely death of his partner Ellie, sets out to achieve a childs plan that was lost with the harrows of life. Attaching his life's work to his house(helium balloons) he sets out to fly his house to South America to land his house on falls. This is only after breaking away from elderly routine and normality and attracting an unwanted stowaway (Russel) in the process! Russel and Carl go on
a journey of self discovery with the initial reluctant Carl warming to Russel when he sees the reflection of his own
inner child within him. The film contains the usual plot twists and hinderances to the desired finish but does so with
humour at regular intervals giving the film no dull spots.
The animation aspect is well backed by a fitting sound score emotive and stimulating bolstering the adventure perfectly evident in one of the funniest short animated fight sequences in film.
Up is a funny movie, and a deep movie, covering themes of death,loss,materialism,friendship,regret,new begginings in a
beautiful package that everyone of all ages can enjoy. Did I mention the film has a lot of dogs? I will finish with
discovering your dreams is as easy as looking "Up". 8.5 out of 10
Line's reviews are still better. But then again he is a pro.