Mecca V.I.P.
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hey bro,, first thx for your in put...
1-well the reason that I don't like to start my dead off the floor is because you would notice that the first rep feels heavier right so why waste all my energy on the first rep when my goal is to save it and do more reps,, plus no one starts there squats or bech press from the bottom or on most exercises eitherways so why do it on deads when you wanna save your energy and shoot for more reps...
2-well everyone is intitled to their own opinion but what people can't see because the vid is not clear on pulldowns is that I had my head leaned back far and I was bringing the bar at the top of my chin and not over my head,,and I don't touch the bar to my chest even when I warm up because when I go this low I feel it more in the biceps and I would rather squeeze my back..I think when it comes to pulldowns most people focus to touch the bar to their chest rather than squeezing their shoulder blades together and that's fine to..on T-bar rows as funny as people think it looks but I was bringing my neck forword and chest backword to get a better squeese in my back..and I think that fast tempo targets more the fast twitch muscle fibers but that's not to say slow tempo has it's place which I also do from time to time... either ways as sloppy as people think it is I certainly fell my muscles when I train my style and after all it's my own body and i know it better than anyone else just like you do with yours right......
3-read post # 39 hope it helps..and hopfully ill post more vids soon...:footmouth:...
but the whole point of the deadlift is to start from a dead position, that is what makes the deadlift a unique lift. But i understand your motives
Keep working out hard!