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^^ The hammys are feeling good. The left was torn worse than the right (the right being the graft site for my knee reconstruction) and I was doing exercise based on it. Now it is back to the old imbalance with the right deciding the reps and weight. There is still a bit of strength to gain back, but I have started adding in some activation work prior to any leg work in order to get the hammy and VMO working harder in the big exercises. It worked a treat the other day so it will become a regular.
Just got off the rowing machine. Did 12 minutes (10 mins work, 2500m total) at 22spm and 2:15 rating at the heaviest setting.
Felt pretty decent considering the last time I did any serious cardio. I'll be doing this on off days from now on. I used to do 10-20mins at 28-32spm and 1:50-1:55 rating. I feel this rowing machine is a slightly heavier pull at the hardest setting and you slow up almost dead than the Concept 2 rowers. So the slower stroke rate could be picked up slightly and ditto the rating, but it would be hard to compare it to the Concept machines.
Jono: thanks dude, first time deadlifting from the floor in 3-4 months maybe more.
Adam: stay tuned, those snatch grip deads are good for a lot more weight. Although technically I'll stop at 190kg on the standard deadlift.
Did 12mins of rowing tonight. 9mins at 2:12 rating and 24spm and covered 2600m all up (2000 in 9mins). I'll gradually improve this speed and things but I'll work on going for a bit longer first. I find it easier to set a distance and keep rowing hard(ish) for that distance than set a time a row.
^^ Well I've been reading a weightlifting book. One of the things it states is to keep all of the lifts in proportion to what you Clean. So for example if you can clean 100kg then you shouldn't be squatting more than 140kg and deadlifting more than 180kg.
So not dissimilar to the old ratios for bench vs squats vs deads so that you don't have guys benching more than they squat because they are lame. This is to stop people getting carried away with squats and deads when they can't do the full ROM lift (clean) properly. Not much point in being able to bench 150kg if you can't put it overhead using all your muscles!
Plus it is un-needed wear and tear on the body, especially the joints and back.
I'm not recommending this one to anyone else, as it is kinda an arbitary set of numbers. But it isn't the first time I have read those numbers. Plus if I want to squat/deadlift heavier all I have to do is get better at the C&J!!
Wasn't sure if the video would be light enough for people to see what was going on. I was quite late when I was lifting. I'm looking forward to keeping that volume for some heavier weight over the next few weeks.
gotta love those dynamic stretches
definitely beats conventional stretching when you actually want to get right into something
and solid work with the session man
I know how it is w/ the wrist pain I broke my schaphoid back in September and today at the gym when I took the wrist wraps off that r part of my gloves my wrist just was killing me
Wrestling Lyon: I've been considering wrist wraps due to my tiny wrists (6.5"). I don't like support gear of any kind so I'm kinda in a quandry. It is odd to have a strain like this and have it affect some things and not others (snatches are surprisingly fine with it).
Lionheart: Thanks dude! I'm pretty happy with the depth and how smooth the sets felt. Amazingly the penultimate sets were as easy as the first, yet equally challenging. Definitely some weight to be added to the bar.
Hot out today so did some cardio indoors in the aircon.
Rowing 3200m in 15mins, the first 2000m in 9mins. All at the hardest setting.
Slightly better at this as I've knocked 30secs off my 2000m time and can keep up a decent rating for 15mins. I'd like an 8min 2000m and be able to then continue to 20mins of rowing.
^^ There's a big difference between my pullups and my chinups. I'm far better at the chinups because I haven't done many weighted pullups for the last 6 months. Plus I'm also trying to get my lower traps involved in the movement, which is a lot harder than I anticipated.
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