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Braaq: Yeh I enjoy training at home, would like a gym partner though. I don't mind training at gyms for awhile but after a couple of weeks I am reminded of what drove me out of them in the first place. There aren't enough hardcore gyms around anymore.
Bulkboy: I'm actually noticing how my BB curls fluctuate. I think I need to actually work on my biceps a bit and bringing those up a bit more would be good.
tkD: I'm not sure if it is motivation or determination anymore. I've been training for half my life now so it is part of who I am and what I do. Not training for any length of time feels weird to me.
Philo: thanks dude! I'm going away again for work in a couple of weeks so I may get to use a gym again. I'd like to see if I am good for 10kg more on the bench just by benching on a better bench.
^^ THe pushups are a funny thing; I really need to add more weight to my back. The thing is the plates that don't impede my ROM are also rather smooth so they tend to slide off one another (so need a loading pin). I also notice I can go from 20 reps one week to 15 the next to battling to get 10 another, all based on the bench workout. It really is an accessory that isn't improving noticeably.
Dridz: Training is going ok. A bit cold and wet recently to really hit things hard. Can't wait for it warm up a bit in the evenings. How is the diet going?
Rageking: It is one of the best and much better for the shoulders than benching.
Last night was nice and cold. Never felt warm, let alone warmed up and had to restrict the reps on the squats as my knee felt odd.
Hang snatch
Donkey calf raise
Front Squat
122.5kg (only 1 rep as knee felt )
session looks good tim, snatches, front squats and SLDL's, not the same about soundtrack
considering that you've trained for long time at home, and it's part of your life, i respect that, because not too many have this "ambition" (sry that i'm repeating like in my older post, but this is the word i must use ) to continue training and stay close to the sport, keep it up man
Bulkboy: I'm not sure I know what you mean. I usually do front squats but I quite often use a clean grip (quite often because I'll clean it to the shoulder before squatting). Is that what you are referring to?
tkD: Yeh I suppose it does take a bit to still be training when most have come and gone from it. I don't know why you wouldn't like Rod y Gab's music. They are very much metal influenced in their playing. Check out youtube for their cover of Metallica's Orion, or Stairway or Pink Floyd. They are really good, just not the stereotypical death metal (which I'm not a fan of) you'd associate with young white male sports people.
hey sweetpie
sorry havent posted in here for a while. Take care of your knee was on those leg movements was it the same knee you had operated on before?
Skeptic: Yeh I'm a big fan of Rodrigo y Gabriela since I heard their cover of Orion.
Big_guns_lance, El Freako and Lionheart: I'm still trying to get my hammys up to scratch and those SLDL's are really fitting the bill. I want to have them do all the work rather than my overactive glutes.
Pickle: Yes it is the knee I had operated on. It has been feeling good and not getting general swelling from doing anything. I guess I'm just superconcious of it when I'm lifting.
Upper body from the other night. Stupid internet was down at home.
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