Mecca V.I.P.
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haha, i think most of us saw this coming.
rob, watch the video, you're getting it for free including shipping, an entire full can bro. Thanks for all you've done on the forum, you have been a great contributor from the beginning.
Bencher, it's an original new product that nobody is doing. It is my own personal blend from scratch. It's very different in terms of the mix and dosages. I think the key points are no secret proprietary blend hiding the dosages, no questionable fillers, no sugar, no artificial colors of flavors, natural stevia, no caffeine jitters. It's just a really honest extremely powerful blend that I made by necessity when I went natural.
Arginine AKG 5g
Citruline Malate 3g
Peak ATP 2.5g
NADH 5 mg
Yerba Mate Extract 1,000 mg
L-Tyrosine 2g
Magnesium Aspartate 1g
Potassium Aspartate 1g
Niacin 80 mg
Vitamin C 1000 mg
Being different was not my only goal. There's nothing wrong with copying something that works. But creativity is needed when the thing you want doesn't exist, so I got creative and threw away pre-conceived notions about the rules of the game when I put this together. I'll let you know when you can get some for yourself.
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Transformation #5 • Pullups
March 22nd, 2010
Busy week, but I had time to grab this quick footage.
Pullups are a great back exercise. It’s not every day you see a relatively big guy cranking out pullups, and one of YOUR videos inspired me to give it a shot.
Just goes to show that this is a two-way street, my videos give you an extra push in the gym, and your videos have the same effect on me.
I spoke to Andrew from UK today and he reports a three-pound gain of pure muscle. We’ll have pictures up later this week.
Sweating It Out
March 25th, 2010
Not a day goes by where I’m not thinking about the Levrone Report, about our goals, about our community. About how WE ALL have changed since this started, and how much that means.
Not a moment passes where I don’t think about and visualize how my physique HAS GOT to look come late April, no excuses.
I know this feeling well, the feeling where failure is not an option…half my life has been driven by this feeling.
I walked off the stage years ago, but I can’t EVER get away from that do-or-die feeling. I seem to keep putting myself up to new challenges.
It’s been a busy week. I want to get the Formula squared away so you can start using it, too.
A lot goes on behind the scenes when a product comes out, and it’s ME moving the ball forward every day. It has to be the best, that’s my nature. No shortcuts, no compromises, no path of least resistance. It’s a ton of work, but it’s the good kind.
Doing something in a world full of competition…claiming you’re better and actually BEING better – it’s not easy.
If you’re surviving in this economy or making your way through school, you know damn well the sacrifices that go with creating value in a competitive world, and how hard it is to have integrity while doing it. How challenging it is to be more than just talk.
Embrace every second of that challenge. It is within such challenges that we discover the way of the champion.
Now, as I was saying…CUT BY APRIL, BABY. TSSSHBAM!
Transformation #5 • Cardio “320″
March 27th, 2010
Turning it up a notch on the conditioning and cardio, and we got none other than Coach Dan giving us a new way to push the limits. Check it out, I’m really moving here.
This is the kind of thing that can bring a bodybuilder to his knees if he doesn’t have the proper conditioning to be a well-rounded athlete. Give it a try, and please stop if you can’t catch your breath.
The goal is not just to be cut, but to have power and strength, the whole package. There’s no easy way to get to a lean and mean 220 lbs, and this is one of the movements I’m going to use going into the home stretch. The shirt comes off in late April.
Resistance Band Training Featured In May Issue Of Flex Magazine. Props To Coach Dan.
March 29th, 2010
Flex Magazine’s May print issue features a piece all about band training. If you recall, Coach Dan introduced that to us on the Levrone Report in our SHOCK WEEK Progressive Load Training post a few weeks ago.
I knew Coach was on to something. That’s what’s up Coach. The May FLEX issue is called “The New Way To Get Big.” Check it out to see the bands in actions for a variety of mass building exercises.
The FLEX article, by Deputy Editor Dave Lee and Science Editor Jim Stoppani, PhD, covers a full workout, where the band is used to add progressive resistance to dead lifts, squats and bench.
The FLEX workout is demonstrated by heavyweight bodybuilder Anthoneil Champagne. Is this dude hardcore enough for you, Norway? Maybe it’s time to give the stretchy bands another look, bro!
On a side note, remember that day I did the Smith Machine Workout and I stopped at the doctor’s for a checkup? Good news, the results are in and I got a clean bill of health.
Make sure to see your doctor every now and then for a full physical and lab tests. Protect your health. That’s the way of the champion.
Inverted Abs Stretch, Progressive Load Training
March 31st, 2010
Here’s another brutal way to use the bands for maximum benefit, courtesy of Coach Dan. This will grind up your abs into hamburger. It’ll also elevate your heart rate big time. Enjoy.
It’s all part of the plan to reach that lean & mean 220 lbs in late April.
This whole week I’m cleansing with a water/honey/cayenne drink and nothing else. I’m not saying to try that at home, but I’m just telling you, that’s what I’m doing. Always be careful when you attempt a fast, and do your homework first.
The thinking is, I want to clear out my body and mind with a detox and really get ready for the final stretch, which will be about losing as much fat as possible while maintaining a superb level of conditioning.
It may not be as hardcore as going for a 500 lbs squat or a 405 bench, but in some ways, it’s a much harder goal to achieve.
The abs and serratus muscles have to be there, POW, when the shirt comes off. But at the same time, I have to have some of that size and power we’ve worked so hard to build this past year.
It’s no easy task, and the pressure’s on. But when we support each other, there’s nothing we can’t do. 220 lbs and ripped, baby. COUNT ON IT.
Tough Back Workout
April 2nd, 2010
Banging out a tough back day, four exercises, high reps, 90 second rest between sets. I have a spotter pushing me to the limit and I’m demonstrating some new movements.
Different machines, different grips, switching it up. In my last exercise I switch grips MID SET. Check it out.
Shout out to Michel R, he’s getting ripped due to his dedication, intensity and discipline. We all have to keep up. Thanks for the inspiration, bro, along with all of you putting in the effort and sharing with the community.
Doing this together really works – we’re pushing each other to be better. For all of us, the shirt comes off late April, one big thread on the forum. Our own Olympia stage and you’re invited no matter what level you’re at, as long as you train full-blown this month. YOUR TIME HAS COME. HOLD NUTHIN’ BACK. LET’S DO THIS.