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Pain: Thanks The 225 was actually a little easier than I wanted, I should've gone with 275 or 315, but oh well, I was very happy with the PB
Lionheart: Thanks bud
Alright, most of my schoolwork is winding down for the week. I have a test today which I'm mostly not ready for, but I have a few hours of studying ahead so hopefully I can pull one outta nowhere. Anyway, hopefully the wind-down translates into some running Just gotta order me some good weather now...
This was from yesterday. I didn't think I was going to get to train because I had to do some homework, but I figured it out and wrote the code for it in an hour so I managed to get this in:
19 March 2008
Incline DB Press
65 lbs x 10
85 lbs x 8
100 lbs x 6
100 lbs x 4
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 8
Flat BB Press
185 lbs x 10
185 lbs x 8
BB Curls
75 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 8...drop 65 lbs x 8...drop 45 lbs x 10
DB Rear Laterals
35 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 10
DB Hammer Curls
40 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
Seated DB Shrugs
80 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
Was in and out in an hour. I want to do some heavy BB benching next session; it's been too long.
Alright, I did a short session today for two reasons:
1) It was right after an ROTC workout where we ran, did some bodyweight leg exercises, and a few sets of pushups, so my legs and tris were already starting to fatigue, and today was legs and tris day so it worked out, and...
2) I had an hour between the time that workout ended and the time I have to be somewhere else...which is 10 minutes from now.
20 March 2008
Close-Stance Hack Squats Up on the Toes
Unsure of the weight because it was a weird counterbalancing type, but I did 3 sets of 10 reps.
Decline DB Skullcrushers
40 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 8
40 lbs x 8
Prone Leg Curls
95 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 10
Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns
80 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 15...5 slow, 5 fast, 5 slow
60 lbs x 15...5 slow, 5 fast, 5 slow
60 lbs x 15...5 slow, 5 fast, 5 slow
Should be alright. I feel like they got worked enough.
Had a lot of time today. I was going to go for a run, but I accidently took a nap By the time I woke up it was getting cold/dark, so I just went to the gym.
21 March 2008
BW x 8
BW + 35 lbs x 8...PB
BW + 55 lbs x 3...PB
BW + 25 lbs x 6
BW x 10
Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Shoulder Press
180 lbs x 10
230 lbs x 5
200 lbs x 8
180 lbs x 6......drop 90 lbs x 12
DB Rows
100 lbs x 10
120 lbs x 10
130 lbs x 10
130 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 20
DB Side Laterals
35 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 10
Back Extensions
BW x 12
BW + 25 lbs x 10
BW + 25 lbs x 10
BW + 25 lbs x 10
BB Shrugs
275 lbs x 12
365 lbs x 10
405 lbs x 10
405 lbs x 10
315 lbs x 12
315 lbs x 12
Last year this time I would never have thought I would be adding weight to my pullups, or at least not as much as I am. I also would've never thought I'd enjoy training back, but those days have come. Now if only I could start liking legs day...
Miami: doesn't happen too often to me, but when I do accidently take a nap I'm out for a while
h0ke: I'm not so sure about that. I liked being able to crush Line on calf raises, but since he's gone home there's no motivation at all That and my back is all jacked up so my strength suffers on squats.
Pain: Yeah, I was happy with the run. I need to update my running profile on my GPS tracker, though; I probably only burned like 760 calories because I've lost some weight since I last updated And I don't know about UK Marines, but the American version just love love love pullups and I imagine your training will be the same, so yes you should get on that
Dan: I ran when I was 225 How much do you weigh?
Rocky: Thanks Rocky Poo. I do it for you
23 March 2008
Flat BB Press
135 lbs x 8
185 lbs x 4
225 lbs x 2
255 lbs x 1...tweaked my shoulder on the lift off
275 lbs x 1...pretty easy
300 lbs x 0 + 1 was too big of a jump and I knew it
255 lbs x 2 + 1 forced
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8
Hammer Strength Incline Press
180 lbs x 10
180 lbs x 8
I can't remember if I did a third set or not...
DB Curls
30 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 5
40 lbs x 10
Cambered Bar Cable Curls (2 Pulleys)
100 lbs x 10
120 lbs x 10
120 lbs x 10
120 lbs x 10
Rear DB Laterals
35 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 10
Went home, had some creatine, protein, dinner, waited around a bit, and then:
I swam for about a half hour. I did maybe just over 1000 yards. Man I'm out of swimming shape. It's brutal.
I hope that shoulder thing wasn't a big deal. I didn't get a spotter for the 255 set and when I went to lift it off I pulled on the back of my shoulder a bit. I sat in the hot tub after swimming to try and relax it It feels fine now, I think it'll be ok.
Here's my run. I ran clockwise around the map here:
Key: Just kind of made up this part as I went along. It was on a golf course's golf cart paths and a bike path.
This is where I pwned some n00b running ahead of me. I spotted him at the blue 'X' when I was at the beginning of the blue rectangle. I passed him before the end of the blue rectangle.
Wasn't going to run this part but decided what the hell and tacked it on to the end.
I'm going in for legs and tris in a bit. Hopefully my strength isn't too affected by the run, I had a fairly sizable meal after running.
BW + 45 lbs x 8
BW + 90 lbs x 4
BW + 135 lbs x 4...PB
BW + 135 lbs x 3
BW + 90 lbs x 10...PB
BW + 90 lbs x 6
135 lbs x 10
185 lbs x 8
225 lbs x 4
225 lbs x 6
185 lbs x 8
I always forget it's a terrible idea to squat on a running day.
One-Legged Leg Press
250 lbs x 10, then 10 with both legs
250 lbs x 10, then 10 with both legs
Two-Arm Overhead DB Extension
80 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
Seated Leg Curls
160 lbs x 10
160 lbs x 10
160 lbs x 10
One-Arm Underhand Cable Pushdowns (One Pulley)
30 lbs x 10
30 lbs x 10
Calf Raises
335 lbs x 10
395 lbs x 10
395 lbs x 10
I have no idea where those dips came from
My shoulder is still a little messed up; I could tell when I was shifting weights around and when I was squatting. I'll just be careful tomorrow during shoulders.
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