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So Line and I are setting up a squat rack to do our military press when he says, "Someone's squatting 405 over there." The kid comes back, all 175 pounds of him, and Line continues, "No way...I've got to see these reps." I concur. Neither of us doubted that they were going to suck, but I think we were just wishing we wouldn't have to point and laugh at him.
Well, that goes shit right out the window. The kid first wraps his hoodie around his neck prep-style to pad the bar on his traps. Then he gets two of his friends to spot him on either side of the bar. He gets under it, lifts up, steps back, takes a really really wide stance, and, of course, reaches a 45 degree angle before pushing back up. Line actually got a better look; it may very well have been worse. So the douche does a dozen reps or more like that, going down maybe 6-8 inches, with Line and I pointing and laughing.
I really thought he was going to fall after unracking the took him three attempts and that's with a friend on each side of the BB helping to unrack it
that story made me lol, I can just picture you and Line stood a few feet away just pointing at him and laughing your heads off, and this skinny little runt doing his silly squats
Good session of chest, shoulders, and tris. Numbers are all very respectable. You and Line should have a story time like I do, I think its a great idea, just to put a little humor in your logs. But your story made me laugh, I hate those damn kids that do that. Theyre just going to injury themselves
Although I'd probably just shake my head and think 'poser, kid, clown...' or somesuch. Good on ya for actually pointing at the kid; people like that need to know when they're looking completely stupid and clueless. Not to mention doing crap like that is beyond dangerous.
I actually LOLed when he did his first rep, then I had to get a drink from the water fountain and walked by him mid set, laughing and shaking my head. It was quite the sight to be seen.
Paulie: Yeah, it's distracting too. Often times they're the ones making the most noise, too
Chesti: We didn't have it then, gah! Perfect photo-op.
Eric: Yeah, I read your story What is it with kids these days?
Line: Yeah you did
Alright, here's the skinny: Line and I had a camera today, but unfortunately it doesn't have a memory card so it could only hold two videos. We got about 3 seconds into my 335 attempt and it was gone. Noooo!!!!!! If you think that's bad, there wasn't any room for Line's 500 attempt We both got them, and yes I'm aware of how 'convenient' that sounds...
Line's going to imbed the video in this post for me later, stay tuned
225 lbs x 8
275 lbs x 2
315 lbs x 1
325 lbs x 1...PB << Video
335 lbs x 1...PB
315 lbs x 3...PB
225 lbs x 10
315 lbs x 8
275 lbs x 8
Seated Leg Curls (16 possible settings)
11 x 8
11 x 8
BW x 10
BW + 25 x 4
BW x 8
DB Rows
130 lbs x 10
130 lbs x 12
130 lbs x 8 My form went from bad to good even with the 130s, but it went bad again I'll have to back off next time and focus on a good contraction
Alternating DB Curls
35 lbs x 12
50 lbs x 4...Drop 35 lbs x 6...Drop 25 lbs x 8
Calf Raise Machine
395 lbs x 12...whole stack and PB
410 lbs x 10...whole stack plus and PB
410 lbs x 8
Here's Glex's squat at 325, which I believed tied his old personal best. It's a shame we didn't get the 335 squat on tape because he didn't lean forward nearly as much. Still, his form and poundages have come a long way since we've started training, so here goes
Haha, you can even hear me say, "I leaned forward a bit" at the end of the video. I think I went deeper on the 335, too, but it's not too bad in this vid.
Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate it. I'm glad the form passes inspection
Chesti: Line was feeling lighter and I was feeling a little heavier on biceps is all. Is it because he's a pussy? You decide
I should be getting in a workout tomorrow. Don't know how it will turn out, because it will probably be a looooong-ass day. I wanted to go up to my old high school to help with volleyball practice, but I have no car so I'll have to run the 2 miles or so there. Then I'll practice, and then I'll lift. And then I have no idea how I'm getting home...maybe more running I don't want to die, I'll probably call my house.
form looked alright to me mate the weight on its definately not to be sniffed at good to see you throwing up PBs, SLDL are good also, do you do them on a block?
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