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El Freako: Those chins are about a 5-6RM and I'm doing sets of 3. Looking at it now I think I may have either not written down a set (should be four work sets) or I missed a set.
tkD: Fatmans are a great accessory exercise to rep out on. Plus done properly they can help with lower and middle trap recruitment and development.
Skeptic: You know us Aussies, we're all massive, just some are taller or more muscular.
I'm having a bit of a back off week this week. I think I'm due one, but the main thing is that I'll be planting an experiment in the field this week and won't really feel like training after that. Next week I'll be able to get back in and hit things hard, plus I'll be travelling and will be able to go to a gym for a change (yay warm training environment!!!).
Bulkboy: There is nothing like a back off week to recharge. Although I find myself itching to train again after three days!
Big_guns_lance: Oh did I enjoy the layoff. Got reaquainted with my guitar for the first time in a month.
Ok I'm on the road this week for work. Last week I was planting trees so this week needs real weight on a barbell. I trained in an odd gym today. It was a converted squash courts that was half hardcore. It would have been the whole way if it had had rotating sleeve barbells, lifting platform and a prone row. Annoyed me a bit as I was going to do clean and jerks but had to settle for something else instead.
Lower body:
160kg x1 (singles to make up for not C&Jing)
Thanks Tunen! I was reasonably happy with them but I felt I could have been doing 4-5 reps with it until I got into the hole. Need to do more back squats and some posterior chain work.
Prince vegeta: thanks dude. I'm sitting here watching the 58kg womens lifting and just being blown away by these girls. Their first attempts are my max!! I'd love to see what they squat! It would have to be better than triple bodyweight and would smoke most of us here.
^^ Nah no screaming. Bit of red face action. Went back to the same gym again this evening and the manager was commenting on how low and heavy I was squatting. Made me feel pretty good.
So upper body today.
DB Bench press
55kg (was the weight I was told but hard to tell as wasn't marked like the others)
Cable rows
140kg (too much really, the rollers weren't well oiled)
tkD: I think it is one thing to have the comments, it is another thing to get them when you weren't expecting them. I think that it was a genuine comment that was meant to be a segue into what I do and the like.
Skeptic: I have seen some on SBS in the late evening. Apparently I missed the 56kg mens but caught the 58kg womens last night. I couldn't link in the youtube video of the Chinese girl that blitzed because the IOC has removed it from the site :angrydude:
Im watching weightlifting now on channel 7. 69kg class... i think the C&J gold medal lift was 190kg or something by the chinese guy... was very impressive
^^Yep just watching that too!! How about some of the G&D on display by the lifters?! Couple of great lifts and the poor guy that rolled his ankle that tried to finish the meet!
That's what the olympics is about!! The struggle and the triumph!
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