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Day 1 Shoulders/Traps
DB Press warmup 55x12, 55x10, 60x8, 70x6, 80x3
DB Press 100x5, 100x4x2
Military Press 205x4 this was heavy
Standing Side Laterals 45x8, 50x6
Rear Delt Machine 225x6x2
BB Shrugs 315x10, 405x6-315x6-225x6-135x6 drop set
Im @ 190lbs as of this am. Up from 172lbs at the start of the bulk. BF is sitting around 12-13%. So im pretty happy with the results so far. Although the bad part is alot of my clothes dont fit anymore
hot dayum, those presses are great dude 130s for flat presses holy cow thats alot of weight! great to hear that bulk is going well, put on alot of size for sure, just keep up the good work and get even bigger! what weight u wanna be at in the end of the bulk?
Been awhile since i posted my workouts....been lazy for logging i guess
Day 1 Legs
Squats warmup 135x12, 135x10, 185x8, 225x3
Squats 275x 20 reps squat pattern deep 15 solid reps then did the 5 breath thing for the last 5. Damn felt like i was gonna passout when i got the bar off.
Leg Press 750x8, 830x6
BB Walking Lunges 135x12 each leg x 2 sets
Leg ext stack + 25lb plate x8x2
Starting this week I will be doing legs 2x a week try to get more growth...Day 1 and Day 5
Day 3 Back/Biceps
Pulldown warmup 150x12, 150x10, 165x8, 180x6, 195x3
Lat Pulldown Front 240x6x3
T-Bar Row 250x6x2
DB Row 110x6x3
Low Row 230x8
Cable Seated Preachers 110x6x2
DB Hammers 50x6x2
DB Concentration curls 35x8x2
Overhead Bicep pulldown 105x8 ( pretty much like it sounds...sit at a lat pulldown station put 2 one hand attachments on the machine. Pulldown to the top of your head using biceps...great finisher
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