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Thanks dudes, Lion and Miami
still trying to bulk and maintain muscle mass at same time
pretty difficult
I did go to gym last nite
i did
biceps,triceps, legs
biceps -
Db curls 2 sets 30lbs 15+reps seated no tilting,swinging etc
good pump i guess,
then reverse straight bb curls 50lbs 10-14reps
then EZ curl bb curls 65lbs 10-14reps
Standing DB hammer curls 40lbs 10-12reps
triceps -
Standing facing away one handed tricep pressdowns
20-25lbs? 1 set each arm 15-20reps
then bent slightly bent v-bar up to 80-85lbs i believe.
got 2 sets 6-10, close grip on it, good way to get that Tri horseshoe
Machine dips
190lbs 8-12reps
270lbs whole stack 3reps (again if there was a belt to hold me in the seat i could've gotten like 6-8reps, but it kept getting lifted in the air, tried to hold to the seat with my legs couldnt...)
DB kickbacks for tricep stretching
17.5lbs 2 sets each 8-10reps
legs -
leg press 4 plates per side = 360lbs
then leg extensions on two different variants
first one was 150 or 170lbs got 8-10reps
second one was a nautilus machine i believe
did 180lbs on it 8reps
seated crunches with machine 50 lbs 15reps
seated ab crunches with another one 110lbs 8-10reps
standing freemotion side crunches (one handed, each for obliques )
50lbs 8-10reps each side
oblique twists 2 sets 6-8 150lbs
shoulders -
seated front db raises 20lbs then 25lbs 12-20reps
seated facing stack shoulder raises 70lbs 6-8reps
then another one but you face away from stack
80lbs 6-10reps
seated machine over head raise 95-100lbs? 8+reps
then another one but wider grip 100lbs 7+reps
Lion - thanks, i love them, their actually easier for me than regular curls.. but i dont do heavier on them, cus forearms get pumped to quickly.
Rocky - hahah, Ronnie veins, thanks man.
im doing hybrid training.
one week is mostly negatives, then some time off
then next week is full force, then some time off etc
change it up every 2 weeks. confuse muscles quicker.
flat DB presses
70 8-11
80 6-8
85 4 or 5, i think my bro doesnt count the first one right when
you lay down and go up, but decent for me going to try 90s next time, need to get more carbs before a workout ...
then decline chest press and incline chest press
100lbs then 120lbs per machine etc back and forth sets
20-30second breaks
2 sets each 8-12reps
then cable cross overs
30lbs 8 reps
then 50lbs 2 sets 8-10
then low cable crossovers (where the handle attaches are touching the floor)
30lbs 2 sets 8-12 good pump !!!
traps -
i rarely do them.. maybe once a month..
standing trap shrugs
this thing has 2 bars per side to put plates on
i did 2 sets 90 per side (180 total)
15 reps each
then 3 plates per side 15reps..
then 4 plates per side 5reps
i also used the grip/handle lowest to the ground
it was like 2inches from touching the floor.. heh
good workout
then i went to wal-mart
gotta meso-tech bar (no strings were found in it )
and a 26gram liquid protein thing
then i got home had 23gram scoop of protein
watched disc 6 of Dragonball Z season 5
Trunks/Vegeta went Ultra Super saiyan.
Thanks H0ke !
im trying to push thru, to get 90 for more than 1
i haven't tried 90 yet but might just do it next week, need more food intake before working out.
legs i need to stop going so heavy, cus my quads develop too fast, but my right quad is smaller, just as strong though. dunno whats wrong.
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